962 resultados para NITRIC-OXIDE PRODUCTION


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Nitric oxide (NO), produced by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), is a potent vasodilator and plays a prominent role in regulating the cardiovascular system. Decreased basal NO release may predispose to cardiovascular diseases. Evidence suggests that the 27 nt repeat polymorphism of the intron 4 in the eNOS gene may regulate eNOS expression. On the other hand, some recent reports strongly suggest an association between methylmercury (MeHg) exposures and altered NO synthesis. In the present study, we investigate the contribution of the 27-pb tandem repeat polymorphism on nitric oxide production, which could enhance susceptibility to cardiovascular disease in the MeHg-exposed study population. Two-hundred-two participants (98 men and 104 women), all chronically exposed to MeHg through fish consumption were examined. Mean blood Hg concentration and nitrite plasma concentration were 50.5 +/- 35.4 mu g/L and 251.4 +/- 106.3 nM, respectively. Mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure were 120.1 +/- 19.4 mm Hg and 72.0 +/- 10.6 mm Hg, respectively. Mean body mass index was 24.5 +/- 4.3 kg/m(2) and the mean heart rate was 69.8 +/- 11.8 bpm. There were no significant differences in age, arterial blood pressure, body mass index or cardiac frequency between genotype groups (all P>0.05). However, we observed different nitrite concentrations in the genotypes groups, with lower nitrite levels for the 4a4a genotype carriers. Age, gender and the presence of intron 4 polymorphism contributed to nitrite reduction as a result of blood Hg concentration. Taken together, our results show that the 27 nt repeat polymorphism of the intron 4 in the eNOS gene increases susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases after MeHg exposure by modulating nitric oxide levels. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We found that engagement of beta 2 integrins on human neutrophils increased the levels of GTP-bound Rap1 and Rap2. Also, the activation of Rap1 was blocked by PP1, SU6656, LY294002, GF109203X, or BAPTA-AM, which indicates that the downstream signaling events in Rap1 activation involve Src tyrosine kinases, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, protein kinase C, and release of calcium. Surprisingly, the integrin-induced activation of Rap2 was not regulated by any of the signaling pathways mentioned above. However, we identified nitric oxide as the signaling molecule involved in beta 2 integrin-induced activation of Rap1 and Rap2. This was illustrated by the fact that engagement of beta 2 integrins increased the production of nitrite, a stable end-product of nitric oxide. Furthermore, pretreatment of neutrophils with N-monomethyl-L-arginine, or 1400W, which are inhibitors of inducible nitric-oxide synthase, blocked integrin-induced activation of Rap1 and Rap2. Similarly, Rp-8pCPT-cGMPS, an inhibitor of cGMP-dependent serine/threonine kinases, also blunted the integrin-induced activation of Rap GTPases. Also nitric oxide production and its downstream activation of cGMP-dependent serine/threonine kinases were essential for proper neutrophil adhesion by beta 2 integrins. Thus, we made the novel findings that beta 2 integrin engagement on human neutrophils triggers production of nitric oxide and its downstream signaling is essential for activation of Rap GTPases and neutrophil adhesion.


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Comprendre les événements paracriniens qui régulent la fertilité chez la vache est nécessaire non seulement en raison de l'importance agricole de cette espèce, mais aussi pour son utilisation potentielle comme modèle chez l’humain. L'oxyde nitrique (NO), un gaz de radicaux libres, a été impliqué dans la croissance folliculaire et l'ovulation chez les rongeurs et d'autres espèces, mais chez la vache c’est une énigme fascinante : le NO est produit par les cellules de la granulosa bovine et est régulé par la FSH, mais la présence et le profil d'expression des enzymes responsables de la synthèse de NO (NOS) dans les cellules de la granulosa tout au long de la croissance folliculaire ne sont pas claires. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont: (1) élucider le mécanisme de contrôle des NOS et les conséquences de la production d'oxyde nitrique pour le fonctionnement des cellules de la granulosa au cours du développement folliculaire chez la vache et (2) déterminer la régulation des NOS pendant la cascade ovulatoire induite par LH chez les cellules de la granulosa bovine et si l'activité des NOS pour l’expression des gènes critiques dans la cascade ovulatoire chez cette espèce. Les résultats sont séparés en 2 articles. Dans le premier article, la régulation de NOS2 dans les cellules de la granulosa bovine a été explorée. L'abondance des ARNm codant pour NOS2 a été stimulée par la FSH et l’IGF1 en augmentant l’estradiol, et un blocage de l'action de l’estradiol a conséquemment réduit les niveaux d'ARNm codant pour NOS2. De plus, l'inhibition de l'activité des NOS a augmenté l'apoptose dans les cellules de la granulosa in vitro. Dans le second article, il a été démontré que le pic de LH induit une activation des NOS dans les cellules de la granulosa, et que l'activité de NOS induit la production de NO, ce qui est essentiel pour l’expression des gènes critiques dans la cascade ovulatoire induite par LH comme EREG/AREG/PTGS2. Ensemble, les résultats présentés dans ces 2 articles suggèrent que les niveaux physiologiques d'activité des NOS peuvent contribuer à la croissance et la survie des cellules de la granulosa et indiquent également que NO peut être essentiel pour l'ovulation chez les bovins.


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The activities of perlatolic acid (1), atranorin (2), and lecanoric acid (3) and their derivatives, such as orsellinates and β-methyl orsellinates obtained by alcoholysis, were assessed for stimulation of the release of hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide in cultures of peritoneal macrophage cells from mice. The hydrogen peroxide production was estimated by oxidation of phenol red, while the Griess reagent was used to determine the nitric oxide production. 1 and 4-methoxy-ethyl orsellinate (XVII) were the compounds that induced the greatest release of H 2O 2, whereas n-pentyl orsellinate (IV), iso-propyl orsellinate (V), sec-butyl orsellinate (VI), and XVII induced a small release of NO. These results indicate that lichen products and their derivatives have potential immune-modulating activities. © 2009 Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, Tübingen.


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Rho GTPases are a globular, monomeric group of small signaling G-protein molecules. Rho-associated protein kinase/Rho-kinase (ROCK) is a downstream effector protein of the Rho GTPase. Rho-kinases are the potential therapeutic targets in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Here, we have primarily discussed the intriguing roles of ROCK in cardiovascular health in relation to nitric oxide signaling. Further, we highlighted the biphasic effects of Y-27632, a ROCK inhibitor under shear stress, which acts as an agonist of nitric oxide production in endothelial cells. The biphasic effects of this inhibitor raised the question of safety of the drug usage in treating cardiovascular diseases.


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Imatinib, a small-molecule inhibitor of the Bcr-Abl kinase, is a successful drug for treating chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Bcr-Abl kinase stimulates the production of H2O2, which in turn activates Abl kinase. We therefore evaluated whether N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), a ROS scavenger improves imatinib efficacy. Effects of imatinib and NAC either alone or in combination were assessed on Bcr-Abl(+) cells to measure apoptosis. Role of nitric oxide (NO) in NAC-induced enhanced cytotoxicity was assessed using pharmacological inhibitors and siRNAs of nitric oxide synthase isoforms. We report that imatinib-induced apoptosis of imatinib-resistant and imatinib-sensitive Bcr-Abl(+) CML cell lines and primary cells from CML patients is significantly enhanced by co-treatment with NAC compared to imatinib treatment alone. In contrast, another ROS scavenger glutathione reversed imatinib-mediated killing. NAC-mediated enhanced killing correlated with cleavage of caspases, PARP and up-regulation and down regulation of pro- and anti-apoptotic family of proteins, respectively. Co-treatment with NAC leads to enhanced production of nitric oxide (NO) by endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). Involvement of eNOS dependent NO in NAC-mediated enhancement of imatinib-induced cell death was confirmed by nitric oxide synthase (NOS) specific pharmacological inhibitors and siRNAs. Indeed, NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP) also enhanced imatinib-mediated apoptosis of Bcr-Abl(+) cells. NAC enhances imatinib-induced apoptosis of Bcr-Abl(+) cells by endothelial nitric oxide synthase-mediated production of nitric oxide.


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Background/Aim: Chagas` disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi and occurs in most Latin American countries. The protozoan may colonize the central nervous system (CNS) of immune-compromised human hosts, thus causing neuronal disorders. Systemic control of the intracellular forms of the parasite greatly depends on the establishment of a TH1 response and subsequent nitric oxide (NO) release. At the CNS, it is known that low concentrations of NO promote neuronal survival and growth, while high concentrations exert toxic effects and neuron death. Accounting for NO production by astrocytes is the glia-derived factor S100 beta, which is overproduced in some neurodegenerative diseases. In the current work, we studied the expression of NO, interferon (IFN)-gamma and S100 beta in the spinal cord tissue of IL-12p40KO mice infected with T. cruzi, a model of neurodegenerative process. Methods: IL-12p40KO and wild-type (WT) female mice infected with T. cruzi Sylvio X10/4 (10(5) trypomastigotes, intraperitoneally) were euthanized when IL-12p40KO individuals presented limb paralysis. Spinal cord sections were submitted to immunohistochemical procedures for localization of neurofilament, laminin, nitrotyrosine, NO synthases (NOS), IFN-gamma and S100 beta. The total number of neurons was estimated by stereological analysis and the area and intensity of immunoreactivities were assessed by microdensitometric/morphometric image analysis. Results: No lesion was found in the spinal cord sections of WT mice, while morphological disarrangements, many inflammatory foci, enlarged vessels, amastigote nests and dying neurons were seen at various levels of IL-12p40KO spinal cord. Compared to WT mice, IL-12p40KO mice presented a decrement on total number of neurons (46.4%, p<0.05) and showed increased values of immunoreactive area for nitrotyrosine (239%, p<0.01) and NOS (544%, p<0.001). Moreover, the intensity of nitrotyrosine (16%, p<0.01), NOS (38%, p<0.05) and S100 beta (21%, p<0.001) immunoreactivities were also augmented. No IFN-gamma labeled cells were seen in WT spinal cord tissue, contrary to IL-12p40KO tissue that displayed inflammatory infiltrating cells and also some parenchymal cells positively labeled.Conclusion: We suggest that overproduction of NO may account for neuronal death at the spinal cord of T. cruzi-infected IL-12p40KO mice and that IFN-gamma and S100 beta may contribute to NOS activation in the absence of IL-12. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel


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This study was undertaken to investigate, by immunohistochermistry, the expression of survivin and inducible nitric oxide synthase during 4NQO-induced rat tongue carcinogenesis. Male Wistar rats were distributed into three groups of 10 animals each and treated with 50 ppm 4NQO solution through their drinking water for 4, 12, and 20 weeks. Ten animals were used as negative control. Although no histopathological abnormalities were induced in the epithelium after 4 weeks of carcinogen exposure, survivin and iNOS were expresssed (P < 0.05) in some cells of the 'normal' oral epithelium. In pre-neoplastic lesions at 12 weeks following carcinogen exposure, the levels of survivin and iNOS were increased (p < 0.05) when compared to negative control, being the strongest effect observed to iNOS. In well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma induced after 20 weeks of treatment with 4NQO, survivin and iNOS were expressed in some tumor cells. Lack of immunoreactivity for both markers was observed in the negative control group. Taken together, our results support the belief that expression of survivin and iNOS are early events during malignant transformation and conversion of the oral mucosa. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We evaluated the effect of a leukotriene inhibitor (MK886) on nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production by peritoneal macrophages of mice subjected to acute and chronic stress. Acute stress was induced by keeping mice immobilized in a tube for 2 h. Chronic stress was induced over a 7-day period by the same method, but with increasing duration of immobilization. The effects of MK886 were investigated in-vitro after incubation with peritoneal macrophages, and in-vivo by submitting mice to stress and treating them daily with MK886. Supernatants of macrophage cultures were collected for NO determination and adherent cells were used for H2O2 determination. Macrophages from mice submitted to acute or chronic stress showed no alterations in H2O2 production. However, macrophages of acutely and chronically stressed mice showed inhibition of NO after incubation with MK886 in-vitro. Administration of MK886 to chronically stressed mice increased generation of H2O2 and inhibited production of NO. Our data suggest an important role of leukotrienes in NO synthesis, which is important in controlling replication of several infectious agents, mainly in stressed and immunosuppressed animals.


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The effects of Alchornea glandulosa ethyl acetate fraction (AGF) on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), nitric oxide (NO) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) production in peritoneal macrophages activated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) were investigated. Analysis by thin layer chromatography (TLC) of AGF showed several constituents, including flavonoids, which may have anti-inflammatory activity. Inhibitory effects of the fraction in H2O2 and NO production ranged from 8.59 +/- 7.84% to 70.56 +/- 4.16% and from 16.06 +/- 3.65% to 38.73 +/- 3.90%, respectively. The TNF-alpha production was only partially inhibited in the tested concentrations (12.21 +/- 6.23%-15.16 +/- 0.96%). According to these results, it is suggested that AGF has anti-inflammatory activity. This medicinal plant may have therapeutic potential in the control of inflammatory disorders.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)