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O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a resistência à fadiga cíclica flexural dos instrumentos de níquel- titânio, Hyflex CM (Coltène, EUA) e TF Adaptive (SybronEndo, EUA) em diferentes situações experimentais. Todas as limas que foram selecionadas possuíam conicidade 0,04 e diâmetro de ponta 35. Utilizou-se um dispositivo desenvolvido especificamente para realizar o ensaio flexural dinâmico. Os instrumentos TF Adaptive foram divididos em 3 grupos de acordo com o ângulo de curvatura do ensaio: 45º, 60º e 90º e cada grupo subdividido em 2 subgrupos de acordo com o tipo de movimento: rotação contínua e Adaptive. Cada subgrupo era composto por 15 instrumentos TF Adaptive, totalizando 90 instrumentos. Quinze instrumentos Hyflex CM formavam o grupo 4, no ensaio com ângulo de curvatura 90 graus e rotação contínua. A simulação foi realizada em canais artificiais de aço com ângulo de 45, 60, 90 graus e raio 5m m. O número de ciclos e o tempo em segundos até a fratura foram tabulados e analisados. Entretanto, a fadiga cíclica flexural foi significante maior nos três grupos em movimento Adaptive. E as limas TF Adaptive em seu próprio movimento tiveram maior número de ciclos e tempo até a fratura quando comparadas as Hyflex CM no ensaio de 90 graus. Portanto, conclui-se que o sistema Adaptive (limas TF Adaptive + movimento Adaptive) foi mais seguro à resistência á fadiga flexural, e no ensaio de 90 graus o sistema Adaptive foi mais resistente quando comparado com as limas Hyflex CM no movimento de rotação contínua.


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We focus on athermal phase transitions where in discrete and dissipative avalanches are observed in physical observables as the system jumps from one metastable state to another, when driven by an external field. Using higher order statistics of time dependent avalanches, or noise, in electrical resistivity during temperature-driven martensite transformation in thin nickel-titanium films, we demonstrate evidence suggesting the existence of a singular `global instability' or divergence of the correlation length as a function of temperature at the transition. These results not only establish a mapping of non-equilibrium first order phase transition and equilibrium critical phenomena, but perhaps also call for a re-evaluation of many existing experimental claims of self-organized criticality.


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Low frequency fluctuations in the electrical resistivity, or noise, have been used as a sensitive tool to probe into the temperature driven martensite transition in dc magnetron sputtered thin films of nickel titanium shape-memory alloys. Even in the equilibrium or static case, the noise magnitude was more than nine orders of magnitude larger than conventional metallic thin films and had a characteristic dependence on temperature. We observe that the noise while the temperature is being ramped is far larger as compared to the equilibrium noise indicating the sensitivity of electrical resistivity to the nucleation and propagation of domains during the shape recovery. Further, the higher order statistics suggests the existence of long range correlations during the transition. This new characterization is based on the kinetics of disorder in the system and separate from existing techniques and can be integrated to many device applications of shape memory alloys for in-situ shape recovery sensing.


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We employ a fluctuation-based technique to investigate the athermal component associated with martensite phase transition, which is a prototype of temperature-driven structural transformation. Statistically, when the phase transition is purely athermal, we find that the temporal sequence of avalanches under constant drive is insensitive to the drive rate. We have used fluctuations in electrical resistivity or noise in nickel titanium shape memory alloys in three different forms: a thin film exhibiting well-defined transition temperatures,a highly disordered film, and a bulk wire of rectangular cross-section. Noise is studied in the realm of dynamic transition,viz.while the temperature is being ramped, which probes into the kinetics of the transformation at real time scales,and could probably stand out as a promising tool for material testing in various other systems, including nanoscale devices.


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Driven nonequilibrium structural phase transformation has been probed using time-varying resistance fluctuations or noise. We demonstrate that the non-Gaussian component (NGC) of noise obtained by evaluating the higher-order statistics of fluctuations, serves as a simple kinetic detector of these phase transitions. Using the Martensite transformation in free-standing wires of nickel-titanium binary alloys as a prototype, we observe clear deviations from the Gaussian background in the transformation zone, indicative of the long-range correlations in the system as the phase transforms. The viability of non-Gaussian statistics as a robust probe to structural phase transition was also confirmed by comparing the results from differential scanning calorimetry measurements. We further studied the response of the NGC to the modifications in the microstructure on repeated thermal cycling, as well as the variations in the temperature-drive rate, and explained the results using established simplistic models based on the different competing time scales. Our experiments (i) suggest an alternative method to estimate the transformation temperature scales with high accuracy and (ii) establish a connection between the material-specific evolution of microstructure to the statistics of its linear response. Since the method depends on an in-built long-range correlation during transformation, it could be portable to other structural transitions, as well as to materials of different physical origin and size.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar através de questionários de escalas visuais analógicas a percepção da dor após a inserção do primeiro arco ortodôntico, comparando-se o efeito analgésico de ibuprofeno, acetaminofeno, placebo e goma de mascar. Este trabalho também partiu da hipótese de que ibuprofeno, acetaminofeno e gomas de mascar seriam mais eficazes que placebo no controle da dor de origem ortodôntica e que gomas de mascar poderiam ser uma alternativa ao uso de ibuprofeno e acetaminofeno no manejo da dor dentária de origem ortodôntica. Neste estudo, tomaram parte 41 pacientes da Clínica de Ortodontia da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os pacientes foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em cinco diferentes grupos: placebo, acetaminofeno 500 miligramas, ibuprofeno 400 miligramas, goma de mascar e controle. Todos os indivíduos tiveram bráquetes com slots .022" colados em seus dentes e molares bandados em uma das arcadas. Os grupos placebo, ibuprofeno e acetaminofeno foram orientados a tomar 01 cápsula do respectivo composto logo após a inserção do arco inicial de liga de níquel-titânio de dimensão .014 e, se a dor persistisse, a cada 6 horas por uma semana.O grupo goma de mascar foi orientado a mascar um tablete de goma por 5 minutos imediatamente após a inserção do arco inicial de liga de níquel-titânio de dimensão .014 e a cada 6 horas por 5 minutos durante uma semana, caso a dor persistisse. O grupo controle recebeu nenhum método de controle da dor. Os indivíduos foram orientados a marcar nas escalas visuais analógicas nas primeiras 24 horas, às 09:00, 13:00, 17:00, 21:00 a percepção de dor espontânea e durante a mastigação. Do terceiro até o vigésimo primeiro dia as marcações foram feitas somente em dois tempos às 09:00 e 21:00. Através da análise estatística descritiva, concluiu-se que o placebo foi mais eficiente que ibuprofeno, acetaminofeno e goma de mascar no controle da dor ortodôntica, tanto em dor espontânea quanto em dor durante a mastigação. O grupo goma de mascar foi tão eficiente quanto o acetaminofeno no controle da dor espontânea 24 horas após a inserção do arco inicial. Para alívio da dor durante a mastigação, a goma de mascar pode ser uma alternativa à atuação medicamentosa no controle da dor ortodôntica.


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Objectif : il a été rapporté que l’utilisation d’agents prophylactiques fluorés pouvait favoriser la corrosion galvanique au sein des alliages de titane. L’objectif de la présente étude était d’évaluer l’effet d’un rince-bouche fluoré sur les propriétés mécaniques de fils en nickel-titane (NiTi) et de fils en cuivre-nickel-titane (CuNiTi) lorsque ces derniers sont couplés à des boîtiers de compositions différentes (boîtiers de marques Smartclip, Clarity, et Sprint). Matériels et Méthodes : 90 segments de fils en NiTi et 90 segments de fils en CuNiTi ont été chacun couplés à 2 boîtiers de chaque marque. Chaque assemblage fil-boîtiers a été par la suite incubé pendant 3 heures à 37°C, soit dans une solution de fluore neutre (Fluorinse™ 0,05% NaF), soit dans une solution de salive artificielle (solution contrôle). Suite à l’incubation, les échantillons étaient nettoyés avec de l’eau déshydrogénée, les fils séparés des boîtiers et montés sur un support pour subir un test de pliage en trois points en milieu humide (salive artificielle) à 37°C. Les modules d’élasticité ainsi que les limites conventionnelles d’élasticité en activation et en désactivation ont été mesurés et comparés. Des analyses de Variance (ANOVA) et des comparaisons post-hoc avec la correction de Bonferronni ont été utilisées pour comparer les groupes entre eux (α = 0,05). Résultats : L’utilisation d’un rince-bouche fluoré a produit une réduction du module d’élasticité et de la limite conventionnelle d’élasticité en activation et en désactivation pour les fils en NiTi ; cependant, cet effet a été modulé par le type de boîtier auquel le fil a été couplé. Les propriétés mécaniques de fils en CuNiTi n’ont pas été affectées par le fluor, ou par le type de boîtier utilisé. Conclusions : L’utilisation d’un rince-bouche fluoré modifie les propriétés mécaniques des fils en NiTi seulement. Cet effet est modulé par le boîtier auquel le fil en NiTi est couplé. A la différence des autres études publiées dans la littérature, nos résultats ne nous permettent pas de conclure que la modification des propriétés mécaniques des fils en NiTi entrainerait obligatoirement un allongement de la durée du traitement orthodontique. Mots clés : Fluor, fils nickel-titane, boîtiers orthodontiques, corrosion galvanique, propriétés mécaniques.


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Thesis written in co-mentorship with director: Nelly Huynh; co-directors: Frank Rauch and Jean-Marc Retrouvey; collaborators: Clarice Nishio, Duy-Dat Vu and Nathalie Alos


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Nanofretting refers to cyclic movements of contact interfaces with the relative displacement amplitude at the nanometer scale, where the contact area and normal load are usually much smaller than those in fretting. Nanofretting widely exists in microelctromechanical systems (MEMS) and may become a key tribological concern besides microwear and adhesion. With a triboindenter, the nanofretting behaviors of a nickel titanium (NiTi) shape memory alloy are studied under various normal loads (1–10 mN) and tangential displacement amplitudes (2–500 nm) by using a spherical diamond tip. Similar to fretting, the nanofretting of NiTi/diamond pair can also be divided into different regimes upon various shapes of tangential force–displacement curves. The dependence of nanofretting regime on the normal load and the displacement amplitude can be summarized in a running condition nanofretting map. However, due to the surface and size effects, nanofretting operates at some different conditions, such as improved mechanical properties of materials at the nanometer scale, small apparent contact area and single-asperity contact behavior. Consequently, different from fretting, nanofretting was found to exhibit several unique behaviors: (i) the maximum tangential force in one cycle is almost unchanged during a nanofretting test, which is different from a fretting test where the maximum tangential force increases rapidly in the first dozens of cycles; (ii) the tangential stiffness in nanofretting is three orders magnitude smaller than that in fretting; (iii) the friction coefficient in nanofretting is much lower than that in fretting in slip regime; (iv) no obvious damage was observed after 50 cycles of nanofretting under a normal load of 10 mN.


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The interest in using porous shape memory alloy (SMA) scaffolds as implant materials has been growing in recent years due to the combination of their unique mechanical and functional properties, i.e. shape memory effect and superelasticity, low elastic modulus combined with new bone tissue ingrowth ability and vasculariszation. These attractive properties are of great benefit to the healing process for implant applications. This paper reviews current state-of-the art on the processing, porous characteristics and mechanical properties of porous SMAs for biomedical applications, with special focus on the most widely used SMA nickel-titanium (NiTi), including (i) microstructural features, mechanical and functional properties of NiTi SMAs; (ii) main processing methods for the fabrication of porous NiTi SMAs and their mechanical properties and (iii) new-generation Ni-free, biocompatible porous SMA scaffolds.


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The present research investigates the design, activation and modelling of a new generation of hybrid materials; called shape memory alloy-composites. These hybrid materials exhibit reversible bending motion with a temperature change and have the potential to be employed in aerospace, automotive and robotic application.


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OBJETIVO: a reabsorção radicular apical é uma condição comumente observada durante e após o tratamento ortodôntico e fatores como tipo de aparelhagem ortodôntica utilizada, magnitude das forças aplicadas e duração do tratamento podem estar relacionados ao processo de arredondamento do ápice radicular. Buscou-se avaliar, por meio de imagens radiográficas computadorizadas, a quantidade de reabsorção no ápice radicular, quando da utilização de duas diferentes técnicas de mecânica ortodôntica fixa: Edgewise com acessórios padrão e Edgewise com acessórios totalmente programados. METODOLOGIA: a amostra constituiu-se de 20 pacientes tratados pelo mesmo profissional na Clínica de Ortodontia da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba - UNESP. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo 1 (Tratados com Edgewise com acessórios padrão e fios de aço) e grupo 2 (Tratados com Edgewise com acessórios totalmente programados e fios de níquel-titânio). A avaliação radiográfica digital foi realizada por um único operador por meio de exposições radiográficas digitais feitas no início do tratamento ortodôntico, após retração de caninos e final de tratamento, utilizando o sistema de escores proposto por Levander e Malmgren (1988). RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: a análise dos escores permitiu concluir que o tratamento ortodôntico empregando a técnica Edgewise com acessórios totalmente programados e fios de níquel-titânio apresentou menores graus de reabsorção radicular apical, em comparação à técnica Edgewise com acessórios padrão e fios de aço. Observou-se que, independentemente da técnica empregada, o tratamento ortodôntico como um todo apresentou um grau moderado de reabsorção radicular apical.


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Aim: To assess orthodontic intrusion effects on periodontal tissues in dogs' pre-molars with class III furcations treated with open flap debridement (OFD) or with guided tissue regeneration (GTR) associated to bone autograft (BA).Material and Methods: Class III furcations were created in the pre-molars of seven mongrel dogs. After 75 days, teeth were randomly treated with OFD or GTR/BA. After 1 month, metallic crowns were assembled on pre-molars and connected apically to mini-implants by nickel-titanium springs. Teeth were randomly assigned to orthodontic intrusion (OFD+I and GTR/BA+I) groups or no movement (OFD and GTR/BA) groups. Dogs were sacrificed after 3 months of movement and 1 month retention.Results: All class III furcations were closed or reduced to class II or I in the intrusion groups, while 50% of the lesions in non-moved teeth remained unchanged. Intruded teeth presented higher probing depth and lower gingival marginal level than non-moved teeth (p < 0.01). Clinical attachment gain was reduced in the intrusion groups by the end of retention (p < 0.05). OFD+I presented smaller soft tissue area and larger bone tissue area than other groups (p < 0.05).Conclusion: Orthodontic intrusion with anchorage via mini-implants improved the healing of class III furcation defects after OFD in dogs. GTR/BA impaired those results.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)