995 resultados para NEURAL RETINA


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The vascular and the nervous system are responsible for oxygen, nutrient, and information transfer and thereby constitute highly important communication systems in higher organisms. These functional similarities are reflected at the anatomical, cellular, and molecular levels, where common developmental principles and mutual crosstalks have evolved to coordinate their action. This resemblance of the two systems at different levels of complexity has been termed the "neurovascular link." Most of the evidence demonstrating neurovascular interactions derives from studies outside the CNS and from the CNS tissue of the retina. However, little is known about the specific properties of the neurovascular link in the brain. Here, we focus on regulatory effects of molecules involved in the neurovascular link on angiogenesis in the periphery and in the brain and distinguish between general and CNS-specific cues for angiogenesis. Moreover, we discuss the emerging molecular interactions of these angiogenic cues with the VEGF-VEGFR-Delta-like ligand 4 (Dll4)-Jagged-Notch pathway.


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This paper analyzes the behavior of a neural processing unit based on the optical bistable properties of semiconductor laser amplifiers. A similar unit to the reported here was previously employed in the simulation of the mammalian retina. The main advantages of the present cell are its larger fan-out and the possibility of different responses according to the light wavelength impinging onto the cell. These properties allow to work with larger structures as well as to obtain different behaviors according to the light characteristics. This new approach gives a possible modeling closer to the real biological configurations. Moreover, a more detailed analysis of the basic cell internal behavior is reported


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This paper reports a model of the mammalian retina as well as an interpretation of some functions of the visual cortex. Its main objective is to simulate some of the behaviors observed at the different retina cells depending on the characteristics of the light impinging onto the photoreceptors. This simulation is carried out with a simple structure employed previously as basic building block of some optical computer architectures. Its possibility to perform any type of Boolean function allows a wide range of behaviors.


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The human cone visual system maintains contrast sensitivity over a wide range of ambient illumination, a property known as light adaptation. The first stage in light adaptation is believed to take place at the first neural step in vision, within the long, middle, and short wavelength sensitive cone photoreceptors. To determine the properties of adaptation in primate outer retina, we measured cone signals in second-order interneurons, the horizontal cells, of the macaque monkey. Horizontal cells provide a unique site for studying early adaptational mechanisms; they are but one synapse away from the photoreceptors, and each horizontal cell receives excitatory inputs from many cones. Light adaptation occurred over the entire range of light levels evaluated, a luminance range of 15–1,850 trolands. Adaptation was demonstrated to be independent in each cone type and to be spatially restricted. Thus, in primates, a major source of sensitivity regulation occurs before summation of cone signals in the horizontal cell.


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Xath3 encodes a Xenopus neuronal-specific basic helix–loop–helix transcription factor related to the Drosophila proneural factor atonal. We show here that Xath3 acts downstream of X-ngnr-1 during neuronal differentiation in the neural plate and retina and that its expression and activity are modulated by Notch signaling. X-ngnr-1 activates Xath3 and NeuroD by different mechanisms, and the latter two genes crossactivate each other. In the ectoderm, X-ngnr-1 and Xath3 have similar activities, inducing ectopic sensory neurons. Among the sensory-specific markers tested, only those that label cranial neurons were found to be ectopically activated. By contrast, in the retina, X-ngnr-1 and Xath3 overexpression promote the development of overlapping but distinct subtypes of retinal neurons. Together, these data suggest that X-ngnr-1 and Xath3 regulate successive stages of early neuronal differentiation and that, in addition to their general proneural properties, they may contribute, in a context-dependent manner, to some aspect of neuronal identity.


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Proteins of the kinesin superfamily define a class of microtubule-dependent motors that play crucial roles in cell division and intracellular transport. To study the molecular mechanism of axonal transport, a cDNA encoding a new kinesin-like protein called KIF3C was cloned from a mouse brain cDNA library. Sequence and secondary structure analysis revealed that KIF3C is a member of the KIF3 family. In contrast to KIF3A and KIF3B, Northern and Western analysis indicated that KIF3C expression is highly enriched in neural tissues such as brain, spinal cord, and retina. When anti-KIF3C antibodies were used to stain the cerebellum, the strongest signal came from the cell bodies and dendrites of Purkinje cells. In retina, anti-KIF3C mainly stains the ganglion cells. Immunolocalization showed that the KIF3C motor in spinal cord and sciatic nerve is mainly localized in cytoplasm. In spinal cord, the KIF3C staining was punctate; double labeling with anti-giantin and anti-KIF3C showed a clear concentration of the motor protein in the Golgi complex. Staining of ligated sciatic nerves demonstrated that the KIF3C motor accumulated at the proximal side of the ligated nerve, which suggests that KIF3C is an anterograde motor. Immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that KIF3C and KIF3A, but not KIF3B, were coprecipitated. These data, combined with previous data from other labs, indicate that KIF3C and KIF3B are “variable” subunits that associate with a common KIF3A subunit, but not with each other. Together these results suggest that KIF3 family members combinatorially associate to power anterograde axonal transport.


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Combined lesions of retinal targets and ascending auditory pathways can induce, in developing animals, permanent retinal projections to auditory thalamic nuclei and to visual thalamic nuclei that normally receive little direct retinal input. Neurons in the auditory cortex of such animals have visual response properties that resemble those of neurons in the primary visual cortex of normal animals. Therefore, we investigated the behavioral function of the surgically induced retino-thalamo-cortical pathways. We showed that both surgically induced pathways can mediate visually guided behaviors whose normal substrate, the pathway from the retina to the primary visual cortex via the primary thalamic visual nucleus, is missing.


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Members of the Snail family of zinc finger transcription factors are known to play critical roles in neurogenesis in invertebrates, but none of these factors has been linked to vertebrate neuronal differentiation. We report the isolation of a gene encoding a mammalian Snail family member that is restricted to the nervous system. Human and murine Scratch (Scrt) share 81% and 69% identity to Drosophila Scrt and the Caenorhabditis elegans neuronal antiapoptotic protein, CES-1, respectively, across the five zinc finger domain. Expression of mammalian Scrt is predominantly confined to the brain and spinal cord, appearing in newly differentiating, postmitotic neurons and persisting into postnatal life. Additional expression is seen in the retina and, significantly, in neuroendocrine (NE) cells of the lung. In a parallel fashion, we detect hScrt expression in lung cancers with NE features, especially small cell lung cancer. hScrt shares the capacity of other Snail family members to bind to E-box enhancer motifs, which are targets of basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH) transcription factors. We show that hScrt directly antagonizes the function of heterodimers of the proneural bHLH protein achaete-scute homolog-1 and E12, leading to active transcriptional repression at E-box motifs. Thus, Scrt has the potential to function in newly differentiating, postmitotic neurons and in cancers with NE features by modulating the action of bHLH transcription factors critical for neuronal differentiation.


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A major question in central nervous system development, including the neuroretina, is whether migrating cells express cues to find their way and settle at specific locations. We have transplanted quail neuroretinal cell lines QNR/D, a putative amacrine or ganglion cell, and QNR/K2, a putative Müller cell into chicken embryo eyes. Implanted QNR/D cells migrate only to the retinal ganglion and amacrine cell layers and project neurites in the plane of retina; in contrast, QNR/K2 cells migrate through the ganglion and amacrine layers, locate in the inner nuclear layer, and project processes across the retina. These data show that QNR/D and QNR/K2 cell lines represent distinct neural cell types, suggesting that migrating neural cells express distinct address cues. Furthermore, our results raise the possibility that immortalized cell lines can be used for replacement of specific cell types and for the transport of genes to given locations in neuroretina.


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Early neurogenesis progresses by an initial massive proliferation of neuroepithelial cells followed by a sequential differentiation of the various mature neural cell types. The regulation of these processes by growth factors is poorly understood. We intend to understand, in a well-defined biological system, the embryonic chicken retina, the role of the insulin-related growth factors in neurogenesis. We demonstrate the local presence of signaling elements together with a biological response to the factors. Neuroretina at days 6-8 of embryonic development (E6-E8) expressed proinsulin/insulin and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) mRNAs as well as insulin receptor and IGF type I receptor mRNAs. In parallel with this in vivo gene expression, E5 cultured neuroretinas synthesized and released to the medium a metabolically radiolabeled immunoprecipitable insulin-related peptide. Furthermore, insulin-related immunoreactive material with a HPLC mobility close to that of proinsulin was found in the E6-E8 vitreous humor. Exogenous chicken IGF-I, human insulin, and human proinsulin added to E6 cultured neuroretinas showed relatively close potencies stimulating proliferation, as determined by [methyl-3H]thymidine incorporation, with a plateau reached at 10(-8) M. These factors also stimulated neuronal differentiation, indicated by the expression of the neuron-specific antigen G4. Thus, insulin-related growth factors, interestingly including proinsulin, are present in the developing chicken retina and appear to play an autocrine/paracrine stimulatory role in the progression of neurogenesis.


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Parkinson disease is mainly characterized by the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the central nervous system, including the retina. Different interrelated molecular mechanisms underlying Parkinson disease-associated neuronal death have been put forward in the brain, including oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction. Systemic injection of the proneurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) to monkeys elicits the appearance of a parkinsonian syndrome, including morphological and functional impairments in the retina. However, the intracellular events leading to derangement of dopaminergic and other retinal neurons in MPTP-treated animal models have not been so far investigated. Here we have used a comparative proteomics approach to identify proteins differentially expressed in the retina of MPTP-treated monkeys. Proteins were solubilized from the neural retinas of control and MPTP-treated animals, labelled separately with two different cyanine fluorophores and run pairwise on 2D DIGE gels. Out of >700 protein spots resolved and quantified, 36 were found to exhibit statistically significant differences in their expression levels, of at least ±1.4-fold, in the parkinsonian monkey retina compared with controls. Most of these spots were excised from preparative 2D gels, trypsinized and subjected to MALDI-TOF MS and LC-MS/MS analyses. Data obtained were used for protein sequence database interrogation, and 15 different proteins were successfully identified, of which 13 were underexpressed and 2 overexpressed. These proteins were involved in key cellular functional pathways such as glycolysis and mitochondrial electron transport, neuronal protection against stress and survival, and phototransduction processes. These functional categories underscore that alterations in energy metabolism, neuroprotective mechanisms and signal transduction are involved in MPTPinduced neuronal degeneration in the retina, in similarity to mechanisms thought to underlie neuronal death in the Parkinson’s diseased brain and neurodegenerative diseases of the retina proper.


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Purpose. Transplantation of human central nervous system stem cells (HuCNS-SC) into the subretinal space of Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) rats preserves photoreceptors and visual function. To explore possible mechanism(s) of action underlying this neuroprotective effect, we performed a detailed morphologic and ultrastructure analysis of HuCNS-SC transplanted retinas. Methods. The HuCNS-SC were transplanted into the subretinal space of RCS rats. Histologic examination of the transplanted retinas was performed by light and electron microscopy. Areas of the retina adjacent to HuCNS-SC graft (treated regions) were analyzed and compared to control sections obtained from the same retina, but distant from the transplant site (untreated regions). Results. The HuCNS-SC were detected as a layer of STEM 121 immunopositive cells in the subretinal space. In treated regions, preserved photoreceptor nuclei, as well as inner and outer segments were identified readily. In contrast, classic signs of degeneration were observed in the untreated regions. Interestingly, detailed ultrastructure analysis revealed a striking preservation of the photoreceptor–bipolar–horizontal cell synaptic contacts in the outer plexiform layer (OPL) of treated areas, in stark contrast with untreated areas. Finally, the presence of phagosomes and vesicles exhibiting the lamellar structure of outer segments also was detected within the cytosol of HuCNS-SC, indicating that these cells have phagocytic capacity in vivo. Conclusions. This study reveals the novel finding that preservation of specialized synaptic contacts between photoreceptors and second order neurons, as well as phagocytosis of photoreceptor outer segments, are potential mechanism(s) of HuCNS-SC transplantation, mediating functional rescue in retinal degeneration.


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Blur is an intrinsic feature of retina images that varies widely across images and observers, yet the world still typically appears 'in focus'. Here we examine the putative role of neural adaptation1 in the human perception of image focus by measuring how blur judgments depended on the state of adaptation. Exposure to unfocused images has previously been shown to influence acuity and contrast sensitivity and here we show that adaptation can also profoundly affect the actual perception of image focus.


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We examined the intrinsic signals in response to grating stimuli in order to determine whether the light-evoked intrinsic signals of the retina are due to changes in the photoreceptor activities induced by the image projected on to the retina or are due to neural activities of the inner retina. The retinas of the left eye of 12 cats under general anesthesia were examined by a functional imaging fundus camera. Near infrared light was used to monitor the reflectance changes (RCs) of the retina. Vertical grating were used to stimulate the retina at 4 Hz. The spatial frequencies of the gratings were 0.05, 0.11, 0.22, 0.43, 0.86, 1.73, and 3.46 cycles/degree (cpd). Ten images were averaged and used to analyze the RCs to obtain the peak value (PV) of a two dimensional fast Fourier transfer of the RCs. The wavefront aberrations (WA) were measured with a compact wavefront aberrometer and the spatial modulation transfer function (MTF) of the eye was calculated. The retinal reflectance image had a grating pattern. The PV of the spatial sensitivity curve was highest at low spatial frequencies (0.05 and 0.11 cpd), and the sensitivity decreased steeply with an increase in the spatial frequency. RCs were not detectable at 3.46 cpd. The MTF decreased gradually with increases in the spatial frequencies and was 0.68 at 3.46 cpd. The reflectance pattern of the retinal intrinsic signal elicited by grating stimuli of different spatial frequencies was different from that of the MTF. This suggests that the intrinsic signal represents not only the response of the photoreceptors but also other neuronal or vascular changes in the retina.