994 resultados para NETTRA-P1.


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This paper describes the language identification (LID) system developed by the Patrol team for the first phase of the DARPA RATS (Robust Automatic Transcription of Speech) program, which seeks to advance state of the art detection capabilities on audio from highly degraded communication channels. We show that techniques originally developed for LID on telephone speech (e.g., for the NIST language recognition evaluations) remain effective on the noisy RATS data, provided that careful consideration is applied when designing the training and development sets. In addition, we show significant improvements from the use of Wiener filtering, neural network based and language dependent i-vector modeling, and fusion.


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A loxP-transposon retrofitting strategy for generating large nested deletions from one end of the insert DNA in bacterial artificial chromosomes and P1 artificial chromosomes was described recently [Chatterjee, P. K. & Coren, J. S. (1997) Nucleic Acids Res. 25, 2205–2212]. In this report, we combine this procedure with direct sequencing of nested-deletion templates by using primers located in the transposon end to illustrate its value for position-specific single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery from chosen regions of large insert clones. A simple ampicillin sensitivity screen was developed to facilitate identification and recovery of deletion clones free of transduced transposon plasmid. This directed approach requires minimal DNA sequencing, and no in vitro subclone library generation; positionally oriented SNPs are a consequence of the method. The procedure is used to discover new SNPs as well as physically map those identified from random subcloned libraries or sequence databases. The deletion templates, positioned SNPs, and markers are also used to orient large insert clones into a contig. The deletion clone can serve as a ready resource for future functional genomic studies because each carries a mammalian cell-specific antibiotic resistance gene from the transposon. Furthermore, the technique should be especially applicable to the analysis of genomes for which a full genome sequence or radiation hybrid cell lines are unavailable.


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The P1 partition system promotes faithful plasmid segregation during the Escherichia coli cell cycle. This system consists of two proteins, ParA and ParB, that act on a plasmid site called parS. By immunofluorescence microscopy, we observed that ParB localizes to discrete foci that are most often located close to the one-quarter and three-quarters positions of cell length. The visualization of ParB foci depended completely on the presence of parS, although their visualization was independent of the chromosomal context of parS (in P1 or the bacterial chromosome). In integration host factor-defective mutants, in which ParB binding to parS is weakened, only a fraction of the total pool of ParB had converged into foci. Taken together, these results indicate that parS recruits a pool of ParB into foci and that the resulting ParB–parS complexes serve as substrates for the segregation reaction. In the absence of ParA, the position of ParB foci in cells is perturbed, indicating that at least one of the roles of ParA is to direct ParB–parS complexes to the proper one-quarter positions from a cell pole. Finally, inhibition of cell division did not inhibit localization of ParB foci in cells, indicating that the positioning signals in the E. coli host that are needed for P1 partition do not depend on early division events.


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The C4 repressor of the temperate bacteriophages P1 and P7 inhibits antirepressor (Ant) synthesis and is essential for establishment and maintenance of lysogeny. C4 is an antisense RNA acting on a target, Ant mRNA, which is transcribed from the same promoter. The antisense-target RNA interaction requires processing of C4 RNA from a precursor RNA. Here we show that 5' maturation of C4 RNA in vivo depends on RNase P. In vitro, Escherichia coli RNase P and its catalytic RNA subunit (M1 RNA) can generate the mature 5' end of C4 RNA from P1 by a single endonucleolytic cut, whereas RNase P from the E. coli rnpA49 mutant, carrying a missense mutation in the RNase P protein subunit, is defective in the 5' maturation of C4 RNA. Primer extension analysis of RNA transcribed in vivo from a plasmid carrying the P1 c4 gene revealed that 5'-mature C4 RNA was the predominant species in rnpA+ bacteria, whereas virtually no mature C4 RNA was found in the temperature-sensitive rnpA49 strain at the restrictive temperature. Instead, C4 RNA molecules carrying up to five extra nucleotides beyond the 5' end accumulated. The same phenotype was observed in rnpA+ bacteria which harbored a plasmid carrying a P7 c4 mutant gene with a single C-->G base substitution in the structural homologue to the CCA 3' end of tRNAs. Implications of C4 RNA processing for the lysis/lysogeny decision process of bacteriophages P1 and P7 are discussed.


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Plasmid-encoded addiction genes augment the apparent stability of various low copy number bacterial plasmids by selectively killing plasmid-free (cured) segregants or their progeny. The addiction module of plasmid prophage P1 consists of a pair of genes called phd and doc. Phd serves to prevent host death when the prophage is retained and, should retention mechanisms fail, Doc causes death on curing. Doc acts as a cell toxin to which Phd is an antidote. In this study we show that host mutants with defects in either subunit of the ClpXP protease survive the loss of a plasmid that contains a P1 addiction module. The small antidote protein Phd is fully stable in these two mutant hosts, whereas it is labile in a wild-type host. We conclude that the role of ClpXP in the addiction mechanism of P1 is to degrade the Phd protein. This conclusion situates P1 among plasmids that elicit severe withdrawal symptoms and are able to do so because they encode both a cell toxin and an actively degraded macromolecule that blocks the synthesis or function of the toxin.


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Introdução: O implante coclear (IC) amplamente aceito como forma de intervenção e (re) habilitação nas perdas auditivas severas e profundas nas diversas faixas etárias. Contudo observa-se no usuário do IC unilateral queixas como localização e compreensão sonora em meio ao ruído, gerado pelo padrão anormal de estimulação sensorial. A fim de fornecer os benefícios da audição binaural, é preconizado a estimulação bilateral, seja por meio do IC bilateral ou com a adaptação de um aparelho de amplificação sonora individual (AASI) contralateralmente ao IC. Esta última condição é referida como estimulação bimodal, quando temos, concomitantemente dois modos de estimulação: Elétrica (IC) e acústica (AASI). Não há dados suficientes na literatura voltados à população infantil que esclareça ou demonstre o desenvolvimento do córtex auditivo na audição bimodal. Ressalta-se que não foram encontrados estudos em crianças. Objetivo: Caracterizar o PEAC complexo P1, N1 P2 em usuários da estimulação bimodal e verificar se há correlação com testes de percepção de fala. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo de séries de casos, com a realização do PEAC em cinco crianças usuárias da estimulação bimodal, a partir da metodologia proposta por Ventura (2008) utilizando o sistema Smart EP USB Jr da Intelligent Hearing Systems. Foi utilizado o som de fala /da/, apresentado em campo livre. O exame será realizado em três situações: Somente IC, IC e AASI e somente AASI. A análise dos dados dos potenciais corticais foi realizada após a marcação da presença ou ausência dos componentes do complexo P1-N1-P2 por dois juízes com experiência em potenciais evocados. Resultados: Foi obtida a captação do PEAC em todas as crianças em todas as situações de teste, além do que foi possível observar a correlação destes com os testes de percepção auditiva da fala. Foi possível verificar que o registro dos PEAC é um procedimento viável para a avaliação da criança com estimulação bimodal, porém, ainda não há dados suficientes quanto a utilização deste para a avaliação e indicação do IC bilateral.


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Bibliography: p. 209-212.


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"UILU-ENG 77 1743."


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Thesis (M. S.)--University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.