768 resultados para NANOFIBER SCAFFOLD


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Scaffold materials should favor cell attachment and proliferation, and provide designable 3D structures with appropriate mechanical strength. Collagen matrices have proven to be beneficial scaffolds for tissue regeneration. However, apart from small intestinal submucosa, they offer a limited mechanical strength even if crosslinking can enhance their mechanical properties. A more cell-friendly way to increase material strength is to combine synthetic polymer meshes with plastic compressed collagen gels. This work describes the potential of plastic compressed collagen-poly(lactic acid-co-ɛ-caprolactone) (PLAC) hybrids as scaffolds for bladder tissue regeneration. Human bladder smooth muscle and urothelial cells were cultured on and inside collagen-PLAC hybrids in vitro. Scaffolds were analyzed by electron microscopy, histology, immunohistochemistry, and AlamarBlue assay. Both cell types proliferated in and on the hybrid, forming dense cell layers on top after two weeks. Furthermore, hybrids were implanted subcutaneously in the backs of nude mice. Host cell infiltration, scaffold degradation, and the presence of the seeded bladder cells were analyzed. Hybrids showed a lower inflammatory reaction in vivo than PLAC meshes alone, and first signs of polymer degradation were visible at six months. Collagen-PLAC hybrids have potential for bladder tissue regeneration, as they show efficient cell seeding, proliferation, and good mechanical properties.


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Proper function of the wall of bladder requires gap junctional communication for coordinating the responses of smooth muscle (SMC) and urothelial cells exposed to urine pressure. In the rat bladder, Cx43 is expressed by SMC and urothelial cells, whereas Cx26 expression is restricted to the epithelium. We used a model of bladder outlet obstruction, in which a ligature is placed around the urethra to increase voiding pressure. Increased fluid pressure was associated with increased Cx43 and Cx26 mRNA expression and with the activation of a signaling cascade including the transcription factor c-Jun, which is a component of the AP-1 complex. The signaling pathway of the c-Jun NH2 terminal kinase (JNK) requires the presence of the scaffold protein Islet-Brain1/c-Jun amino-terminal kinase Interacting Protein-1 (IB1/JIP-1). Under stress conditions resulting from urine retention, we have found a reduced content of IB1/JIP-1 in urothelial cells, which in turn induced a drastic increase of JNK and AP-1 binding activities. The stress-induced activation of JNK was prevented by overexpressing IB1/JIP-1, using a viral gene transfer approach, a condition which also resulted in a decrease in Cx26 mRNA. The data show that: 1) mechanical stress of urothelial cells activates in vivo JNK, as a consequence of a regulated expression of IB1/JIP-1 and 2) that urothelial Cx26 may be directly regulated by the AP-1 complex.


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The distribution of three nuclear scaffold proteins (of which one is a component of a particular class of nuclear bodies) has been studied in intact K562 human erythroleukemia cells, isolated nuclei, and nuclear scaffolds. Nuclear scaffolds were obtained by extraction with the ionic detergent lithium diidosalicylate (LIS), using nuclei prepared in the absence of divalent cations (metal-depleted nuclei) and stabilized either by a brief heat exposure (20 min at 37C or 42C) or by Cu++ ions at 0C. Proteins were visualized by in situ immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy. Only a 160-kD nuclear scaffold protein was unaffected by all the stabilization procedures performed on isolated nuclei. However, LIS extraction and scaffold preparation procedures markedly modified the distribution of the polypeptide seen in intact cells, unless stabilization had been performed by Cu++. In isolated nuclei, only Cu++ treatment preserved the original distribution of the two other antigens (M(r), 125 and 126 kD), whereas in heat-stabilized nuclei we detected dramatic changes. In nuclear scaffolds reacted with antibodies to 125 and 126-kD proteins, the fluorescent pattern was always disarranged regardless of the stabilization procedure. These results, obtained with nuclei prepared in the absence of Mg+2 ions, indicate that heat treatment per se can induce changes in the distribution of nuclear proteins, at variance with previous suggestions. Nevertheless, each of the proteins we have studied behaves in a different way, possibly because of its specific association with the nuclear scaffold.


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Microtubule-associated protein 1B, MAP1B, is one of the major growth associated and cytoskeletal proteins in neuronal and glial cells. It is present as a full length protein or may be fragmented into a heavy chain and a light chain. It is essential to stabilize microtubules during the elongation of dendrites and neurites and is involved in the dynamics of morphological structures such as microtubules, microfilaments and growth cones. MAP1B function is modulated by phosphorylation and influences microtubule stability, microfilaments and growth cone motility. Considering its large size, several interactions with a variety of other proteins have been reported and there is increasing evidence that MAP1B plays a crucial role in the stability of the cytoskeleton and may have other cellular functions. Here we review molecular and functional aspects of this protein, evoke its role as a scaffold protein and have a look at several pathologies where the protein may be involved.


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Previous studies support resorbable biocomposites made of poly(L-lactic acid) (PLA) and beta-tricalcium phosphate (TCP) produced by supercritical gas foaming as a suitable scaffold for tissue engineering. The present study was undertaken to demonstrate the biocompatibility and osteoconductive properties of such a scaffold in a large animal cancellous bone model. The biocomposite (PLA/TCP) was compared with a currently used beta-TCP bone substitute (ChronOS, Dr. Robert Mathys Foundation), representing a positive control, and empty defects, representing a negative control. Ten defects were created in sheep cancellous bone, three in the distal femur and two in the proximal tibia of each hind limb, with diameters of 5 mm and depths of 15 mm. New bone in-growth (osteoconductivity) and biocompatibility were evaluated using microcomputed tomography and histology at 2, 4 and 12 months after surgery. The in vivo study was validated by the positive control (good bone formation with ChronOS) and the negative control (no healing with the empty defect). A major finding of this study was incorporation of the biocomposite in bone after 12 months. Bone in-growth was observed in the biocomposite scaffold, including its central part. Despite initial fibrous tissue formation observed at 2 and 4 months, but not at 12 months, this initial fibrous tissue does not preclude long-term application of the biocomposite, as demonstrated by its osteointegration after 12 months, as well as the absence of chronic or long-term inflammation at this time point.


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Transcriptional activity relies on coregulators that modify the chromatin structure and serve as bridging factors between transcription factors and the basal transcription machinery. Using the DE domain of human peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) as bait in a yeast two-hybrid screen of a human adipose tissue library, we isolated the scaffold attachment factor B1 (SAFB1/HET/HAP), which was previously shown to be a corepressor of estrogen receptor alpha. We show here that SAFB1 has a very broad tissue expression profile in human and is also expressed all along mouse embryogenesis. SAFB1 interacts in pull-down assays not only with PPARgamma but also with all nuclear receptors tested so far, albeit with different affinities. The association of SAFB1 and PPARgamma in vivo is further demonstrated by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) experiments in living cells. We finally show that SAFB1 is a rather general corepressor for nuclear receptors. Its change in expression during the early phases of adipocyte and enterocyte differentiation suggests that SAFB1 potentially influences cell proliferation and differentiation decisions.


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RÉSUMÉ Les kinases activées par des mitogènes (MAPKs) constituent une importante famille d'enzymes conservée dans l'évolution. Elles forment un réseau de signalisation qui permet à la cellule de réguler spécifiquement divers processus impliqués dans la différenciation, la survie ou l'apoptose. Les kinases formant le module MAPK sont typiquement disposées en cascades de trois partenaires qui s'activent séquentiellement par phosphorylation. Le module minimum est constitué d'une MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK), d'une MAPK kinase (MAPKK) et d'une MAPK. Une fois activée, la MAPK phosphoryle différents substrats tels que des facteurs de transcription ou d'autres protéines. Chez les mammifères, trois groupes principaux de MAPKs ont été identifiés. Il s'agit du groupe des kinases régulées par des signaux extracellulaires du type «mitogènes » (ERK), ainsi que des groupes p38 et cJun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK), ou SAPK pour stress activated protein kinase, plutôt activées par des stimuli de type «stress ». De nombreuses études ont impliqué JNK dans la régulation de différents processus physiologiques et pathologiques, comme le diabète, les arthrites rhumatoïdes, l'athérosclérose, l'attaque cérébrale, les maladies de Parkinson et d'Alzheimer. JNK, en particulier joue un rôle dans la mort des cellules sécrétrices d'insuline induite par l'interleukine (IL)-1 β, lors du développement du diabète de type 1. IB1 est une protéine scaffold (échafaud) qui participe à l'organisation du module de JNK. IB1 est fortement exprimée dans les neurones et les cellules β du pancréas. Elle a été impliquée dans la survie des cellules, la régulation de l'expression du transporteur du glucose de type 2 (Glut-2) et dans le processus de sécrétion d'insuline glucose-dépendante. IBl est caractérisée par plusieurs domaines d'interaction protéine-protéine : un domaine de liaison à JNK (JBD), un domaine homologue au domaine 3 de Src (SH3) et un domaine d'interaction avec des tyrosines phosphorylées (PID). Des partenaires d'IB1, incluant les membres de la familles des kinases de lignée mélangée (MLKs), la MAPKK MKK7, la phosphatase 7 des MAPKs (MKP-7) ainsi que la chaîne légère de la kinésine, ont été isolés. Tous ces facteurs, sauf les MLKs et MKK7 interagissent avec le domaine PID ou l'extrême partie C-terminale d'IBl (la chaîne légère de la kinésine). Comme d'autres protéines scaffolds déjà décrites, IBl et un autre membre de la famille, IB2, sont capables d'homo- et d'hétérodimériser. L'interaction a lieu par l'intermédiaire de leur région C-terminale, contenant les domaines SH3 et PID. Mais ni le mécanisme moléculaire, ni la fonction de la dimérisation n'ont été caractérisés. Le domaine SH3 joue un rôle central lors de l'assemblage de complexes de macromolécules impliquées dans la signalisation intracellulaire. Il reconnaît de préférence des ligands contenant un motif riche en proline de type PxxP et s'y lie. Jusqu'à maintenant, tous les ligands isolés se liant à un domaine SH3 sont linéaires. Bien que le domaine SH3 soit un domaine important de la transmission des signaux, aucun partenaire interagissant spécifiquement avec le domaine SH3 d'IB1 n'a été identifié. Nous avons démontré qu'IBl homodimérisait par un nouveau set unique d'interaction domaine SH3 - domaine SH3. Les études de cristallisation ont démontré que l'interface recouvrait une région généralement impliquée dans la reconnaissance classique d'un motif riche en proline de type PxxP, bien que le domaine SH3 d'IB1 ne contienne aucun motif PxxP. L'homodimère d'IB1 semble extrêmement stable. Il peut cependant être déstabilisé par trois mutations ponctuelles dirigées contre des résidus clés impliqués dans la dimérisation. Chaque mutation réduit l'activation basale de JNK dépendante d'IB 1 dans des cellules 293T. La déstabilisation de la dimérisation induite par la sur-expression du domaine SH3, provoque une diminution de la sécrétion d'insuline glucose dépendant. SUMMARY Mitogen activated kinases (MAPK) are an important and conserved enzyme family. They form a signaling network required to specifically regulate process involved in cell differentiation, proliferation or death. A MAPK module is typically organized in a threekinase cascade which are activated by sequential phosphorylation. The MAPK kinase kinase (MAPKKK), the MAPK kinase (MAPKK) and the MAPK constitute the minimal module. Once activated, the MAPK phosphorylates its targets like transcription factors or other proteins. In mammals, three major groups of MAPKs have been identified : the group of extra-cellular regulated kinase (ERK) which is activated by mitogens and the group of p38 and cJun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) or SAPK for stress activated protein kinase, which are activated by stresses. Many studies implicated JNK in many physiological or pathological process regulations, like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, arteriosclerosis, strokes or Parkinson and Alzheimer disease. In particular, JNK plays a crucial role in pancreatic β cell death induced by Interleukin (IL)-1 β in type 1 diabetes. Islet-brain 1 (IB 1) is a scaffold protein that interacts with components of the JNK signal-transduction pathway. IB 1 is expressed at high levels in neurons and in pancreatic β-cells, where it has been implicated in cell survival, in regulating expression of the glucose transporter type 2 (Glut-2) and in glucose-induced insulin secretion. It contains several protein-protein interaction domains, including a JNK-binding domain (JBD), a Src homology 3 domain (SH3) and a phosphotyrosine interaction domain (PID). Proteins that have been shown to associate with IB 1 include members of the Mixed lineage kinase family (MLKs), the MAPKK MKK7, the MAPK phosphatase-7 MKP7, as well as several other ligands including kinesin light chain, LDL receptor related family members and the amyloid precursor protein APP. All these factors, except MLK3 and MKK7 have been shown to interact with the PID domain or the extreme C-terminal part (Kinesin light chain) of IB 1. As some scaffold already described, IB 1 and another member of the family, IB2, have previously been shown to engage in oligomerization through their respective C-terminal regions that include the SH3 and PID domains. But neither the molecular mechanisms nor the function of dimerization have yet been characterized. SH3 domains are central in the assembly of macromolecular complexes involved in many intracellular signaling pathways. SH3 domains are usually characterized by their preferred recognition of and association with canonical PxxP motif. In all these cases, a single linear sequence is sufficient for binding to the SH3 domain. However, although SH3 domains are important elements of signal transduction, no protein that interacts specifically with the SH3 domain of IB 1 has been identified so far. Here, we show that IB 1 homodimerizes through a navel and unique set of SH3-SH3 interactions. X-ray crystallography studies indicate that the dieter interface covers a region usually engaged in PxxP-mediated ligand recognition, even though the IB 1 SH3 domain lacks this motif. The highly stable IB 1 homodimer can be significantly destabilized in vitro by individual point-mutations directed against key residues involved in dimerization. Each mutation reduces IB 1-dependent basal JNK activity in 293T cells. Impaired dimerization induced by over-expression of the SH3 domain also results in a significant reduction in glucose-dependent insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells.


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Islet-Brain 1, also known as JNK-interacting protein-1 (IB1/JIP-1) is a scaffold protein mainly involved in the regulation of the pro-apoptotic signalling cascade mediated by c-Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK). IB1/JIP-1 organizes JNK and upstream kinases in a complex that facilitates JNK activation. However, overexpression of IB1/JIP-1 in neurons in vitro has been reported to result in inhibition of JNK activation and protection against cellular stress and apoptosis. The occurrence and the functional significance of stress-induced modulations of IB1/JIP-1 levels in vivo are not known. We investigated the regulation of IB1/JIP-1 in mouse hippocampus after systemic administration of kainic acid (KA), in wild-type mice as well as in mice hemizygous for the gene MAPK8IP1, encoding for IB1/JIP-1. We show here that IB1/JIP-1 is upregulated transiently in the hippocampus of normal mice, reaching a peak 8 h after seizure induction. Heterozygous mutant mice underexpressing IB1/JIP-1 showed a higher vulnerability to the epileptogenic properties of KA, whereas hippocampal IB1/JIP-1 levels remained unchanged after seizure induction. Subsequently, an increasing activation of JNK in the 8 h following seizure induction was observed in IB1/JIP-1 haploinsufficient mice, which also underwent more severe excitotoxic lesions in hippocampal CA3, as assessed histologically 3 days after KA administration. Taken together, these data indicate that IB1/JIP-1 in hippocampus participates in the regulation of the neuronal response to excitotoxic stress in a level-dependent fashion.


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In spite of numerous applications of carbon nanofibers (CNFs) in a variety of fields, the potential release of airborne CNF during their special application, which could lead to workers or end-users exposure, has not been well investigated. In this study, the potential release of CNF from an organic vapour respirator cartridge was evaluated by carbon analysis and microscopy analysis. The cartridge consisted of an AC (Activated Carbon)/CNF composite adsorbent and different types of particulate filters. The composite adsorbent CNF were prepared by chemical vapour deposition (CVD). Air was passed through the prepared cartridge for 12 hours at 12 l/min and particles were collected on sampling filters suitable for measuring organic and elemental carbon (OC/EC) by carbon analysis based on the NIOSH 5040 method. Breakthrough of CNFs was also checked by scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM/TEM). This study found only minimal amounts of released elemental carbon while passing the air through the cartridge. Meanwhile TEM photos showed a few CNF structures for AC/CNF composite adsorbents which were not in the critical range in terms of length, aspect ratio, or number. [Authors]


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Bacterial resistance to almost all available antibiotics is an important public health issue. A major goal in antimicrobial drug discovery is the generation of new chemicals capable of killing pathogens with high selectivity, particularly multi-drug-resistant ones. Here we report the design, preparation and activity of new compounds based on a tunable, chemically accessible and upscalable lipopeptide scaffold amenable to suitable hit-to-lead development. Such compounds could become therapeutic candidates and future antibiotics available on the market. The compounds are cyclic, contain two D-amino acids for in vivo stability and their structures are reminiscent of other cyclic disulfide-containing peptides available on the market. The optimized compounds prove to be highly active against clinically relevant Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. In vitro and in vivo tests show the low toxicity of the compounds. Their antimicrobial activity against resistant and multidrug-resistant bacteria is at the membrane level, although other targets may also be involved depending on the bacterial strain.


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Bacterial resistance to almost all available antibiotics is an important public health issue. A major goal in antimicrobial drug discovery is the generation of new chemicals capable of killing pathogens with high selectivity, particularly multi-drug-resistant ones. Here we report the design, preparation and activity of new compounds based on a tunable, chemically accessible and upscalable lipopeptide scaffold amenable to suitable hit-to-lead development. Such compounds could become therapeutic candidates and future antibiotics available on the market. The compounds are cyclic, contain two D-amino acids for in vivo stability and their structures are reminiscent of other cyclic disulfide-containing peptides available on the market. The optimized compounds prove to be highly active against clinically relevant Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. In vitro and in vivo tests show the low toxicity of the compounds. Their antimicrobial activity against resistant and multidrug-resistant bacteria is at the membrane level, although other targets may also be involved depending on the bacterial strain.


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Bacterial resistance to almost all available antibiotics is an important public health issue. A major goal in antimicrobial drug discovery is the generation of new chemicals capable of killing pathogens with high selectivity, particularly multi-drug-resistant ones. Here we report the design, preparation and activity of new compounds based on a tunable, chemically accessible and upscalable lipopeptide scaffold amenable to suitable hit-to-lead development. Such compounds could become therapeutic candidates and future antibiotics available on the market. The compounds are cyclic, contain two D-amino acids for in vivo stability and their structures are reminiscent of other cyclic disulfide-containing peptides available on the market. The optimized compounds prove to be highly active against clinically relevant Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. In vitro and in vivo tests show the low toxicity of the compounds. Their antimicrobial activity against resistant and multidrug-resistant bacteria is at the membrane level, although other targets may also be involved depending on the bacterial strain.


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Bacterial resistance to almost all available antibiotics is an important public health issue. A major goal in antimicrobial drug discovery is the generation of new chemicals capable of killing pathogens with high selectivity, particularly multi-drug-resistant ones. Here we report the design, preparation and activity of new compounds based on a tunable, chemically accessible and upscalable lipopeptide scaffold amenable to suitable hit-to-lead development. Such compounds could become therapeutic candidates and future antibiotics available on the market. The compounds are cyclic, contain two D-amino acids for in vivo stability and their structures are reminiscent of other cyclic disulfide-containing peptides available on the market. The optimized compounds prove to be highly active against clinically relevant Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. In vitro and in vivo tests show the low toxicity of the compounds. Their antimicrobial activity against resistant and multidrug-resistant bacteria is at the membrane level, although other targets may also be involved depending on the bacterial strain.