963 resultados para Muslim women--Biography


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Ce mémoire vise à comprendre l’expérience de vie des jeunes Québécoises de 2e génération portant le voile islamique, qui ont vécu le débat sur la charte de la laïcité au Québec en 2012. Un des articles de ce projet de loi visait à interdire le port des signes religieux «ostentatoires» par les employés de la fonction publique. Une vague de protestation a animé les membres des minorités religieuses visées et une apparition, quoique marginale, des Québécois de 2e génération a commencé à émerger. À travers le concept de lutte pour la reconnaissance tel que théorisé par Honneth et celui de stigmate amené par Goffman et élaboré par Göle, j’ai tenté de comprendre l’expérience de lutte pour la reconnaissance entamée par des Québécoises porteuses d’un signe religieux stigmatisé. Le concept d’hybridité m’a permis également de comprendre la richesse identitaire de ces jeunes qui se manifeste notamment dans l’articulation de leurs revendications. J’ai ainsi mené 13 entrevues semi dirigées sur le mode du récit de vie avec des jeunes femmes âgées entre 19 et 27 ans, nées au Québec et portant le voile islamique.


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L’ objectiu d’aquest treball és poder contribuir en oferir un coneixement sobre l’Islam i la influència que aquesta religió exerceix sobre la dona musulmana per tal de poder canalitzar aquelles prejudicis existents al respecte, així com per resoldre possibles dubtes que s’hi relacionin


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La presente investigación pretende demostrar que la principal estrategia estadounidense para justificar su intervención y permanencia en territorio afgano ha sido el discurso. Donde se pueden identificar dos etapas a lo largo de esta última década. Inicialmente para explicar su incursión en Afganistán se utilizó el discurso de la seguridad y la guerra contra el terrorismo, años después frente al agotamiento y la critica tanto interna como internacional, el tema de la situación de la mujer en Afganistán cobra mayor importancia y con ello a través de los diferentes pronunciamientos y la exposición de casos específicos los diferentes gobiernos intentan cohesionar la opinión internacional y nacional frente a la necesidad de permanecer con sus tropas en el territorio.


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El moment més dolç de la radiodifusió, als anys cinquanta del segle XX, va produir a Espanya fins i tot una pel·lícula de gran èxit: Historias de la radio. Si consideréssim el mitjà des del relat que apareix a la pel·lícula, obtindríem com a resultat que la ràdio només tenia veu masculina. Sílvia Espinosa demostra a Locutores i dones: les veus oblidades de la ràdio a Girona que l'accent masculí no era l'únic i reivindica la importància d'unes veus femenines que han estat oblidades.


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The paper seeks to draw attention to some of the recent cases relating to child custody law in Bangladesh where, deviating from orthodox Shari’a rules, courts have looked to ‘the welfare’ of the child in determining which parent shall have custody. In studying the recent ‘welfare of child’ standard that has been advanced by the courts in Bangladesh, the paper aims to explore its implications for Muslim women from a feminist perspective.


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Il presente lavoro di ricerca si focalizza sulla rappresentazione della cultura arabo-islamica, così come viene restituita nei libri di storia per la scuola secondaria di primo grado. Il fatto che il mondo di oggi è caratterizzato, ora più che mai, da continui e inevitabili incontri tra persone con multiple appartenenze esige un forte impegno volto a favorire pacifici rapporti interculturali. A tale scopo si ritiene che i contenuti dei libri di testo abbiano un ruolo molto rilevante. Di qui, uno degli obiettivi consiste nel verificare se i libri di testo veicolano un’efficace educazione alla conoscenza e al rispetto delle altre culture e religioni, all’ascolto e al dialogo interculturale; nonché al superamento dell'etnocentrismo, degli stereotipi e dei pregiudizi. Si è cercato così di verificare – nel campione dei libri di testo presi in esame – quali eventuali pregiudizi ricorrenti, stereotipi o prospettive etnocentriche vengono costruite, consolidate, reiterate e trasmesse, consapevolmente o inconsapevolmente, attraverso le affermazioni o le immagini che illustrano la cultura arabo-islamica. La prima parte della tesi, quella teorica, è dedicata all'approfondimento di due temi: il primo riguarda il rapporto Oriente-Occidente e la rappresentazione dell'altro e il secondo riguarda invece la condizione della donna musulmana tra stereotipi e realtà. La seconda parte invece, quella empirica, è dedicata principalmente all'analisi del contenuto dei testi di storia. Dall'analisi effettuata è evidente l'interesse, da parte degli autori e degli editori dei libri di testo, per il tema della cultura arabo-islamica. Nonostante ciò, si è potuto riscontrare nei libri presi in esame, sebbene in misura differente, la presenza (o compresenza) di stereotipi, generalizzazioni e informazioni parziali, imprecise o errate attorno alla cultura arabo-islamica e a chi vi appartiene.


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A presente dissertação tem por objetivo analisar os aspectos religiosos islâmicos e as implicações das relações de gênero no islam sobre a assistência de saúde às mulheres muçulmanas, e através disto, discutir a importância do conhecimento prévio do islamismo pelos profissionais de saúde para propor uma assistência de saúde congruente a estas mulheres, tendo por referência a Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher. Esta pesquisa tem abordagem qualitativa, com o desenvolvimento de pesquisa de campo e aplicação de um roteiro de perguntas semi-estruturado, com questões relacionadas ao islamismo e à saúde das mulheres. Ao todo, foram entrevistadas dez pessoas, sendo estas: quatro mulheres revertidas ao islam, três mulheres de família muçulmana, dois sheiks e uma assistente social. As entrevistas foram realizadas no Centro de Divulgação do Islam para a América Latina e o Caribe (CDIAL) e na Assembléia Mundial da Juventude Islâmica na América Latina (WAMY).


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li-şarih il-Mesnevi Abdullah Efendi.


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1. Ṭabaqāt al-Ḥanafīyah / Kınalızade (ff. 1v.-21 v.) -- 2. Fihrist ṭabaqāt aṣḥāb al-Imām al-Aʻẓam Abū Ḥanīfah (ff. 21v-23v.) -- 3. Ṭabaqāt al-Ḥanafīyah / Ibn Quṭlubughā, Rajab 1053 [1643] (ff. 23v.-55v) -- 4. Kitāb al-alfāẓ (ff. 56r-71r) -- 5. Beginning of a risālah by Bahāʼ al-Dīn Zādah Muṣṭafá ibn ʻAlī al-Āqshahrī (f. 71v) -- 6. A biographical dictionary, titled at the end "Tārīkh Ibn Khāllikān" (ff. 74v-97r) -- 7. Another biographical dictionary (ff. 97v-109r) -- 8. Ḥikāyāt (stories) (ff. 110v.-112v) -- 9. Biographical notes and excerpts (ff. 113r-116r).


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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله الذي جعل علماء هذه الأمة في إيضاح الأمور الغمة كابنياء بني إسرائيل... :Incipit


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This thesis originates from my interest in exploring how minorities are using social media to talk back to mainstream media. This study examines whether hashtags that trend on Twitter may impact how news stories related to minorities are covered in Canadian media. The Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper stated the niqab was “rooted in a culture that is anti-women” on 10 March 2015. The next day #DressCodePM trended in response to the PM’s niqab remarks. Using network gatekeeping theory, this study examines the types of sources quoted in the media stories published on 10 and 11 March 2015. The study’s goal is to explore whether using tweet quotes leads to the representation of a more diverse range of news sources. The study compares the types of sources quoted in stories that covered Harper’s comments without mentioning #DressCodePM versus stories that mention #DressCodePM. This study also uses Tuen A. van Dijk’s methodology of asking “who is speaking, how often and how prominently?” in order to examine whose voices have been privileged and whose voices have been marginalized in covering the niqab in Canadian media from the 1970s and until the days following the PM’s remarks. Network gatekeeping theory is applied in this study to assess whether the gated gained more power after #DressCodePM trended. The case study’s findings indicates that Caucasian male politicians were predominantly used as news sources in covering stories related to the niqab for the past 38 years in the Globe and Mail. The sourcing pattern of favouring politicians continued in Canadian print and online media on 10 March 2015 following Harper’s niqab comments. However, ordinary Canadian women, including Muslim women, were used more often than politicians as news sources in the stories about #DressCodePM that were published on 11 March 2015. The gated media users were able to gain power and attract Canadian Media’s attention by widely spreading #DressCodePM. This study draws attention to the lack of diversity of sources used in Canadian political news stories, yet this study also shows it is possible for the gated media users to amplify their voices through hashtag activism.


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Among young women, lifestyle videos have become extremely popular on YouTube, and a similar trend has emerged among young Muslim women who share modest fashion tips and discuss religious topics. This paper examines the videos of two prominent Muslim women on YouTube, Amena Khan and Dina Torkia, in an effort to understand how they engage with aesthetic styles in order to work against Western stereotypes of Muslim women as oppressed and lacking individuality. Islamic lifestyle videos might appear to simply promote a vacuous focus on appearances, but I argue that it is through the aesthetics and affects of these videos that Amena and Dina do political work to redistribute the sensible and shift what is considered attractive, beautiful and pleasurable in Western society. Additionally, the hybrid aesthetic styles and affects of authenticity and pleasure, which are possible in digital spaces like YouTube, offer Amena and Dina the chance to control their own visual images and to resist being coopted as icons of Western freedom or Islamic piety.