945 resultados para Music Recommender Systems


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A proactive recommender system pushes recommendations to the user when the current situation seems appropriate, without explicit user request. This is conceivable in mobile scenarios such as restaurant or gas station recommendations. In this paper, we present a model for proactivity in mobile recommender systems. The model relies on domain-dependent context modeling in several categories. The recommendation process is divided into two phases to first analyze the current situation and then examine the suitability of particular items. We have implemented a prototype gas station recommender and conducted a survey for evaluation. Results showed good correlation of the output of our system with the assessment of users regarding the question when to generate recommendations.


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As the use of recommender systems becomes more consolidated on the Net, an increasing need arises to develop some kind of evaluation framework for collaborative filtering measures and methods which is capable of not only testing the prediction and recommendation results, but also of other purposes which until now were considered secondary, such as novelty in the recommendations and the users? trust in these. This paper provides: (a) measures to evaluate the novelty of the users? recommendations and trust in their neighborhoods, (b) equations that formalize and unify the collaborative filtering process and its evaluation, (c) a framework based on the above-mentioned elements that enables the evaluation of the quality results of any collaborative filtering applied to the desired recommender systems, using four graphs: quality of the predictions, the recommendations, the novelty and the trust.


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Los sistemas de recomendación son potentes herramientas de filtrado de información que permiten a usuarios solicitar sugerencias sobre ítems que cubran sus necesidades. Tradicionalmente estas recomendaciones han estado basadas en opiniones de los mismos, así como en datos obtenidos de su consumo histórico o comportamiento en el propio sistema. Sin embargo, debido a la gran penetración y uso de los dispositivos móviles en nuestra sociedad, han surgido nuevas oportunidades en el campo de los sistemas de recomendación móviles gracias a la información contextual que se puede obtener sobre la localización o actividad de los usuarios. Debido a este estilo de vida en el que todo tiende a la movilidad y donde los usuarios están plenamente interconectados, la información contextual no sólo es física, sino que también adquiere una dimensión social. Todo esto ha dado lugar a una nueva área de investigación relacionada con los Sistemas de Recomendación Basados en Contexto (CARS) móviles donde se busca incrementar el nivel de personalización de las recomendaciones al usar dicha información. Por otro lado, este nuevo escenario en el que los usuarios llevan en todo momento un terminal móvil consigo abre la puerta a nuevas formas de recomendar. Sustituir el tradicional patrón de uso basado en petición-respuesta para evolucionar hacia un sistema proactivo es ahora posible. Estos sistemas deben identificar el momento más adecuado para generar una recomendación sin una petición explícita del usuario, siendo para ello necesario analizar su contexto. Esta tesis doctoral propone un conjunto de modelos, algoritmos y métodos orientados a incorporar proactividad en CARS móviles, a la vez que se estudia el impacto que este tipo de recomendaciones tienen en la experiencia de usuario con el fin de extraer importantes conclusiones sobre "qué", "cuándo" y "cómo" se debe notificar proactivamente. Con este propósito, se comienza planteando una arquitectura general para construir CARS móviles en escenarios sociales. Adicionalmente, se propone una nueva forma de representar el proceso de recomendación a través de una interfaz REST, lo que permite crear una arquitectura independiente de dispositivo y plataforma. Los detalles de su implementación tras su puesta en marcha en el entorno bancario español permiten asimismo validar el sistema construido. Tras esto se presenta un novedoso modelo para incorporar proactividad en CARS móviles. Éste muestra las ideas principales que permiten analizar una situación para decidir cuándo es apropiada una recomendación proactiva. Para ello se presentan algoritmos que establecen relaciones entre lo propicia que es una situación y cómo esto influye en los elementos a recomendar. Asimismo, para demostrar la viabilidad de este modelo se describe su aplicación a un escenario de recomendación para herramientas de creación de contenidos educativos. Siguiendo el modelo anterior, se presenta el diseño e implementación de nuevos interfaces móviles de usuario para recomendaciones proactivas, así como los resultados de su evaluación entre usuarios, lo que aportó importantes conclusiones para identificar cuáles son los factores más relevantes a considerar en el diseño de sistemas proactivos. A raíz de los resultados anteriores, el último punto de esta tesis presenta una metodología para calcular cuán apropiada es una situación de cara a recomendar de manera proactiva siguiendo el modelo propuesto. Como conclusión, se describe la validación llevada a cabo tras la aplicación de la arquitectura, modelo de recomendación y métodos descritos en este trabajo en una red social de aprendizaje europea. Finalmente, esta tesis discute las conclusiones obtenidas a lo largo de la extensa investigación llevada a cabo, y que ha propiciado la consecución de una buena base teórica y práctica para la creación de sistemas de recomendación móviles proactivos basados en información contextual. ABSTRACT Recommender systems are powerful information filtering tools which offer users personalized suggestions about items whose aim is to satisfy their needs. Traditionally the information used to make recommendations has been based on users’ ratings or data on the item’s consumption history and transactions carried out in the system. However, due to the remarkable growth in mobile devices in our society, new opportunities have arisen to improve these systems by implementing them in ubiquitous environments which provide rich context-awareness information on their location or current activity. Because of this current all-mobile lifestyle, users are socially connected permanently, which allows their context to be enhanced not only with physical information, but also with a social dimension. As a result of these novel contextual data sources, the advent of mobile Context-Aware Recommender Systems (CARS) as a research area has appeared to improve the level of personalization in recommendation. On the other hand, this new scenario in which users have their mobile devices with them all the time offers the possibility of looking into new ways of making recommendations. Evolving the traditional user request-response pattern to a proactive approach is now possible as a result of this rich contextual scenario. Thus, the key idea is that recommendations are made to the user when the current situation is appropriate, attending to the available contextual information without an explicit user request being necessary. This dissertation proposes a set of models, algorithms and methods to incorporate proactivity into mobile CARS, while the impact of proactivity is studied in terms of user experience to extract significant outcomes as to "what", "when" and "how" proactive recommendations have to be notified to users. To this end, the development of this dissertation starts from the proposal of a general architecture for building mobile CARS in scenarios with rich social data along with a new way of managing a recommendation process through a REST interface to make this architecture multi-device and cross-platform compatible. Details as regards its implementation and evaluation in a Spanish banking scenario are provided to validate its usefulness and user acceptance. After that, a novel model is presented for proactivity in mobile CARS which shows the key ideas related to decide when a situation warrants a proactive recommendation by establishing algorithms that represent the relationship between the appropriateness of a situation and the suitability of the candidate items to be recommended. A validation of these ideas in the area of e-learning authoring tools is also presented. Following the previous model, this dissertation presents the design and implementation of new mobile user interfaces for proactive notifications. The results of an evaluation among users testing these novel interfaces is also shown to study the impact of proactivity in the user experience of mobile CARS, while significant factors associated to proactivity are also identified. The last stage of this dissertation merges the previous outcomes to design a new methodology to calculate the appropriateness of a situation so as to incorporate proactivity into mobile CARS. Additionally, this work provides details about its validation in a European e-learning social network in which the whole architecture and proactive recommendation model together with its methods have been implemented. Finally, this dissertation opens up a discussion about the conclusions obtained throughout this research, resulting in useful information from the different design and implementation stages of proactive mobile CARS.


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Los sistemas de recomendación son un tipo de solución al problema de sobrecarga de información que sufren los usuarios de los sitios web en los que se pueden votar ciertos artículos. El sistema de recomendación de filtrado colaborativo es considerado como el método con más éxito debido a que sus recomendaciones se hacen basándose en los votos de usuarios similares a un usuario activo. Sin embargo, el método de filtrado de colaboración tradicional selecciona usuarios insuficientemente representativos como vecinos de cada usuario activo. Esto significa que las recomendaciones hechas a posteriori no son lo suficientemente precisas. El método propuesto en esta tesis realiza un pre-filtrado del proceso, mediante el uso de dominancia de Pareto, que elimina los usuarios menos representativos del proceso de selección k-vecino y mantiene los más prometedores. Los resultados de los experimentos realizados en MovieLens y Netflix muestran una mejora significativa en todas las medidas de calidad estudiadas en la aplicación del método propuesto. ABSTRACTRecommender systems are a type of solution to the information overload problem suffered by users of websites on which they can rate certain items. The Collaborative Filtering Recommender System is considered to be the most successful approach as it make its recommendations based on votes of users similar to an active user. Nevertheless, the traditional collaborative filtering method selects insufficiently representative users as neighbors of each active user. This means that the recommendations made a posteriori are not precise enough. The method proposed in this thesis performs a pre-filtering process, by using Pareto dominance, which eliminates the less representative users from the k-neighbor selection process and keeps the most promising ones. The results from the experiments performed on Movielens and Netflix show a significant improvement in all the quality measures studied on applying the proposed method.


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Recommender systems in e-learning have proved to be powerful tools to find suitable educational material during the learning experience. But traditional user request-response patterns are still being used to generate these recommendations. By including contextual information derived from the use of ubiquitous learning environments, the possibility of incorporating proactivity to the recommendation process has arisen. In this paper we describe methods to push proactive recommendations to e-learning systems users when the situation is appropriate without being needed their explicit request. As a result, interesting learning objects can be recommended attending to the user?s needs in every situation. The impact of this proactive recommendations generated have been evaluated among teachers and scientists in a real e-learning social network called Virtual Science Hub related to the GLOBAL excursion European project. Outcomes indicate that the methods proposed are valid to generate such kind of recommendations in e-learning scenarios. The results also show that the users' perceived appropriateness of having proactive recommendations is high.


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In this paper we provide a method that allows the visualization of similarity relationships present between items of collaborative filtering recommender systems, as well as the relative importance of each of these. The objective is to offer visual representations of the recommender system?s set of items and of their relationships; these graphs show us where the most representative information can be found and which items are rated in a more similar way by the recommender system?s community of users. The visual representations achieved take the shape of phylogenetic trees, displaying the numerical similarity and the reliability between each pair of items considered to be similar. As a case study we provide the results obtained using the public database Movielens 1M, which contains 3900 movies.


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La importancia de los sistemas de recomendación ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial como consecuencia del auge de las redes sociales. En esta tesis doctoral presentaré una amplia visión sobre el estado del arte de los sistemas de recomendación. Incialmente, estos estaba basados en fitrado demográfico, basado en contendio o colaborativo. En la actualidad, estos sistemas incorporan alguna información social al proceso de recomendación. En el futuro utilizarán información implicita, local y personal proveniente del Internet de las cosas. Los sistemas de recomendación basados en filtrado colaborativo se pueden modificar con el fin de realizar recomendaciones a grupos de usuarios. Existen trabajos previos que han incluido estas modificaciones en diferentes etapas del algoritmo de filtrado colaborativo: búsqueda de los vecinos, predicción de las votaciones y elección de las recomendaciones. En esta tesis doctoral proporcionaré un nuevo método que realizar el proceso de unficación (pasar de varios usuarios a un grupo) en el primer paso del algoritmo de filtrado colaborativo: cálculo de la métrica de similaridad. Proporcionaré una formalización completa del método propuesto. Explicaré cómo obtener el conjunto de k vecinos del grupo de usuarios y mostraré cómo obtener recomendaciones usando dichos vecinos. Asimismo, incluiré un ejemplo detallando cada paso del método propuesto en un sistema de recomendación compuesto por 8 usuarios y 10 items. Las principales características del método propuesto son: (a) es más rápido (más eficiente) que las alternativas proporcionadas por otros autores, y (b) es al menos tan exacto y preciso como otras soluciones estudiadas. Para contrastar esta hipótesis realizaré varios experimentos que miden la precisión, la exactitud y el rendimiento del método. Los resultados obtenidos se compararán con los resultados de otras alternativas utilizadas en la recomendación de grupos. Los experimentos se realizarán con las bases de datos de MovieLens y Netflix. ABSTRACT The importance of recommender systems has grown exponentially with the advent of social networks. In this PhD thesis I will provide a wide vision about the state of the art of recommender systems. They were initially based on demographic, contentbased and collaborative filtering. Currently, these systems incorporate some social information to the recommendation process. In the future, they will use implicit, local and personal information from the Internet of Things. As we will see here, recommender systems based on collaborative filtering can be used to perform recommendations to group of users. Previous works have made this modification in different stages of the collaborative filtering algorithm: establishing the neighborhood, prediction phase and determination of recommended items. In this PhD thesis I will provide a new method that carry out the unification process (many users to one group) in the first stage of the collaborative filtering algorithm: similarity metric computation. I will provide a full formalization of the proposed method. I will explain how to obtain the k nearest neighbors of the group of users and I will show how to get recommendations using those users. I will also include a running example of a recommender system with 8 users and 10 items detailing all the steps of the method I will present. The main highlights of the proposed method are: (a) it will be faster (more efficient) that the alternatives provided by other authors, and (b) it will be at least as precise and accurate as other studied solutions. To check this hypothesis I will conduct several experiments measuring the accuracy, the precision and the performance of my method. I will compare these results with the results generated by other methods of group recommendation. The experiments will be carried out using MovieLens and Netflix datasets.


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The ongoing rapid expansion of the Internet greatly increases the necessity of effective recommender systems for filtering the abundant information. Extensive research for recommender systems is conducted by a broad range of communities including social and computer scientists, physicists, and interdisciplinary researchers. Despite substantial theoretical and practical achievements, unification and comparison of different approaches are lacking, which impedes further advances. In this article, we review recent developments in recommender systems and discuss the major challenges. We compare and evaluate available algorithms and examine their roles in the future developments. In addition to algorithms, physical aspects are described to illustrate macroscopic behavior of recommender systems. Potential impacts and future directions are discussed. We emphasize that recommendation has great scientific depth and combines diverse research fields which makes it interesting for physicists as well as interdisciplinary researchers. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Personalized recommender systems aim to assist users in retrieving and accessing interesting items by automatically acquiring user preferences from the historical data and matching items with the preferences. In the last decade, recommendation services have gained great attention due to the problem of information overload. However, despite recent advances of personalization techniques, several critical issues in modern recommender systems have not been well studied. These issues include: (1) understanding the accessing patterns of users (i.e., how to effectively model users' accessing behaviors); (2) understanding the relations between users and other objects (i.e., how to comprehensively assess the complex correlations between users and entities in recommender systems); and (3) understanding the interest change of users (i.e., how to adaptively capture users' preference drift over time). To meet the needs of users in modern recommender systems, it is imperative to provide solutions to address the aforementioned issues and apply the solutions to real-world applications. ^ The major goal of this dissertation is to provide integrated recommendation approaches to tackle the challenges of the current generation of recommender systems. In particular, three user-oriented aspects of recommendation techniques were studied, including understanding accessing patterns, understanding complex relations and understanding temporal dynamics. To this end, we made three research contributions. First, we presented various personalized user profiling algorithms to capture click behaviors of users from both coarse- and fine-grained granularities; second, we proposed graph-based recommendation models to describe the complex correlations in a recommender system; third, we studied temporal recommendation approaches in order to capture the preference changes of users, by considering both long-term and short-term user profiles. In addition, a versatile recommendation framework was proposed, in which the proposed recommendation techniques were seamlessly integrated. Different evaluation criteria were implemented in this framework for evaluating recommendation techniques in real-world recommendation applications. ^ In summary, the frequent changes of user interests and item repository lead to a series of user-centric challenges that are not well addressed in the current generation of recommender systems. My work proposed reasonable solutions to these challenges and provided insights on how to address these challenges using a simple yet effective recommendation framework.^


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Distributed Computing frameworks belong to a class of programming models that allow developers to

launch workloads on large clusters of machines. Due to the dramatic increase in the volume of

data gathered by ubiquitous computing devices, data analytic workloads have become a common

case among distributed computing applications, making Data Science an entire field of

Computer Science. We argue that Data Scientist's concern lays in three main components: a dataset,

a sequence of operations they wish to apply on this dataset, and some constraint they may have

related to their work (performances, QoS, budget, etc). However, it is actually extremely

difficult, without domain expertise, to perform data science. One need to select the right amount

and type of resources, pick up a framework, and configure it. Also, users are often running their

application in shared environments, ruled by schedulers expecting them to specify precisely their resource

needs. Inherent to the distributed and concurrent nature of the cited frameworks, monitoring and

profiling are hard, high dimensional problems that block users from making the right

configuration choices and determining the right amount of resources they need. Paradoxically, the

system is gathering a large amount of monitoring data at runtime, which remains unused.

In the ideal abstraction we envision for data scientists, the system is adaptive, able to exploit

monitoring data to learn about workloads, and process user requests into a tailored execution

context. In this work, we study different techniques that have been used to make steps toward

such system awareness, and explore a new way to do so by implementing machine learning

techniques to recommend a specific subset of system configurations for Apache Spark applications.

Furthermore, we present an in depth study of Apache Spark executors configuration, which highlight

the complexity in choosing the best one for a given workload.


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Pendant la dernière décennie nous avons vu une transformation incroyable du monde de la musique qui est passé des cassettes et disques compacts à la musique numérique en ligne. Avec l'explosion de la musique numérique, nous avons besoin de systèmes de recommandation de musique pour choisir les chansons susceptibles d’être appréciés à partir de ces énormes bases de données en ligne ou personnelles. Actuellement, la plupart des systèmes de recommandation de musique utilisent l’algorithme de filtrage collaboratif ou celui du filtrage à base de contenu. Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons un algorithme hybride et original qui combine le filtrage collaboratif avec le filtrage basé sur étiquetage, amélioré par la technique de filtrage basée sur le contexte d’utilisation afin de produire de meilleures recommandations. Notre approche suppose que les préférences de l'utilisateur changent selon le contexte d'utilisation. Par exemple, un utilisateur écoute un genre de musique en conduisant vers son travail, un autre type en voyageant avec la famille en vacances, un autre pendant une soirée romantique ou aux fêtes. De plus, si la sélection a été générée pour plus d'un utilisateur (voyage en famille, fête) le système proposera des chansons en fonction des préférences de tous ces utilisateurs. L'objectif principal de notre système est de recommander à l'utilisateur de la musique à partir de sa collection personnelle ou à partir de la collection du système, les nouveautés et les prochains concerts. Un autre objectif de notre système sera de collecter des données provenant de sources extérieures, en s'appuyant sur des techniques de crawling et sur les flux RSS pour offrir des informations reliées à la musique tels que: les nouveautés, les prochains concerts, les paroles et les artistes similaires. Nous essayerons d’unifier des ensembles de données disponibles gratuitement sur le Web tels que les habitudes d’écoute de Last.fm, la base de données de la musique de MusicBrainz et les étiquettes des MusicStrands afin d'obtenir des identificateurs uniques pour les chansons, les albums et les artistes.


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Although recommender systems and reputation systems have quite different theoretical and technical bases, both types of systems have the purpose of providing advice for decision making in e-commerce and online service environments. The similarity in purpose makes it natural to integrate both types of systems in order to produce better online advice, but their difference in theory and implementation makes the integration challenging. In this paper, we propose to use mappings to subjective opinions from values produced by recommender systems as well as from scores produced by reputation systems, and to combine the resulting opinions within the framework of subjective logic.


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Item folksonomy or tag information is popularly available on the web now. However, since tags are arbitrary words given by users, they contain a lot of noise such as tag synonyms, semantic ambiguities and personal tags. Such noise brings difficulties to improve the accuracy of item recommendations. In this paper, we propose to combine item taxonomy and folksonomy to reduce the noise of tags and make personalized item recommendations. The experiments conducted on the dataset collected from Amazon.com demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. The results suggested that the recommendation accuracy can be further improved if we consider the viewpoints and the vocabularies of both experts and users.


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Twitter is a very popular social network website that allows users to publish short posts called tweets. Users in Twitter can follow other users, called followees. A user can see the posts of his followees on his Twitter profile home page. An information overload problem arose, with the increase of the number of followees, related to the number of tweets available in the user page. Twitter, similar to other social network websites, attempts to elevate the tweets the user is expected to be interested in to increase overall user engagement. However, Twitter still uses the chronological order to rank the tweets. The tweets ranking problem was addressed in many current researches. A sub-problem of this problem is to rank the tweets for a single followee. In this paper we represent the tweets using several features and then we propose to use a weighted version of the famous voting system Borda-Count (BC) to combine several ranked lists into one. A gradient descent method and collaborative filtering method are employed to learn the optimal weights. We also employ the Baldwin voting system for blending features (or predictors). Finally we use the greedy feature selection algorithm to select the best combination of features to ensure the best results.


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Reputation systems are employed to provide users with advice on the quality of items on the Web, based on the aggregated value of user-based ratings. Recommender systems are used online to suggest items to users according to the users, expressed preferences. Yet, recommender systems will endorse an item regardless of its reputation value. In this paper, we report the incorporation of reputation models into recommender systems to enhance the accuracy of recommendations. The proposed method separates the implementation of recommender and reputation systems for generality. Our experiment showed that the proposed method could enhance the accuracy of existing recommender systems.