999 resultados para Municipal police
Background: violence against women is a serious problem caused by the social construction of feminineness and masculineness that results in the domination of women by men. Public policies on gender have recently been developed in order to confront the problem. But what exactly are the problems faced by women? Purposes: to survey and analyse cases of violence against women reported to the police, as recorded at the Police Stations for Women`s Defence (PSWDs), and to reconstruct the procedures that women must go through in order to denounce their aggressors. Methodology: this quantitative, exploratory and descriptive study was undertaken during 2006-2007 in the city of Itapevi, Sao Paulo metropolitan region, Brazil. As there is no PSWD data were collected from police reports from PSWDs of neighbouring cities. Findings: malicious physical injury (49%) and threats (42%) were the most commonly reported types of violence. The victims were aged between 20 and 49 years (93%). Almost all of the aggressors (97%) were men and most had an intimate relationship with their victim. The use of alcoholic beverages was linked to approximately 25% of the cases. Conclusion: women who are victims of domestic violence in Itapevi report that going through PSWDs of neighbouring cities is a difficult, isolated, long and expensive process that often, provides no institutional protection. Implications for practice: there is an urgent requirement for judicial-assistance and support close to home in order to provide a quality service and follow-up for these women and their aggressors; to provide training for the professionals called to attend them at police stations; and for a caring attitude from health-care professionals.,0 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Catalytic ozonation has been recognized in the scientific community as an efficient technique, reaching elevated rates of recalcitrant organic material mineralization, even at the presence of scavenger species of hydroxyl free radicals. This study presents the most significant factors involving the leachate treatment stabilized by the municipal landfill of the city of Guaratingueta, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, by using a catalytic ozonation activated by metallic ions Fe(3+), Zn(2+), Mn(2+), Ni(2+) and Cr(3+). The Taguchi L(16) orthogonal array and its associated statistical methods were also used in this study. Among the researched ions, the most notable catalysis was obtained with ferric ion, statistically significant in the reduction of COD with a confidence level of 99.5%.
This paper presents some improvements in the model proposed by Machado et al. [Machado SL, Carvalho MF, Vilar OM. Constitutive model for municipal solid waste. J Geotech Geoenviron Eng ASCE 2002; 128(11):940-51] now considering the influence of biodegradation of organic matter in the mechanical behavior of municipal solid waste. The original framework considers waste as composed of two component groups; fibers and organic paste. The particular laws of behavior are assessed for each component group and then coupled to represent waste behavior. The improvements introduced in this paper take into account the changes in the properties of fibers and mass loss due to organic matter depletion over time. Mass loss is indirectly calculated considering the MSW gas generation potential through a first order decay model. It is shown that as the biodegradation process occurs the proportion of fibers increases, however, they also undergo a degradation process which tends to reduce their ultimate tensile stress and Young modulus. The way these changes influence the behavior of MSW is incorporated in the final framework which captures the main features of the MSW stress-strain behavior under different loading conditions. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Police and demonstrators during visit of former South Vietnamese vice president Nguyen Cao Ky to Brisbane, Australia in January 1967. One of the policemen possibly John O'Gorman?
Mounted police during Mayday procession 1965 Brisbane Australia.
This article tests the hypothesis of opportunistic and partisan cycle models using a new large data set of Brazilian municipalities over the 1989-2005 period. The results show an increase in total and current expenditures and a decrease in municipal investments, local tax revenues, and budget surplus in election years. They also show that partisan ideology exerts a relative influence on the performance of the local public accounts. These results confirm that both opportunistic and partisan cycles have occurred in the management of the budgets of Brazilian municipalities after the end of the military government.
Objective. To analyze the association between police violence and homicide mortality rates taking into consideration the effect of contextual variables. Methods. This was an environmental, cross-sectional study that included the 96 census districts in the City of Sao Paulo. The association between the variables was analyzed using Spearman`s rank correlation and simple and multiple regression analysis. Results. Univariate analysis revealed a strong and significant association between homicide mortality coefficients and all the indicators of socioeconomic development and police violence. After controlling for potential confounding factors, the association between police violence and homicide mortality coefficients remained strong and significant. This significance was lost only after control for the size of the resident population. Conclusion. The results indicate that police action that violates basic human rights is not the right answer to urban violence. The combination of homicides from interpersonal violence and deaths from police violence results in negative socialization and promotes further violence.
As a result of the local autonomy program that commenced in Indonesia in Jan 2001, there is a concern regarding the applicability of the formalized model of security & the possibility of that being replaced by a local community-based security model. This rather informal security model is then promoted to be the only form of security used between societies & the nation. However, this model does not solve the problem because of widespread corruption, collusion, & nepotism, & the many limitations of the Indonesian National Police (Polri), a police department that has a mediocre & generalized level of service. In relation to autonomy, the effort of empowering the police units from the regional police down will bridge the gap between the people's ability to protect themselves & the limitations of those that are sworn to uphold the law. 17 References. Adapted from the source document.
O estudo de caso trata da presta????o de contas, por uma prefeitura municipal, da aplica????o de recursos provenientes de um conv??nio com o Minist??rio de Desenvolvimento Social e Combate ?? Fome (MDS). A presta????o de contas foi aprovada e o texto apresenta a rela????o das atividades e gastos efetuados e observa????es feitas durante a avalia????o realizada pelo MDS. Este ?? um caso fict??cio usado em um curso de gest??o de conv??nios e de contratos de repasse de recursos
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo entender como se deu a integra????o do Programa Bolsa Fam??lia com a assist??ncia social, tendo em vista que na maior parte dos munic??pios a gest??o do PBF est?? sob a responsabilidade das Secretarias Municipais de Assist??ncia Social. Ao analisar o PBF, foi poss??vel notar duas principais caracter??sticas: 1) descentraliza????o e 2) intersetorialidade. No caso da primeira, as responsabilidades s??o descentralizadas para estados e munic??pios. A implementa????o do PBF dependeu de processos de negocia????o e coordena????o federativa, constru??das a partir de mecanismos volunt??rios de ades??o e pactua????o. J?? com rela????o ?? segunda caracter??stica, o PBF ?? um programa de transfer??ncia de renda com condicionalidades, assim, ele se articula com as ??reas de sa??de e educa????o, que fazem o acompanhamento das condicionalidades das fam??lias benefici??rias. A assist??ncia social tem participa????o nas duas caracter??sticas. Na descentraliza????o, a assist??ncia foi aos poucos incorporando a gest??o municipal do PBF. Quanto ?? integra????o na intersetorialidade do Programa, a assist??ncia social tem o papel de ofertar o acompanhamento familiar ??s fam??lias que n??o cumprem os compromissos da agenda de sa??de ou a frequ??ncia escolar, no acompanhamento das condicionalidades. Para analisar as formas como a assist??ncia social participa da gest??o do PBF foram elaboradas tipologias de estrutura de gest??o do programa. O trabalho tamb??m contou com a an??lise de quatro fontes de dados diferentes: duas quantitativas (Censo SUAS 2011 e Relat??rio de Ades??o dos Munic??pios ao PBF) e duas qualitativas (relat??rios de visitas municipais e question??rios aplicados aos gestores municipais ou t??cnicos do PBF). Com base nas tipologias e nos dados analisados, dentro da assist??ncia foram encontrados tr??s modelos diferentes: gest??o do PBF como uma unidade central no ??rg??o gestor, gest??o do PBF com equipe exclusiva no CRAS e gest??o do PBF sob responsabilidade do PAIF. A partir das pesquisas e das observa????es, foi poss??vel identificar que em 93% dos munic??pios a gest??o do PBF est?? como responsabilidade do ??rg??o gestor da assist??ncia, nos demais a gest??o ?? responsabilidade do gabinete do prefeito ou de outras ??reas, como sa??de, educa????o, finan??as, administra????o ou outras. O trabalho localizou ainda quatro espa??os onde a assist??ncia social participa da gest??o do PBF de forma integrada: 1) Cadastro ??nico, 2) transfer??ncia fundo a fundo para o IGD, 3) Protocolo de Gest??o Integrada de Servi??os Benef??cios e Transfer??ncia de Renda no ??mbito do SUAS, e seus desdobramentos, e 4) presen??a do PBF nas Comiss??es, F??runs e Conselhos de Assist??ncia Social. Ao final, constatou-se que as fontes utilizadas na pesquisa n??o detalham como ?? a participa????o da assist??ncia na gest??o do PBF. Tendo em vista que na maior parte dos munic??pios a assist??ncia ?? a respons??vel pela gest??o do Programa, as considera????es finais trazem a recomenda????o de o Censo SUAS ser o instrumento que pode fornecer insumos para avalia????o de gest??o do PBF, facilitando o planejamento de a????es e di??logos com as equipes municipais
A concep????o do Planejamento Estrat??gico Municipal visa substituir o pensamento est??tico da administra????o pela ideia din??mica do gerenciamento. No centro desse m??todo encontra-se o Planejamento Estrat??gico, o qual foi adaptado ??s condi????es espec??ficas da administra????o p??blica no Brasil e que deve ser complementado por uma vis??o de gerenciamento de projetos e por t??cnicas de trabalho participativas, transparentes e din??micas