966 resultados para Multicultural diversity
This paper reflects upon student teachers’ conceptions of inter-community relations and the preparation they receive to address issues of diversity and mutual understanding. The study in Northern Ireland is set against a backdrop of political, social and educational change, where a shared, peaceful future appears possible. Student teachers at a Catholic institution and a predominantly Protestant institution indicated a willingness to engage with issues concerning diversity and inter-community relations, despite having a limited knowledge of the concepts. However they also demonstrated clear views about the relevance and value of the preparation they received. The findings are evaluated using multicultural theory.
Diversity is a defining characteristic of modern society, yet there remains considerable debate over the benefits that it brings. The authors argue that positive psychological and behavioral outcomes will be observed only when social and cultural diversity is experienced in a way that challenges stereotypical expectations and that when this precondition is met, the experience has cognitive consequences that resonate across multiple domains. A model, rooted in social categorization theory and research, outlines the preconditions and processes through which people cognitively adapt to the experience of social and cultural diversity and the resulting cross-domain benefits that this brings. Evidence is drawn from a range of literatures to support this model, including work on biculturalism, minority influence, cognitive development, stereotype threat, work group productivity, creativity, and political ideology. The authors bring together a range of differing diversity experiences and explicitly draw parallels between programs of research that have focused on both perceiving others who are multicultural and being multicultural oneself. The findings from this integrative review suggest that experiencing diversity that challenges expectations may not only encourage greater tolerance but also have benefits beyond intergroup relations to varied aspects of psychological functioning.
Los movimientos migratorios han crecido espectacularmente durante los últimos años y la escuela en nuestro país se ha visto afectada por los cambios demográficos ocurridos durante la última década. Una gran parte del alumnado presente en las aulas de nuestro sistema educativo está escolarizado en programas de cambio de lengua del hogar a la escuela que no cumplen los requisitos de la inmersión lingüística. Dada la gran diversidad de lenguas existentes, el sistema educativo no se puede organizar según los parámetros de la educación bilingüe. Esto no significa que dicho alumnado esté condenado al fracaso escolar: desde la práctica educativa y la modificación de la organización escolar existen soluciones para que todo el alumnado progrese a lo largo de la enseñanza obligatoria. El artículo analiza las condiciones implicadas en una práctica educativa que facilite el aprendizaje de la lengua de la escuela. Asimismo, sugerimos algunos criterios para la evaluación de este alumnado
Resumen tomado del autor
Entendemos que desde el área de Educación Artística podemos trabajar el arte de cientos de culturas y en cualquier momento de la historia, un aspecto que nos permite sensibilizar al alumnado hacia la comprensión de las distintas manifestaciones que adquiere un mismo aspecto cultural, el arte, como fenómeno universal. Hemos centrado el objetivo principal de nuestra investigación en la exploración de los caminos y las posibilidades que nos ofrece la educación artística en relación a la diversidad (cultural, de clase, minusvalía, de edad, raza, de género, etc.). Partíamos de la percepción que, en el ámbito de la educación artística y de la cultura en general, existe una tendencia que describe los hechos artísticos y las prácticas estéticas a partir de unas categorías únicas y universalmente válidas. Estas provocan a menudo el olvido de algunos valores específicos y sobre todo la falta de reconocimiento de otras propuestas artísticas igual de interesantes (oficios artísticos, arte de las/os niñas/os, arte popular, artesanias, etc. Hemos buscado caminos que nos conduzcan a asumir una visión contemporánea del hecho artístico y una concepción incluyente del arte (diseño, indumentaria, decoración, artes funcionales, arte popular, arte de las mujeres, net art, gastronomia, etc.). Entendemos que la educación es el lugar desde donde avanzar hacia otra forma de mirar y comprender el mundo. Una visión que, desde el arte, facilite elementos para el encuentro y las relaciones sociales, donde la propia diferencia y la conservación "crítica" de las propias identidades culturales sean celebradas desde la convicción del verdadero enriquecimiento cultural. Estas consideraciones y la ausencia de un marco teórico previo que nos permitiera analizar, desarrollar y evaluar la perspectiva multicultural en la educación artística fueron la causa y la coyuntura para dirigir este trabajo hacia lo que podríamos llamar "educador artístico culturalmente competente" (Andrus, 2001). En esa perspectiva de comptencia es donde hemos ubicado nuestro trabajo, así como en las necesidades de formación de las maestras y los maestros, con la convicción de que cualquier mejora en la etapa educativa donde estos actúan, redundará en todo el proceso educativo.
Este trabalho parte da premissa de que as políticas públicas universalistas não podem ser concebidas uniformemente para uma população sem se considerarem as diferenças culturais, porque tal situação comprometeria os resultados desejados. Para elucidarmos melhor tal premissa, selecionamos a questão indígena brasileira. A referência teórica desta pesquisa, o multiculturalismo, é estrangeira, portanto não ignoramos as limitações e a necessidade de adaptação de que necessita quando transportada para a realidade brasileira. De duas análises já existentes sobre o nível de políticas multiculturais nos países Latinos, comparamos a situação do Brasil com os outros países a fim de formar uma idéia geral sobre o contexto brasileiro em relação aos demais. A pesquisa, então, parte da revisão das condições históricas dos indígenas desde os anos 1970 e é complementada com indicadores demográficos das populações autóctones cotejadas com a nacional. Nesse momento já podemos apontar as dificuldades no aspecto normativo das políticas públicas multiculturais. Uma análise detalhada das propostas de políticas públicas específicas para os indígenas, no Plano Plurianual de 2008-2011 do Governo Federal, indica possíveis contradições entre diferentes programas e ações. Também verificamos a forma como o Ministério da Educação (MEC) e a sua Secretaria específica (SECAD/MEC) abordam a questão da diversidade cultural, na defesa de programas e ações sob perspectiva diferente dos do multiculturalismo. Finalizamos com um estudo dos limites e das oportunidades desse tratamento na questão indígena no Brasil, do que se conclui que há um movimento incipiente pró-multiculturalismo no país.
This research seeks to review the level of knowledge achieved in interpreting the relationship between the ethnic diversity at the workplace in the public sector and the organizational performance; as well as seeks to contribute in understanding the implications of this relationship. The study commenced with investigating the academic research in the relevant area addressing the following research questions: (a) How are diversity management and organizational performance conceptualized? (b) What are the existing findings of research concerning diversity at the workplace in the public organizations and organizational performance? (c) What factors intervene the relationship between the diversity and organizational performance? Based on the findings from the review of the academic research, this study seeks to contribute in understanding the ethnic diversity – performance relationship and its mplications at the local level in the Macedonian context. The reform process in Macedonia as a multicultural society, where for many years, inter-ethnic relations have been one of the most sensitive political issues, affecting both the stability of the country and the progress, focused mainly on the implementation of the decentralization and inclusion of ethnic minorities in the decision making process. With the implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement workforce at the units of local self-government in Republic of Macedonia is becoming more balanced with respect to ethnic minorities, with more workforce participation than ever by Albanians, Turks, Roma and other minorities. As public organizations at local level become more diverse along ethnic lines, it makes sense to pay more attention to how different ethnic groups interact with one another at work. Thus it gives additional importance on the research question addressed in the study and gives significance of the research in a broader scope.
‘Honour and Shame’ on the Move: Sexualities, Violence and Multicultural Tensions in an Austrian Town
The purpose of this study was to examine the beliefs that teachers have about diversity and their level of sensitivity towards some topics related to it. Moreover, beliefs were compared according to teachers’ personal and professional views and teaching experience. The Personal and Professional Beliefs about Diversity Scales (Pohan and Aguilar, 1999) were administered to a sample of 233 teachers. Results showed highly positive beliefs towards diversity in all its dimensions (cultural, linguistic and social diversity, ability, gender, sexual orientation and religion), especially regarding its personal implications compared to the professional ones. Likewise, it was observed a significant relationship between years of teaching experience and professional beliefs about diversity, so teachers with no school experience showed a higher tolerance than those with teaching experience, mainly in aspects related to cultural, linguistic and social differences, ability and gender. The implications that these results have for educational practice and the need for the development of multicultural education courses that favour an effective teaching are discussed.
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The aim of this research is to provide insight into how middle school learners experience an inclusive multicultural learning environment. Increasing diversity is challenging European educational systems, which have the arduous task to foster inclusion of learners with diverse educational needs. In order to explore the participants’ descriptions, a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with six learners was employed. Learners’ positions in the educational scenery are central and unique; they are the main experts on their own situations and therefore precious contributors to educational research. Results have been discussed according to a sociocultural perspective. The analysis of my data suggests that the learners perceive their inclusive environment as beneficial. Moreover, they perceive their cultural diversity as strength, reckon social interaction and teamwork with peers as favorable conditions for learning, feel competent in multicultural communication and believe that respect and acceptance towards others are necessary common values. Some implications of multiculturalism in special education are discussed according to the results of a recent European study, which shows that in all the participating European countries, Sweden included, there is a consistent discrepancy in the proportions of learners with immigrant background within special education. Assessment methods developed for mono-cultural learners appear to be a valid reason why multicultural learners are over-or under-represented in special education. Research also shows that inclusion of diversity in educational environment enables the development of social skills in all learners.
Universities are increasingly diverse places; in terms of staff and students, their nationality, ethnicity and religious backgrounds. HEIs need to find ways of ensuring that this diversity adds to the life of the institution and to the development of graduates as employees in a global workplace. The paper offers a case study of one way of developing an intercultural strategy at a UK university. The university concerned has a highly multicultural and multinational staff and student population. Over many years the university has worked to celebrate and embed this diversity into the culture and values of the institution; in its learning, teaching, business operations and relationships. The university wished to develop its intercultural awareness strategy in an inspirational and vibrant way, one which was informed by research and practice. The paper proposes a new integrative approach to developing an intercultural strategy, and summarises some reflections on the process of creating the intercultural awareness strategy which may be of use to other institutions. Analysis showed that in order to make the strategy effective there had to be commitment from senior management to match innovative practices at an individual level. It is also clear that such a strategy must include formal policies and procedures, as well as more informal channels to allow people to express intercultural differences and shared values. The critical role of middle management in strategy implementation is also discussed.
Jelen cikk célja a multikulturális szervezet fogalmának újraértelmezése, amelyet a következő lépések mentén valósít meg: (1) a releváns tudományterületek azonosítása – szervezeti kultúra és munkahelyi diverzitás – és komplementáris jellegük bizonyítása (ki)alakulásuk történeti ívének párhuzamos bemutatása révén, (2) a tudományterületek történeti alakulását hűen megragadni képes, rendszerező elméleti keret kiválasztása és bemutatása, (3) a multikulturális szervezet főbb dimenzióinak azonosítása, valamint (4) a multikulturális szervezeti kontextus meghatározása a fentiekben meghatározott dimenzióknak az elméleti keretben való értelmezése révén. ______ The aim of this article is to redefine the multicultural organizational concept, which is going to be accomplished along the following steps: (1) identifying the relevant disciplines – organizational culture and workplace diversity – and demonstrate their complementary character through a brief review of their roots and development, (2) presenting the organizing theoretical, which helps me to capture the development of the above mentioned literatures (3) identifying the main dimensions of the multicultural organization and (4) defining the multicultural organizational context based on the delineation of the above recognized dimensions within the organizing theoretical frame.