989 resultados para Muñoz Borrero, Eduardo.
INTRODUCTION Tolerability and convenience are crucial aspects for the long-term success of combined antiretroviral therapy (cART). The aim of this study was to investigate the impact in routine clinical practice of switching to the single tablet regimen (STR) RPV/FTC/TDF in patients with intolerance to previous cART, in terms of patients' well-being, assessed by several validated measures. METHODS Prospective, multicenter study. Adult HIV-infected patients with viral load under 1.000 copies/mL while receiving a stable ART for at least the last three months and switched to RPV/FTC/TDF due to intolerance of previous regimen, were included. Analyses were performed by ITT. Presence/magnitude of symptoms (ACTG-HIV Symptom Index), quality of life (EQ-5D, EUROQoL & MOS-HIV), adherence (SMAQ), preference of treatment and perceived ease of medication (ESTAR) through 48 weeks were performed. RESULTS Interim analysis of 125 patients with 16 weeks of follow up was performed. 100 (80%) were male, mean age 46 years. Mean CD4 at baseline was 629.5±307.29 and 123 (98.4%) had viral load <50 copies/mL; 15% were HCV co-infected. Ninety two (73.6%) patients switched from a NNRTI (84.8% from EFV/FTC/TDF) and 33 (26.4%) from a PI/r. The most frequent reasons for switching were psychiatric disorders (51.2%), CNS adverse events (40.8%), gastrointestinal (19.2%) and metabolic disorders (19.2%). At the time of this analysis (week 16), four patients (3.2%) discontinued treatment: one due to adverse events, two virologic failures and one with no data. A total of 104 patients (83.2%) were virologically suppressed (<50 copies/mL). The average degree of discomfort in the ACTG-HIV Symptom Index significantly decreased from baseline (21±15.55) to week 4 (10.89±12.36) & week 16 (10.81±12.62), p<0.001. In all the patients, quality of life tools showed a significant benefit in well-being of the patients (Table 1). Adherence to therapy significantly and progressively increased (SMAQ) from baseline (54.4%) to week 4 (68%), p<0.001 and to week 16 (72.0%), p<0.001. CONCLUSIONS Switching to RPV/FTC/TDF from another ARV regimen due to toxicity, significantly improved the quality of life of HIV-infected patients, both in mental and physical components, and improved adherence to therapy while maintaining a good immune and virological response.
The complex etiology of schizophrenia has prompted researchers to develop clozapine-related multitargetstrategies to combat its symptoms. Here we describe a series of new 6-aminomethylbenzofuranones in aneffort to find new chemical structures with balanced affinities for 5-HT2 and dopamine receptors. Throughbiological and computational studies of 5-HT2A and D2 receptors, we identified the receptor serine residuesS3.36 and S5.46 as the molecular keys to explaining the differences in affinity and selectivity betweenthese new compounds for this group of receptors. Specifically, the ability of these compounds to establishone or two H-bonds with these key residues appears to explain their difference in affinity. In addition, wedescribe compound 2 (QF1004B) as a tool to elucidate the role of 5-HT2C receptors in mediating antipsychoticeffects and metabolic adverse events. The compound 16a (QF1018B) showed moderate to high affinitiesfor D2 and 5-HT2A receptors, and a 5-HT2A/D2 ratio was predictive of an atypical antipsychotic profile.
Eduardo Sevilla Guzmán il·lustra l'especificitat de vàries disciplines centrades en el medi rural a partir de la seva pròpia experiència. Tal i com explica en l'entrevista, la seva deriva cap a les Ciències Socials es degué a la necessitat de sostreure's al domini que els interessos de latifundistes i multinacionals exercien sobre la recerca en l'escola d'enginyers on treballava. Més endavant, la necessitat de cercar una alternativa al que es coneix com agricultura "convencional" el dugué a focalitzar la seva atenció en l'estudi d'altres formes històriques i contemporànies de manejar els recursos naturals, confluint ¿amb la incorporació dels sabers locals i científics en Ciències Naturals- en l'Agroecologia. En tot aquest camí ha seguit de prop i col·laborat amb el SOC (Sindicato de Obreros del Campo), històrica i combativa associació de jornalers andalusos, i establert una xarxa internacional d'aliances acadèmiques i activistes en el camp dels estudis i les lluites camperoles. La seva aposta ¿com veurem tot seguit- és a favor d'un tipus d'investigació militant i pluriepistemològica.
To analyse the association between chondrocalcinosis and osteoarthritis (OA) of the hands and knees in an unselected elderly rural population. METHODS--A community based cross sectional study was performed in individuals randomly selected from a previous epidemiological survey on the prevalence of chondrocalcinosis in people older than 60 years from Osona county, Catalonia, northeastern Spain. Radiological OA (grade 2 or more of Kellgren's classification) was evaluated in 26 individuals with chondrocalcinosis and in 104 controls. A total of 18 articular areas of both knees (medial and lateral tibiofemoral compartments) and hands (first, second and third metacarpophalangeal (MCP), first carpometacarpal, trapezium-scaphoid, radiocarpal and distal radioulnar joints) were studied. RESULTS--Radiological changes of OA in the knees were more common in subjects with chondrocalcinosis than in those without it, with an odds ratio adjusted for age and gender (aOR) of 4.3 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.6 to 11.8, p = 0.005). OA was also more frequent in almost all areas of the hands in individuals with chondrocalcinosis, though the difference reached statistical significance only in the MCP joints (aOR 3.1; 95% CI 1.1 to 8.8; p = 0.033). However, taking into account the side and the different joint compartments analysed, the association between chondrocalcinosis and OA was significant only in the lateral tibiofemoral compartment and the left MCP joints. CONCLUSIONS--In an elderly population unselected for their rheumatic complaints, there was a real association between OA and chondrocalcinosis. This association was particularly relevant in the lateral tibiofemoral compartment of the knee and in the first three left MCP joints.
Eduardo Fausto de Almeida Neves, Professor Emeritus of the Universidade Federal de São Carlos and formerly Full Professor at the Instituto de Química - Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil, was born in November 7, 1933 in Pedra Azul, MG, and deceased in July 2, 2006 in São Carlos, SP. He graduated under supervision of Professor Paschoal Senise, pioneer of Analytical Chemistry at USP, and developed his post-doctoral work at Caltech, USA, with Professor Fred Anson. His brilliant career as teacher, scientist, supervisor and mentor resulted in a prolific science school in Analytical Chemistry, with some sixty PhDs and masters supervised by him, amplified to over four hundred in the 2nd to 4th generations (still growing), spread throughout the country and nucleating new research groups. The contents of a hundred papers reflect Prof. Eduardo's wide range of scientific interests. Passionate inclination for creative intellectual activity, rooted in profound knowledge of all branches of Chemistry, broadminded thinking, sound experimentation, generous scientific cooperation and true friendship - that's why friends, colleagues and students referred to him as "master" or "my guru".
A fluid conducting composite material prepared from graphite powder, commercial epoxy resin Araldite®, and cyclohexanone has been developed. The composition was optimized considering the mechanical properties as conductivity and adhesiveness using response surface methodology. This work employed cyclic voltammetry and amperometry to investigate the characteristics of such composite electrodes without and with the insertion of Prussian blue in the electrode body (bulk modified electrode). The composite electrodes were also successfully used for the amperometric detection of hydrogen peroxide at 0.0V vs Ag/AgCl.
Existe a necessidade de garantia de um fluxo constante de madeira com potencial comercial para a viabilidade da pequena propriedade, porém nem sempre isto é possível, pelo fato de os talhões serem pequenos e, principalmente, a distribuição das espécies de interesse na floresta nativa ser irregular, por serem os ecossistemas heterogêneos e pela variedade de tipologias florestais que formam um complexo mosaico. Este trabalho teve como finalidade principal apresentar um modelo matemático que auxilie no planejamento e na distribuição dos talhões em uma pequena propriedade da floresta tropical. O modelo matemático resultou em um novo conceito de talhão. Com base no inventário pré-exploratório, os talhões foram subdivididos em compartimentos, onde foram consideradas características diferenciais como: espécie, volume por espécie, abundância, possibilidade de mercado e, principalmente, valor final de cada subtalhão. Para definição do modelo matemático utilizou-se a PM (programação por metas), que se faz necessária na seleção dos subtalhões, combinando-os e unindo-os em uma área equivalente ou menor que a do compartimento anual original. Este modelo, ao mesmo tempo que organiza novos talhões, determina a taxa de extração anual e sua possível renda, além de limitar a área do compartimento a ser explorado, o que se faz necessário para garantia da regeneração do compartimento no ciclo de corte previsto. Como resultado, o modelo proposto mostrou-se bastante superior ao formal e garantiu sobremaneira o equilíbrio do rendimento anual para o pequeno proprietário.
La biomasa forestal como fuente de energía proveniente de plantaciones dendroenergéticas, al compararla con combustibles fósiles, presenta la ventaja de producir energía carbono-neutral, dado el secuestro de carbono (C) fijado en la biomasa producida y los aportes al suelo. Plantaciones forestales de corta rotación, altas densidades, y localizadas en terrenos marginales pueden representar una excelente oportunidad de producción de biomasa para la producción de energía o combustibles. Sin embargo, los beneficios en el corto plazo del aumento del C a nivel de suelo en sitios marginales han sido cuestionados. Se establecieron plantaciones dendroenergéticas con las especies Eucalyptus camaldulensis, E. nitens, E. globulus, y Acacia melanoxylon a densidades de 5.000, 7.500 y 10.000 plantas por hectárea, en dos sitios de producción forestal marginal con suelos contrastantes (arenales y granítico) localizados en la Región del Biobío de Chile. Evaluaciones periódicas durante 4 años a 0-20 y 20-40 cm de profundidad, del nivel de C en cada uno de los suelos evaluados, sugiere efectos de la edad (tiempo) desde el establecimiento de la plantación (P < 0,001). A pesar de los cambios observados en el tiempo, la escasa diferencia en los niveles observados de C en el suelo mineral para los 48 meses de estudio comparados a los primeros 2 meses post-plantación, sugiere una rápida capacidad de recuperación de los niveles de C del suelo en un corto periodo.