969 resultados para Motion pictures in schools


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A posztmodern fogyasztó hiperreális környezetébe csöppenő pozitivista kutató gyakran megtántorodik attól a forgószélszerű pörgéstől és vizuális dinamikától, amelyet a posztmodern világ ont rá. A szupersztrádán teknős módjára kullogó kutató ezért inkább visszahúzódik páncélja mögé, és előhúz valamit a szokásos módszerek közül, függetlenül attól, hogy azok relevánsak-e a probléma vizsgálatára vagy sem. A mozgóképek újjászületése a megváltozott fogyasztói látásmódhoz kapcsolható. Dziga Vertov mechanisztikus szemével egyre inkább a fogyasztók kacsintgatnak, és a curlingben látható módon csúsztatják tovább a magáról megfeledkező és kőnek látszó teknőst. A videográfia a videó és az etnográfia szavak összekapcsolásából keletkezett, vagyis etnográfiai kutatás a mozgókép segítségével. Egyre több nyugati cég arra kéri fel a kutatókat, hogy a fogyasztói magatartásról csupán videó prezentációt készítsenek, mindenféle szöveges magyarázat nélkül. A cikk nagytotálból mutatja be a Belk és Kozinets (2005, 2006) által életre keltett módszertan sajátosságait. / === / The positivist researcher in the middle of the hyperreal context seems to lurch due to the tornado-like whirl and a visual dynamism caused by the postmodern world. This researcher is just like a paddling tortoise on the superhighway draws back in the tortoiseshell and shows one of the classic research methods, no matter the type of the research problem. The rebirth of the motion pictures is linked to the altered consumer perspective. Dziga Vertov’s mechanical eye is used more and more by the consumers, and the tortoise-like researcher is considered to be a curling stone. The consumer researchers tend to ignore the lived visual and auditory aspects of the consumer culture and the appropriate research methods of this field. The aim of this article is to present the types and the main features of the videography vivified by Belk and Kozinets (2005, 2006).


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Readers and writers use a variety of modes of inscription – print, oral and multimedia – to understand, analyze, critique and transform their social, cultural and political worlds. Beginning from Freire (1970), ‘critical literacy’ has become a theoretically diverse educational project, drawing from reader response theory, linguistic and grammatical analysis from critical linguistics, feminist, poststructuralist, postcolonial and critical race theory, and cultural and media studies. In the UK, Australia, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand and the US different approaches to critical literacy have been developed in curriculum and schools. These focus on social and cultural analysis and on how print and digital texts and discourses work, with a necessary and delicate tension between classroom emphasis on student and community cultural ‘voice’ and social analysis – and on explicit engagement with the technical features and social uses of written and multimodal texts.


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Increasingly it has been argued that senior management teams (SMTs), comprising principals, deputy heads and other personnel, play a critical role in the governance of schools. In recent years, many researchers have drawn upon the tools of micropolitics to illuminate the relationships, dynamics and power plays between and amongst members of SMTs. The paper has two foci. Firstly, it overviews some of the seminal literature in the field of SMTs and micropolitics in an attempt to identify the working practices of and challenges facing members of SMTs. Secondly, it discusses an instrument, the TEAM Development Questionnaire, that emerged from a synthesis of this writing and research. The questionnaire presented here was especially devised to use with members of SMTs to help them (i) identify the dynamics amongst team members; and (ii) identify areas for the team to improve. A set of procedures for implementing the TEAM Development Questionnaire is provided to demonstrate its application to the field.


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In recent times, complaining about the Y Generation and its perceived lack of work ethic has become standard dinner-party conversation amongst Baby Boomers. Discussions in the popular press (Salt, 2008) and amongst some social commentators (Levy, Carroll, Francoeur, & Logue, 2003) indicate that the group labelled Gen Y have distinct and different generational characteristics. Whether or not the differences are clearly delineated on age is still open to discussion but in the introduction to "The Generational Mirage? a pilot study into the perceptions of leadership by Generation X and Y", Levy et al. argue that "the calibre of leadership in competing organisations and the way they value new and existing employees will play a substantial role in attracting or discouraging these workers regardless of generational labels". Kunreuther's (2002) suggests that the difference between younger workers and their older counterparts may have more to do with situational phenomena and their position in the life cycle than deeper generational difference. However this is still an issue for leadership in schools.


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An important responsibility of principals in schools is fostering a healthy learning-rich environment for both staff and students. Previous research (Duignan & Gurr, 2008; Ehrich, 1998; Leithwood & Day, 2007; Nias, Southworth, & Campbell, 1992) has shown that effective principals create opportunities for teachers to learn with and from each other. For instance, they are involved in establishing supportive structures and creating environments for collaboration and learning to take place (Leithwood & Day, 2007). They do this in a variety of ways such as providing resources and professional development opportunities, structuring time for staff to learn and work together, and establishing a host of other conditions to facilitate learning and sharing.


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This paper explores recent theorising on the ways in which Principals exercise leadership in their schools with reference to the Leading 21st Century Schools Project in Australia. First, it provides an historical overview of approaches to leadership. Second, it utilises a rhetorical question about leadership to analyse the ways in which leadership and management tensions pose challenges to Principals' efforts to capacity build their staff. Third, it and suggests that the notion of distributed leadership has been the most useful method in fostering Asia literacy in the Leading 21st Century Schools Project.


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3D Motion capture is a medium that plots motion, typically human motion, converting it into a form that can be represented digitally. It is a fast evolving field and recent inertial technology may provide new artistic possibilities for its use in live performance. Although not often used in this context, motion capture has a combination of attributes that can provide unique forms of collaboration with performance arts. The inertial motion capture suit used for this study has orientation sensors placed at strategic points on the body to map body motion. Its portability, real-time performance, ease of use, and its immunity from line-of-sight problems inherent in optical systems suggest it would work well as a live performance technology. Many animation techniques can be used in real-time. This research examines a broad cross-section of these techniques using four practice-led cases to assess the suitability of inertial motion capture to live performance. Although each case explores different visual possibilities, all make use of the performativity of the medium, using either an improvisational format or interactivity among stage, audience and screen that would be difficult to emulate any other way. A real-time environment is not capable of reproducing the depth and sophistication of animation people have come to expect through media. These environments take many hours to render. In time the combination of what can be produced in real-time and the tools available in a 3D environment will no doubt create their own tree of aesthetic directions in live performance. The case study looks at the potential of interactivity that this technology offers.


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Cyber bullying – or bullying through the use of technology – is a growing phenomenon which is currently most commonly experienced by young people and the consequences manifested in schools. Cyber bullying shares many of the same attributes as face-to-face bullying such as a power imbalance and a sense of helplessness on the part of the target. Not surprisingly, targets of face-to-face bullying are increasingly turning to the law, and it is likely that targets of cyber bullying may also do so in an appropriate case. This article examines the various criminal, civil and vilification laws that may apply to cases of cyber bullying and assesses the likely effectiveness of these laws as a means of redressing that power imbalance between perpetrator and target.


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While spatial determinants of emmetropization have been examined extensively in animal models and spatial processing of human myopes has also been studied, there have been few studies investigating temporal aspects of emmetropization and temporal processing in human myopia. The influence of temporal light modulation on eye growth and refractive compensation has been observed in animal models and there is evidence of temporal visual processing deficits in individuals with high myopia or other pathologies. Given this, the aims of this work were to examine the relationships between myopia (i.e. degree of myopia and progression status) and temporal visual performance and to consider any temporal processing deficits in terms of the parallel retinocortical pathways. Three psychophysical studies investigating temporal processing performance were conducted in young adult myopes and non-myopes: (1) backward visual masking, (2) dot motion perception and (3) phantom contour. For each experiment there were approximately 30 young emmetropes, 30 low myopes (myopia less than 5 D) and 30 high myopes (5 to 12 D). In the backward visual masking experiment, myopes were also classified according to their progression status (30 stable myopes and 30 progressing myopes). The first study was based on the observation that the visibility of a target is reduced by a second target, termed the mask, presented quickly after the first target. Myopes were more affected by the mask when the task was biased towards the magnocellular pathway; myopes had a 25% mean reduction in performance compared with emmetropes. However, there was no difference in the effect of the mask when the task was biased towards the parvocellular system. For all test conditions, there was no significant correlation between backward visual masking task performance and either the degree of myopia or myopia progression status. The dot motion perception study measured detection thresholds for the minimum displacement of moving dots, the maximum displacement of moving dots and degree of motion coherence required to correctly determine the direction of motion. The visual processing of these tasks is dominated by the magnocellular pathway. Compared with emmetropes, high myopes had reduced ability to detect the minimum displacement of moving dots for stimuli presented at the fovea (20% higher mean threshold) and possibly at the inferior nasal retina. The minimum displacement threshold was significantly and positively correlated to myopia magnitude and axial length, and significantly and negatively correlated with retinal thickness for the inferior nasal retina. The performance of emmetropes and myopes for all the other dot motion perception tasks were similar. In the phantom contour study, the highest temporal frequency of the flickering phantom pattern at which the contour was visible was determined. Myopes had significantly lower flicker detection limits (21.8 ± 7.1 Hz) than emmetropes (25.6 ± 8.8 Hz) for tasks biased towards the magnocellular pathway for both high (99%) and low (5%) contrast stimuli. There was no difference in flicker limits for a phantom contour task biased towards the parvocellular pathway. For all phantom contour tasks, there was no significant correlation between flicker detection thresholds and magnitude of myopia. Of the psychophysical temporal tasks studied here those primarily involving processing by the magnocellular pathway revealed differences in performance of the refractive error groups. While there are a number of interpretations for this data, this suggests that there may be a temporal processing deficit in some myopes that is selective for the magnocellular system. The minimum displacement dot motion perception task appears the most sensitive test, of those studied, for investigating changes in visual temporal processing in myopia. Data from the visual masking and phantom contour tasks suggest that the alterations to temporal processing occur at an early stage of myopia development. In addition, the link between increased minimum displacement threshold and decreasing retinal thickness suggests that there is a retinal component to the observed modifications in temporal processing.