932 resultados para Most Productive Scale Size
We develop a model of comparative advantage with monopolistic competition, that incorporates heterogeneous firms and endogenous mark-ups. We analyse how these features vary across countries with different factor endowments, and across markets of different size. In this model we can obtain trade gains via two channels. First, when we open the economy, most productive firms start to export their product, then, they demand more producing factors and wages rises, thus, those firms that are less productive will be forced to stop to produce. Second channel is via endogenous mark-ups, when we open the economy, the competition gets ``tougher'', then, mark-ups falls, thus, those firms that are less productive will stop to produce. We also show that comparative advantage works as a ``third channel'' of trade gains, because, all trade gains results are magnified in comparative advantage industry of both countries. We also make a numerical exercise to see how endogenous variables of the model vary when trade costs fall.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Although Coffea arabica species has its origin in the African understories, there is great resistance on the part of the Brazilian producers for growing this species under agroforestry systems as they fear that shading reduces production. This study aimed at evaluating some vegetative traits and the productivity of organically grown coffee (Coffea arabica L.) cultivars under shaded and unshaded systems. Twelve treatments consisting of two cultivation systems (shaded and unshaded) and six coffee cultivars were arranged in randomized blocks with four replicates, in a split-plot scheme. Shading was provided by banana (Musa sp.) and coral bean plants (Erythrinaverna). Shading delayed fruit maturation. Late maturation cultivars, such as the Icatu and the Obatã, matured early in both cultivation systems, while medium and early maturation cultivars presented late maturation. Cultivation in the shaded system increased the leaf area and the number of lower branches, decreased the number of productive nodes per branch, and increased the distance between the nodes and the number of leaves present in the branches. Cultivation in the unshaded system presented greater number of plants with branch blight in relation to plants grown in the shade. The productivity of the cultivars was not different, at 30.0 processed bags per hectare in the shaded system, and 25.8 processed bags per hectare in the unshaded system. The most productive cultivars in the shaded system were the Tupi, the Obatã, and the Catuaí, while no differences between cultivars were obtained in the unshaded system.
Neohelice granulata ecological distribution was evaluated in its northernmost latitudinal occurrence in a Brazilian tropical mangrove (23[degree]13'4" S, 44[degree]42'47" W). Samples were collected in three sites along the main river in the mangrove. Crabs were manually captured by two people, 15 min each, at low tide periods. The sex of the animals was assessed and carapace width measured. The size-frequency distribution was determined in each site. Environmental factors (salinity, temperature, organic matter and sediment texture) were analyzed, compared among sites and related to crab abundance and size in each site. Crab abundance decreased with the distance from the sea. Juvenile crabs were more frequent next to the sea, whereas larger and ovigerous ones were mainly found in the most distant site. Crab size was proportional to the organic matter percentage in the sediment. N. granulata spatial distribution varies along the river course, which is probably related to the most productive areas that have more nutrients available; this may also occur in order to prevent intraspecific competition.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV
Small-scale farmers in the Brazilian Amazon collectively hold tenure over more than 12 million ha of permanent forest reserves, as required by the Forest Code. The trade-off between forest conservation and other land uses entails opportunity costs for them and for the country, which have not been sufficiently studied. We assessed the potential income generated by multiple use forest management for farmers and compared it to the income potentially derived from six other agricultural land uses. Income from the forest was from (i) logging, carried out by a logging company in partnership with farmers' associations; and (ii) harvesting the seeds of Carapa guianensis (local name andiroba) for the production of oil. We then compared the income generated by multiple-use forest management with the income from different types of agrarian systems. According to our calculations in this study, the mean annual economic benefits from multiple forest use are the same as the least productive agrarian system, but only 25% of the annual income generated by the most productive system. Although the income generated by logging may be considered low when calculated on an annual basis and compared to incomes generated by agriculture, the one-time payment after logging is significant (US$5,800 to US$33,508) and could be used to implement more intensive and productive cropping systems such as planting black pepper. The income from forest management could also be used to establish permanent fields in deforested areas for highly productive annual crops using conservation agriculture techniques. These techniques are alternatives to the traditional land use based on periodic clearing of the forest. Nevertheless, the shift in current practices towards adoption of more sustainable conservation agriculture techniques will also require the technical and legal support of the State to help small farmers apply these alternatives, which aim to integrate forest management in sustainable agricultural production systems.
Uptake of half of the fossil fuel CO2 into the ocean causes gradual seawater acidification. This has been shown to slow down calcification of major calcifying groups, such as corals, foraminifera, and coccolithophores. Here we show that two of the most productive marine calcifying species, the coccolithophores Coccolithus pelagicus and Calcidiscus leptoporus, do not follow the CO2-related calcification response previously found. In batch culture experiments, particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) of C. leptoporus changes with increasing CO2 concentration in a nonlinear relationship. A PIC optimum curve is obtained, with a maximum value at present-day surface ocean pCO2 levels (?360 ppm CO2). With particulate organic carbon (POC) remaining constant over the range of CO2 concentrations, the PIC/POC ratio also shows an optimum curve. In the C. pelagicus cultures, neither PIC nor POC changes significantly over the CO2 range tested, yielding a stable PIC/POC ratio. Since growth rate in both species did not change with pCO2, POC and PIC production show the same pattern as POC and PIC. The two investigated species respond differently to changes in the seawater carbonate chemistry, highlighting the need to consider species-specific effects when evaluating whole ecosystem responses. Changes of calcification rate (PIC production) were highly correlated to changes in coccolith morphology. Since our experimental results suggest altered coccolith morphology (at least in the case of C. leptoporus) in the geological past, coccoliths originating from sedimentary records of periods with different CO2 levels were analyzed. Analysis of sediment samples was performed on six cores obtained from locations well above the lysocline and covering a range of latitudes throughout the Atlantic Ocean. Scanning electron micrograph analysis of coccolith morphologies did not reveal any evidence for significant numbers of incomplete or malformed coccoliths of C. pelagicus and C. leptoporus in last glacial maximum and Holocene sediments. The discrepancy between experimental and geological results might be explained by adaptation to changing carbonate chemistry.
Pinus pinaster Ait. es la conífera con mayor área de distribución en la Península Ibérica y es, a día de hoy, la única especie resinada en nuestro país. La inducción del flujo de resina al exterior para su recolección a través de distintos tipos de heridas ha sido practicada desde hace miles de años por distintas culturas. En todos los casos, las técnicas desarrolladas se basan en la estimulación del característico sistema de defensa de las pináceas. En los últimos siete años se viene observando una tendencia de incremento sustancial de la superficie resinada en España, acompañada por avances tecnológicos dirigidos a la mecanización y mejora de estimulantes. El aprovechamiento resinero se perfila como un sector estratégico en la generación de empleo rural y la conservación de ecosistemas. La industria resinera demanda métodos de extracción más eficaces, una selvicultura adecuada y actualizada, y condiciones laborales de los resineros más dignas con objeto de llegar a ser competitiva en el mercado internacional. Este trabajo se centra en ampliar el conocimiento sobre el sistema de defensa de P. pinaster, concretamente sobre las estructuras y procesos que pueden afectar a la producción de resina. Se analizan las relaciones entre las características anatómicas del xilema, destacando las relacionadas con los canales resiníferos, las variables dendrométricas y dasométricas de la masa y el flujo de resina (objetivo 1). Se estudia cómo estas relaciones son moduladas por las heridas de resinación dependiendo de la técnica de resinación aplicada (objetivo 2), el clima y el balance hídrico del suelo (objetivo 3). El material vegetal, las muestras de suelo y los datos de producción de resina y climáticos usados en esta tesis han sido recogidos en tres montes de utilidad pública; MUP 101 en Armuña, MUP 108 en Melque de Cercos y MUP 117 en Nieva (en esta última solo se recogieron los datos de producciones), todos ellos pinares monoespecíficos de P. pinaster localizados en la denominada Tierra de Pinares Segoviana. En los árboles de nuestro estudio se han aplicado cuatro métodos de resinación: método de pica de corteza con estimulante y método mecanizado con estimulante, ambos en sentido ascendente y descendente. En los trabajos realizados para el análisis de la influencia de la anatomía constitutiva en la producción de resina (objetivo 1) y el efecto del clima (objetivo 3), se obtuvieron muestras del xilema de 26 árboles resinados en Melque de Cercos y Armuña y 12 árboles control sin resinar. Para caracterizar los pies estudiados, se midió la altura, diámetro normal y porcentaje de copa viva. Las muestras de tejido fueron recogidas en una zona del tronco a una distancia del límite de la herida considerada en la bibliografía como no afectada (anatomía constitutiva). Para el análisis de las alteraciones anatómicas inducidas por la herida (objetivo 2), se recogieron muestras en ocho de los individuos en los que se habían realizado los distintos métodos de resinación descritos y en cinco árboles control. Se obtuvieron ocho muestras de tejido distribuidas en la parte superior, inferior, lateral y centro de la herida de cada uno de los árboles resinados. Para establecer las diferencias en la producción de resina según el método de resinación, se analizaron las producciones de 561 árboles resinados en 2012 con estos cuatro métodos en Nieva. Los principales resultados de estos trabajos muestran que la producción de resina está ligada al volumen de canales (axiales y radiales) y a la frecuencia de canales radiales existentes en el árbol antes de efectuar ninguna herida (sistema constitutivo). De esta manera, los árboles grandes productores de resina mostraron una red de canales más densa que aquellos con producciones medias. Una vez realizada la herida de resinación, observamos una disminución del ancho del anillo de crecimiento y del tamaño medio de los canales axiales a la vez que se incrementaba la frecuencia y área ocupada por mm2 de anillo de estos canales. Estos cambios perduraron en el árbol durante al menos tres años y fueron distintos dependiendo de la localización en el entorno de la herida y del método de resinación. Las respuestas más intensas a la herida se observaron el año siguiente a la realización de la misma, en dirección axial, para las distancias más próximas al límite de la herida y para los métodos de resinación en sentido ascendente. Además, se ha constatado que como consecuencia de las heridas de resinación se produjeron cambios en la anatomía del xilema en zonas alejadas de la herida, tanto en el año de la herida como años posteriores. Es decir, se observó una respuesta sistémica del árbol. Respecto al papel del clima como regulador de la respuesta del árbol, se ha evidenciado que la temperatura, la radiación y la ETP influyeron en la producción de resina, no solo durante la campaña de resinación, sino también durante los meses anteriores. El déficit hídrico favoreció la producción y la formación de canales axiales pero, a partir de un determinado umbral, esa relación se invirtió y las lluvias estivales incrementaron la producción. Algunas de estas variables climáticas se asociaron a cambios en el tamaño y frecuencia de las estructuras secretoras, las cuales posiblemente modulan la respuesta defensiva de la planta. La dendrometría del árbol (evaluada a través del diámetro normal, altura y porcentaje de copa viva), la densidad de la masa y el tipo de suelo influyeron en el potencial de producción de resina de P. pinaster. Árboles más vigorosos, parcelas con menores densidades y suelos con más capacidad para la retención de agua y nutrientes presentaron producciones mayores. Estos trabajos se complementan en anexos con una caracterización del sistema socio-ecológico del pinar en resinación. En ese trabajo se identifican sus potenciales servicios ecosistémicos y se evalúa su grado de vinculación con el aprovechamiento resinero con objeto de valorar su funcionalidad y aproximar una valoración económica de modo que sea posible apreciar la importancia económica de los mismos. Para concluir, podemos resaltar que son necesarios más trabajos de carácter científico para avanzar en la comprensión de los procesos anatómicos y fisiológicos que regulan la secreción de resina en P. pinaster y sus interacciones con el medio. Esto permitiría avances certeros hacia el desarrollo de métodos de extracción más eficaces, una selvicultura óptima, el reconocimiento de los beneficios socio-ecológicos y económicos del aprovechamiento y, de manera general, una bibliografía amplia y fiable para la consulta y desarrollo de futuras mejoras que posibiliten la reactivación y conservación de la resinación como aprovechamiento rentable. ABSTRACT Pinus pinaster Ait. is the most widespread conifer in Spain and is now the only species tapped for its oleoresin. External induction of resin secretion, based on the defense system of Pinus trees, has been performed by humans since Classical times through various methods. The socio-economic implication of this practice in Spain justifies a new approach to improve tapping methodology and understand the effects of this activity on the tree. In the last five years, sharp increases in the price of natural resins, accompanied by technological advances directed toward mechanization, have made resin tapping a strategic activity for rural development and forest conservation. The resin industry demands more efficient tapping methods and forest management plans as a way to increase competitiveness in a global market. In this way, this work focuses on the study of the defense system of P. pinaster, with the aim to understand the effects of anatomical and physiological characteristics and environmental conditions on resin yield. The relationships between anatomical variables -with special focus on resin canals-, dendrometric and dasometric variables, and resin yield will be evaluated (objective 1). The tapping wound effects (objective 2) and the intra- and inter-annual variability of climate conditions and soil water availability influence (objective 3) on resin yield will be also studied. The plant and soil material and the resin yield and climatic data used in this thesis have been collected in stands of three public forests of P. pinaster; Armuña, Melque de Cercos and Nieva, located in Segovia (Central Spain). Trees were tapped using two different methods: mechanized or traditional tool, in both upwards and downwards direction. Twenty-six tapped trees of contrasting resin yield classes and twelve non-tapped (control) trees, growing in two locations (Armuña y Melque de Cercos) with the same climate but different stand density and soil characteristics, were selected for studying the role of tree size, xylem anatomy at distal parts aside from the tapping wound (objective 1) and climate influence (objective 3) on resin yield. Concerning the tree defenses induced by the tapping wound (objective 2), the xylem of eight trees, tapped with the two described methods in both upwards and downwards direction, were analyzed. From each tapped tree, eight cores were collected at different locations and varying distances from the tapping wound. In each core, a histological analysis was made. Growth ring width, earlywood and latewood width, and axial canal frequency, area, mean size and location were measured. The effect of the tapping method on resin yield was assessed in 561 P. pinaster tapped trees in a stand in Nieva. In tissues not affected by the tapping wound, the frequency of radial resin canals and the total volume of resin canals were related to resin yield. The frequency of radial canals and the resin yield were strongly related to tree diameter and percentage of live crown. High area of axial resin canals per mm2 was related to high yielding trees, but only in the location with higher plant density and poorer soil quality. In tapped trees, an increase in axial canal frequency and area was found during the three years following the start of tapping activity, suggesting that canal formation is a systemic induced response to wounding. The highest mean annual resin yield was found using the traditional tool in upwards direction, which also induced the highest increase in axial canal frequency and area. The lowest yield was found for mechanized tapping, which showed no differences between the upwards and downwards directions. The strongest induction of systemic induced responses in terms of resin canal frequency and area was detected one year after tapping for upwards tapping. This suggests the involvement of signaling processes that spread mainly upwards, and the importance of adaptive processes as a defense against periodic insect attacks. Intra-annual variation in resin yield was strongly correlated with temperature, solar radiation, potential evapotranspiration and soil water deficit. Inter-annual variation in resin yield and resin canal abundance were correlated with temperature and water deficit in spring, but above a certain threshold of cumulated water deficit in summer rainfall favored resin yield. Under adverse climate scenarios where resource optimization is desirable, a reduced tapping season during the warmest months (June–September) would be advisable, assuming a very small production loss relative to traditional tapping season. Similarly, in years with a rainy summer and/or dry spring, a slightly longer tapping season could be suggested, as resin yield increases after these events. Tree diameter and percentage of live crown, and radial resin canal frequency could be useful criteria for estimating resin yields in P. pinaster. Vigorous trees in lower density stands and growing up in good quality soils will be the most productive. These conclusions could be applied to improve tapping management and breeding programs. These works are complemented with socio-ecological characterization, the identification of the main ecosystem services and an assessment of the possible economic impact derived from the tapping practice. To conclude, more scientific studies are necessary for understanding the anatomical and physiological processes behind resin synthesis and their interactions with the environment. This would afford further progresses towards an extensive and reliable bibliography and improved tapping methods and optimal selvicultural guide lines.
El perfeccionismo es un rasgo de la personalidad caracterizado por la imposición a uno mismo de unas normas de desempeño poco realistas, la motivación por ser perfeccionista y la percepción del entorno como demasiado exigente y crítico. Este estudio tuvo por objeto analizar la literatura científica sobre perfeccionismo en niños y adolescentes, publicada en 4 bases de datos (Web of Science, Scopus, PsycINFO y Education Resources Information Center), entre el año 2004 y el 2014. Se obtuvieron 325 documentos que fueron analizados con base en distintos indicadores bibliométricos, como el análisis de la producción temporal, las revistas y autores más productivos sobre el tópico y el índice de coautoría, así como un análisis y discusión de las características de la población, los principales instrumentos empleados y las temáticas identificadas. Se halló una tendencia a elaborar los trabajos en colaboración y un número considerable de grandes productores (Gordon L. Flett, Paul L. Hewitt, Andrew P. Hill y Bart Soenens). Destacaron la Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale y la Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale como los 2 instrumentos más empleados para evaluar el perfeccionismo en niños y adolescentes. Igualmente, prevalecieron los estudios realizados en adolescentes frente a aquellos con participantes de población infantil. Se observó que la mayor parte de los documentos analizados se centraron en analizar la relación entre el perfeccionismo y la psicopatología. Por último, se discuten las temáticas identificadas, las limitaciones encontradas y los aspectos consolidados, sirviendo como referencia para la realización de futuros estudios sobre el campo del perfeccionismo durante la infancia y la adolescencia.
Este trabajo tiene por objeto analizar la literatura científica sobre perfeccionismo en niños y adolescentes, publicada en la Web of Science, entre el año 2004 y 2014. La muestra documental se compuso de 174 publicaciones, los cuales fueron analizados en base a distintos indicadores bibliométricos como el análisis de la productividad temporal, las revistas y autores más productivos sobre el tópico y el índice de coautoría, así como un análisis de los principales instrumentos empleados y las temáticas identificadas. Los resultados indicaron que el perfeccionismo infantojuvenil es un campo de investigación todavía emergente, por este motivo, no se encontraron revistas especializadas sobre el tema ni autores con más de nueve publicaciones sobre el tópico. Igualmente, los análisis en relación a la coautoría mostraron una tendencia a elaborar los trabajos en colaboración, siguiendo los parones actuales de la ciencia. Destacaron la Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale y la Child and Adolescent Perfectionism Scale como los dos instrumentos más empleados para medir el perfeccionismo en población infantil y adolescente. Respecto al análisis de contenido, se identificaron un total de siete categorías temáticas, siendo la más prevalente, aquella que aglutina los documentos centrados en examinar la relación entre el perfeccionismo y diversos trastornos o problemas psicológicos.
We conducted a demographic and genetic study to investigate the effects of fragmentation due to the establishment of an exotic softwood plantation on populations of a small marsupial carnivore, the agile antechinus (Antechinus agilis), and the factors influencing the persistence of those populations in the fragmented habitat. The first aspect of the study was a descriptive analysis of patch occupancy and population size, in which we found a patch occupancy rate of 70% among 23 sites in the fragmented habitat compared to 100% among 48 sites with the same habitat characteristics in unfragmented habitat. Mark-recapture analyses yielded most-likely population size estimates of between 3 and 85 among the 16 occupied patches in the fragmented habitat. Hierarchical partitioning and model selection were used to identify geographic and habitat-related characteristics that influence patch occupancy and population size. Patch occupancy was primarily influenced by geographic isolation and habitat quality (vegetation basal area). The variance in population size among occupied sites was influenced primarily by forest type (dominant Eucalyptus species) and, to a lesser extent, by patch area and topographic context (gully sites had larger populations). A comparison of the sex ratios between the samples from the two habitat contexts revealed a significant deficiency of males in the fragmented habitat. We hypothesise that this is due to male-biased dispersal in an environment with increased dispersal-associated mortality. The population size and sex ratio data were incorporated into a simulation study to estimate the proportion of genetic diversity that would have been lost over the known timescale since fragmentation if the patch populations had been totally isolated. The observed difference in genetic diversity (gene diversity and allelic richness at microsatellite and mitochondrial markers) between 16 fragmented and 12 unfragmented sites was extremely low and inconsistent with the isolation of the patch populations. Our results show that although the remnant habitat patches comprise approximately 2% of the study area, they can support non-isolated populations. However, the distribution of agile antechinus populations in the fragmented system is dependent on habitat quality and patch connectivity. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The evolution of a regional economy and its competitiveness capacity may involve multiple independent trajectories, through which different sets of resources and capabilities evolve together. However, there is a dearth of evidence concerning how these trends are occurring across the globe. This paper seeks to present evidence in relation to the recent development of the globe’s most productive regions from the viewpoint of their growth trajectories, and the particular form of growth they are experiencing. The aim is to uncover the underlying structure of the changes in knowledge-based resources, capabilities and outputs across regions, and offer an analysis of these regions according to an uncovered set of key trends. The analysis identifies three key trends by which the economic evolution and growth patterns of these regions are differentiated—namely the Fifth Wave Growth, the Third & Fourth Wave Growth, and Government-led Third Wave Growth. Overall, spectacular knowledge-based growth of leading Chinese regions is evident, highlighting a continued shift of knowledge-based resources to Asia. In addition, a superstructure is observed at the global scale, consisting of two separate continuums that explicitly distinguish Chinese regions from the rest in terms of regional growth trajectories.
The evolution of a regional economy and its competitiveness capacity may involve multiple independent trajectories through which different sets of resources and capabilities evolve together. However, there is a dearth of evidence concerning how these trends are occurring across the globe. Based on the underlying tenets of the streams of research relating to regional competitiveness, knowledge cities/regions, and knowledge-based urban development, this paper seeks to present an empirical approach to establishing such evidence in relation to the recent development of the globe’s most productive regions from the viewpoint of their growth trajectories and the particular form of growth they are experiencing. The aim is to uncover the underlying structure of the changes in knowledge-based resources, capabilities and outputs across regions, and offer an analysis of these regions according to an uncovered set of key trends. The analysis identifies three key trends by which the economic evolution and growth patterns of these regions are differentiated – namely the Fifth Wave Growth, the Third & Fourth Wave Growth, and Government-led Third Wave Growth. Overall, spectacular knowledge-based growth of leading Chinese regions is evident, highlighting a continued shift of knowledge-based resources to Asia. In addition, a superstructure is observed at the global scale, consisting of two separate continuums that explicitly distinguish Chinese regions from the rest in terms of regional growth trajectories. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.