994 resultados para Mosquitos-Control
This sheet is printed in Spanish. At least 61 different species of mosquitoes exist in South Carolina. Mosquitoes are pests that can cause itchy bites, but they can also cause serious health issues. Mosquitoes can carry harmful viruses and parasites that infect millions of people worldwide each year. Mosquito-borne diseases can cause brain inflammation (or encephalitis), birth defects, internal bleeding, complications from parasites and even death in some cases.
This sheet, printed in Spanish, tells how to prevent mosquito bites such as: Night or day, be prepared ; Use insect repellent ; Wear protective clothes ; Mosquito-proof your home.
Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS, 2000) la fiebre por dengue y la fiebre hemorrágica 1 por dengue son un problema de salud pública a las cuales dos quintas partes de la población mundial se encuentran en riesgo. Las principales medidas de prevención y control han sido la fumigación masiva de insecticidas dirigida contra los mosquitos adultos (adulticidas) y la aplicación de larvicidas (control químico). Sin embargo, a pesar de que dichas medidas reducen rápidamente la población de mosquitos adultos y eliminan un 90% de la población de larvas en un criadero, su efecto es sólo transitorio pues no afectan la generación de nuevos mosquitos. En efecto, los registros estadísticos demuestran un avance del mosquito a pesar de las campañas de fumigación y aplicación de larvicidas (OMS, 2000). Por otra parte Hernández y García (2000) señalan que hay factores negativos asociados con el control químico de las poblaciones de mosquitos.
An unstructured mesh �nite volume discretisation method for simulating di�usion in anisotropic media in two-dimensional space is discussed. This technique is considered as an extension of the fully implicit hybrid control-volume �nite-element method and it retains the local continuity of the ux at the control volume faces. A least squares function recon- struction technique together with a new ux decomposition strategy is used to obtain an accurate ux approximation at the control volume face, ensuring that the overall accuracy of the spatial discretisation maintains second order. This paper highlights that the new technique coincides with the traditional shape function technique when the correction term is neglected and that it signi�cantly increases the accuracy of the previous linear scheme on coarse meshes when applied to media that exhibit very strong to extreme anisotropy ratios. It is concluded that the method can be used on both regular and irregular meshes, and appears independent of the mesh quality.