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Objective 1. Measure spatial and temporal trawl frequency of scallop grounds using VMS data. This will provide a relative measure of how often individual undersized scallops are caught and put through a tumbler 2. Estimate discard mortality and growth rates for saucer scallops using cage experiments. 3. Evaluate the current management measures, in particular the seasonal closure, rotational closure and seasonally varying minimum legal sizes using stock assessment and management modeling models. Recommend optimal range of management measures to ensure long-term viability and value of the Scallop fishery based on a formal management strategy evaluation. Outcomes acheived to date: 1. Improved understanding of the survival rates of discarded sub-legal scallops; 2. Preliminary von Bertalanffy growth parameters using data from tagged-and-released scallops; 3. Changing trends in vessels and fishing gear used in the Queensland scallop fishery and their effect on scallop catch rates over time using standardised catch rates quantified; 4. Increases in fishing power of vessels operating in the Queensland scallop fishery quantified; 5. Trawl intensity mapped and quantified for all Scallop Replenishment Areas; 6. Harvest Strategy Evaluations completed.


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The Fitzroy Basin is the second largest catchment area in Australia covering 143,00 km² and is the largest catchment for the Great Barrier Reef lagoon (Karfs et al., 2009). The Great Barrier Reef is the largest reef system in the world; it covers an area of approximately 225,000 km² in the northern Queensland continental shelf. There are approximately 750 reefs that exist within 40 km of the Queensland Coast (Haynes et al., 2007). The prime determinant for the changes in water quality have been attributed to grazing, with beef production the largest single land use industry comprising 90% of the land area (Karfs et al., 2009). In response to the depletion of water quality in the reef, in 2003 a Reef Water Quality plan was developed by the Australian and Queensland governments. The plan targets as a priority sediment contributions from grazing cattle in high risk catchments (The State of Queensland and Commonwealth of Australia, 2003). The economic incentive strategy designed includes analysing the costs and benefits of best management practice that will lead to improved water quality (The State of Queensland and Commonwealth of Australia, 2003).


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The Red Throat Emperor fishery was assessed using an age-structured model that incorporated all available information on catch, catch per unit effort (CPUE) and age structure and a surplus production model fitted to the catch and CPUE data. The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) was divided into five regions: Townsville, Mackay, Storm Cay, Swain reefs, and Capricorn Bunker. Age structure varied greatly between regions, with fish aged 5-8 years predominating in the Townsville region, 4-7 years in the Mackay, Storm Cay and Swains regions, and 2-3 years in the Capricorn-Bunker region. These differences were explained by different age-dependent vulnerabilities to fishing between the regions. The age-structured model estimated that exploitable biomass fell to about 60% of virgin biomass in the late 1990s, due mainly to years of poor recruitment, but recovered to around 70% by 2004. Further recovery can be expected due to the fishery not meeting its total allowable commercial catch (TACC) of 700 t in recent years. The current TACC of 700 t, combined with a recreational-charter catch of around 450 t, contains little margin for error, especially in view of high year-to-year variability of recruitment of red throat emperor and stresses on the GBR from land clearing, coastal development and climate change. The state of the population needs to be monitored closely. Further data on age structures after 2000 will provide more certainty to this assessment.


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An ecological risk assessment of the East Coast Otter Trawl Fishery in the Great Barrier Reef Region was undertaken in 2010 and 2011. It assessed the risks posed by this fishery to achieving fishery-related and broader ecological objectives of both the Queensland and Australian governments, including risks to the values and integrity of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. The risks assessed included direct and indirect effects on the species caught in the fishery as well as on the structure and functioning of the ecosystem. This ecosystem-based approach included an assessment of the impacts on harvested species, by-catch, species of conservation concern, marine habitats, species assemblages and ecosystem processes. The assessment took into account current management arrangements and fishing practices at the time of the assessment. The main findings of the assessment were: Current risk levels from trawling activities are generally low. Some risks from trawling remain. Risks from trawling have reduced in the Great Barrier Reef Region. Trawl fishing effort is a key driver of ecological risk. Zoning has been important in reducing risks. Reducing identified unacceptable risks requires a range of management responses. The commercial fishing industry is supportive and being proactive. Further reductions in trawl by-catch, high compliance with rules and accurate information from ongoing risk monitoring are important. Trawl fishing is just one of the sources of risk to the Great Barrier Reef.


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The project examined coastal and physical oceanographic influences on the catch rates of coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus) and saucer scallops (Amusium balloti) in Queensland. The research was undertaken to explain variation observed in the catches, and to improve quantitative assessment of the stocks and management advice. 3.1 OBJECTIVES 1. Review recent advances in the study of physical oceanographic influences on fisheries catch data, and describe the major physical oceanographic features that are likely to influence Queensland reef fish and saucer scallops. 2. Collate Queensland’s physical oceanographic data and fisheries (i.e. reef fish and saucer scallops) data. 3. Develop stochastic population models for reef fish and saucer scallops, which can link physical oceanographic features (e.g. sea surface temperature anomalies) to catch rates, biological parameters (e.g. growth, reproduction, natural mortality) and ecological aspects (e.g. spatial distribution).