986 resultados para Molecular Size


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INTRODUCTION: Antimicrobial activity on biofilms depends on their molecular size, positive charges, permeability coefficient, and bactericidal activity. Vancomycin is the primary choice for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection treatment; rifampicin has interesting antibiofilm properties, but its effectivity remains poorly defined. METHODS: Rifampicin activity alone and in combination with vancomycin against biofilm-forming MRSA was investigated, using a twofold serial broth microtiter method, biofilm challenge, and bacterial count recovery. RESULTS: Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration for vancomycin and rifampicin ranged from 0.5 to 1mg/l and 0.008 to 4mg/l, and from 1 to 4mg/l and 0.06 to 32mg/l, respectively. Mature biofilms were submitted to rifampicin and vancomycin exposure, and minimum biofilm eradication concentration ranged from 64 to 32,000 folds and from 32 to 512 folds higher than those for planktonic cells, respectively. Vancomycin (15mg/l) in combination with rifampicin at 6 dilutions higher each isolate MIC did not reach in vitro biofilm eradication but showed biofilm inhibitory capacity (1.43 and 0.56log10 CFU/ml reduction for weak and strong biofilm producers, respectively; p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In our setting, rifampicin alone failed to effectively kill biofilm-forming MRSA, demonstrating stronger inability to eradicate mature biofilm compared with vancomycin.


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Two kinds of small extrachromosomal nucleic acid elements were found in the bovine babesias, Babesia bovis and B. bigemina. One element with an apparent size of 5.5 kilobase pairs (kbp) is a double stranded RNA related to virus like particles. Another molecule is a double stranded DNA with a molecular size of about 6.2 kbp. Southern blot comparison of restriction DNA fragments of the latter molecule, which is present in both B. bovis and B. bigemina is described.


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Canine distemper virus (CDV) produces a glycosylated type I fusion protein (F) with an internal hydrophobic signal sequence beginning around 115 residues downstream of the first AUG used for translation initiation. Cleavage of the signal sequence yields the F0 molecule, which is cleaved into the F1 and F2 subunits. Surprisingly, when all in-frame AUGs located in the first third of the F gene were mutated a protein of the same molecular size as the F0 molecule was still expressed from both the Onderstepoort (OP) and A75/17-CDV F genes. We designated this protein, which is initiated from a non-AUG codon protein Fx. Site-directed mutagenesis allowed to identify codon 85, a GCC codon coding for alanine, as the most likely position from which translation initiation of Fx occurs in OP-CDV. Deletion analysis demonstrated that at least 60 nucleotides upstream of the GCC codon are required for efficient Fx translation. This sequence is GC-rich, suggesting extensive folding. Secondary structure may therefore be important for translation initiation at codon 85.


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RESUME DESTINE A UN LARGE PUBLIC En biologie, si une découverte permet de répondre à quelques questions, en général elle en engendre beaucoup d'autres. C'est ce qui s'est produit récemment dans le monde des kallicréines. De la famille des protéases, protéines ayant la faculté de couper plus ou moins spécifiquement d'autres protéines pour exercer un rôle biologique, la famille des kallicréines humaines n'était composée que de 3 membres lors du siècle dernier. Parmi eux, une kallicréine mondialement utilisée pour détecter le cancer de la prostate, le PSA. En 2000, un chercheur de l'hôpital universitaire Mont Sinaï à Toronto, le Professeur Eleftherios Diamandis, a découvert la présence de 12 nouveaux gènes appartenant à cette famille, situés sur le même chromosome que les 3 premières kallicréines. Cette découverte majeure a placé les spécialistes des kallicréines face à une montagne d'interrogations car les fonctions de ces nouvelles protéases étaient totalement inconnues. La kallicréine humaine 14 (hK14) présente un intérêt particulier, car elle se retrouve associée à différents cancers, notamment les carcinomes ovariens et mammaires. Cette association ne répond cependant pas à la fonction de cette protéase. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse était donc de découvrir, dans un premier temps, la spécificité de cette nouvelle kallicréine, c'est-à-dire le type de coupure qu'elle engendre au niveau des protéines qu'elle cible. Utilisant une technologie de pointe qui exploite la propriété des bactériophages à se répliquer dans les bactéries à l'infini, des dizaines de millions de combinaisons protéiques aléatoires ont été présentées à hK14, qui a pu sélectionner celles qui lui étaient favorables pour la coupure. Cette technique qualitative porte le nom de Phage Display Substrate. Une fois la sélection réalisée, il fallait transférer ces séquences coupées ou substrats dans un système permettant de donner une valeur quantitative à l'efficacité de coupure. Pour cela nous avons développé une technologie qui permet d'évaluer cette efficacité en utilisant des protéines fluorescentes de méduse, modifiées génétiquement, dont l'excitation de la première (CFP : cyan fluorescent protein) par la lumière à une certaine longue d'onde permet le transfert d'énergie à la seconde (YFP : yellow fluorescent protein), via un substrat qui les lie. Pour que ce transfert d'énergie se produise, il faut que les deux protéines fluorescentes soient proches, comme c'est le cas lorsqu'elles sont liées par un substrat. La coupure de ce lien provoque un changement de transfert d'énergie qui est quantifiable en utilisant un spectrofluoromètre. Cette technologie permet donc de suivre la réaction d'hydrolyse (coupure) des protéases. Afin de poursuivre certaines expériences permettant de mieux comprendre la fonction biologique d'hK14 ainsi que son éventuelle implication dans le cancer, nous avons développé des inhibiteurs spécifiques d'hK14. Les séquences qui on été le plus efficacement coupées par hK14 ont été utilisées pour transformer deux types d'inhibiteurs classiques, qui circulent dans notre sang, en inhibiteurs d'hK14 hautement efficaces et spécifiques. Selon les résultats obtenus in vitro, ils pourront être évalués in vivo en tant que traitement potentiel contre le cancer. RESUME Les protéases sont des enzymes impliquées dans des processus physiologiques mais aussi parfois pathologiques. La famille des kallicréines tissulaires humaines représente le plus grand groupe de protéases humaines, dont plusieurs pourraient participer au développement de certaines maladies. D'autre part, ces protéases sont apparues comme des marqueurs de pathogénicité potentiels, notamment dans les cas de cancers hormono-dépendants. La kallicréine humaine 14 a été récemment découverte et son implication dans quelques maladies, particulièrement dans le cas de tumeurs, semble probable. En effet, son expression génique est augmentée au niveau des tissus cancéreux de la prostate et du sein et son expression protéique s'est révélée plus élevée dans le sérum de patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein ou des ovaires. Cependant, comme c'est le cas pour la plupart des kallicréines, sa fonction est encore inconnue. Afin de mieux connaître son rôle biologique et/ou pathologique, nous avons décidé de caractériser son activité enzymatique. Nous avons tout d'abord mis au point un système de substrats entièrement biologique permettant d'étudier in vitro l'activité des protéases. Ce système est basé sur le phénomène de FRET, à savoir le transfert d'énergie de résonance fluorescente qui intervient entre deux molécules fluorescentes voisines si le spectre d'émission de la protéine donneuse chevauche le spectre d'excitation de la protéine receveuse. Nous avons fusionné de manière covalente une protéine fluorescente bleue (CFP) et une jaune (YFP) en les liant avec diverses séquences. Par clivage de la séquence de liaison, une perte du transfert d'énergie peut être mesurée par un spectrofluoromètre. Cette technologie représente un moyen facile de suivre la réaction d'hydrolyse des protéases. Les conditions optimales de production de ces substrats CFP-YFP ont été déterminées, de même que les paramètres pouvant éventuellement influencer le FRET. Ce système possède une grande résistance à la protéolyse non spécifique et est applicable à un grand nombre de protéase. Contrairement aux substrats fluorogéniques, il permet d'étudier les acides aminés se trouvant des deux côtés du site de clivage. Ce système étant entièrement biologique, il est le reflet des interactions protéine-protéine et représente un outil biologique facile, bon marché et rapide pour caractériser les protéases. Dans un premier temps, hK14 a été mise en présence d' une banque de haute diversité de pentapeptides aléatoires présentée à la surface de phages afin d'identifier des substrats spécifiques. Ensuite, le système CFP-YFP a été employé pour trier les peptides sélectionnés afin d'identifier les séquences de substrats les plus sensibles et spécifiques pour hK14. Nous avons montré, qu'en plus de sa prévisible activité de type trypsine, hK14 possède aussi une très surprenante activité de type chymotrypsine. Les séquences les plus sensibles ont été choisies pour cribler la banque de donnée Swissprot, permettant ainsi l'identification de 6 substrats protéiques humains potentiels pour hK14. Trois d'entre eux, la laminine α-5, le collagène IV et la matriline-4, qui sont des composants de la matrice extracellulaire, ont démontré une grande susceptibilité à l'hydrolyse par hK14. De plus, la séparation éléctrophorétique a montré que la dégradation de la laminine α-5 et de la matriline-4 par hK14 devait se produire aux sites identifiés par la technologie du phage display. Pour terminer, nous avons transformé, par mutagenèse dirigée, deux serpines (inhibiteurs de protéases de type sérine) connues, AAT et ACT (alpha anti-trypsine et alpha anti-chymotrypsine), qui inhibent un vaste éventail d'enzymes humaines en inhibiteurs d'hK14 hautement efficaces et spécifiques. Ces inhibiteurs pourront être utilisés d'une part pour poursuivre certaines expériences permettant de mieux comprendre l'implication d'hK14 dans des voies physiologiques ou dans le cancer et d'autre part pour les évaluer in vivo en tant que traitement potentiel contre le cancer. SUMMARY Proteases consist of enzymes involved in physiological events, but also, in case of dysregulation, in pathogenicity. The human tissue kallikrein family represents the largest human protease cluster and includes several members that either could participate in the course of certain diseases or emerged as potential biological markers, especially in hormone dependent cancers. The human kallikrein 14 has been recently discovered and suggested implications in some disorders, particularly in tumors since its gene expression is up-regulated in prostate and breast cancer tissues and its protein expression increased in the serum of patients with breast and ovarian cancers. However, like most kallikreins, its function remains unknown. To better understand hK14 biological and/or pathological role, we decided to characterize its enzymatic activity. First of all, we developped a biological system suitable for in vitro study of protease activity. This system is based on the so-called FRET phenomenon, that is the Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer that occurs between two nearby fluorescent proteins if the emission spectrum of the donor overlaps the excitation spectrum of the acceptor. We fused covalently a cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) and a yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) with diverses sequences. Upon cleavage of the linker sequence by protease, the loss of energy transfer can be measured by a spectrofluorometer allowing an easy following of hydrolysis reaction. The optimal conditions to produce in bacterial system these CFP-YFP substrates were determined as well as the parameters that could eventually influence the FRET. This system demonstrated a high degree of resistance to non-specific proteolysis and applicability to various conditions corresponding to a great number of existing proteases. Other avantages are the possibility to study the amino acids located both sides of the cleavage site as well as the interest to work in a full biological system reflecting protein-protein interaction. A phage substrate library with exhaustive diversity was used prior to CFP-substrate-YFP system to isolate specific human kallikrein 14 substrates. After that the CFP-YFP system was used to sort peptides and identify highly sensitive and specific substrate sequences for hK14. We showed that besides its predictable trypsin-like activity, hK14 also possesses a surprising chymotrypsin-like activity. The screening of the Swissprot database was achieved with the most sensitive sequences and allowed the identification of 6 potential human protein substrates for hK14. Three of them, laminin α-5, collagen IV and matrilin-4, which are components of the extracellular matrix were incubated with hK14, by which they were efficiently hydrolyzed. Moreover, electrophoretic separation revealed that degradation of laminin α-5 and matrilin-4 by hK14 generated fragments with identical molecular size than the predicted N-terminal fragments that would result from hK14 specific cleavage, proving the value of phage display substrate to identify potential substrates. Finally, with site-directed mutagenesis, we transformed two well-known serpins (serine protease inhibitors), AAT and ACT (alpha anti-trypsin and alpha anti-chymotrypsin), which inhibit a vast spectrum of human enzymes into highly efficient and specific hK14 inhibitors. These inhibitors will be used to pursue experiments that could help understand hK14 implication in physiological pathways as well as in cancer biology and also to perform their in vivo evalution as potential cancer treatment.


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During the selection of monoclonal antibodies (MAb) raised against purified carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), two MAbs were identified which immunoprecipitated a glycoprotein of 95 kD present both in perchloric acid extracts of normal lung and on the surface of normal granulocytes. This antigen was distinct from the previously reported normal glycoprotein crossreacting with CEA (NCA) which had a molecular weight of 55 kD. The difference between the smaller and the larger crossreacting antigens termed NCA-55 and NCA-95, respectively, was demonstrated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, by elution from Sephadex-G200 and by selective binding to a series of anti-CEA MAb. Out of six MAb which all bound CEA purified from colon carcinoma, three did not react with these two crossreacting antigens, one bound only NCA-95, one reacted only with NCA-55 and one reacted with both NCA-55 and NCA-95. Immunoadsorbent purified preparations of 125I labelled NCA-95 and NCA-55 were found useful for the screening of new anti-CEA MAb. In addition, when tested on frozen sections of colon carcinoma, normal spleen, normal lung and pancreas, each type of MAb gave a clearly different pattern of reactivity. The three anti-CEA MAb which did not bind any of the crossreacting antigens stained only the colon carcinoma cells; the MAb binding to either one of the two types of NCA gave a similar pattern of reactivity both on colon carcinoma cells and on granulocytes. However, on normal lung and pancreas, the MAb binding NCA-55 stained granulocytes as well as bronchiolar and alveolar epithelial cells in lung and inter- and intra-lobular duct epithelial cells in pancreas, whereas the MAb binding only NCA-95 stained only the granulocytes. Thus, the newly identified NCA-95 appears to differ from NCA-55 not only in terms of molecular size and antigenicity but also by the fact that in normal lung and pancreas it is found in granulocytes but not in epithelial cells.


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Background PPP1R6 is a protein phosphatase 1 glycogen-targeting subunit (PP1-GTS) abundant in skeletal muscle with an undefined metabolic control role. Here PPP1R6 effects on myotube glycogen metabolism, particle size and subcellular distribution are examined and compared with PPP1R3C/PTG and PPP1R3A/GM. Results PPP1R6 overexpression activates glycogen synthase (GS), reduces its phosphorylation at Ser-641/0 and increases the extracted and cytochemically-stained glycogen content, less than PTG but more than GM. PPP1R6 does not change glycogen phosphorylase activity. All tested PP1-GTS-cells have more glycogen particles than controls as found by electron microscopy of myotube sections. Glycogen particle size is distributed for all cell-types in a continuous range, but PPP1R6 forms smaller particles (mean diameter 14.4 nm) than PTG (36.9 nm) and GM (28.3 nm) or those in control cells (29.2 nm). Both PPP1R6- and GM-derived glycogen particles are in cytosol associated with cellular structures; PTG-derived glycogen is found in membrane- and organelle-devoid cytosolic glycogen-rich areas; and glycogen particles are dispersed in the cytosol in control cells. A tagged PPP1R6 protein at the C-terminus with EGFP shows a diffuse cytosol pattern in glucose-replete and -depleted cells and a punctuate pattern surrounding the nucleus in glucose-depleted cells, which colocates with RFP tagged with the Golgi targeting domain of β-1,4-galactosyltransferase, according to a computational prediction for PPP1R6 Golgi location. Conclusions PPP1R6 exerts a powerful glycogenic effect in cultured muscle cells, more than GM and less than PTG. PPP1R6 protein translocates from a Golgi to cytosolic location in response to glucose. The molecular size and subcellular location of myotube glycogen particles is determined by the PPP1R6, PTG and GM scaffolding.


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The aim of this study was to verify the influence of the apparent molecular size of aquatic humic substances on the effectiveness of coagulation with ferric chloride. Coagulation-filtration tests using jar test and bench-scale sand filters were carried out on samples of water with true color of approximately 100 Hazen units, prepared with aquatic humic substances of different molecular sizes (F1: < 0.45 µm, F2: 100 kDa - 0.45 µm, F3: 30 - 100 kDa and F4': < 30 kDa). For the water samples with lower apparent molecular size fractions, greater dosages of coagulant was needed to remove the color around 5.0 Hanzen units, mainly because these water samples contain higher concentrations of fulvic acids, which exhibited a larger number of negatively-charged groups.


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Hemicelluloses are potential raw material for several items produced in future wood-based biorefineries. One possible method for recovering hemicelluloses from wood extracts is ultrafiltration (UF). However, low filtration capacities and severe fouling restrict the use of tight UF membranes in the treatment of wood extracts. The lack of suitable commercial membranes creates a need for pretreatment which would decrease fouling and increase the filtration capacity. This thesis focuses on the evaluation of the possibility to improve the filtration capacity and decrease fouling with the pretreatment of wood extracts. Methods which remove harmful compounds and methods which degrade them are studied, as well as combinations of the methods. The tested pretreatments have an influence on both the concentration of different compounds and the molecular mass distribution of the compounds in the extract. This study revealed that in addition to which kind of compounds were removed, also the change in molecular size distribution affected the filtration capacity significantly. It was shown that the most harmful compounds for the filtration capacity of the hydrophobic 5 kDa membrane were the ones capable of permeating the membrane and fouling also the inner membrane structure. Naturally, the size of the most harmful compounds depends on the used UF membrane and is thus case-specific. However, in the choice of the pretreatment method, the focus should be on the removal of harmful compound sizes rather than merely on the total amount of removed foulants. The results proved that filtration capacity can be increased with both adsorptive and oxidative pretreatments even by hundreds of per cents. For instance, the use of XAD7 and XAD16 adsorbents increased the average flux in the UF of a birch extract from nearly zero to 107 kg/(m2h) and 175 kg/(m2h), respectively. In the treatment of a spruce extract, oxidation by pulsed corona discharge (PCD) increased the flux in UF from 46 kg/(m2h) to 158 kg/(m2h). Moreover, when a birch extract batch was treated with laccase enzyme, the flux in UF increased from 15 kg/(m2h) to 36 kg/(m2h). However, fouling was decreased only by adsorptive pretreatment while oxidative methods had a negligible or even negative impact on it. This demonstrates that filtration capacity and fouling are affected by different compounds and mechanisms. The results of this thesis show that filtration capacity can be improved and fouling decreased through appropriate pretreatment. However, the choice of the best possible pretreatment is case-specific and depends on the wood extract and the membrane used. Finding the best option requires information on the extract content and membrane characteristics as well as on the filtration performance of the membrane in the prevailing conditions and a multivariate approach. On the basis of this study, it can be roughly concluded that adsorptive pretreatment improves the filtration capacity and decreases fouling rather reliably, but it may lead to significant hemicellulose losses. Oxidation reduces the loss of valuable hemicelluloses and could improve the filtration capacity, but fouling challenges may remain. Combining oxidation with adsorptive pretreatment was not a solution for avoiding hemicellulose losses in the tested cases.


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Extensive studies have been initiated to generate enough data to register the methyl homologue (MBC-MIC, see List of Abbreviations, page 14) of benomyl (MBC-BIC) as a commercial product through a joint effort between the federal government and Canadian industry. The objective of this study, as part of the whole project, was to generate fundamental data on the physical properties of the series of benomyl homologues (MBC-MIC, MBC-EIC, MBC-PIC and MBC-BIC). These data include the half lives of these compounds in water at the pH range from 2 to 12; they ranged from 0.7 to 10. 1 hours. Standard solutions of these compounds in concentrated acid were found to be stable for at least two weeks, and in the case of MBC-MIC it was stable at least 1 month. Another major goal of this study was to determine the solubility of each compound in water at different pHs in the range of 1 to 12. The solubility of the compounds ranged from 0.6 jig/mL to 396 fig/mL. In addition, it was possible to prepare stable stock solutions at concentrations > 1 000 |ig/mL in concentrated nitric acid. Several aspects of analytical methods have been improved to accurately assess the solubility and rate of degradation of benomyl and its homologues in alkaline conditions. The determination of melting points was attempted but all compounds decomposed before melting.To complement the studies of the benomyl homologue series attempts were made to explore the presence of any relationships between the structures of the compounds and their properties. Although there were some exceptions, the compound's solubility decreased and half life increased as the molecular size increased from the methyl to the butyl analogue.


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The synthesis of dimethyl acetals of carbonyl compounds such as cyclohexanone, acetophenone, and benzophenone has successfully been carried out by the reaction between ketones and methanol using different solid acid catalysts. The strong influence of the textural properties of the catalysts such as acid amount and adsorption properties (surface area and pore volume) determine the catalytic activity. The molecular size of the reactants and products determine the acetalization ability of a particular ketone. The hydrophobicity of the various rare earth exchanged Mg–Y zeolites, K-10 montmorillonite clay, and cerium exchanged montmorillonite (which shows maximum activity) is more determinant than the number of active sites present on the catalyst. The optimum number of acidic sites as well as dehydrating ability of Ce3+-montmorillonite and K-10 montmorillonite clays and various rare earth exchanged Mg–Y zeolites seem to work well in shifting the equilibrium to the product side.


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Relaxation behavior was measured for dough, gluten and gluten protein fractions obtained from the U.K. biscuitmaking flour, Riband, and the U.K. breadmaking flour, Hereward. The relaxation spectrum, in which relaxation times (tau) are related to polymer molecular size, for dough showed a broad molecular size distribution, with two relaxation processes: a major peak at short times and a second peak at times longer than 10 sec, which is thought to correspond to network structure, and which may be attributed to entanglements and physical cross-links of polymers. Relaxation spectra of glutens were similar to those for the corresponding doughs from both flours. Hereward gluten clearly showed a much more pronounced second peak in relaxation spectrum and higher relaxation modulus than Riband gluten at the same water content. In the gluten protein fractions, gliadin and acetic acid soluble glutenin only showed the first relaxation process, but gel protein clearly showed both the first and second relaxation processes. The results show that the relaxation properties of dough depend on its gluten protein and that gel protein is responsible for the network structure for dough and gluten.


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Batch syntheses of isomaltooligosaccharides (IMO) from sucrose, using the enzymes dextransucrase and dextranase were performed with the aim of understanding the reaction mechanism and the parameters which affect product characteristics and molecular size. Both activities described for dextransucrase (dextran formation and acceptor reaction) achieved synthesis whilst the hydrolytic activity of dextranase regulated the product molecular size and acceptor availability. Depending on the reaction conditions, the product oligosaccharide mixtures contained mainly sugars (up to 36%) with degrees of polymerization (DP) varying between 10 and 60 together with lower concentrations of both lower and higher molecular weight sugars. Alterations in substrate and dextranase concentrations (50-400 mg ml(-1) and 2.5-46 U ml(-1), respectively) affected the molecular weight of IMO, the reaction rate and the formation of leucrose. This permitted manipulation of the product characteristics. It was found that higher substrate and dextranase concentrations gave rise to products with lower molecular sizes and a dextransucrase:dextranase ratio of 1: 1 or 1:2 appeared to produce a polymer with a molecular weight which is desirable for prebiotic use. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The applications of rheology to the main processes encountered during breadmaking (mixing, sheeting, fermentation and baking) are reviewed. The most commonly used rheological test methods and their relationships to product functionality are reviewed. It is shown that the most commonly used method for rheological testing of doughs, shear oscillation dynamic rheology, is generally used under deformation conditions inappropriate for breadmaking and shows little relationship with end-use performance. The frequency range used in conventional shear oscillation tests is limited to the plateau region, which is insensitive to changes in the HMW glutenin polymers thought to be responsible for variations in baking quality. The appropriate deformation conditions can be accessed either by long-time creep or relaxation measurements, or by large deformation extensional measurements at low strain rates and elevated temperatures. Molecular size and structure of the gluten polymers that make up the major structural components of wheat are related to their rheological properties via modern polymer rheology concepts. Interactions between polymer chain entanglements and branching are seen to be the key mechanisms determining the rheology of HMW polymers. Recent work confirms the observation that the dynamic shear plateau modulus is essentially independent of variations in MW of glutens amongst wheat varieties of varying baking performance and also that it is not the size of the soluble glutenin polymers, but the secondary structural and rheological properties of the insoluble polymer fraction that are mainly responsible for variations in baking performance. Extensional strain hardening has been shown to be a sensitive indicator of entanglements and long-chain branching in HMW polymers, and is well related to baking performance of bread doughs. The Considere failure criterion for instability in extension of polymers defines a region below which bubble walls become unstable, and predicts that when strain hardening falls below a value of around 1, bubble walls are no longer stable and coalesce rapidly, resulting in loss of gas retention and lower volume and texture. Strain hardening in doughs has been shown to reach this value at increasingly higher temperatures for better breadmaking varieties and is directly related to bubble stability and baking performance. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study focused on effects of structure, content and biological activity of condensed tannins (CT) in leaves, stems and whole plant of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) on its in vivo and in situ digestive characteristics in sheep. Sainfoin was studied as fresh forage during the first vegetation cycle at two phenological stages (i.e., end of flowering and green seeds) and during the second vegetation cycle (i.e., start of flowering). The feeding experiment used 12 sheep; with six dosed, through the rumen cannula, with polyethylene glycol (PEG) to neutralise CT effects. Organic matter digestibility (OMD), total tract N disappearance and N balance were measured in sheep fed the whole plant. The residues of dry matter (DM) and N from nylon bags suspended in the rumen were determined on leaves and stems. Intestinal digestibility was measured using other, intestinally fistulated sheep. PEG addition and vegetation cycle increased total tract N digestibility (P<0.001) but PEG affected OMD only at the end of flowering. PEG inactivated the CT and increased urinary N excretion (P<0.05) but this was offset by lower faecal N excretion (P<0.001). Feeding sainfoin can be used to alter the form of excreted N (i.e., urine vs faeces) and thus potentially reduce environmental N pollution without affecting body N retention. Kinetic studies of total N, ammonia N (NH3-N) and volatile fatty acids (VFA) in rumen fluid were made before and 1.5, 3 and 6 h after feeding. Sainfoin CT decreased rumen fluid soluble N (P<0.05) and NH3-N (P<0.01). Ruminal N disappearance (DisN) of leaves or stems was lower in the presence of active CT compared to PEG-inactivated CT (P<0.001) for both vegetation cycles. PEG also increased intestinal digestibility (P<0.05) of leaves and stems. Leaves had lower ruminal DisN, but higher N disappearing from intestine than stems. The biological activity and content of CT in the whole plant decreased as phenological stage increased. Prodelphinidin:procyanidin (PD:PC) ratios of leaves varied with vegetation cycle and phenological stage. The molecular size of CT in the whole plant, as indicated by their mean degree of polymerisation (mDP), was lowest at the start of flowering and coincided with the higher biological activity and content of CT.


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Milk oligosaccharides are believed to have beneficial biological properties. Caprine milk has a relatively high concentration of oligosaccharides in comparison to other ruminant milks and has the closest oligosaccharide profile to human milk. The first stage in recovering oligosaccharides from caprine milk whey, a by-product of cheese making, was accomplished by ultrafiltration to remove proteins and fat globules, leaving more than 97% of the initial carbohydrates, mainly lactose, in the permeate. The ultrafiltered permeate was further processed using a 1 kDa ‘tight’ ultrafiltration membrane, which retained less than 7% of the remaining lactose. The final retentate was fractionated by preparative scale molecular size exclusion chromatography, to yield 28 fractions, of which oligosaccharide-rich fractions were detected somewhere between fractions 9/10 to 16/17, suitable for functionality and gut health promotion testing. All fractions were evaluated for their oligosaccharide and carbohydrate profiles using three complementary analytical methods.