948 resultados para Modern science


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The research of psycho-simulation training on modern operators was raised with the new demands of the technological revolution and the revolution in traditional industries in China. Having reviewed the history and current situation about psychological researches in personnel training in West, Soviet Union, developing countries, including China, the author hold that the principal problems in perssonel technical training in China was that the theoretical exploration of technical ability was neglected. For the solution of the above problems, the overall conception of this research was designed as follows. The intellectual skill plays a more and more important role in elements of technical abilities of workers due to the evergreater progress in modern science and technology, the higher automatic degree in industry. If the intellectual skill in training was emphasiged, the formation of technical ability in whole would be accelerated. For this purpore, the research adopted psycho-simulation method to realize the conception.


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Modern scientific world-view has undermined traditional myths, the functional survival of which seems to depend today in the West on a positivist justification. This would place them in the field of real History, through their study and revitalization by pseudoscientific disciplines such as the Atlantis and the ancient astronaut hypotheses. These have inspired new epic poems in (regular) verse that combine classic and/or biblical myths with a (pseudo)scientific modern world-view. For example, the critical rewriting of Noah’s myth by using the ancient astronaut hypothesis as a fictional device to produce a contemporary kind of plausibility allowed Abel Montagut to renew epic poetry, updating it also by adopting science fiction chronotopes in order to structure his fictional construction and to generate a high ethical sense for our time. Thus, his Poemo de Utnoa (1993) / La gesta d’Utnoa (1996), which has become a major classic of the literature in Esperanto thanks to its original version in this language, is a landmark of both science fiction and neo-biblical epics. This poem is written from a secular and purely literary perspective.


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Medical device related infections are becoming an increasing prevalent area of infectious disease. They can be attributed to a multitude of factors from an increasing elderly population with reduced immunological status to increasing microbial resistance and evolution. Of greatest significance is the failure of standard antimicrobial regimens to eradicate biomaterial-related infections due to the formation of microbial biofilms consisting of extracellular polymeric substances. Biofilms form and thrive at the abiotic device surface where nutrients are more concentrated and symbiotic colonies can be formed. The formation of a biofilm matrix occurs in a series of steps beginning with reversible attachment of bacteria to the surface of the substrate and terminating in dispersion of mature biofilm microcolonies that aim to colonise fresh surfaces high in nutrients. Mature biofilms can resist 10-1000 times the concentrations of standard antibiotic regimens that are required to kill genetically equivalent planktonic forms. The extent of the infection and the pathogen(s) present can be attributed to both the form and location of the device. It is important that preventative measures and treatment strategies relate to combating the causative microorganisms. Preventative measures include: the use of anti-infective biomaterials that can be coated or incorporated with standard or innovative antimicrobials; modified anti-adhesive medical devices; environmental sterilisation protocols and prophylactic drug therapy. Treatment of established infection may require removal of the device or if deemed possible the device may be salvageable through the initiation of antimicrobial therapy. The increasing spectre of antibiotic resistance and medical device related infections are a large and increasing burden on health care systems and the patient’s quality of life and long term prognosis. As an infectious disease it represents one of the most difficult challenges facing modern science and healthcare.


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L’objectif central du présent mémoire consiste à interroger les implications générales de l’interprétation taylorienne de la sécularisation, telle que déployée dans ‘A Secular Age’ (2007), pour la philosophie de la religion. Nous soutenons que l’approche herméneutique de notre auteur, reposant sur son anthropologie philosophique, a pour effet d’arrimer de façon indissociable et originale le problème de la sécularisation avec le questionnement philosophique sur la religion. À cet effet, nous présentons la critique du naturalisme déployée par Taylor ainsi que les grandes lignes de sa ‘dialectique’ afin de clarifier l’orientation générale de sa démarche. Nous passons ensuite à une analyse de son interprétation de la sécularisation ainsi que des implications de cette dernière pour les questions constitutives de la philosophie de la religion, touchant notamment la nature de la religion, le statut épistémologique des croyances religieuses, les rapports entre foi et raison ainsi que la relation entre la religion et la science moderne. Nous terminons sur un ton plus critique en interrogeant le ‘réalisme métaéthique’ de notre auteur et en soutenant que sa position pourrait constituer la base d’un ‘récit soustractif’ plus robuste et pénétrant.


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Ce mémoire portera sur le problème de la signification, dans la pensée de Heidegger, de la métaphysique moderne, à partir de la conception de l’histoire de l’être qu’il développe dans les années 1930. Plus précisément, nous nous baserons sur l’écrit Die Zeit des Weltbildes, que l’on retrouve dans le recueil nommé Holzwege, mais également, dans une moindre mesure, sur l’écrit Niezsches Wort « Gott ist tot » du même recueil. Nous commencerons par introduire le lecteur à l’idée qu’il se fait de la métaphysique en général dans son rapport à l’homme, et du nihilisme que constitue son histoire, lequel s’accentue à l’époque moderne. Nous rentournerons alors brièvement aux premiers commencements de la métaphysique, chez Parménide et Platon principalement, dans le but de dégager les aspects de la métaphysique moderne qui y ont trouvé leur source. C’est alors que nous entrerons dans le vif du sujet, en expliquant en quoi consiste l’inauguration de la métaphysique moderne chez Descartes qui, face à l’obligation religieuse, pose la confirmation autonome de la vérité qui trouve son lieu propre dans la conscience de soi. Il sera dès lors question de montrer précisément comment se fait cette confirmation par soi-même du vrai, au travers de certaines notions centrales de l’analyse heideggerienne : la pro-position, la présentation et la représentation, l’instauration, la production, l’obtention, la préhension et la compréhension, notamment. Nous analyserons ensuite le mouvement de la volonté du sujet qui sous-tend cette confirmation autonome du savoir jusqu’à son aboutissement chez des penseurs tels que Schopenhauer. Nous mettrons par le fait même en évidence le rapport fondamental, souligné par Heidegger, entre le sujet et son objet, l’homme moderne se soulèvant et se donnant lui-même le statut éminent de centre de référence de toute chose, rapportant à lui-même tout chose. Ce mémoire se terminera par l’analyse que fait Heidegger d’un phénomène propre à la modernité, et donc émanent de la métaphysique qui aura été examinée au préalable, soit la science moderne. Celle-ci constitue la voie privilégiée où l’homme moderne, après avoir sciemment pris position au centre du monde, peut « procéder » dans le monde comme dans son royaume, un monde qui se révèle alors comme étant essentiellement à sa disposition. La science, émanant selon Heidegger de la conception moderne de la vérité et de l’étant, se révèle alors non seulement comme une réalisation de la métaphysique qui aura été analysée dans les chapitres précédents, mais peut-être même comme le phénomène duquel Heidegger semble s’être inspiré pour développer son idée de la métaphysique moderne.


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The development of new materials has been the hall mark of human civilization. The quest for making new devices and new materials has prompted humanity to pursue new methods and techniques that eventually has given birth to modern science and technology. With the advent of nanoscience and nanotechnology, scientists are trying hard to tailor materials by varying their size and shape rather than playing with the composition of the material. This, along with the discovery of new and sophisticated imaging tools, has led to the discovery of several new classes of materials like (3D) Graphite, (2D) graphene, (1D) carbon nanotubes, (0D) fullerenes etc. Magnetic materials are in the forefront of applications and have beencontributing their share to remove obsolescence and bring in new devices based on magnetism and magnetic materials. They find applications in various devices such as electromagnets, read heads, sensors, antennas, lubricants etc. Ferromagnetic as well as ferrimagnetic materials have been in use in the form of various devices. Among the ferromagnetic materials iron, cobalt and nickel occupy an important position while various ferrites finds applications in devices ranging from magnetic cores to sensors.


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Linked Open data – a platform for modern science, engineering, education and business. In the more recent talk, Sir Nigel Shadbolt speaks about "The Value of Openess - The Open Data Institute and Publically Funded Open Data" during the Natural History Museum of London Informatics Horizons event.


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O ensino dos Princípios de Física nas escolas de Ensino de Primeiro Grau oficial tem se mostrado ineficaz no que diz respeito ao preparo do aluno para compreender a Física do 2º grau, dificultando a integração do indivíduo na sociedade tecnológica contemporânea, quer no acesso a um mercado de trabalho de mão-de-obra especializada, como técnico, quer como candidato ao ensino de 3º grau. Os princípios da Ciência Contemporânea podem e devem ser mobilizados para a solução de problemas. A compreensão da Física contemporânea no nível de abstração em que se encontra, requer do indivíduo um pensamento favorito por estruturas que possibilitem operações abstratas. A Epistemologia Genética de Jean Piaget mostra que a explicação do mundo físico pelo indivíduo data dos primeiros contatos com a realidade. A estratutação dessa realidade vai-se tornando cada vez mais complexa de acordo com as possibilidades de raciocínio que o indivíduo possua para interpretá-la. O raciocínio é o resultado das operações realizadas pelo indivíduo, possibilitadas por estraturas mentais subjacentes. Essas estruturas se desenvolvem à medida que o indivíduo interage com o meio, permitindo de início uma interação sensório-motora, que, aos poucos, vai se operacionalizando até dominar o pensamento concreto, podendo então passar a realizar operações sobre operações que são chamadas de operações formais ou abstratas. Estas acontecem a partir da adolescência. Os princípios da Física lecionados nas escolas de Ensino de Primeiro Grau requerem para a sua compreensão, além do domínio do pensamento concreto, o pensamento formal. Realizou-se uma pesquisa com alunos de 7ª e 8ª séries do Ensino de Primeiro Grau e alunos da 2ª série do curso de formação de professores; verificou-se que esses sujeitos não haviam dominado as operações concretas nem tinham ainda atingido o início do pensamento formal. Consequentemente, a aprendizagem dos principios de Física que lhes são ministrados acha-se seriamente comprometido, fazendo-se necessária uma mudança de atitude do professor frente aos alunos, a fim de desenvolver o seu raciocfnio propiciando uma aprendizagem efetiva.


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Este trabalho é uma tentativa de pensar o ato de educar a partir de uma concepção dialética, isto é, considerando os pólos de uma contradição como complementares, e não excludentes. Nos quatro primeiros capítulos são apresentadas unidades de contrários observadas, respectivamente, na filosofia oriental, na ciência moderna, na psicanálise e na filosofia da linguagem, destacando-se contribuições e questionamentos que essas ciências e saberes podem oferecer à educação. No quinto e último capítulo avaliam-se as principais correntes de pensamento que influenciaram a teoria e prática educacionais, no Brasil, nas últimas décadas. A partir desse contexto, confrontam-se com os referenciais teóricos trabalhados, algumas questões colocadas pela prática em escolas de 1º e 2º graus, especialmente no projeto de 5ª e 8ª séries da Escola Senador Correia (escola particular, no Rio de Janeiro). Assim, busca-se livrar de abordagens maniqueístas a consideração de oposições tais como: escola moderna x tradicional; liberdade x coerção; autonomia x dependência diretivismo x espontaneísmo; e transmissão x construção do conhecimento.


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Following the new tendency of interdisciplinarity of modern science, a new field called neuroengineering has come to light in the last decades. After 2000, scientific journals and conferences all around the world have been created on this theme. The present work comprises three different subareas related to neuroengineering and electrical engineering: neural stimulation; theoretical and computational neuroscience; and neuronal signal processing; as well as biomedical engineering. The research can be divided in three parts: (i) A new method of neuronal photostimulation was developed based on the use of caged compounds. Using the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA caged by a ruthenium complex it was possible to block neuronal population activity using a laser pulse. The obtained results were evaluated by Wavelet analysis and tested by non-parametric statistics. (ii) A mathematical method was created to identify neuronal assemblies. Neuronal assemblies were proposed as the basis of learning by Donald Hebb remain the most accepted theory for neuronal representation of external stimuli. Using the Marcenko-Pastur law of eigenvalue distribution it was possible to detect neuronal assemblies and to compute their activity with high temporal resolution. The application of the method in real electrophysiological data revealed that neurons from the neocortex and hippocampus can be part of the same assembly, and that neurons can participate in multiple assemblies. (iii) A new method of automatic classification of heart beats was developed, which does not rely on a data base for training and is not specialized in specific pathologies. The method is based on Wavelet decomposition and normality measures of random variables. Throughout, the results presented in the three fields of knowledge represent qualification in neural and biomedical engineering


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Este trabalho aponta algumas críticas feitas ao conhecimento científico moderno no âmbito do movimento ambientalista, com especial destaque às idéias filosóficas cartesianas. Entendendo ser o processo educativo uma etapa fundamental para amenizar ou reverter o quadro de degradações ambientais, analisamos alguns limites dessas críticas como a não contextualização histórico-social de tais idéias. Por fim observamos a inadequação que causa a repetição dessas críticas à ciência moderna para o processo educativo.


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The general objective of this dissertation is to analyze the metaphysical aspects of "rational mechanics" of Isaac Newton, clarifying, by scientific and philosophical discourse, their main elements, with emphasis to the presence of one entity infinitely rational behind all the phenomena of nature, and to the Newton's insight as certain empiricist which, however, accepts deductions metaphysics; a philosopher-scientist. The specific objectives are detailed below: a) brief presentation of the development of modern science, since the Pre-Socratics, seeking to understand the historical conjecture that enabled the rise of Newtonian mechanics; b) presentation of the elements of scientific methodology and philosophical, aimed at comprehension of certain "Newtonian methodology", understanding how this specific methodology able to present empirical aspects, mathematics, philosophic and religious in communion; c) to understand, from the Newtonian concepts, both concerning man's role in the world as the "notional notions" of mass, space, time and movement, necessary for analysis and understanding of certain metaphysical aspects in the Newtonian physics; d) to present the Newtonian concepts related to the ether, to understand why it necessarily assumes metaphysics characteristics and mediation between the bodies; e) to present and understand the factors that lead the empiricist Newton to assume the religion in his mechanics, as well as, the existence and functions of God in nature, to object to the higher content of his metaphysics; f) to highlight the metaphysical elements of his classical mechanics, that confirm the presence of concepts like God Creator and Preserver of the natural laws; g) at last, to analyze the importance of Newton to the modern metaphysics and the legacy to philosophy of science at sec. XVII to science contemporary


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A discussão sobre ciência e ética, se colocada em nível radical, necessita previamente passar pela concepção filosófica de 'ser humano', 'ética' e 'ciência'. Na perspectiva existencialista, o homem é um ser capaz de autodeterminação, ou seja, ser sujeito do conhecimento e da ação. em conseqüência, no campo ético, tudo aquilo que tira ou diminui essa dimensão de sujeito é considerado violência. Por sua vez, a ciência moderna ocidental contém em si um amplo projeto de dominação: da natureza, de si mesmo e do outro. Portanto, uma ciência ética só é possível a partir de uma nova postura diante da própria ciência e dos valores da sociedade construída sob seu signo.