938 resultados para Modern Power Theories


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Modern power networks incorporate communications and information technology infrastructure into the electrical power system to create a smart grid in terms of control and operation. The smart grid enables real-time communication and control between consumers and utility companies allowing suppliers to optimize energy usage based on price preference and system technical issues. The smart grid design aims to provide overall power system monitoring, create protection and control strategies to maintain system performance, stability and security. This dissertation contributed to the development of a unique and novel smart grid test-bed laboratory with integrated monitoring, protection and control systems. This test-bed was used as a platform to test the smart grid operational ideas developed here. The implementation of this system in the real-time software creates an environment for studying, implementing and verifying novel control and protection schemes developed in this dissertation. Phasor measurement techniques were developed using the available Data Acquisition (DAQ) devices in order to monitor all points in the power system in real time. This provides a practical view of system parameter changes, system abnormal conditions and its stability and security information system. These developments provide valuable measurements for technical power system operators in the energy control centers. Phasor Measurement technology is an excellent solution for improving system planning, operation and energy trading in addition to enabling advanced applications in Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC). Moreover, a virtual protection system was developed and implemented in the smart grid laboratory with integrated functionality for wide area applications. Experiments and procedures were developed in the system in order to detect the system abnormal conditions and apply proper remedies to heal the system. A design for DC microgrid was developed to integrate it to the AC system with appropriate control capability. This system represents realistic hybrid AC/DC microgrids connectivity to the AC side to study the use of such architecture in system operation to help remedy system abnormal conditions. In addition, this dissertation explored the challenges and feasibility of the implementation of real-time system analysis features in order to monitor the system security and stability measures. These indices are measured experimentally during the operation of the developed hybrid AC/DC microgrids. Furthermore, a real-time optimal power flow system was implemented to optimally manage the power sharing between AC generators and DC side resources. A study relating to real-time energy management algorithm in hybrid microgrids was performed to evaluate the effects of using energy storage resources and their use in mitigating heavy load impacts on system stability and operational security.


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Voltage drop and rise at network peak and off–peak periods along with voltage unbalance are the major power quality problems in low voltage distribution networks. Usually, the utilities try to use adjusting the transformer tap changers as a solution for the voltage drop. They also try to distribute the loads equally as a solution for network voltage unbalance problem. On the other hand, the ever increasing energy demand, along with the necessity of cost reduction and higher reliability requirements, are driving the modern power systems towards Distributed Generation (DG) units. This can be in the form of small rooftop photovoltaic cells (PV), Plug–in Electric Vehicles (PEVs) or Micro Grids (MGs). Rooftop PVs, typically with power levels ranging from 1–5 kW installed by the householders are gaining popularity due to their financial benefits for the householders. Also PEVs will be soon emerged in residential distribution networks which behave as a huge residential load when they are being charged while in their later generation, they are also expected to support the network as small DG units which transfer the energy stored in their battery into grid. Furthermore, the MG which is a cluster of loads and several DG units such as diesel generators, PVs, fuel cells and batteries are recently introduced to distribution networks. The voltage unbalance in the network can be increased due to the uncertainties in the random connection point of the PVs and PEVs to the network, their nominal capacity and time of operation. Therefore, it is of high interest to investigate the voltage unbalance in these networks as the result of MGs, PVs and PEVs integration to low voltage networks. In addition, the network might experience non–standard voltage drop due to high penetration of PEVs, being charged at night periods, or non–standard voltage rise due to high penetration of PVs and PEVs generating electricity back into the grid in the network off–peak periods. In this thesis, a voltage unbalance sensitivity analysis and stochastic evaluation is carried out for PVs installed by the householders versus their installation point, their nominal capacity and penetration level as different uncertainties. A similar analysis is carried out for PEVs penetration in the network working in two different modes: Grid to vehicle and Vehicle to grid. Furthermore, the conventional methods are discussed for improving the voltage unbalance within these networks. This is later continued by proposing new and efficient improvement methods for voltage profile improvement at network peak and off–peak periods and voltage unbalance reduction. In addition, voltage unbalance reduction is investigated for MGs and new improvement methods are proposed and applied for the MG test bed, planned to be established at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). MATLAB and PSCAD/EMTDC simulation softwares are used for verification of the analyses and the proposals.


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Reliability is an integral component of modern power system design, planning and management. This paper uses the Markov approach to substation reliability evaluation using dedicated reliability software. This technique was applied to yield reliability indices for an existing and important substation in the POWERLINK QUEENSLAND 275 kV transmission network. Reliability indices were also determined for several reinforcement alternatives for this substation with the aim of improving substation reliability. The economic feasibility of achieving higher levels of reliability was also taken into account.


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This paper presents a series of operating schedules for Battery Energy Storage Companies (BESC) to provide peak shaving and spinning reserve services in the electricity markets under increasing wind penetration. As individual market participants, BESC can bid in ancillary services markets in an Independent System Operator (ISO) and contribute towards frequency and voltage support in the grid. Recent development in batteries technologies and availability of the day-ahead spot market prices would make BESC economically feasible. Profit maximization of BESC is achieved by determining the optimum capacity of Energy Storage Systems (ESS) required for meeting spinning reserve requirements as well as peak shaving. Historic spot market prices and frequency deviations from Australia Energy Market Operator (AEMO) are used for numerical simulations and the economic benefits of BESC is considered reflecting various aspects in Australia’s National Electricity Markets (NEM).


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This paper examines how ideas and practices of accounting come together in turning the abstract concept of climate change into a new non-financial performance measure in a large energy company in the UK. It develops the notion of ‘governmental management’ to explain how the firm’s carbon dioxide emissions were transformed into a new organisational object that could be made quantifiable, measureable and ultimately manageable because of the modern power of accounting in tying disciplinary subjectivities and objectivities together whilst operating simultaneously at the level of individual and the organisation. Examining these interrelations highlights the constitutive nature of accounting in creating not just new categories for accounting’s attention, but in turn new organisational knowledge and knowledge experts in the making up accounting for climate change. Significantly, it appears these new knowledge experts are no longer accountants: which may help explain accounting’s evolution into evermore spheres of influence as we increasingly choose to manage our world ‘by the numbers’.


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Este trabalho pretende comparar o ensino da produção textual em livros didáticos do português (LDP) e em apostilas escolares (AE), as quais hoje apontam para uma opção mercadológica de mercantilização do conhecimento escolar brasileiro. Como metodologia da pesquisa, optamos por um levantamento diacrônico sobre o ensino de Língua Portuguesa no Brasil, apresentando um histórico do LD como suporte de ensino e de aprendizagem da disciplina, para analisarmos os impactos das teorias linguísticas modernas, sobretudo, no que diz respeito aos gêneros discursivos (cf. Bakhtin, 2003), e dos PCN/PCNEM no ensino da produção de textos em sala de aula. Em virtude das modificações recentemente propostas pelo Exame Nacional de Ensino Médio (ENEM) e dos seus impactos na abordagem escolar da Produção Textual (PT), delimitamos nossa análise ao gênero dissertação escolar (DE), conhecido genericamente como redação escolar (RE), o mais cobrado em concursos e vestibulares brasileiros, traçando um recorte desde o período pós-Ditadura até as recentes propostas semióticas de abordagem do gênero (BARTHES, 1975; SANTAELLA, 2009; SIMÕES, 2009). Nossa perspectiva é, à guisa das mudanças ideológicas envolvidas na mudança de abordagem do ensino de RE para PT, apontar como LDP, tradicionalmente adotados em escolas públicas, e AE, contemporaneamente preferidas por dirigentes de escolas particulares, comportam-se frente a quatro eixos fundamentais para a prática docente do ensino da dissertação escolar: concepções teóricas adotadas, metodologia do ensino de DE, fundamentação teórico-metodológica dos professores e propostas de avaliação. Feita a análise contrastiva, o trabalho apontará aspectos divergentes e convergentes desse ensino, contextualizando o papel docente como mediador diante dos conflitos pedagógicos surgidos no decorrer da educação básica


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A presente dissertação constitui uma investigação no campo da filosofia moral moderna, acerca do surgimento de um traço constitutivo das principais teorias morais modernas: o individualismo. Esse conceito é examinado, principalmente, à luz da filosofia prática de John Stuart Mill. A investigação inicia-se com a análise da emergência da moderna tradição dos direitos naturais, surgida com o escopo de equacionar os dilemas morais advindos de um contexto histórico-cultural particular. Em seguida, investiga-se o surgimento da tradição moral utilitarista e sua crítica ao moderno jusnaturalismo. A seguir, analisa-se como o próprio utilitarismo, contudo, torna-se objeto de críticas que incidem sobre o que seria a) a sua incapacidade de elaborar uma concepção de vida humana qualitativamente distinta da vida de outros animais; e b) sobre a insuficiente consideração do utilitarismo pelas liberdades individuais. A dissertação investiga, pois, os esforços de Mill para fazer frente a tais críticas e, assim, "redescrever" a tradição utilitarista. As tentativas de Mill de responder às críticas feitas ao utilitarismo o afastam da formulação clássica dessa escola de pensamento. Mill torna-se, assim, um utilitarista sui generis. A presente dissertação sugere que Mill, ao objetivar resguardar o utilitarismo das críticas que esta tradição recebera, elabora uma das mais influentes teorias morais individualistas da contemporaneidade.


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There is increasing adoption of computer-based tools to support the product development process. Tolls include computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacture, systems engineering and product data management systems. The fact that companies choose to invest in tools might be regarded as evidence that tools, in aggregate, are perceived to possess business value through their application to engineering activities. Yet the ways in which value accrues from tool technology are poorly understood.

This report records the proceedings of an international workshop during which some novel approaches to improving our understanding of this problem of tool valuation were presented and debated. The value of methods and processes were also discussed. The workshop brought together British, Dutch, German and Italian researchers. The presenters included speakers from industry and academia (the University of Cambridge, the University of Magdeburg and the Politechnico de Torino)

The work presented showed great variety. Research methods include case studies, questionnaires, statistical analysis, semi-structured interviews, deduction, inductive reasoning, the recording of anecdotes and analogies. The presentations drew on financial investment theory, the industrial experience of workshop participants, discussions with students developing tools, modern economic theories and speculation on the effects of company capabilities.


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Superconducting Fault Current Limiters (SFCLs) are regarded as key components for modern power systems. The progress in the development of YBCO thin films opens new perspectives in the design of these devices. In this paper, the quenching phenomenon in YBCO thin films is investigated experimentally, in order to gain the proper technical know-how suitable for the design of resistive type SFCLs. In particular, the origin of the quenching, as well as the propagation dynamics within a YBCO tape, is investigated for different input current waveforms. The role of a parallel-connected protective resistance on the quench dynamic is also studied. © 2009 IEEE.


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This research systematically compared Chinese undergraduates with American undergraduates on four kinds of attributional bias: correspondent bias, siuational overattribution, intergroup attributional bias and self-serving attributional bias, and examined the effect of the implicit theories reflecting the cultures on attributional bias. First is analyzed three pairs of opposite implicit theories: dispositionalist theory and situationalist theory, generality and particularity, stressing the positive evaluation of self and despising the positive evaluation of self. It developed the Modern Implicit Theories Inventory and Traditional Implicit Theories Inventory to measure these implicit theories, and the results showed these inventories had satisfactory validity and reliability, and they were suitable for the group comparison of Chinese implicit theories with European-American. At the same time through the test it found Chinese undergraduates agreed all these opposite implicit theories more than American undergraduates. Second, it studied Chinese and American undergraduates' attributional accuracy on locus of causality. The results showed: Chinese and American undergraduates both had the correspondent bias under the different salient situational constraints, and the degree of Chinese and American undergraduates' correspondent bias under the different salient situational constraints had no significant difference' Chinese and American undergraduates both showed the situational overattribution; Chinese undergraduates had more the correspondent bias and situational overattribution than American undergraduates. Third, on the research of Chinese and American undergraduates' intergroup attributional bias, it found Chinese and American undergraduates both had no intergroup attributional bias among kin, friends and strangers, while they both show some favorable outcome effects for these three group actors. The favorable outcome effects were significant on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality and controllability for strangers' behavior, and stability for kin and friends' behavior rating by Chinese undergraduates, and stability for friends' behavior rating by American undergraduates. Fourth, it explored Chinese and American undergraduates' self-serving attributional bias, and the result indicated that Chinese and American undergraduates both showed significant self-serving attributional bias: for outcome effects, Chinese undergraduates' self-serving attributional bias were reflected on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability, controllability and globality, and American undergraduates were reflected on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability and globality; for categorization effects, both Chinese and American undergraduates' self-serving attributional bias were reflected on attributional difference between self's negative behavior and others', but Chinese undergraduates were embodied on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability and globality while American undergraduates were reflected on the attributional dimensions of stability and globality. It also found Chinese undergraduates had more self-serving attributional bias than American undergraduates. This was reflected on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability and controllability for outcome effects, and for categorization effects, locus of causality, stability and globality rating for self and others' negative behavior. All studies indicated that Chinese and American undergraduates' implicit theories had no significant effects on all their four attributional bias. These findings' potentially important implications were discussed and the further research was suggested.


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A massive change is currently taking place in the manner in which power networks are operated. Traditionally, power networks consisted of large power stations which were controlled from centralised locations. The trend in modern power networks is for generated power to be produced by a diverse array of energy sources which are spread over a large geographical area. As a result, controlling these systems from a centralised controller is impractical. Thus, future power networks will be controlled by a large number of intelligent distributed controllers which must work together to coordinate their actions. The term Smart Grid is the umbrella term used to denote this combination of power systems, artificial intelligence, and communications engineering. This thesis focuses on the application of optimal control techniques to Smart Grids with a focus in particular on iterative distributed MPC. A novel convergence and stability proof for iterative distributed MPC based on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers is derived. Distributed and centralised MPC, and an optimised PID controllers' performance are then compared when applied to a highly interconnected, nonlinear, MIMO testbed based on a part of the Nordic power grid. Finally, a novel tuning algorithm is proposed for iterative distributed MPC which simultaneously optimises both the closed loop performance and the communication overhead associated with the desired control.


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This thesis presents a study of the 112 narratives collected from the Corpus Iuris Hibernici. The selection of narratives is based on criteria informed by modern narratological theories. The significant presence of narratives in early Irish law tracts appears at odds with the normal conception of law texts as consisting solely of provisions, and therefore needs to be accounted for. Since no systematic study has been conducted of these legal narratives, this thesis serves as an introduction by giving firstly an index of narratives and secondly a categorisation of them in terms of distribution, dates and functions. It then carries out a general analysis of the relationship between legal narratives and early Irish literature, and a selected case study of the relationship between legal narratives and the legal institutions in the context of which the narratives are located. It has become clearer, with the progress of argument, that the use of narratives was an integral part of legal writing in medieval Ireland; and the narratives, though having many idiosyncratic features of themselves, are profoundly connected with the learned tradition at large. The legal narratives reveal the intellectual background and compositional concerns of medieval Irish jurists, and they formed a crucial part of the effort to accommodate law tracts into the dynamic tradition of senchas. Two appendices are included at the end: one consists of translations of 34 narratives from the index, and the other is a critical edition of one of the narratives discussed in detail, together with translations of some relevant passages.


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An important issue in risk analysis is the distinction between epistemic and aleatory uncertainties. In this paper, the use of distinct representation formats for aleatory and epistemic uncertainties is advocated, the latter being modelled by sets of possible values. Modern uncertainty theories based on convex sets of probabilities are known to be instrumental for hybrid representations where aleatory and epistemic components of uncertainty remain distinct. Simple uncertainty representation techniques based on fuzzy intervals and p-boxes are used in practice. This paper outlines a risk analysis methodology from elicitation of knowledge about parameters to decision. It proposes an elicitation methodology where the chosen representation format depends on the nature and the amount of available information. Uncertainty propagation methods then blend Monte Carlo simulation and interval analysis techniques. Nevertheless, results provided by these techniques, often in terms of probability intervals, may be too complex to interpret for a decision-maker and we, therefore, propose to compute a unique indicator of the likelihood of risk, called confidence index. It explicitly accounts for the decisionmaker’s attitude in the face of ambiguity. This step takes place at the end of the risk analysis process, when no further collection of evidence is possible that might reduce the ambiguity due to epistemic uncertainty. This last feature stands in contrast with the Bayesian methodology, where epistemic uncertainties on input parameters are modelled by single subjective probabilities at the beginning of the risk analysis process.


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Economic and environmental load dispatch aims to determine the amount of electricity generated from power plants to meet load demand while minimizing fossil fuel costs and air pollution emissions subject to operational and licensing requirements. These two scheduling problems are commonly formulated with non-smooth cost functions respectively considering various effects and constraints, such as the valve point effect, power balance and ramp rate limits. The expected increase in plug-in electric vehicles is likely to see a significant impact on the power system due to high charging power consumption and significant uncertainty in charging times. In this paper, multiple electric vehicle charging profiles are comparatively integrated into a 24-hour load demand in an economic and environment dispatch model. Self-learning teaching-learning based optimization (TLBO) is employed to solve the non-convex non-linear dispatch problems. Numerical results on well-known benchmark functions, as well as test systems with different scales of generation units show the significance of the new scheduling method.


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Electric vehicles (EV) are proposed as a measure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in transport and support increased wind power penetration across modern power systems. Optimal benefits can only be achieved, if EVs are deployed effectively, so that the exhaust emissions are not substituted by additional emissions in the electricity sector, which can be implemented using Smart Grid controls. This research presents the results of an EV roll-out in the all island grid (AIG) in Ireland using the long term generation expansion planning model called the Wien Automatic System Planning IV (WASP-IV) tool to measure carbon dioxide emissions and changes in total energy. The model incorporates all generators and operational requirements while meeting environmental emissions, fuel availability and generator operational and maintenance constraints to optimize economic dispatch and unit commitment power dispatch. In the study three distinct scenarios are investigated base case, peak and off-peak charging to simulate the impacts of EV’s in the AIG up to 2025.