983 resultados para Moderate Exercise


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OBJECTIVE: Investigation of standard intensities of physical exercise is important to better comprehend and develop rehabilitation programs for emphysema. We aimed to evaluate the effects of different intensities (moderate and high-intensity) of physical exercise on the development of a protease-induced (papain intratracheal instillation) emphysema in rats. METHODS: Male Wistar rats were randomly separated into five groups that received intratracheal instillation of papain solution or vehicle: (i) papain high intensity exercise, (ii) papain moderate exercise, (iii) saline high intensity exercise, (iv) saline sedentary and (v) papain sedentary. Forty days after intratracheal instillation, the exercise groups were submitted to an exercise-training protocol on a treadmill during 10 weeks, 5 days/week, at 0.9 km/h (Papain and saline high exercise), or at 0.6 km/h (papain moderate exercise).We measured respiratory system elastance and resistance, the collagen fiber lung parenchyma, and the pulmonary mean linear intercept. RESULTS: All animal groups that received papain instillation presented higher alveolar wall destruction compared to animals that received only saline solution. The papain high intensity exercise group presented higher values of mean linear intercept compared to emphysema groups that were trained at a moderate intensity or not submitted to exercise. CONCLUSION: High intensity exercise training worsened alveolar destruction in an experimental model of emphysema in rats when compared to moderate intensity exercise, or to no exercise.


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The plastic brain responses generated by the training with acrobatic exercise (AE) and with treadmill exercise (TE) may be different. We evaluated the protein expression of synapsin I (SYS), synaptophysin (SYP), microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) and neurofilaments (NF) by immunohistochemistry and Western blotting in the motor cortex, striatum and cerebellum of rats subjected to TE and AE. Young adult male Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: sedentary (Sed) (n=15), TE (n=20) and AE (n=20). The rats were trained 3 days/week for 4 weeks on a treadmill at 0.6 km/h, 40 min/day (TE), or moved through a circuit of obstacles 5 times/day (AE). The rats from the TE group exhibited a significant increase of SYS and SYP in the motor cortex, of NF68, SYS and SYP in the striatum, and of MAP2, NF and SYS in the cerebellum, whereas NF was decreased in the motor cortex and the molecular layer of the cerebellar cortex. On the other hand, the rats from the AE group showed a significant increase of MAP2 and SYP in the motor cortex, of all four proteins in the striatum, and of SYS in the cerebellum. In conclusion, AE induced changes in the expression of synaptic and structural proteins mainly in the motor cortex and striatum, which may underlie part of the learning of complex motor tasks. TE, on the other hand, promoted more robust changes of structural proteins in all three regions, especially in the cerebellum, which is involved in learned and automatic tasks. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: Increased risk of arrhythmic events occurs at certain times during the circadian cycle with the highest risk being in the second and fourth quarter of the day. Exercise improves treatment outcome in individuals with cardiovascular disease. How different exercise protocols affect the circadian rhythm and the associated decrease in adverse cardiovascular risk over the circadian cycle has not been shown. Methods: Fifty sedentary male participants were randomized into an 8-week high volume and moderate volume training and a control group. Heart rate was recorded using Polar Electronics and investigated with Cosinor analysis and by Poincaré plot derived features of SD1, SD2 and the complex correlation measure (CCM) at 1-h intervals over the 24-h period. Results: Moderate exercise significantly increased vagal modulation and the temporal dynamics of the heart rate in the second quarter of the circadian cycle (p = 0.004 and p = 0.007 respectively). High volume exercise had a similar effect on vagal output (p = 0.003) and temporal dynamics (p = 0.003). Cosinor analysis confirms that the circadian heart rate displays a shift in the acrophage following moderate and high volume exercise from before waking (1st quarter) to after waking (2nd quarter of day). Conclusions: Our results suggest that exercise shifts vagal influence and increases temporal dynamics of the heart rate to the 2nd quarter of the day and suggest that this may be the underlying physiological change leading to a decrease in adverse arrhythmic events during this otherwise high-risk period.


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Although the "slow" phase of pulmonary oxygen uptake (Vo2) appears to represent energetic processes in contracting muscle, electromyographic evidence tends not to support this. The present study assessed normalized integrated electromyographic (NIEMG) activity in eight muscles that act about the hip, knee and ankle during 8 min of moderate (ventilatory threshold) cycling in six male cyclists. (Vo2) was measured breath by breath during four repeated trials at each of the two intensities. Moderate and very heavy exercise followed a 4-min period of light exercise (50 W). During moderate exercise the slow (Vo2) phase was absent and NIEMG in all muscles did not increase after the first minute of exercise. During very heavy exercise, the slow phase emerged (time delay=58 ± 16 s) and increased progressively (time constant=120 ± 35 s) to an amplitude (0.83 ± 0.16 L/min) that was approximately 21% of the total (Vo2) response. This slow (Vo2) phase coincided with a significant increase in NIEMG in most muscles, and differences in NIEMG activities between the two intensities revealed "slow" muscle activation profiles that differed between muscles in terms of the onset, amplitude and shape of these profiles. This supports the hypothesis that the slow (Vo2) phase is a function of these different slow muscle activation profiles.


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The aims of this study were to examine: (1) the association between sociodemographic and lifestyle factors and sleep quality in a population-based cohort of Australian women and (2) possible influence of reproductive status and mental and physical health factors on these associations. Data on 3,655 women (mean age046.6 years, range 34.3–67.4) were obtained from the Mater Hospital University of Queensland Study of Pregnancy for this cross-sectional study. Self-rated sleep quality was assessed using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. For the purpose of this study, two cutoff points (scores 5 and 10) were used to divide women into three categories: normal (65.2 %), moderately poor (26.4 %), and very poor sleep quality (8.5 %). Other covariates were measured at 21-year follow-up as well. After adjusting for reproductive status, mental and physical health, there were significant associations between moderately poor sleep quality and education and between very poor sleep quality and unemployment, both measures of socioeconomic status. In addition, work-related exertion was associated with increased rates of moderately poor sleep quality, whereas those women undertaking moderate exercise were less likely to experience very poor sleep quality. Independent associations between sociodemographic factors and exercise with moderately poor and very poor sleep quality were identified. These findings demonstrate the dynamic nature of the association between exercise/exertion, socioeconomic status, and sleep quality and highlight the importance of taking these into consideration when dealing with issues of poor sleep quality in women.


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Background Physiotherapists are a professional group with a high rate of attrition and at high risk of musculoskeletal disorders. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the physical activity levels and health-related quality of life of physiotherapists working in metropolitan clinical settings in an Australian hospital and health service. It was hypothesized that practicing physiotherapists would report excellent health-related quality of life and would already be physically active. Such a finding would add weight to a claim that general physical activity conditioning strategies may not be useful for preventing musculoskeletal disorders among active healthy physiotherapists, but rather, future investigations should focus on the development and evaluation of role specific conditioning strategies. Methods A questionnaire was completed by 44 physiotherapists from three inpatient units and three ambulatory clinics (63.7% response rate). Physical activity levels were reported using the Active Australia Survey. Health-related quality of life was examined using the EQ-5D instrument. Physical activity and EQ-5D data were examined using conventional descriptive statistics; with domain responses for the EQ-5D presented in a frequency histogram. Results The majority of physiotherapists in this sample were younger than 30 years of age (n = 25, 56.8%) consistent with the presence of a high attrition rate. Almost all respondents exceeded minimum recommended physical activity guidelines (n = 40, 90.9%). Overall the respondents engaged in more vigorous physical activity (median = 180 minutes) and walking (median = 135 minutes) than moderate exercise (median = 35 minutes) each week. Thirty-seven (84.1%) participants reported no pain or discomfort impacting their health-related quality of life, with most (n = 35,79.5%) being in full health. Conclusions Physical-conditioning based interventions for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders among practicing physiotherapists may be better targeted to role or task specific conditioning rather than general physical conditioning among this physically active population. It is plausible that an inherent attrition of physiotherapists may occur among those not as active or healthy as therapists who cope with the physical demands of clinical practice. Extrapolation of findings from this study may be limited due to the sample characteristics. However, this investigation addressed the study objectives and has provided a foundation for larger scale longitudinal investigations in this field.


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Evidências crescentes têm demonstrado que o exercício prejudica a estrutura da membrana eritrocitária, como consequência do aumento do estresse físico e químico. O óxido nítrico (NO) derivado dos eritrócitos afeta a fluidez da membrana e a sua biodisponibilidade depende do equilíbrio entre a sua síntese e eliminação por espécies reativas de oxigênio. Nós investigamos se o exercício realizado em diferentes intensidades afetaria biodisponibilidade do NO eritrocitário e se levaria a um quadro de estresse oxidativo. Dez homens (26 4 anos, VO2pico 44,1 4,3 mL.kg-1.min-1) realizaram um teste cardiopulmonar máximo em esteira e um teste de exercício submáximo a 70% VO2pico durante 30 min. O sangue foi coletado em repouso e imediatamente após os exercícios para isolamento dos eritrócitos. O exercício máximo aumentou a contagem de eritrócitos, hemoglobina e hematócrito, sem levar a qualquer alteração na massa corporal que pudesse sugerir hemoconcentração devido a uma redução do volume plasmático. Observou-se uma diminuição do influxo de L-arginina depois do teste submáximo, mas não no teste máximo. No entanto, a atividade da óxido nítrico sintase, ou seja, a produção de NO, foi aumentada após o teste máximo. Os níveis de GMPc não se alteraram após ambos os teste de exercício. Em relação aos biomarcadores de estresse oxidativo, o exercício submáximo reduziu a oxidação proteica e aumentou a atividade da catalase e a expressão da glutationa peroxidase, enquanto que o exercício máximo levou a uma maior peroxidação lipídica e diminuição da atividade da SOD. Nem a atividade glutationa peroxidase ou a expressão NADPH oxidase foram afetadas pelo exercício. Estes resultados sugerem que o exercício induziu alterações no estresse oxidativo de eritrócitos, que parecem estar mais associadas com a intensidade do que a duração do execicio. Além disso, nas intensidades recomendadas para a promoção da saúde, o exercício mostrou ser protetor, aumentando a atividade e a expressão de enzimas antioxidantes importantes e reduzindo os danos oxidativos.


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Estudos epidemiológicos têm mostrado rápido aumento na prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade, tanto na população adulta quanto em crianças e adolescentes, sendo o exercício físico considerado uma importante estratégia tanto na prevenção quanto no tratamento do ganho de peso. Apesar disso, estudos que avaliam os efeitos isolados do exercício físico no controle ponderal têm apresentado resultados conflitantes. Esses achados podem ser explicados por um possível efeito compensatório provocado pela sessão de exercício nas atividades físicas realizadas em períodos subsequentes. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o efeito de diferentes intensidades do exercício físico no gasto energético com atividades físicas em adolescentes com excesso de peso. O desenho do estudo foi experimental do tipo crossover com realização de três sessões (controle, exercício moderado e exercício vigoroso). Vinte e quatro adolescentes de 11 a 13 anos, estudantes da rede municipal de ensino de Niterói-RJ, do sexo masculino e com excesso de peso concordaram em participar do estudo. O gasto energético com atividades físicas foi avaliado por acelerômetros triaxiais colocados durante as sessões experimentais e retirado após seis dias. Os dados referentes ao gasto energético associado às atividades físicas foram avaliados na 1 hora de utilização do acelerômetro e durante os seis dias de acompanhamento. Além disso, os valores também foram tratados de forma cumulativa, tendo sido calculado o gasto energético total de 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 e 144 horas. Análise de variância foi utilizada para avaliar as possíveis diferenças entre o gasto energético na primeira hora de registro entre os três grupos seguida do teste post hoc de Scheffé. A comparação das variações das médias de gasto energético (por dia e acumuladas) foi realizada por meio de modelos lineares mistos. A comparação do gasto energético durante a 1 hora de registro demonstrou diferença significativa entre todos três grupos, com médias de 82, 286 e 343 kcal para os grupos controle, moderado e intenso, respectivamente (p<0.001). O mesmo padrão de diferença para o gasto energético entre os grupos se manteve ao final de 24 horas (704 vs 970 vs 1056 kcal, p<0.001) e no gasto energético acumulado durante os seis dias de acompanhamento (5102 vs 5193 vs 5271 kcal, p<0.001). A análise do gasto energético por dia demonstrou uma redução do gasto energético dos grupos moderado e vigoroso a partir do segundo dia e que se manteve até o sexto dia de acompanhamento. Desse modo, pode-se concluir que uma única sessão de exercício físico aeróbio parece modificar o comportamento das atividades físicas espontâneas realizadas ao longo de 6 dias em adolescentes com excesso de peso. Entretanto, apesar do efeito compensatório observado, o gasto energético acumulado durante os seis dias para os grupos que realizaram as sessões de exercícios foi superior ao da sessão controle, tendo o grupo vigoroso apresentado o maior dispêndio acumulado para o período de acompanhamento. Futuros estudos são necessários de modo a investigar a compensação do gasto energético em obesos e não obesos e o efeito de um número maior de sessões de treinamento.


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Burnley, M, Doust, J and Jones, A (2005) Effects of Prior Warm-up Regime on Severe-Intensity Cycling Performance. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 37 (5). pp. 838-845. ISSN 1530-0315 RAE2008


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Background: Most cardiovascular disease (CVD) occurs in the presence of traditional risk factors, including hypertension and dyslipidemia, and these in turn are influenced by behavioural factors such as diet and lifestyle. Previous research has identified a group at low risk of CVD based on a cluster of inter-related factors: body mass index (BMI) < 25 Kg/m2, moderate exercise, alcohol intake, non-smoking and a favourable dietary pattern. The objective of this study was to determine whether these factors are associated with a reduced prevalence of hypertension and dyslipidemia in an Irish adult population. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional survey of 1018 men and women sampled from 17 general practices. Participants completed health, lifestyle and food frequency questionnaires and provided fasting blood samples for analysis of glucose and insulin. We defined a low risk group based on the following protective factors: BMI <25 kg/m2; waist-hip ratio (WHR) <0.85 for women and <0.90 for men; never smoking status; participants with medium to high levels of physical activity; light alcohol consumption (3.5–7 units of alcohol/week) and a "prudent" diet. Dietary patterns were assessed by cluster analysis. Results: We found strong significant inverse associations between the number of protective factors and systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and dyslipidemia. The prevalence odds ratio of hypertension in persons with 1, 2, 3, ≥ 4 protective factors relative to those with none, were 1.0, 0.76, 0.68 and 0.34 (trend p < 0.01). The prevalence odds ratio of dyslipidemia in persons with 1, 2, 3, ≥ 4 protective factors relative to those with none were 0.83, 0.98, 0.49 and 0.24 (trend p = 0.001). Conclusion: Our findings of a strong inverse association between low risk behaviours and two of the traditional risk factors for CVD highlight the importance of 'the causes of the causes' and the potential for behaviour modification in CVD prevention at a population level.


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Background Very few studies on human exposure to allergenic pollen have been conducted using direct methods, with background concentrations measured at city center monitoring stations typically taken as a proxy for exposure despite the inhomogeneous nature of atmospheric pollen concentrations. A 2003 World Health Organization report highlighted the need for an improved understanding of the relation between monitoring station data and actual exposure. Objective To investigate the relation between grass pollen dose and background concentrations measured at a monitoring station, to assess the fidelity of monitoring station data as a qualitative proxy for dose, and to evaluate the ratio of dose rate to background concentration. Methods Grass pollen dose data were collected in Aarhus, Denmark, in an area where grass pollen sources were prevalent, using Nasal Air Samplers. Sample collection lasted for approximately 25 to 30 minutes and was performed at 2-hour intervals from noon to midevening under moderate exercise by 2 individuals. Results A median ratio of dose rate to background concentration of 0.018 was recorded, with higher ratio values frequently occurring at 12 to 2 pm, the time of day when grass species likely to be present in the area are expected to flower. From 4 to 8 pm, dose rate and background concentration data were found to be strongly and significantly correlated (rs = 0.81). Averaged dose rate and background concentration data showed opposing temporal trends. Conclusion Where local emissions are not a factor, background concentration data constitute a good quantitative proxy for inhaled dose. The present ratio of dose rate to background concentration may aid the study of dose–response relations.


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La pratique d’activité physique fait partie intégrante des recommandations médicales pour prévenir et traiter les maladies coronariennes. Suivant un programme d’entraînement structuré, serait-il possible d’améliorer la réponse à l’exercice tout en offrant une protection cardiaque au patient? C’est ce que semblent démontrer certaines études sur le préconditionnement ischémique (PCI) induit par un test d’effort maximal. Les mêmes mécanismes physiologiques induits par le PCI sont également observés lorsqu’un brassard est utilisé pour créer des cycles d’ischémie/reperfusion sur un muscle squelettique. Cette méthode est connue sous l’appellation : préconditionnement ischémique à distance (PCID). À l’autre extrémité du spectre de l’activité physique, des sportifs ont utilisé le PCDI durant leur échauffement afin d’améliorer leurs performances. C’est dans l’objectif d’étudier ces prémisses que se sont construits les projets de recherches suivants. La première étude porte sur les effets du PCID sur des efforts supra maximaux de courte durée. Les sujets (N=16) ont exécuté un test alactique (6 * 6 sec. supra maximales) suivi d’un test lactique (30 secondes supra maximales) sur ergocycle. Les sujets avaient été aléatoirement assignés à une intervention PCID ou à une intervention contrôle (CON) avant d’entreprendre les efforts. La procédure PCID consiste à effectuer quatre cycles d’ischémie de cinq minutes à l’aide d’un brassard insufflé à 50 mm Hg de plus que la pression artérielle systolique sur le bras. Les résultats de ce projet démontrent que l’intervention PCID n’a pas d’effets significatifs sur l’amélioration de performance provenant classiquement du « système anaérobie », malgré une légère hausse de la puissance maximal en faveur du PCID sur le test de Wingate de trente secondes (795 W vs 777 W) et sur le test de force-vitesse de six secondes (856 W vs 847 W). Le deuxième essai clinique avait pour objectif d’étudier les effets du PCID, selon la méthode élaborée dans le premier projet, lors d’un effort modéré de huit minutes (75 % du seuil ventilatoire) et un effort intense de huit minutes (115 % du seuil ventilatoire) sur les cinétiques de consommation d’oxygène. Nos résultats démontrent une accélération significative des cinétiques de consommation d’oxygène lors de l’intervention PCID par rapport au CON aux deux intensités d’effort (valeur de τ1 à effort modéré : 27,2 ± 4,6 secondes par rapport à 33,7 ± 6,2, p < 0,01 et intense : 29,9 ± 4,9 secondes par rapport à 33,5 ± 4,1, p < 0,001) chez les sportifs amateurs (N=15). Cela se traduit par une réduction du déficit d’oxygène en début d’effort et une atteinte plus rapide de l’état stable. Le troisième projet consistait à effectuer une revue systématique et une méta-analyse sur la thématique du préconditionnement ischémique (PCI) induit par un test d’effort chez les patients coronariens utilisant les variables provenant de l’électrocardiogramme et des paramètres d’un test d’effort. Notre recherche bibliographique a identifié 309 articles, dont 34 qui ont été inclus dans la méta-analyse, qui représente un lot de 1 053 patients. Nos analyses statistiques démontrent que dans un effort subséquent, les patients augmentent leur temps avant d’atteindre 1 mm de sous-décalage du segment ST de 91 secondes (p < 0,001); le sous-décalage maximal diminue de 0,38 mm (p < 0,01); le double produit à 1 mm de sous-décalage du segment ST augmente de 1,80 x 103 mm Hg (p < 0,001) et le temps total d’effort augmente de 50 secondes (p < 0,001). Nos projets de recherches ont favorisé l’avancement des connaissances en sciences de l’activité physique quant à l’utilisation d’un brassard comme stimulus au PCID avant un effort physique. Nous avons évalué l’effet du PCID sur différentes voies métaboliques à l’effort pour conclure que la méthode pourrait accélérer les cinétiques de consommation d’oxygène et ainsi réduire la plage du déficit d’oxygène. Nos découvertes apportent donc un éclaircissement quant à l’amélioration des performances de type contre-la-montre étudié par d’autres auteurs. De plus, nous avons établi des paramètres cliniques permettant d’évaluer le PCI induit par un test d’effort chez les patients coronariens.


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Zur Erholung in die Natur gehen oder doch lieber zur Natursimulation greifen? Intuitiv würden die meisten Menschen der Natur einen größeren Erholungswert zusprechen als einer Natursimulation. Aber ist die Natur tatsächlich erholsamer? In der Naturerholungsforschung (Restorative Environment Research) kommen häufig Natursimulationen zum Einsatz, um die erholsame Wirkung von Natur zu ermitteln. Problematisch ist dabei, dass deren ökologische Validität und Vergleichbarkeit noch nicht empirisch abgesichert ist. Vorliegende Arbeit setzt an dieser methodischen und empirischen Lücke an. Sie überprüft sowohl die ökologische Validität als auch die Vergleichbarkeit von Natursimulationen. Dazu wird die erholsame Wirkung von zwei Natursimulationen im Vergleich zu der physisch-materiellen Natur empirisch untersucht und verglichen. Darüber hinaus werden Aspekte des subjektiven Erlebens und der Bewertung im Naturerholungskontext exploriert. Als bedeutsamer Wirkmechanismus wird die erlebnisbezogene Künstlichkeit/Natürlichkeit angesehen, die sich auf die Erlebnisqualität von Natursimulationen und der physisch-materiellen Natur bezieht: Natursimulationen weisen im Vergleich zur physisch-materiellen Natur eine reduzierte Erlebnisqualität auf (erlebnisbezogene Künstlichkeit), z.B. eine reduzierte Qualität und Quantität der Sinnesansprache. Stellt man einen derartigen Vergleich nicht nur mit der physisch-materiellen Natur, sondern mit unterschiedlichen Natursimulationstypen an, dann zeigen sich auch hier Unterschiede in der erlebnisbezogenen Künstlichkeit. Beispielsweise unterscheidet sich ein Naturfoto von einem Naturfilm durch das Fehlen von auditiven und bewegten Stimuli. Diese erlebnisbezogene Künstlichkeit kann die erholsame Wirkung von Natur - direkt oder indirekt über Bewertungen - hemmen. Als Haupthypothese wird angenommen, dass mit zunehmendem Ausmaß an erlebnisbezogener Künstlichkeit die erholsame Wirkung der Natur abnimmt. Dem kombinierten Feld- und Laborexperiment liegt ein einfaktorielles Vorher-Nachher-Design zugrunde. Den 117 Probanden wurde zunächst eine kognitiv und affektiv belastende Aufgabe vorgelegt, danach folgte die Erholungsphase. Diese bestand aus einem Spaziergang, der entweder in der physisch-materiellen Natur (urbaner Park) oder in einer der beiden audio-visuellen Natursimulationen (videogefilmter vs. computergenerierter Spaziergang durch selbigen urbanen Park) oder auf dem Laufband ohne audio-visuelle Darbietung stattfand. Die erlebnisbezogene Künstlichkeit/Natürlichkeit wurde also wie folgt operationlisiert: die physische Natur steht für die erlebnisbezogene Natürlichkeit. Die beiden Natursimulationen stehen für die erlebnisbezogene Künstlichkeit. Die computergenerierte Version ist im Vergleich zur Videoversion erlebnisbezogen künstlicher, da sie weniger fotorealistisch ist. Die Zuordnung zu einer der vier experimentellen Erholungssettings erfolgte nach dem Zufallsprinzip. Die Effekte von moderater Bewegung wurden in den Natursimulationen durch das Laufen auf dem Laufband kontrolliert. Die Beanspruchungs- bzw. Erholungsreaktionen wurden auf kognitiver (Konzentriertheit, Aufmerksamkeitsleistung) affektiver (3 Befindlichkeitsskalen: Wachheit, Ruhe, gute Stimmung) und physiologischer (Alpha-Amylase) Ebene gemessen, um ein umfassendes Bild der Reaktionen zu erhalten. Insgesamt zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die beiden Natursimulationen trotz Unterschiede in der erlebnisbezogenen Künstlichkeit/Natürlichkeit zu relativ ähnlichen Erholungsreaktionen führen, wie die physisch-materielle Natur. Eine Ausnahme stellen eine der drei affektiven (Wachheit) und die physiologische Reaktion dar: Probanden der physisch-materiellen Naturbedingung geben an wacher zu sein und weisen - wider erwarten - eine höhere physiologische Erregung auf. Demnach ist die physisch-materielle Natur nicht grundsätzlich erholsamer als die Natursimulationen. Die Hypothese ließ sich somit nicht bestätigen. Vielmehr deuten sich komplexe Erholungsmuster und damit auch unterschiedliche Erholungsqualitäten der Settings an, die einer differenzierten Betrachtung bedürfen. Für die ökologische Validität von Natursimulationen gilt, dass diese nur mit Einschränkung als ökologisch valide bezeichnet werden können, d.h. nur für bestimmte, aber nicht für alle Erholungsreaktionen. Die beiden Natursimulationen führen ebenfalls trotz Unterschiede in der erlebnisbezogenen Künstlichkeit zu ähnlichen Erholungsreaktionen und können somit als gleichwertig behandelt werden. Erstaunlicherweise kommt es hier zu ähnlichen Erholungsreaktionen, obwohl die bestehenden Unterschiede von den Probanden wahrgenommen und die erlebnisbezogen künstlichere computergenerierte Version negativer bewertet wird. Aufgrund der nicht erwartungskonformen Ergebnisse muss das Erklärungskonzept der erlebnisbezogenen Künstlichkeit/Natürlichkeit infrage gestellt werden. Alternative Erklärungskonzepte für die Ergebnisse („Ungewissheit“, mentale räumliche Modelle), die sich andeutenden unterschiedlichen Erholungsqualitäten der Settings, methodische Einschränkungen sowie die praktische Bedeutung der Ergebnisse werden kritisch diskutiert.


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The syndrome of cancer cachexia is accompanied by several alterations in lipid metabolism, and the liver is markedly affected. Previous Studies showed that moderate exercise training may prevent liver fill accumulation through diminished delivery of lipids to the liver, increased hepatic oxidation and increased incorporation of triacylglycerol (TAG) into very low density lipoprotein (VLDL). Our aim was to examine the influence of moderate intensity training (8 weeks) upon TAG content, VLDL assembly and secretion, apolipoprotein B (apoB) and microsomal transfer protein (MTP) gene expression in the liver of cachectic tumour-bearing rats. Animals were randomly assigned to a sedentary control (SC), sedentary tumour-bearing (ST) or exercise-trained control (EC) or to all exercise trained tumour-bearing (ET) group. Trained rats ran on a treadmill (60% VO2max) for 60 min day(-1), 5 day week(-1), for 8 weeks. TAG content and the rate of VLDL secretion (followed for 3 h), its well its mRNA expression of apoB and MTP, and total cholesterol, VLDL-TAG, VLDL-cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol) and tumor weight were evaluated. VLDL-cholesterol showed a decrease in ST (p < 0.05) in relation to SC. Serum TAG, VLDL-TAG and tissue TAG content were all increased in ST (p < 0.01), when compared with SC. ST showed a lower rate of VLDL secretion (p < 0.05) and reduced expression of apoB (p < 0.001) and MTP (p < 0.001), when compared with SC. These parameters were restored to control values (p < 0.05) when the animals were submitted to the exercise training protocol. Tumour weight decreased 10-fold after training (p < 0.001). It is possible to affirm, therefore, that endurance training promoted the re-establishment of lipid metabolism in cachectic tumour-bearing animals, especially in relation to VLDL secretion and assembly. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.