992 resultados para Modelos de Euler-Bernoulli
Isospectral beams have identical free vibration frequency spectrum for a specific boundary condition. The problem of finding non-uniform beams which are isospectral to a given uniform beam, with fixed-free boundary condition, leads to a multimodal optimization problem. The first Q natural frequencies of the given uniform Euler-Bernoulli beam are determined using analytical solution. The first Q natural frequencies of a non-uniform beam are obtained with the help of finite element modeling. In order to obtain the non-uniform beams isospectral to a given uniform beam, an error function is designed, which calculates the difference between the spectra of the given uniform beam and the non-uniform beam. In our study, this error function is minimized using electromagnetism inspired optimization technique, a population based iterative algorithm inspired by the attraction-repulsion physics of electromagnetism. Numerical results show the existence of the isospectral non-uniform beams for a given uniform beam, which occur as local minima. Non-uniform beams isospectral to a damaged beam, are also explored using the proposed methodology to illustrate the fact that accurate structural damage identification is difficult by just frequency measurements. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The performance of two curved beam finite element models based on coupled polynomial displacement fields is investigated for out-of-plane vibration of arches. These two-noded beam models employ curvilinear strain definitions and have three degrees of freedom per node namely, out-of-plane translation (v), out-of-plane bending rotation (theta(z)) and torsion rotation (theta(s)). The coupled polynomial interpolation fields are derived independently for Timoshenko and Euler-Bernoulli beam elements using the force-moment equilibrium equations. Numerical performance of these elements for constrained and unconstrained arches is compared with the conventional curved beam models which are based on independent polynomial fields. The formulation is shown to be free from any spurious constraints in the limit of `flexureless torsion' and `torsionless flexure' and hence devoid of flexure and torsion locking. The resulting stiffness and consistent mass matrices generated from the coupled displacement models show excellent convergence of natural frequencies in locking regimes. The accuracy of the shear flexibility added to the elements is also demonstrated. The coupled polynomial models are shown to perform consistently over a wide range of flexure-to-shear (EI/GA) and flexure-to-torsion (EI/GJ) stiffness ratios and are inherently devoid of flexure, torsion and shear locking phenomena. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
平台运动对张力腿的非线性动力响应具有显著的影响.提出了新的更加符合实际的边界条件,分别采用线性的 Euler-Bernoulli梁和非线性梁模型,分析了在不同的张力腿长度和平台激励条件下,线性张力腿模型与非线性模型在预测其动力响应时所得结果的差异.为了保证数值计算的正确性和可靠性,运用了两种不同的计算方法;Galerkin法,有限差分法进行数值求解.结果表明:非线性模型所得的张力腿流向响应幅值要比线性模型的小,且随着张力腿长度以及平台纵荡幅值的增加,非线性模型与线性模型的预测结果之间的差异会变得越来越显著.
The beam lattice-type models, such as the Euler-Bernoulli (or Timoshenko) beam lattice and the generalized beam (GB) lattice, have been proved very effective in simulating failure processes in concrete and rock due to its simplicity and easy implementation. However, these existing lattice models only take into account tensile failures, so it may be not applicable to simulation of failure behaviors under compressive states. The main aim in this paper is to incorporate Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, which is widely used in many kinds of materials, into the GB lattice procedure. The improved GB lattice procedure has the capability of modeling both element failures and contact/separation of cracked elements. The numerical examples show its effectiveness in simulating compressive failures. Furthermore, the influences of lateral confinement, friction angle, stiffness of loading platen, inclusion of aggregates on failure processes are respectively analyzed in detail.
[ES]El objetivo de este proyecto es diseñar un mecanismo que proporcione desplazamientos XY en una plataforma empleando barras flexibles. Para ello se partirá de la teoría de vigas de Euler-Bernoulli con el objeto de conocer la relación entra las cargas y momentos actuantes en los extremos y la deformada de las barras. Se utilizarán integrales elípticas y métodos numéricos que se implementarán en un programa Matlab para resolver las ecuaciones que facilitan el cálculo de la elástica. Por último, se diseñará el mecanismo y se construirá un prototipo para comparar resultados analíticos y experimentales.
Bio-inspired designs can provide an answer to engineering problems such as swimming strategies at the micron or nano-scale. Scientists are now designing artificial micro-swimmers that can mimic flagella-powered swimming of micro-organisms. In an application such as lab-on-a-chip in which micro-object manipulation in small flow geometries could be achieved by micro-swimmers, control of the swimming direction becomes an important aspect for retrieval and control of the micro-swimmer. A bio-inspired approach for swimming direction reversal (a flagellum bearing mastigonemes) can be used to design such a system and is being explored in the present work. We analyze the system using a computational framework in which the equations of solid mechanics and fluid dynamics are solved simultaneously. The fluid dynamics of Stokes flow is represented by a 2D Stokeslets approach while the solid mechanics behavior is realized using Euler-Bernoulli beam elements. The working principle of a flagellum bearing mastigonemes can be broken up into two parts: (1) the contribution of the base flagellum and (2) the contribution of mastigonemes, which act like cilia. These contributions are counteractive, and the net motion (velocity and direction) is a superposition of the two. In the present work, we also perform a dimensional analysis to understand the underlying physics associated with the system parameters such as the height of the mastigonemes, the number of mastigonemes, the flagellar wave length and amplitude, the flagellum length, and mastigonemes rigidity. Our results provide fundamental physical insight on the swimming of a flagellum with mastigonemes, and it provides guidelines for the design of artificial flagellar systems.
This paper presents a novel, three-dimensional, single-pile model, formulated in the wavenumber domain and adapted to account for boundary conditions using the superposition of loading cases. The pile is modelled as a column in axial vibration, and a Euler-Bernoulli beam in lateral vibration. The surrounding soil is treated as a viscoelastic continuum. The response of the pile is presented in terms of the stiffness and damping coefficients, and also the magnitude and phase of the pile-head frequency-response function. Comparison with existing models shows that excellent agreement is observed between this model, a boundary-element formulation, and an elastic-continuum-type formulation. This three-dimensional model has an accuracy equivalent to a 3D boundary-element model, and a runtime similar to a 2D plane-strain analytical model. Analysis of the response of the single pile illustrates a difference in axial and lateral vibration behaviour; the displacement along the pile is relatively invariant under axial loads, but in lateral vibration the pile exhibits localised deformations. This implies that a plane-strain assumption is valid for axial loadings and only at higher frequencies for lateral loadings. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
随着压电材料结构在航空航天结构控制领域的广泛应用, 压电驱动器与主体结构间的应变传递问题的研究日益重要. 该文首先对压电驱动器应用中的应变传递模型----均匀应变模型与Bernoulli-Euler模型进行了优缺点的分析对比; 其次将Bernoulli-Euler模型用于考虑胶层影响情况, 考虑到压电驱动器在航空航天领域的应用, 着重类似于翼面结构的模型分析, 得到了实际应用中压电驱动器沿结构厚度方向的应变传递表达式; 最后通过数值计算的方法确定了所得应变表达式适用的胶粘剂弹性模量及厚度的范围. 结果表明此表达式的有效性, 使 Bernoulli-Euler模型的应用更接近于实际情况, 同时为智能结构实际应变分布的分析提供了一定的依据与基础
Este trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo modal de um sistema estruturafluído, modelado pela equação de Euler-Bernoulli, para uma viga elástica, sujeita a pressão da água, e por ondas de superfície livre. O sistema acoplado possui condições para o domínio sólido (viga fixa-livre), para o domínio fluído (impermeabilidade e rigidez inferior), com ondas de superfície, e de interfacec fluido-estrutura (condições de continunidade na deflexão, ângulo de rotação, força de corte interno e momento de curvatura). Para deteerminar as vibrações livres e deslocamento no seco e no molhado, utiliza-se o método espectral para eliminar a dependência oscilatória temporal e concentrar-se na determinação dos modos através do estudo de problemas de contornos espaciais. Os modos podem ser calculados com o uso da base clássica de Euler ou da base dinâmica gerada pela resposta impulso. Foram feitas simulações para um material específico, e apresentados os resultados obtidos.
Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo sobre o comportamento dinâmico de sistemas flexíveis com interação viga-água. Especificamente, é escolhida uma barragem freqüentemente encontrada em problemas de engenharia de irrigação e represas. O modelo matemático utilizado para descrever tal fenômeno tem como variáveis principais a pressão hidrodinâmica e os deslocamentos horizontais da barragem. Uma vez formuladas as equações governantes de tal sistema, que resultam em uma equação de onda para a pressão e uma equação de Euler-Bernoulli para os deslocamentos, é utilizada a técnica de separação de variáveis para proceder à sua solução. Por simplicidade, assumiu-se que no modelo não havia o efeito de onda da superfície livre. Primeiro, foi resolvida a equação para a pressão, sendo calculadas as suas componentes temporais e espaciais. Depois, foi resolvida a equação de Euler-Bernoulli junto com a condição de interface. Foram simulações para o material específico, e apresentados os resultados conseguidos. No final do trabalho são enunciadas as conclusões pertinentes.
O objetivo principal deste trabalho é a obtenção dos modos e as freqüências naturais de vigas de variação linear e em forma de cunha, com condições de contorno clássicas e não-clássicas, descritas pelo modelo estrutural de Euler-Bernoulli. A forma dos modos foi determinado com o uso das funções cilíndricas. No caso forçado se considera uma força harmônica e se resolve o problema pelo método espectral, utuilizando o software simbólico Maple V5. Realiza-se uma análise comparativa dos resultados obtidos com os resultados existentes na literatura para vigas uniformes.
Smart material technology has become an area of increasing interest for the development of lighter and stronger structures which are able to incorporate actuator and sensor capabilities for collocated control. In the design of actively controlled structures, the determination of the actuator locations and the controller gains, is a very important issue. For that purpose, smart material modelling, modal analysis methods, control and optimization techniques are the most important ingredients to be taken into account. The optimization problem to be solved in this context presents two interdependent aspects. The first one is related to the discrete optimal actuator location selection problem which is solved in this paper using genetic algorithms. The second is represented by a continuous variable optimization problem, through which the control gains are determined using classical techniques. A cantilever Euler-Bernoulli beam is used to illustrate the presented methodology.
Smart material technology has become an area of increasing interest for the development of lighter and stronger structures that are able to incorporate actuator and sensor capabilities for collocated control. In the design of actively controlled structures, the determination of the actuator locations and the controller gains is a very important issue. For that purpose, smart material modeling, modal analysis methods, and control and optimization techniques are the most important ingredients to be taken into account. The optimization problem to be solved in this context presents two interdependent aspects. The first is related to the discrete optimal actuator location selection problem, which is solved in this paper using genetic algorithms. The second is represented by a continuous variable optimization problem, through which the control gains are determined using classical techniques. A cantilever Euler-Bernoulli beam is used to illustrate the presented methodology.