991 resultados para Mobile cloud


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L’obiettivo del progetto di tesi svolto è quello di realizzare un servizio di livello middleware dedicato ai dispositivi mobili che sia in grado di fornire il supporto per l’offloading di codice verso una infrastruttura cloud. In particolare il progetto si concentra sulla migrazione di codice verso macchine virtuali dedicate al singolo utente. Il sistema operativo delle VMs è lo stesso utilizzato dal device mobile. Come i precedenti lavori sul computation offloading, il progetto di tesi deve garantire migliori performance in termini di tempo di esecuzione e utilizzo della batteria del dispositivo. In particolare l’obiettivo più ampio è quello di adattare il principio di computation offloading a un contesto di sistemi distribuiti mobili, migliorando non solo le performance del singolo device, ma l’esecuzione stessa dell’applicazione distribuita. Questo viene fatto tramite una gestione dinamica delle decisioni di offloading basata, non solo, sullo stato del device, ma anche sulla volontà e/o sullo stato degli altri utenti appartenenti allo stesso gruppo. Per esempio, un primo utente potrebbe influenzare le decisioni degli altri membri del gruppo specificando una determinata richiesta, come alta qualità delle informazioni, risposta rapida o basata su altre informazioni di alto livello. Il sistema fornisce ai programmatori un semplice strumento di definizione per poter creare nuove policy personalizzate e, quindi, specificare nuove regole di offloading. Per rendere il progetto accessibile ad un più ampio numero di sviluppatori gli strumenti forniti sono semplici e non richiedono specifiche conoscenze sulla tecnologia. Il sistema è stato poi testato per verificare le sue performance in termini di mecchanismi di offloading semplici. Successivamente, esso è stato anche sottoposto a dei test per verificare che la selezione di differenti policy, definite dal programmatore, portasse realmente a una ottimizzazione del parametro designato.


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We describe a system for performing SLA-driven management and orchestration of distributed infrastructures composed of services supporting mobile computing use cases. In particular, we focus on a Follow-Me Cloud scenario in which we consider mobile users accessing cloud-enable services. We combine a SLA-driven approach to infrastructure optimization, with forecast-based performance degradation preventive actions and pattern detection for supporting mobile cloud infrastructure management. We present our system's information model and architecture including the algorithmic support and the proposed scenarios for system evaluation.


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The rapid expansion of mobile-based systems, the capabilities of smartphone devices, as well as the radio access and cellular network technologies are the wind beneath the wing of mobile health (mHealth). In this paper, the concept of biomedical sensing analyzer (BSA) is presented, which is a novel framework, devised for sensor-based mHealth applications. The BSA is capable of formulating the Quality of Service (QoS) measurements in an end-to-end sense, covering the entire communication path (wearable sensors, link-technology, smartphone, cell-towers, mobile-cloud, and the end-users). The characterization and formulation of BSA depend on a number of factors, including the deployment of application-specific biomedical sensors, generic link-technologies, collection, aggregation, and prioritization of mHealth data, cellular network based on the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) access technology, and extensive multidimensional delay analyses. The results are studied and analyzed in a LabView 8.5 programming environment.


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The Mobile Cloud Networking project develops among others, several virtualized services and applications, in particular: (1) IP Multimedia Subsystem as a Service that gives the possibility to deploy a virtualized and on-demand instance of the IP Multimedia Subsystem platform, (2) Digital Signage Service as a Service that is based on a re-designed Digital Signage Service architecture, adopting the cloud computing principles, and (3) Information Centric Networking/Content Delivery Network as a Service that is used for distributing, caching and migrating content from other services. Possible designs for these virtualized services and applications have been identified and are being implemented. In particular, the architectures of the mentioned services were specified, adopting cloud computing principles, such as infrastructure sharing, elasticity, on-demand and pay-as-you-go. The benefits of Reactive Programming paradigm are presented in the context of Interactive Cloudified Digital Signage services in a Mobile Cloud Platform, as well as the benefit of interworking between different Mobile Cloud Networking Services as Digital Signage Service and Content Delivery Network Service for better performance of Video on Demand content deliver. Finally, the management of Service Level Agreements and the support of rating, charging and billing has also been considered and defined.


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The increasing dependency of everyday life on mobile devices also increases the number and complexity of computing tasks to be supported by these devices. However, the inherent requirement of mobility restricts them from being resources rich both in terms of energy (battery capacity) and other computing resources such as processing capacity, memory and other resources. This thesis looks into cyber foraging technique of offloading computing tasks. Various experiments on android mobile devices are carried out to evaluate offloading benefits in terms of sustainability advantage, prolonging battery life and augmenting the performance of mobile devices. This thesis considers two scenarios of cyber foraging namely opportunistic offloading and competitive offloading. These results show that the offloading scenarios are important for both green computing and resource augmentation of mobile devices. A significant advantage in battery life gain and performance enhancement is obtained. Moreover, cyber foraging is proved to be efficient in minimizing energy consumption per computing tasks. The work is based on scavenger cyber foraging system. In addition, the work can be used as a basis for studying cyber foraging and other similar approaches such as mobile cloud/edge computing for internet of things devices and improving the user experiences of applications by minimizing latencies through the use of potential nearby surrogates.


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Mobile cloud computing has been involved as a key enabling technology to overcome the physical limitations of mobile devices towards scalable and flexible mobile services. In the mobile cloud environment, searchable encryption, which enables directly search over encrypted data, is a key technique to maintain both the privacy and usability of outsourced data in cloud. On addressing the issue, many research efforts resolve to using the searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) and searchable public-key encryption (SPE). In this paper, we improve the existing works by developing a more practical searchable encryption technique, which can support dynamic updating operations in the mobile cloud applications. Specifically, we make our efforts on taking the advantages of both SSE and SPE techniques, and propose PSU, a Personalized Search scheme over encrypted data with efficient and secure Updates in mobile cloud. By giving thorough security analysis, we demonstrate that PSU can achieve a high security level. Using extensive experiments in a realworld mobile environment, we show that PUS is more efficient compared with the existing proposals.


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Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is a type of software service delivery model which encompasses a broad range of business opportunities and challenges. Users and service providers are reluctant to integrate their business into SaaS due to its security concerns while at the same time they are attracted by its benefits. This article highlights SaaS utility and applicability in different environments like cloud computing, mobile cloud computing, software defined networking and Internet of things. It then embarks on the analysis of SaaS security challenges spanning across data security, application security and SaaS deployment security. A detailed review of the existing mainstream solutions to tackle the respective security issues mapping into different SaaS security challenges is presented. Finally, possible solutions or techniques which can be applied in tandem are presented for a secure SaaS platform.


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Corporates are entering the brave new world of the internet and digitization without much regard for the fine print of a growing regulation regime. More traditional outsourcing arrangements are already falling foul of the regulators as rules and supervision intensifies. Furthermore, ‘shadow IT’ is proliferating as the attractions of SaaS, mobile, cloud services, social media, and endless new ‘apps’ drive usage outside corporate IT. Initial cost-benefit analyses of the Cloud make such arrangements look immediately attractive but losing control of architecture, security, applications and deployment can have far reaching and damaging regulatory consequences. From research in financial services, this paper details the increasing body of regulations, their inherent risks for businesses and how the dangers can be pre-empted and managed. We then delineate a model for managing these risks specifically focused on investigating, strategizing and governing outsourcing arrangements and related regulatory obligations


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In this paper, we propose the concept: the BI Sweet Spot. The BI Sweet Spot ecosystem includes mobile computing, cloud computing and Big Data. We provide an overview for each of the key components and explain how these three components support the BI Sweet Spot. We also discuss best practices for managing these essential components. This study is the first-of-its-kind work in the BI research that considers the inter-relationships and the combined effect of mobile, cloud and Big Data.


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La prima parte del documento contiene una breve introduzione al mondo mobile, cloud computing e social network. La seconda parte si concentra sulla progettazione di un'applicazione per i dispositivi mobili usando le tecnologie Facebook e Parse. Infine, viene implementata un'applicazione Android usando le techiche descritte in precedenza.


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Long Term Evolution (LTE) represents the fourth generation (4G) technology which is capable of providing high data rates as well as support of high speed mobility. The EU FP7 Mobile Cloud Networking (MCN) project integrates the use of cloud computing concepts in LTE mobile networks in order to increase LTE's performance. In this way a shared distributed virtualized LTE mobile network is built that can optimize the utilization of virtualized computing, storage and network resources and minimize communication delays. Two important features that can be used in such a virtualized system to improve its performance are the user mobility and bandwidth prediction. This paper introduces the architecture and challenges that are associated with user mobility and bandwidth prediction approaches in virtualized LTE systems.


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The evolution of wireless access technologies and mobile devices, together with the constant demand for video services, has created new Human-Centric Multimedia Networking (HCMN) scenarios. However, HCMN poses several challenges for content creators and network providers to deliver multimedia data with an acceptable quality level based on the user experience. Moreover, human experience and context, as well as network information play an important role in adapting and optimizing video dissemination. In this paper, we discuss trends to provide video dissemination with Quality of Experience (QoE) support by integrating HCMN with cloud computing approaches. We identified five trends coming from such integration, namely Participatory Sensor Networks, Mobile Cloud Computing formation, QoE assessment, QoE management, and video or network adaptation.


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Las TIC son inseparables de la museografía in situ e imprescindibles en la museografía en red fija y móvil. En demasiados casos se han instalado prótesis tecnológicas para barnizar de modernidad el espacio cultural, olvidando que la tecnología debe estar al servicio de los contenidos de manera que resulte invisible y perfectamente imbricada con la museografía tradicional. Las interfaces móviles pueden fusionar museo in situ y en red y acompañar a las personas más allá del espacio físico. Esa fusión debe partir de una base de datos narrativa y abierta a obras materiales e inmateriales de otros museos de manera que no se trasladen las limitaciones del museo físico al virtual. En el museo in situ tienen sentido las instalaciones hipermedia inmersivas que faciliten experiencias culturales innovadoras. La interactividad (relaciones virtuales) debe convivir con la interacción (relaciones físicas y personales) y estar al servicio de todas las personas, partiendo de que todas, todos tenemos limitaciones. Trabajar interdisciplinarmente ayuda a comprender mejor el museo para ponerlo al servicio de las personas.


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Questa tesi ha come scopo l’analisi approfondita dei diversi servizi di push notification per dispositivi mobile e la progettazione di una componente integrabilem in una private cloud per l’inoltro e la gestione delle push notification.


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The objective of this article is to demonstrate the feasibility of on-demand creation of cloud-based elastic mobile core networks, along with their lifecycle management. For this purpose the article describes the key elements to realize the architectural vision of EPC as a Service, an implementation option of the Evolved Packet Core, as specified by 3GPP, which can be deployed in cloud environments. To meet several challenging requirements associated with the implementation of EPC over a cloud infrastructure and providing it “as a Service,” this article presents a number of different options, each with different characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages. A thorough analysis comparing the different implementation options is also presented.