979 resultados para Mobile Bed Flow


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The purification capacity of a laboratory scale tidal flow reed bed system with final effluent recirculation at a ratio of 1:1 was investigated in this study. In particular, this four-stage reed bed system was highly loaded with strong agricultural wastewater. Under the hydraulic and organic loading rates as high as 0.43 m3/m2d and 1055 gCOD/m2d, respectively, the average removal efficiencies of COD, BOD5, SS, NH4-N and P were 77%, 78%, 66%, 62% and 38%. Even with the high loading rates, approximately 30% of NH4-N was converted into NO2-N and NO3-N from the mid-stage of the system where nitrification took place. The results suggest that the multi-stage reed bed system could be employed to treat strong wastewater under high loading, especially for the substantive mass removal of solids, organic matter and ammoniacal-nitrogen. Tidal flow combined with effluent recirculation is a favourable operation strategy to achieve this objective.


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This work presents a procedure based on spatially-resolved near-infrared imaging, in order to observe temperature and composition maps in gas-solid packed beds subjected to effects of aspect ratio and non-isothermal conditions. The technique was applied to the water vapour flow in a packed bed adsorber of low aspect ratio, filled with silica gel, using a tuneable diode laser, focal planar array detector and tomographic reconstruction. The 2D projected images from parallel scanning permitted data to be retrieved from the packing and above the packing sections of 12.0×12.0×18.2mm at a volume-resolution of 0.15×0.15×0.026mm and a time-resolution of less than 3min. The technique revealed uneven temperature and composition maps in the core packed bed and in the vicinity of the wall due to flow maldistribution. In addition, the heat uptake from the packed bed and local cross-mixing were experimentally ascertained by local profiles of the water vapour composition and temperature under various aspect ratios and feed flow rates. The relative deviations in temperature and compositions were 11.1% and 9.3%, respectively. The deviation in composition, which covers the packing and above the packing sections, was slightly higher than the deviation of 8% obtained up-to-date but was limited to the exit of a packed bed adsorber. © 2011.


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This paper reports the detailed description and validation of a fully automated, computer controlled analytical method to spatially probe the gas composition and thermal characteristics in packed bed systems. As an exemplar, we have examined a heterogeneously catalysed gas phase reaction within the bed of a powdered oxide supported metal catalyst. The design of the gas sampling and the temperature recording systems are disclosed. A stationary capillary with holes drilled in its wall and a moveable reactor coupled with a mass spectrometer are used to enable sampling and analysis. This method has been designed to limit the invasiveness of the probe on the reactor by using the smallest combination of thermocouple and capillary which can be employed practically. An 80 mu m (O.D.) thermocouple has been inserted in a 250 mu m (O.D.) capillary. The thermocouple is aligned with the sampling holes to enable both the gas composition and temperature profiles to be simultaneously measured at equivalent spatially resolved positions. This analysis technique has been validated by studying CO oxidation over a 1% Pt/Al2O3 catalyst and the spatial resolution profiles of chemical species concentrations and temperature as a function of the axial position within the catalyst bed are reported.


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Taste and odour compounds, especially geosmin (GSM) and 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB), cause major problems in both drinking water and aquaculture industries world-wide. Aquaculture in particular has experienced significant financial losses due to the accumulation of taint compounds prior to harvest resulting in consumer rejection. UV-TiO2 photocatalysis has been demonstrated to remove GSM and 2-MIB at laboratory scale but the development of a continuous flow reactor suitable for use in water treatment has not been investigated. In this study, a pilot packed bed photocatalytic reactor was developed and evaluated for water treatment with both laboratory and naturally tainted samples. A significant reduction of both 2-MIB and GSM was achieved in both trials using the packed bed reactor unit. With the laboratory spiked water (100ngL-1 of each compound added prior to treatment), detectable levels were reduced by up to 97% after a single pass through the unit. When the reactor was used to treat water in a fish farm where both compounds were being produced in situ (2-MIB: 19ngL-1 and GSM: 14ngL-1) a reduction of almost 90% in taint compounds was achieved. These very encouraging promising results demonstrate the potential of this UV-TiO2 photocatalytic reactor for water treatment in fish rearing systems and other applications.


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The effect that plants {Typha latifolia) as well as root-bed medium physical and chemical characteristics have on the treatment of primary treated domestic wastewater within a vertical flow constructed wetland system was investigated. Five sets of cells, with two cells in each set, were used. Each cell was made of concrete and measured 1 .0 m X 1 .0 m and was 1.3 m deep. Four different root-bed media were tested : Queenston Shale, Fonthill Sand, Niagara Shale and a Michigan Sand. Four of the sets contained plants and a single type of root-bed medium. The influence of plants was tested by operating a Queenston Shale set without plants. Due to budget constraints no replicates were constructed. All of the sets were operated independently and identically for twenty-eight months. Twelve months of data are presented here, collected after 16 months of continuous operation. Root-bed medium type did not influence BOD5 removal. All of the sets consistently met Ontario Ministry of Environment (MOE) requirements (<25 mg/L) for BOD5 throughout the year. The 12 month average BOD5 concentration from all sets with plants was below 2.36 mg/L. All of the sets were within MOE discharge requirements (< 25 mg/L) for suspended solids with set effluent concentrations ranging from 1.53 to 14.80 mg/L. The Queenston Shale and Fonthill Sand media removed the most suspended solids while the Niagara Shale set produced suspended solids. The set containing Fonthill Sand was the only series to meet MOE discharge requirements (< Img/L) for total phosphorus year-round with a twelve month mean effluent concentration of 0.23 mg/L. Year-round all of the root-bed media were well below MOE discharge requirements (< 20mg/L in winter and < 10 mg/L in sumnner) for ammonium. The Queenston Shale and Fonthill Sand sets removed the most total nitrogen. Plants had no effect on total nitrogen removal, but did influence how nitrogen was cycled within the system. Plants increased the removal of suspended solids by 14%, BOD5 by 10% and total phosphorus by 22%. Plants also increased the amount of dissolved oxygen that entered the system. During the plant growing season removal of total phosphorus was better in all sets with plants regardless of media type. The sets containing Queenston Shale and Fonthill Sand media achieved the best results and plants in the Queenston Shale set increased treatment efficiency for every parameter except nitrogen. Vertical flow wetland sewage treatment systems can be designed and built to consistently meet MOE discharge requirements year-round for BOD5, suspended solids, total phosphorus and ammonium. This system Is generally superior to the free water systems and sub-surface horizontal flow systems in cold climate situations.


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BACKGROUND: A packed bed bioreactor (PBBR) activated with an indigenous nitrifying bacterial consortia was developed and commercialized for rapid establishment of nitrification in brackish water and marine hatchery systems in the tropics. The present study evaluated nitrification in PBBR integrated into a Penaeus monodon recirculating maturation system under different substrate concentrations and flow rates. RESULTS:Instantnitrificationwasobservedafter integration ofPBBRinto thematuration system.TANandNO2-Nconcentrations were always maintained below0.5 mg L−1 during operation. The TANandNO2-N removalwas significant (P < 0.001) in all the six reactor compartments of the PBBR having the substrates at initial concentrations of 2, 5 and 10 mg L−1. The average volumetric TAN removal rates increased with flow rates from 43.51 (250 L h−1) to 130.44 (2500 L h−1) gTAN m−3 day−1 (P < 0.05). FISH analysis of the biofilms after 70 days of operation gave positive results with probes NSO 190 ((β ammonia oxidizers), NsV 443 (Nitrosospira spp.) NEU (halophilic Nitrosomonas), Ntspa 712 (Phylum Nitrospira) indicating stability of the consortia. CONCLUSION: The PBBR integrated into the P. monodon maturation system exhibited significant nitrification upon operation for 70 days as well as at different substrate concentrations and flow rates. This system can easily be integrated into marine and brackish water aquaculture systems, to establish instantaneous nitrification


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To improve the understanding of the heat transfer mechanism and find a reliable and simple heat-transfer model, the gas flow and heat transfer between fluidised beds and immersed object surfaces was numerically simulated based on a double particlelayer and porous medium model. The velocity field and temperature distribution of gas were discussed to analyse the heat transfer process.


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Our society uses a large diversity of co-existing wired and wireless networks in order to satisfy its communication needs. A cooper- ation between these networks can benefit performance, service availabil- ity and deployment ease, and leads to the emergence of hybrid networks. This position paper focuses on a hybrid mobile-sensor network identify- ing potential advantages and challenges of its use and defining feasible applications. The main value of the paper, however, is in the proposed analysis approach to evaluate the performance at the mobile network side given the mixed mobile-sensor traffic. The approach combines packet- level analysis with modelling of flow-level behaviour and can be applied for the study of various application scenarios. In this paper we consider two applications with distinct traffic models namely multimedia traffic and best-effort traffic.


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Large asymmetric bed forms commonly develop in rivers. The turbulence associated with flow separation that develops over their steep lee side is responsible for the form shear stress which can represent a substantial part of total shear stress in rivers. This paper uses the Delft3D modeling system to investigate the effects of bed form geometry and forcing conditions on flow separation length and associated turbulence, and bed form shear stress over angle-of-repose (30 lee side angle) bed forms. The model was validated with lab measurements that showed sufficient agreement to be used for a systematic analysis. The influence of flow velocity, bed roughness, relative height (bed form height/water depth), and aspect ratio (bed form height/length) on the variations of the normalized length of the flow separation zone, the extent of the wake region (where the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) was more than 70% of the maximum TKE), the average TKE within the wake region and the form shear stress were investigated. Form shear stress was found not to scale with the size of the flow separation zone but to be related to the product of the normalized extent of the wake region (extent of the wake region/extent of water body above the bed form) and the average TKE within the wake region. The results add to understanding of the hydrodynamics of bed forms and may be used for the development of better parameterizations of smallscale processes for application in large-scale studies.