136 resultados para MoS2


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Layered transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), such as MoS2, are candidate materials for next generation 2-D electronic and optoelectronic devices. The ability to grow uniform, crystalline, atomic layers over large areas is the key to developing such technology. We report a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique which yields n-layered MoS2 on a variety of substrates. A generic approach suitable to all TMDs, involving thermodynamic modeling to identify the appropriate CVD process window, and quantitative control of the vapor phase supersaturation, is demonstrated. All reactant sources in our method are outside the growth chamber, a significant improvement over vapor-based methods for atomic layers reported to date. The as-deposited layers are p-type, due to Mo deficiency, with field effect and Hall hole mobilities of up to 2.4 cm(2) V-1 s(-1) and 44 cm(2) V-1 s(-1) respectively. These are among the best reported yet for CVD MoS2.


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Performance of supercapacitors based on 1:1 (by weight) composites of polyaniline (PANI) with nanosheets of nitrogenated reduced graphene oxide (NRGO), BC1.5N, MoS2 and WS2 has been investigated in detail. The highest specific capacitance is found with the 1:1 NRGO-PANI composite, the value being 561 F/g at a current density of 0.2 A/g. All the 1:1 nanocomposites show good cyclability. Increasing the PANI content increases the specific capacitance and the highest value found being 715 F/g at a current density of 0.5 A/g in the case of the 1:6 NRGO-PANI composite. However, all the 1:6 composites show a marked decrease in specific capacitance with increase in current density. The energy density of 1:6 NRGO-PANI is similar to 25 Wh/Kg at 0.5 A/g and 1:1 NRGO-PANI is similar to 19 Wh/Kg at 0.2 A/g. NRGO-PANI composites clearly stand out as viable materials for practical applications. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We report a first principles study of the electronic properties for a contact formed between Nb-doped monolayer MoS2 and gold for different doping concentrations. We first focus on the shift of energy levels in band structure and the density of states with respect to the Fermi level for a geometrically optimized 5 x 5 MoS2 supercell for both pristine and Nb-doped structures. The doping is achieved by substituting Mo atoms with Nb atoms at random positions. It is observed that for an experimentally reported sheet hole doping concentration of (rho(2D)) 1.8 x 10(14) cm(-2), the pristine MoS2 converts to degenerate p-type semiconductor. Next, we interface this supercell with six layers of < 111 > cleaved surface of gold to investigate the contact nature of MoS2-Au system. By careful examination of projected band structure, projected density of states, effective potential and charge density difference, we demonstrate that the Schottky barrier nature observed for pure MoS2-Au contact can be converted from n-type to p-type by efficient Nb doping.


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A MoS2-RGO composite and borocarbonitride (BC5N) have been used as electrodes to selectively detect dopamine and uric acid in the presence of ascorbic acid. Both the electrodes show excellent eletrocatalytic activity towards the detection of dopamine, the detection limits being 0.55 mu M and 2.1 mu M in the case of MoS2-RGO and BCN respectively. MoS2-RGO shows a linear range of current over the 1-110 mu M concentrations of dopamine, while BCN shows over the 2.3-20 mu M range. BCN also exhibits satisfactory performance in the oxidation of uric acid with a detection limit of 3.8 mu M and the linear range from 4 to 40 mu M. The MoS2-RGO has also been used to detect adenine as well.


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Atomically thin two dimensional (2D) layered materials have emerged as a new class of material for nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) due to their extraordinary mechanical properties and ultralow mass density. Among them, graphene has been the material of choice for nanomechanical resonator. However, recent interest in 2D chalcogenide compounds has also spurred research in using materials such as MoS2 for the NEMS applications. As the dimensions of devices fabricated using these materials shrink down to atomically thin membrane, strain and nonlinear effects have become important. A clear understanding of the nonlinear effects and the ability to manipulate them is essential for next generation sensors. Here, we report on all electrical actuation and detection of few-layer MoS2 resonator. The ability to electrically detect multiple modes and actuate the modes deep into the nonlinear regime enables us to probe the nonlinear coupling between various vibrational modes. The modal coupling in our device is strong enough to detect three distinct internal resonances. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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A new method for the separation of contact resistance (R-contact) into Schottky barrier resistance (R-SB) and interlayer resistance (R-IL) is proposed for multilayered MoS2 FETs. While R-SB varies exponentially with Schottky barrier height (Phi(bn)), R-IL essentially remains unchanged. An empirical model utilizing this dependence of R-contact versus Phi(bn) is proposed and fits to the experimental data. The results, on comparison with the existing reports of lowest R-contact, suggest that the extracted R-IL (1.53 k Omega.mu m) for an unaltered channel would determine the lower limit of intrinsic R-contact even for barrierless contacts for multilayered exfoliated MoS2 FETs.


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We report the dynamics of photoinduced carriers in a free-standing MoS2 laminate consisting of a few layers (1-6 layers) using time-resolved optical pump-terahertz probe spectroscopy. Upon photoexcitation with the 800 nm pump pulse, the terahertz conductivity increases due to absorption by the photoinduced charge carriers. The relaxation of the non-equilibrium carriers shows fast as well as slow decay channels, analyzed using a rate equation model incorporating defect-assisted Auger scattering of photoexcited electrons, holes, and excitons. The fast relaxation time occurs due to the capture of electrons and holes by defects via Auger processes, resulting in nonradiative recombination. The slower relaxation arises since the excitons are bound to the defects, preventing the defect-assisted Auger recombination of the electrons and the holes. Our results provide a comprehensive understanding of the non-equilibrium carrier kinetics in a system of unscreened Coulomb interactions, where defect-assisted Auger processes dominate and should be applicable to other 2D systems.


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A low Schottky barrier height (SBH) at source/drain contact is essential for achieving high drive current in atomic layer MoS(2-)channel-based field effect transistors. Approaches such as choosing metals with appropriate work functions and chemical doping are employed previously to improve the carrier injection from the contact electrodes to the channel and to mitigate the SBH between the MoS2 and metal. Recent experiments demonstrate significant SBH reduction when graphene layer is inserted between metal slab (Ti and Ni) and MoS2. However, the physical or chemical origin of this phenomenon is not yet clearly understood. In this work, density functional theory simulations are performed, employing pseudopotentials with very high basis sets to get insights of the charge transfer between metal and monolayer MoS2 through the inserted graphene layer. Our atomistic simulations on 16 different interfaces involving five different metals (Ti, Ag, Ru, Au, and Pt) reveal that (i) such a decrease in SBH is not consistent among various metals, rather an increase in SBH is observed in case of Au and Pt; (ii) unlike MoS2-metal interface, the projected dispersion of MoS2 remains preserved in any MoS2-graphene- metal system with shift in the bands on the energy axis. (iii) A proper choice of metal (e.g., Ru) may exhibit ohmic nature in a graphene-inserted MoS2-metal contact. These understandings would provide a direction in developing high-performance transistors involving heteroatomic layers as contact electrodes. (c) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Two dimensional (2D) materials demonstrate several novel electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties which are quite distinctive to those of their bulk form. Among many others, one important potential application of the 2D material is its use in the field of energy harvesting. Owing to that, here we present a detailed study on electrical as well as thermal transport of monolayer MoS2, in quasi ballistic regime. Besides the perfect monolayer in its pristine form, we also consider various line defects which have been experimentally observed in mechanically exfoliated MoS2 samples. For calculating various parameters related to the electrical transmission, we employ the non-equilibrium Green's function-density functional theory combination. However, to obtain the phonon transmission, we take help of the parametrized Stillinger-Weber potential which can accurately delineate the inter-atomic interactions for the monolayer MoS2. Due to the presence of line defects, we observed significant reductions in both the charge carrier and the phonon transmissions through a monolayer MoS2 flake. Moreover, we also report a comparative analysis showing the temperature dependency of the thermoelectric figure of merit values, as obtained for the perfect as well as the other defective 2D samples. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Bi dimentsiotako materialetan presente diren propietate elektroniko bereziek betidanik piztu izan dute komunitate zientifikoaren interesa. Idealki atomo bakarreko lodierako materialak diren hauek hasiera batean joku teoriko huts zirela uste bazen ere, A.K. Geim eta K.S. Novoselov-ek kontrakoa frogatu zuten lehenengo aldiz grafenoa sintetizatuz[1]. Grafitoa osatzen duen geruzetako bakoitza den grafenoak guztiz anomaloak diren pro- pietate elektronikoak dauzka, Dirac-en motako sei puntuz besterik ez osatutako Fermi gainazala duelarik. Honen ondorioz, eroapen elektroiak masa gabekoak balira bezala higitzen dira mobilitate elektronikoa areagotuz. Propietate berezi hauetaz baliatuko liratekeen aplikazio teknologiko posibleek[2] material honekiko interesa egun arlo zienti- fikotik at ere hedatzea eragin du. Grafenoaren sintesiaren errekonozimendu gisa Geim eta Novoselov-ek 2010ean fisikaren Nobel saria lortu zuten. Hala ere, grafenoa ez da sintetiza daitekeen material bidimentsional bakarra. Grafenoa lortzeko teknika bera erabiliz (banantze mikromekanikoa), Geim eta Novoselov-ek zu- zendutako taldeak M oS2 eta N bSe2 sintetizatzea lortu zuen[3]. Konkretuki, M oS2 mo- nogeruza erdieroalea izanik transistoreak minimizatzeko prozesuan silizioaren ordezkari gisa jarduteko hautagaia da. Hala ere, hau egin ahal izateko bere propietate elektro- nikoak sakonkiago aztertzea komeni da. Gradu amaierako lan honetan material honen egitura elektronikoaren eta magnetikoaren karakterizazio teorikoan aurrerapauso txiki bat egitea izan dugu helburu. Horrez gain, W S2 materiala ere era berean landu da, tungsteno atomoa pisutsuagoa izatean, spin-orbita elkarrekintzaren eragina nabariagoa izatea espero baita. Modu honetan, lan hau hiru atal nagusitan banatzen da. Lehenengoa teoriari dago- kio, DF T (Dentsitatearen Funtzionalaren Teoria) inplementatzeko oinarri teorikoa lan- du delarik. Magnetizazioa aztertzeko ezinbestekoa den espina inplementatzeko modua ere aztertu da, eta baita egin beharreko hurbilketen eta pseudopotentzialen metodoaren azalpen bat eman ere. Bigarren atalean QuantumEspresso kodea erabiliz burututako ab-initio kalkuluen deskripzio eta emaitzak aurkeztu dira, azkenei dagokien interpreta- zioa eginez. Bertan M oS2 -n bolumenetiketik monogeruzara pasatzeak egitura elektroni- koan duen eragina aztertu da, ondoren M oS2 eta W S2 monogeruzen banda egitura eta magnetizazioan analisi sakonagoa eginez. Azkenengo atalean ateratako ondorioak idatzi dira, etorkizunerako lanetarako ateak zabalduz.


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We detect electroluminescence in single layer molybdenum disulphide (MoS2) field-effect transistors built on transparent glass substrates. By comparing absorption, photoluminescence, and electroluminescence of the same MoS2 layer, we find that they all involve the same excited state at 1.8eV. The electroluminescence has pronounced threshold behavior and is localized at the contacts. The results show that single layer MoS2, a direct band gap semiconductor, is promising for novel optoelectronic devices, such as 2-dimensional light detectors and emitters.


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We study by Raman scattering the shear and layer breathing modes in multilayer MoS2. These are identified by polarization measurements and symmetry analysis. Their positions change significantly with the number of layers, with different scaling for odd and even layers. A chain model can explain the results, with general applicability to any layered material, allowing a reliable diagnostic of their thickness. © 2013 American Physical Society.