990 resultados para Mix design


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In this study, efforts were made in order to put forward an integrated recycling approach for the thermoset based glass fibre reinforced polymer (GPRP) rejects derived from the pultrusion manufacturing industry. Both the recycling process and the development of a new cost-effective end-use application for the recyclates were considered. For this purpose, i) among the several available recycling techniques for thermoset based composite materials, the most suitable one for the envisaged application was selected (mechanical recycling); and ii) an experimental work was carried out in order to assess the added-value of the obtained recyclates as aggregates and reinforcement replacements into concrete-polymer composite materials. Potential recycling solution was assessed by mechanical behaviour of resultant GFRP waste modified concrete-polymer composites with regard to unmodified materials. In the mix design process of the new GFRP waste based composite material, the recyclate content and size grade, and the effect of the incorporation of an adhesion promoter were considered as material factors and systematically tested between reasonable ranges. The optimization process of the modified formulations was supported by the Fuzzy Boolean Nets methodology, which allowed finding the best balance between material parameters that maximizes both flexural and compressive strengths of final composite. Comparing to related end-use applications of GFRP wastes in cementitious based concrete materials, the proposed solution overcome some of the problems found, namely the possible incompatibilities arisen from alkalis-silica reaction and the decrease in the mechanical properties due to high water-cement ratio required to achieve the desirable workability. Obtained results were very promising towards a global cost-effective waste management solution for GFRP industrial wastes and end-of-life products that will lead to a more sustainable composite materials industry.


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Concrete is a universal material in the construction industry. With natural resources like sand and aggregate, fast depleting, it is time to look for alternate materials to substitute these in the process of making concrete. There are instances like exposure to solar radiation, fire, furnaces, and nuclear reactor vessels, special applications like missile launching pads etc., where concrete is exposed to temperature variations In this research work, an attempt has been made to understand the behaviour of concrete when weathered laterite aggregate is used in both conventional and self compacting normal strength concrete. The study has been extended to understand the thermal behaviour of both types of laterised concretes and to check suitability as a fire protection material. A systematic study of laterised concrete considering parameters like source of laterite aggregate, grades of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and types of supplementary cementitious materials (fly ash and GGBFS) has been carried out to arrive at a feasible combination of various ingredients in laterised concrete. A mix design methodology has been proposed for making normal strength laterised self compacting concrete based on trial mixes and the same has also been validated. The physical and mechanical properties of laterised concretes have been studied with respect to different variables like exposure temperature (200°C, 400°C and 600°C) and cooling environment (air cooled and water cooled). The behaviour of ferrocement elements with laterised self compacting concrete has also been studied by varying the cover to mesh reinforcement (10mm to 50mm at an interval of 10mm), exposure temperature and cooling environment.


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A lo largo de estos años de existencia del grupo de investigación se han ido desarrollando un volumen de casos donde se comenzó a evidenciar un hecho: niños y adolescentes llegaban derivados a la consulta por problemas de aprendizaje, pero éstos no siempre respondían a que tuvieran unos procesos cognitivos por debajo de la media. Por tanto, no se explicaba su bajo rendimiento escolar. Ante estos casos nos planteamos como intervenir en esta realidad educativa. Indagando descubrimos que la mayoría de estos también tenían problemas a nivel emocional. La pregunta inmediata que nos hicimos fue: podemos llegar a pensar que quizás los procesos emocionales influyen directamente en los procesos cognitivos? El estado emocional influye directamente en los procesos cognitivos?Los procesos cognitivos y emocionales son un todo inseparable? Estas dudas son las que me llevaron a proponer esta investigación: ver la relación que puede haber entre los procesos cognitivos y los procesos emocionales, evidentemente, siempre centrados desde el Modelo Humanista- Estratégico (modelo del grupo de investigación): a nivel cognitivo, Teoría PASS de la Inteligencia; a nivel emocional, la Teoría del Procesamiento Cerebral de las Emociones. Se plantea la tesis estructurada en dos partes: Parte teórica: explicación de la Unidad de Neuropsicopedagogía del Hospital Dr. Trueta de Girona (UNPP) donde se realiza la investigación, revisión teórica de procesamiento cognitivo, procesamiento emocional y su relación mutua. 2.- Parte práctica: objetivos, metodología, resultados, análisis- discusión, implicaciones educativas y conclusiones. El objetivo general es establecer una relación entre el procesamiento cognitivo y emocional a partir de la relación de los procesos cognitivos PASS con problemas emocionales en niños y niñas de entre 5 y 16 años. Para conseguirlo se pretende: 1. Establecer la relación entre procesamiento PASS y los efectos de la intervención emocional según el Modelo Humanista - Estratégico; 2. Analizar la relación entre procesamientos cognitivos PASS y los efectos de la intervención cognitiva según la Teoría PASS de la Inteligencia; 3.Comprobar si los procesos PASS varían en el transcurso de más de seis meses sin ningún tipo de intervención ni emocional ni cognitiva, 4. Comprobar si los resultados obtenidos en los tres primeros objetivos se diferencian entre ellos para determinar el componente emocional en los procesos cognitivos PASS, y 5. Establecer orientaciones prácticas para la intervención psicopedagògica considerando la relación de procesos emocionales, cognitivos y aprendizaje. Para poder llevar a cabo esta investigación, la metodologia utilizada es: una metodologia cuantitativa ya que se realiza una investigación experimental enmarcada como un diseño mixto 3x2 con el primer factor ínter sujeto y el segundo factor intra sujeto. Y por otra parte, una metodologia cualitativa. ya que en la primera muestra se realiza una intervención psicopedagógica en base emocional a cuarenta casos de la UNPP, y en la segunda muestra se realiza una intervención psicopedagògica en base cognitiva a treinta casos de la UNPP. Los resultados comparativos nos corraboran afirmativamente la hipotesis y objetivos, facilitando realizar un analisis-discusión muy interesante aportando las implicaciones educativas que acarrean, y por consiguiente llegando a las conclusiones. De entre éstas destacamos principalmente: 1. La intervención emocional es eficaz para mejorar el rendimiento cognitivo, si tenemos en cuenta que a pesar que no se ha realizado intervención cognitiva se ha producido una mejora en el rendimiento escolar. 2. La intervención cognitiva PASS es eficaz para la mejora del rendimiento cognitivo y la desaparación de las dificultades de aprendizaje cuando el origen de estas es cognitivo. 3. En las diferencias en planificación se observa que se ha producido un incremento mayor y sustancial en el grupo que ha recibido intervención emocional. 4. Y por consiguiente, podemos decir que la emoción se interrelaciona con la cognición a través del procesamiento cognitivo de planificación.


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The main objective of this research was the development and characterization of conventional and modified cationic asphalt emulsions. The asphalt emulsions were developed by using the Petroleum Asphalt Cement (CAP 50-70) from Fazenda Belém (Petrobras -Aracati-Ce). The first step in this research was the development of the oil phase (asphalt + solvent) and the aqueous phase (water + emulsifying agent + acid + additives), separately. During the experiments for the obtaining of the conventional asphalt emulsion, the concentration of each constituent was evaluated. For the obtaining of the oil phase, kerosene was used as solvent at 15 and 20 wt.%. For the development of the aqueous phase, the emulsifying agent was used at 0.3 and 3.0 wt.%, whereas the acid and the additive were set at 0.3 wt.%. The percentage of asphalt in the asphalt emulsion was varied in 50, 55, and 60 wt.% and the heating temperature was set at 120 °C. The aqueous phase in the asphalt emulsion was varied from 16.4 to 34.1 wt.% and the heating temperature was set at 60 °C. After the obtaining of the oil and the aqueous phases, they were added at a colloidal mill, remaining under constant stirring and heating during 15 minutes. Each asphalt emulsion was evaluated considering: sieve analysis, Saybolt Furol viscosity, pH determination, settlement and storage stability, residue by evaporation, and penetration of residue. After the characterization of conventional emulsions, it was chosen the one that presented all properties in accordance with Brazilian specifications (DNER-EM 369/97). This emulsion was used for the development of all modified asphalt emulsions. Three polymeric industrial residues were used as modifier agents: one from a clothing button industry (cutouts of clothing buttons) and two from a footwear industry (cutouts of sandals and tennis shoes soles), all industries located at Rio Grande do Norte State (Brazil).The polymeric residues were added into the asphalt emulsion (1 to 6 wt.%) and the same characterization rehearsals were accomplished. After characterization, it were developed the cold-mix asphalts. It was used the Marshall mix design. For cold-mix asphalt using the conventional emulsion, it was used 5, 6 and 7 wt.% asphalt emulsion. The conventional mixtures presented stability values according Brazilian specification (DNER-369/97). For mixtures containing asphalt modified emulsions, it was observed that the best results were obtained with emulsions modified by button residue


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Two of the major problems caused by construction activity are the production of construction and demolition waste (CDW) and the exploitation of mineral resources, causing big impacts on the environment. Therefore, the recycling has been shown as an alternative to mitigate the harmful effects of waste on the urban environment and prevent the exploitation of new raw materials. This course work aims to study the behavior of recycled aggregates from Vale do Paraíba in concrete and mortar. Initially, it presents the definitions of recycled aggregates according to CONAMA Resolution No. 307/2002, the aggregate settings for concrete and mortar (such as the grain size, its origin and density, and the characterization parameters according to ABNT), and the definition of ACI method of concrete mix design. Afterwards, it presents the characterization of materials separated by assays. After that, it shows the theoretical concrete proportioning applying the ACI method and experimental concrete proportioning. Then, the analysis of results is performed to finally conclude that the materials provided can't be used to replace natural aggregates because they cannot have the same performance. With the studies, it could be observed that the recycled aggregate presents a great complexity and diversity in origin, therefore the form how the material should be handled requires great care


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Two of the major problems caused by construction activity are the production of construction and demolition waste (CDW) and the exploitation of mineral resources, causing big impacts on the environment. Therefore, the recycling has been shown as an alternative to mitigate the harmful effects of waste on the urban environment and prevent the exploitation of new raw materials. This course work aims to study the behavior of recycled aggregates from Vale do Paraíba in concrete and mortar. Initially, it presents the definitions of recycled aggregates according to CONAMA Resolution No. 307/2002, the aggregate settings for concrete and mortar (such as the grain size, its origin and density, and the characterization parameters according to ABNT), and the definition of ACI method of concrete mix design. Afterwards, it presents the characterization of materials separated by assays. After that, it shows the theoretical concrete proportioning applying the ACI method and experimental concrete proportioning. Then, the analysis of results is performed to finally conclude that the materials provided can't be used to replace natural aggregates because they cannot have the same performance. With the studies, it could be observed that the recycled aggregate presents a great complexity and diversity in origin, therefore the form how the material should be handled requires great care


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A new type of pavement has been gaining popularity over the last few years in Europe. It comprises a surface course with a semi-flexible material that provides significant advantages in comparison to both concrete and conventional asphalt, having both rut resistance and a degree of flexibility. It also provides good protection against the ingress of water to the foundation, since it has an impermeable surface. The semi-flexible material, generally known as grouted macadam, comprises an open-graded asphalt skeleton with 25% to 35% voids into which a cementitious slurry is grouted. This hybrid mixture provides good rut resistance and a surface highly resistant to fuel and oil spillage. Such properties allow it to be used in industrial areas, airports and harbours, where those situations are frequently associated with heavy and slow traffic. Grouted Macadams constitute a poorly understood branch of pavement technology and have generally been relegated to a role in certain specialist pavements whose performance is predicted on purely empirical evidence. Therefore, the main objectives of this project were related to better understanding the properties of this type of material, in order to predict its performance more realistically and to design pavements incorporating grouted macadam more accurately. Based on a standard mix design, several variables were studied during this project in order to characterise the behaviour of Grouted Macadams in general, and the influence of those variables on the fundamental properties of the final mixture. In this research project, one approach was used to the design of pavements incorporating Grouted Macadams: a traditional design method, based on laboratory determined of the stiffness modulus and the compressive strength.


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Gli odierni sviluppi delle reti stradali nel territorio italiano e l’aumento della propensione all’utilizzo del veicolo hanno portato ad una continua ricerca nello stesso ambito volta sì a mantenere alti i livelli prestazionali e di sicurezza sulla rete stradale ma anche ad aprirsi ad uno scenario ecosostenibile, dato il continuo scarseggiare di materie prime per proseguire con le usuali tecniche di produzione. In tutti i campi riguardanti l’ambito delle costruzioni civili, che siano esse strutturali o infrastrutturali, numerose sono state le tecnologie introdotte per la realizzazione di materiali sostenibili ma anche e soprattutto il recupero di materiale di scarto, andando così incontro oltre che a una costruzione sostenibile anche ad un recupero di ciò che sarebbe destinato a discariche, ufficiali o abusive che siano. Nell’ottica dell’introduzione di “nuovi” materiali una posizione di rispetto interessa gli Pneumatici Fuori Uso (PFU) il cui recupero sotto forma di granulato e di polverino in gomma costituiscono, nell’ambito delle pavimentazioni stradali, una notevole opportunità di riutilizzo all’interno dei conglomerati bituminosi. Il presente lavoro sperimentale è stato svolto nell’ottica di analizzare dapprima le caratteristiche delle pavimentazioni drenanti, del polverino di gomma da PFU e dell’interazione tra i due, a supporto delle sperimentazioni effettuate sulle miscele realizzate in laboratorio. In particolare, sfruttando la tecnologia dry, che permette l’inserimento del polverino nella fase di miscelazione degli aggregati, dopo un’attenta analisi preliminare della composizione delle miscele da realizzare e il successivo confezionamento dei provini e loro addensamento, si è proceduto all’esecuzione di diverse prove al termine delle quali sono state analizzate le differenze meccaniche e reologiche tra miscele ottenute con aggiunta di polverino e miscele prive di PFU.


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Moisture induced distresses have been the prevalent distress type affecting the deterioration of both asphalt and concrete pavement sections. While various surface techniques have been employed over the years to minimize the ingress of moisture into the pavement structural sections, subsurface drainage components like open-graded base courses remain the best alternative in minimizing the time the pavement structural sections are exposed to saturated conditions. This research therefore focuses on assessing the performance and cost-effectiveness of pavement sections containing both treated and untreated open-graded aggregate base materials. Three common roadway aggregates comprising of two virgin aggregates and one recycled aggregate were investigated using four open-ended gradations and two binder types. Laboratory tests were conducted to determine the hydraulic, mechanical and durability characteristics of treated and untreated open-graded mixes made from these three aggregate types. Results of the experimental program show that for the same gradation and mix design types, limestone samples have the greatest drainage capacity, stability to traffic loads and resistance to degradation from environmental conditions like freeze-thaw. However, depending on the gradation and mix design used, all three aggregate types namely limestone, natural gravel and recycled concrete can meet the minimum coefficient of hydraulic conductivity required for good drainage in most pavements. Tests results for both asphalt and cement treated open-graded samples indicate that a percent air void content within the range of 15-25 will produce a treated open-graded base course with sufficient drainage capacity and also long term stability under both traffic and environmental loads. Using the new Mechanistic and Empirical Design Guide software, computer simulations of pavement performance were conducted on pavement sections containing these open-graded base aggregate base materials to determine how the MEPDG predicted pavement performance is sensitive to drainage. Using three truck traffic levels and four climatic regions, results of the computer simulations indicate that the predicted performance was not sensitive to the drainage characteristics of the open-graded base course. Based on the result of the MEPDG predicted pavement performance, the cost-effectiveness of the pavement sections with open-graded base was computed on the assumption that the increase service life experienced by these sections was attributed to the positive effects of subsurface drainage. The two cost analyses used gave two contrasting results with the one indicating that the inclusion of open-graded base courses can lead to substantial savings.


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High performance materials are needed for the reconstruction of such a singular building as a cathedral, since in addition to special mechanical properties, high self compact ability, high durability and high surface quality, are specified. Because of the project’s specifications, the use of polypropylene fiber-reinforced, self-compacting concrete was selected by the engineering office. The low quality of local materials and the lack of experience in applying macro polypropylene fiber for structural reinforcement with these components materials required the development of a pretesting program. To optimize the mix design, performance was evaluated following technical, economical and constructability criteria. Since the addition of fibers reduces concrete self-compactability, many trials were run to determine the optimal mix proportions. The variables introduced were paste volume; the aggregate skeleton of two or three fractions plus limestone filler; fiber type and dosage. Two mix designs were selected from the preliminary results. The first one was used as reference for self-compactability and mechanical properties. The second one was an optimized mix with a reduction in cement content of 20 kg/m3and fiber dosage of 1 kg/m3. For these mix designs, extended testing was carried out to measure the compression and flexural strength, modulus of elasticity, toughness, and water permeability resistance


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El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigación es estudiar las posibilidades de utilización del árido reciclado mixto para un hormigón reciclado en aplicaciones no estructurales, justificando mediante la experimentación la validez para esta aplicación, tanto del árido reciclado como del hormigón reciclado. Esta tesis se centró en los aspectos más restrictivos y limitativos en la utilización de los áridos mixtos en hormigón reciclado, basándose tanto en la normativa internacional existente como en los resultados obtenidos en los estudios bibliográficos consultados. La primera tarea realizada fue la caracterización completa de las propiedades del árido reciclado mixto, recogiendo especialmente los siguientes aspectos: granulometría, contenido de finos, absorción y densidades, composición del árido reciclado, índice de lajas, coeficiente de Los Ángeles, partículas ligeras y contenido de sulfatos. De este estudio de los áridos reciclados, se han destacado relaciones entre las propiedades. Las diferentes correlaciones permiten proponer criterios de calidad de un árido reciclado mixto para un hormigón reciclado. Se ha elegido un árido reciclado mixto entre los estudiados, de características límite admisibles, para obtener resultados conservadores sobre el hormigón reciclado fabricado con él. En una segunda etapa, se ha realizado un estudio de dosificación completo del hormigón reciclado, evaluando la consistencia del hormigón en estado fresco y la resistencia a compresión del hormigón en estado endurecido y se ha comparado con las mismas propiedades de un hormigón convencional. Se ha analizado la capacidad de absorción del árido conseguida con los métodos de presaturación empleados y en función de su estado de humedad, para poder evaluar las relaciones agua/cemento totales y efectivas del hormigón. Se ha estudiado el efecto de estos dos parámetros tanto en la consistencia como en la resistencia del hormigón reciclado. Finalmente, se ha estudiado el hormigón fabricado con un 50% y 100% de una partida de árido reciclado mixto de calidad admisible y se han ensayado las siguientes propiedades: consistencia, resistencia a compresión, resistencia a tracción indirecta, módulo de elasticidad dinámico, cambios de longitud, porosidad abierta y microscopía. Para analizar el efecto de los sulfatos, se han añadido artificialmente cantidades de yeso controladas en el hormigón reciclado. Se fabricaron hormigones con dos tipos de cemento, un cemento CEM I 42,5 R con elevado contenido de C3A, que debería dar lugar a expansiones mayores y un cemento con adiciones puzolánicas CEM II A-P 42,5 R, que atenuaría el comportamiento expansivo en el hormigón. Los resultados finales indican que la utilización del árido reciclado mixto en proporciones de hasta un 50%, permiten cubrir la gama de resistencias más exigentes dentro del hormigón no estructural. El contenido de sulfatos puede variar desde un 0,8% hasta un 1,9%, según el tipo de cemento y la proporción de sustitución del árido natural por árido reciclado mixto. Tanto en el caso del árido reciclado como en el hormigón, se ha realizado un estudio comparativo entre el conjunto de datos recopilados en la bibliografía y los obtenidos en este estudio experimental. En varias propiedades del hormigón reciclado, se han comparado los resultados con las fórmulas de la Instrucción EHE-08, para establecer unos coeficientes de corrección a aplicar a un hormigón reciclado con fines no estructurales. The main objective of this investigation work is to study the possibilities of using recycled mixed aggregate for a recycled concrete in non structural applications, justifying by means of experimentation both the validity of the recycled aggregate and recycled concrete. This thesis focused on the most restrictive and limiting aspects in the mixed aggregate use in recycled concrete, on the basis of the international standards as well on the results obtained in the bibliographic studies consulted. The first task achieved was the complete charcaterization of the mixed recycled aggregate properties, specially the following aspects: grain size analysis, fines content, absorption and densities, recycled aggregate composition, flakiness index, Los Angeles coefficient, lightweight particles and sulphate content. From this study, correlations between the properties were highlighted. The different correlations make possible to propose quality criterions for recycled mixed aggregate in concrete. Among the recycled aggregates studied, one of acceptable characteristics but near the limits established, was chosen to obtain conservative results in the recycled concrete made with it. In a second step, a complete recycled concrete mix design was made, to evaluate concrete consistency in the fresh state and concrete compressive strength in the hardened state and its properties were compared to those of a control concrete. The aggregate absorption capacity was analized with the presaturation methods achieved and in function of its state of humidity, to evaluate the total and effective water/cement ratios. The effect of these two parameters, both in consistency and compressive strength of recycled concrete, was studied. Finally, the concrete made with 50% and 100% of the elected recycled mixed aggregate was studied and the following concrete properties were tested: consistency, compressive strength, tensile strength, dynamic modulus of elasticity, length changes, water absorption under vacuum and microscopy. To analize the effect of sulphate content, some controlled quantities of gypsum were artificially added to the recycled concrete. Concretes with two types of cement were made, a cement CEM I 42,5 R with a high content of C3A, that would lead to major expansions and a cement with puzzolanic additions CEM II A-P 42,5 R that would lower the expansive behaviour of concrete. The final results indicate that the use of mixed recycled aggregate in proportions up to 50% make possible to cover the overall demanding strengths within the non structural concrete. Sulphates content can range between 0,8% and 1,9%, in function of the type of cement and the proportion of natural aggregate replacement by mixed recycled one. Both in the case of recycled aggregate and concrete, a comparative study was made between the data coming from the bibliography and those obtained in the experimental study. In several recycled concrete properties, the results were compared to the formulas of Spanish Instruction of Structural Concrete (Instruction EHE-08), to establish some correction coefficients to apply for a non structural recycled concrete.


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Currently, no standard mix design procedure is available for CIR-emulsion in Iowa. The CIR-foam mix design process developed during the previous phase is applied for CIR-emulsion mixtures with varying emulsified asphalt contents. Dynamic modulus test, dynamic creep test, static creep test and raveling test were conducted to evaluate the short- and long-term performance of CIR-emulsion mixtures at various testing temperatures and loading conditions. A potential benefit of this research is a better understanding of CIR-emulsion material properties in comparison with those of CIR-foam material that would allow for the selection of the most appropriate CIR technology and the type and amount of the optimum stabilization material. Dynamic modulus, flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion mixtures using CSS-1h were generally higher than those of HFMS-2p. Flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion using RAP materials from Story County was higher than those from Clayton County. Flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion with 0.5% emulsified asphalt was higher than CIR-emulsion with 1.0% or 1.5%. Raveling loss of CIR-emulsion with 1.5% emulsified was significantly less than those with 0.5% and 1.0%. Test results in terms of dynamic modulus, flow number, flow time and raveling loss of CIR-foam mixtures are generally better than those of CIR-emulsion mixtures. Given the limited RAP sources used for this study, it is recommended that the CIR-emulsion mix design procedure should be validated against several RAP sources and emulsion types.