990 resultados para Mineral nutrition
The objective was to evaluate the effect of the omission of macronutrient and micronutrient boron in dry matter production, the characterization of the symptoms of nutritional deficiencies and mineral composition in plants of ipeca, an experiment was conducted in greenhouse conditions by the technique the missing element and visual diagnosis. A randomized block experimental design with four repetitions and the treatments were: complete and omissions of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S and B. The analytical results demonstrated that the production of dry matter was affected in all of the treatments with omission of nutrients and that the ipeca plants presented characteristic symptoms of nutritional deficiencies due to the omissions of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S and B and the concentrations of the macronutrients and of the micronutrient boron in the different parts of the ipeca plant varied when a certain nutrient was omitted in the solution.
The experiment was carried out aiming to analyze dry mass production and distribution, and the content and accumulation of macronutrients in Urochloa arrecta plants cultivated under mineral nutrition standard conditions. Plants grew in seven-liter pots filled with sand substrate, were daily irrigated with nutrient solution, and maintained under greenhouse conditions. Treatments corresponded to assessment periods (21, 35, 49, 63, 77, 91, 105, 119, 133, 147, and 161 days after emergence - DAE) and were arranged in a completely randomized design with four replicates. Plants of U. arrecta showed low accumulation (less than 7% of the maximum accumulation at 161 DAE) of dry mass (5.1 g DM per planta) and of macronutrients (57.7 mg N per planta, 8.9 mg P per planta, 167.8 mg K per planta, 21.3 mg Ca per planta, 14.7 mg Mg per planta, and 9.2 mg S per planta) up to 49 DAE. Such accumulations increased mainly after 91 DAE. Daily accumulation rate was crescent up to 130 DAE (DM and S), 137 DAE (N), 125 DAE (P), 119 DAE (K), 144 DAE (Ca), and 128 DAE (Mg), when there was accumulation of 87.7 g DM per planta, 918.0 mg N per planta, 105.8 mg P per planta, 1,643.9 K per planta, 390.4 mg Ca per planta, 200.0 mg Mg per planta, and 103.5 mg S per planta. K and N were found to have the highest rates and, hence, they were the most demanded and accumulated in the greatest amounts in U. arrecta plant tissues.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Several factors influence the productivity and fruit quality of pineapple and passion fruit, among which are: climate, soil fertilization and irrigation practices. Mineral nutrition is essential to increase productivity and improve fruit quality; however, there is a few information about the effect of fertilization in these two fruit crops, especially under tropical conditions. The objective of this review was to compile the main research results, in which the influence of mineral nutrition on the fruit quality was evaluated. We considered the information recently published in scientific journals, and presented it for the macronutrients individually, then to NPK and, finally, the micronutrients. The review showed that it is difficult to say that some element favors or not certain characteristics of pineapple and passion fruit fruits, since the results are inconsistent and there is not many information. More than established the effects of mineral nutrients on the fruit quality of these two fruit crops, we stand out that research in this topic is very necessary.
The initial growth and mineral nutrition of the physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) as a function of nitrogen (N) fertilization was investigated. The transplanting of seedlings was carried out in plastic pots filled with 50 dm3 of a Rhodic Hapludox, under a plastic greenhouse. In addition to a control treatment, the dosages of 0, 40, 80, 120, and 160 mg dm−3 N were tested. The results demonstrated that N fertilization for the cultivation of physic nut could be added as top dressing from 60 days after planting with a dosage of 65 mg dm−3. A SPAD index of 46 can be used as a nutritional reference to its initial development. Furthermore, the results suggested that the order of nutrient accumulation by the physic nut plants is as follows: potassium (K) > N > magnesium (Mg) > calcium (Ca) > phosphorus (P) > sulfur (S) > iron (Fe) > manganese (Mn) > boron (B) > zinc (Zn) > copper (Cu).
O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar o aporte e a remoção de nutrientes em sistemas de cultivo de cana‑de‑açúcar irrigados, ou não, com efluente de estação de tratamento de esgoto (EETE), com e sem adição de fosfogesso, bem como avaliar os efeitos desses sistemas de cultivo no estado nutricional das plantas. Foram avaliados tratamentos sem irrigação e com irrigação a 100 e 150% da necessidade hídrica da cultura. Os tratamentos com fosfogesso foram aplicados em área de terceiro corte, irrigada com EETE desde o plantio. As avaliações foram realizadas em duas safras. Os tratamentos não afetaram os rendimentos de colmos. O tratamento com EETE e fosfogesso apresentou efeito sinérgico sobre o conteúdo de nitrogênio e de enxofre nas plantas. O EETE beneficiou a nutrição das plantas quanto ao fósforo, mas não causou melhorias na nutrição com potássio e enxofre. A nutrição com ferro, zinco e manganês não foi influenciada pelo aporte desses micronutrientes pelo EETE. O fósforo e o nitrogênio aportados na irrigação com EETE devem ser considerados na recomendação de adubação. Porém, potássio, enxofre, ferro, zinco e manganês do efluente não são fontes eficientes desses nutrientes para as plantas.
Background: Internationally, the use of dietary supplements has been growing rapidly. Patient support for pharmacist sales of nutritional and dietary supplements is also strong. The increase in demand for nutritional and dietary supplements and subsequent advice about these products, however, makes it necessary that pharmacists maintain a contemporary knowledge of the area. Aim of review: This systematic review was conducted to examine the current evidence regarding the level of the nutritional and dietary supplement knowledge of community pharmacists and their understanding of their therapeutic effects. Method: Electronic databases including Medline, Scopus, Embase, CINAHL, Scifinder and the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register were searched. Studies assessing nutritional knowledge of pharmacists in community pharmacies were eligible for inclusion. All languages and study designs were considered. Study results were analysed and pharmacist knowledge scores were given out of 100Â . Results: From 5594 studies identified, nine met the inclusion criteria. Each study tested pharmacist knowledge with predetermined questions calculating results as the number of questions answered correctly. These knowledge scores were converted to a percentage score for the purpose of this paper. The median knowledge score across all papers was 64%. A lack of studies assessing community pharmacist's knowledge of commonly sold vitamins and minerals was observed. Conclusions Global community pharmacist knowledge of dietary supplements appears to be poor. Community pharmacists have an professional responsibility to provide accurate health information about dietary supplements as they do for any other therapies they provide to patients. Further research including that which assesses pharmacist's therapeutic knowledge of commonly sold vitamins and minerals is suggested.
Significant interactions have been demonstrated between production factors and postharvest quality of fresh fruit. Accordingly, there is an attendant need for adaptive postharvest actions to modulate preharvest effects. The most significant preharvest effects appear to be mediated through mineral nutrition influences on the physical characteristics of fruit. Examples of specific influencers include fertilisers, water availability, rootstock, and crop load effects on fruit quality attributes such as skin colour, susceptibility to diseases and physiological disorders, and fruit nutritional composition. Also, rainfall before and during harvest can markedly affect fruit susceptibility to skin blemishes, physical damage, and diseases. Knowledge of preharvest-postharvest interactions can help determine the basis for variability in postharvest performance and thereby allow refinement of postharvest practices to minimise quality loss after harvest. This knowledge can be utilised in predictive management systems. Such systems can benefit from characterisation of fruit nutritional status, particularly minerals, several months before and/or at harvest to allow informed decisions on postharvest handling and marketing options. Other examples of proactive management practices include adjusting harvesting and packing systems to account for rainfall effects before and/or during harvest. Improved understanding of preharvest-postharvest interactions is contributing to the delivery of consistently higher quality of fruit to consumers. This paper focuses on the state of knowledge for sub-tropical and tropical fruits, in particular avocado and mango.
Significant interactions have been demonstrated between production factors and postharvest quality of fresh fruit. Accordingly, there is an attendant need for adaptive postharvest actions to modulate preharvest effects. The most significant preharvest effects appear to be mediated through mineral nutrition influences on the physical characteristics of fruit. Examples of specific influencers include fertilisers, water availability, rootstock, and crop load effects on fruit quality attributes such as skin colour, susceptibility to diseases and physiological disorders, and fruit nutritional composition. Also, rainfall before and during harvest can markedly affect fruit susceptibility to skin blemishes, physical damage, and diseases. Knowledge of preharvest-postharvest interactions can help determine the basis for variability in postharvest performance and thereby allow refinement of postharvest practices to minimise quality loss after harvest. This knowledge can be utilised in predictive management systems. Such systems can benefit from characterisation of fruit nutritional status, particularly minerals, several months before and/or at harvest to allow informed decisions on postharvest handling and marketing options. Other examples of proactive management practices include adjusting harvesting and packing systems to account for rainfall effects before and/or during harvest. Improved understanding of preharvest-postharvest interactions is contributing to the delivery of consistently higher quality of fruit to consumers. This paper focuses on the state of knowledge for sub-tropical and tropical fruits, in particular avocado and mango.
预计到本世纪末,大气CO2浓度将会增加到540~970ppm,大气CO2浓度升高所引起的全球气候变化已经受到广泛的关注。植物生长依赖CO2,并且对大气CO2浓度升高在结构和生理上产生响应。目前已有大量报道,从生态系统、群落、种群、个体、器官、组织、生理以及生化等水平上研究高浓度CO2所对植物产生的影响。但是有关高浓度CO2对植物有性生殖影响的报道却很少,同时多数实验均建立在短期的生殖响应,忽视了植物在长期高CO2浓度下具有的反馈作用和CO2浓度变化对植物的驯化作用。植物有性生殖与其生态适应性和农作物籽粒产量的关系极为密切;同时,植物有性生殖特性的变化,也可作为预测植物对全球气候变化响应的重要指标之一。为此,利用高浓度CO2对植物进行长期选择实验将很有必要。研究结果将为预测未来大气CO2浓度增加的条件下陆地生态系统的演变趋势、全球变化对植物有性生殖响应的方式和机制提供新的思路和有效方法。 在本研究中,我们以模式植物拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)作为实验材料,利用370和700ppm CO2对其进行连续8个世代处理,首先研究高浓度CO2对每一个世代的拟南芥有性生殖特性的影响,然后比较各个世代中各种生殖特性指标变化的规律,从细胞、组织和个体尺度上揭示拟南芥有性生殖对全球变化的响应模式。此外,在700ppm CO2处理下,我们对拟南芥叶片生理、生化以及结构的变化进行了相关研究。两部分研究结果及主要结论如下: 首先,在每一个世代中,与370ppm CO2相比较,700ppm CO2处理显著促进了拟南芥开花,缩短生长周期,增加花、角果及种子等生殖的产量,降低种子N含量,提高种子C/N比、种子千粒重以及生殖生物量所占总生物量的比例等,而对种子萌发率、角果所含种子数目以及角果长度则无显著影响。但是, 通过对相同CO2浓度处理条件下,不同世代之间的研究结果比较发现,不同世代之间相关的生殖生物学指标并无显著差异。 其次,高浓度CO2显著降低叶片气孔密度、气孔指数、气孔导度以及蒸腾速率。在高浓度CO2处理下,叶肉细胞中叶绿体数目、叶绿体宽度和表观面积、淀粉粒大小和数量、叶片和细胞壁厚度等都显著增加,但是基粒内囊体膜的数量却显著下降。叶片中碳水化合物如可溶性总糖、淀粉以及纤维素含量在高浓度CO2下分别显著增加71.9%、78.7% 和 22.3%。此外,在高浓度CO2处理下,叶片中多数激素如如吲哚乙酸(indole-3-acetic acid, IAA)、赤霉素(gibberellin, GA)、玉米素核苷(zeatin riboside, ZR)、二氢玉米素核苷(dihydrozeatin riboside, DHZR)和异戊烯基腺苷(isopentenyl adenosine, iPA)均都显著地增加,而脱落酸(abscisic acid, ABA)含量却有所下降。最后,叶片中各种矿物质元素含量如N、P、K、Ca和Mg等含量在高浓度CO2处理下也都显著下降,而C/N比增加24.8%。 以上结果表明: (1) 在每一个世代中,700ppm CO2处理对拟南芥各种有性生殖特性具有显著的影响,但是高浓度CO2处理对植物所引起的效应在多个世代以内并不能够传递给后代,所以在多个有性生殖世代内,高浓度CO2处理对植物生长、生殖没有驯化作用。 (2) 在高浓度CO2处理下,拟南芥叶片中叶绿体超微结构的变化,可能主要是由于叶绿体中淀粉粒数量和体积大小显著增加而引起。 (3) 在高浓度CO2处理下,由于拟南芥叶片内与促进细胞分裂与伸长的激素含量显著增加,从而对拟南芥植株生长发育速率的提高起了重要的作用。 (4) 拟南芥生长在高浓度CO2条件下,其叶片中各种矿质元素含量(如N、P、K、Ca和Mg)均显著降低,究其原因可能是,第一由于叶片中碳水化合物含量的显著增加而对矿物质元素具有稀释作用;第二由于蒸腾速率下降,引起矿质元素从根部随着蒸腾流运输到地上部分的含量相应减少。
O Eucalyptus grandis é uma das espécies mais cultivadas no Brasil devido à sua produtividade e qualidade da madeira. Avaliaram-se o efeito da aplicação de lodo de esgoto tratado (0 a 40 t ha-1 base seca) e uma dose de adubo mineral nos atributos físicos e químicos da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis de árvores com cinco anos de idade, no Município de Itatinga, São Paulo, Brasil. O tipo de solo foi caracterizado como Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo Distrófico (argila = 120 g kg-1 na camada de 0-20 cm) e o clima, como mesotérmico úmido (Cwa), segundo a classificação de Köeppen. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições. O diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP), a altura das árvores e o volume de madeira foram obtidos em todas as parcelas de oito árvores com DAP na classe de maior freqüência. As caracterizações físicas e químicas da madeira foram realizadas de acordo com as normas da ABTCP, TAPPI e ABNT. O lodo de esgoto diminuiu a densidade básica da madeira, mas não afetou os teores de celulose, lignina, extrativos e o poder calorífico da madeira. O decréscimo de densidade da madeira pela adubação com lodo de esgoto foi compensado pela maior produtividade de madeira.
O grau de interferência depende da densidade de plantas daninhas que infestam a soja. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar características de crescimento e nutrição mineral da soja mantida em convivência com densidades crescentes de Euphorbia heterophylla. O experimento foi conduzido em Jaboticabal, SP, Brasil, entre outubro e dezembro de 2008, em vasos mantidos em campo aberto. Os tratamentos consistiram em submeter uma planta de soja por vaso à convivência com 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 e 16 plantas de E. heterophylla por vaso, da semeadura até o início do florescimento. Nesse período, avaliaram-se, apenas na soja, a altura e o número de trifólios, e em ambas as espécies, a matéria seca e o acúmulo de macronutrientes. Observou-se variação na altura de plantas e redução no número de trifólios e no acúmulo de matéria seca e macronutrientes da soja devido ao maior acúmulo de matéria seca e macronutrientes por densidades crescentes de E. heterophylla. Conclui-se que a soja mantida em convivência com E. heterophylla teve o crescimento e o acúmulo de macronutrientes reduzidos em razão da interferência imposta pela planta daninha.
Um experimento em casa de vegetação foi conduzido entre janeiro e junho de 2008, na FCAV/UNESP, Brasil, objetivando estudar a produção de massa seca, a marcha de absorção e o acúmulo de macronutrientes por Merremia aegyptia, uma importante planta daninha em culturas anuais e perenes no Brasil. As plantas foram cultivadas em vasos de 7 L com substrato de areia, que foram irrigados diariamente com solução nutritiva de Hoagland & Arnon. Os tratamentos corresponderam às épocas de avaliação, em intervalos de 14 dias, iniciando-se 21 dias após a emergência (DAE). em cada avaliação, as plantas de quatro vasos foram analisadas quanto à produção de massa seca e ao conteúdo de macronutrientes. M. aegyptia apresentou pequeno acúmulo de massa seca e de macronutrientes no início da fase experimental, os quais foram intensificados após 49 DAE. As folhas foram as principais estruturas acumuladoras de massa seca na primeira metade do ciclo de M. aegyptia, enquanto os caules o foram na segunda metade. N e K foram os macronutrientes mais acumulados em plantas de M. aegyptia. O período de máximo acúmulo teórico de massa seca e macronutrientes por M. aegyptia ocorreu entre 146 e 160 DAE.