795 resultados para Migratory politics of Spain
As the United States and Australia struggle with contemporary crises over competing uses of rapidly depleting natural resources, there are striking parallels between American Indian and Australian Aboriginal communities demanding a place at the management table and offering culturally based understandings of and solutions for the ecosystems at risk. These efforts to integrate indigenous knowledge into mainstream natural resource management are part of larger legal and political debates over land tenure, the locus of control, indigenous self-governance, and holistic ecosystems management.
This article tells about the relationship between resource politics and security in international relations. Using the Mekong River Basin as its case study, the article examines the place of resource and development issues in attempts to develop regional institutions. The question of whether a resource development regime with apparently low productivity in terms of technical output, but high levels of resilience and longevity, should be considered a failure or not, is considered. This question is examined within the broader context of Southeast Asian politics during the First, Second, and Third Indochina conflicts as well as the post-cold war era. The article argues that survival and a capacity to change to meet the challenges of extreme broader events are clear evidence of regime success. From this standpoint, the article explores ways in which the Mekong resource regime is linked to more general concerns for political security and stability and may in fact reflect political concerns for subregional neighborhood maintenance.
A concern for progress is central to the public agendas of modern societies. Political actors compete with one another mainly with regard to their respective claims to bring about a better future, particularly in the economic and technological spheres. The focus on progress has, however, deeper roots which date back to the aspirations of the Enlightenment. Around that time, the belief arose that systematic improvements are made possible by the structural features of modern society and culture, improvements that will gradually release humanity from much of the suffering characterising its historical past. This article argues the persistence of a culture of progress, rather than easing suffering, in fact enhances and mobilises it for the pursuit of superficial forms of gain. It is also claimed the attempt by Habermas' critical theory to develop a broader and more satisfactory conception of progress fails to address this problem. The article suggests an alternative and more fundamental critique of progressive ideas is required. It reflects upon these abstract theoretical questions in connection with the concrete example of the 'adolescent crisis' and the role ideas of progress play within it.
Este artigo-recensão do livro da Dra. Rochelle Pinto, Between Empires: Print and Politics in Goa, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2007, pp. 209 analisa este excelente estudo das implicações modernistas da imprensa na Índia Portuguesa. A autora distingue a modernidade da peninsula imbérica da modernidade inglesa. Salienta a diferença entre as duas modernidades. O que parece ser de pouco valor neste estudos é a tendência orientalista que os jovens investigadores são forçados a assumir: passa pela adoração pelos autores euro-americanos, subalternizando ou quase ignorando os estudos mais competentes dos investigadores orientais. Este complexo da inferioridade poderá levar ainda muito tempo para ser ultrapassada.
The aim of this paper is to establish some basic guidelines to help draft the information letter sent to individual contributors should it be decided to use this model in the Spanish public pension system. With this end in mind and basing our work on the experiences of the most advanced countries in the field and the pioneering papers by Jackson (2005), Larsson et al. (2008) and Sunden (2009), we look into the concept of “individual pension information” and identify its most relevant characteristics. We then give a detailed description of two models, those in the United States and Sweden, and in particular look at how they are structured, what aspects could be improved and what their limitations are. Finally we make some recommendations of special interest for designing the model for Spain.
The main idea of the article is to consider the interdependence between Politics of Memory (as a type of narrating the Past) and Stereotyping. The author suggests that, in a time of information revolution, we are still constructing images of others on the basis of simplification, overestimation of association between features, and illusory correlations, instead of basing them on knowledge and personal contact. The Politics of Memory, national remembrance, and the historical consciousness play a significant role in these processes, because – as the author argues – they transform historically based 'symbolic analogies' into 'illusory correlations' between national identity and the behavior of its members. To support his theoretical investigation, the author presents results of his draft experiment and two case studies: (a) a social construction of images of neighbors based on Polish narrations about the Past; and (b) various processes of stereotyping based on the Remembrance of the Holocaust. All these considerations lead him to state that the Politics of Memory should be recognized as an influential source of commonly shared stereotypes on other cultures and nations.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
This paper aims at analyzing the effects of lobbying over economic growth and primarily welfare. We model explicitly the interaction between policy-makers and firms in a setup where the latter undertakes political contributions to the former in exchange for more restrictive market regulations which induce exit and enhance the profitability of the market. In a sectorial equilibrium, despite stimulating growth, lobbying restricts the market structure and reduces welfare when compared to the free-entry outcome. However, once general equilibrium considerations are taken into account, we find that lobbying may improve welfare over a welfare maximizing free-entry equilibrium, by means of an expansion in aggregate demand. This introduces a new paradigm in the literature about the effects of lobbying over economic performance.
The stylistic categorization of the Estado Novo has been intensely discussed by Portuguese art historians. The square Alameda Dom Afonso Henriques in Lisbon (Alameda) can be seen as paradigmatic for the architecture of power of the Estado Novo. The Alameda forms a gardened valley between two hills. There you find two prominent and highly propagandist buildings: The Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and the Fonte Luminosa are dedicated to modern sciences and respectively to the harmonious contribution of nature to the city. The iconography of the Alameda as well as its incorporation into the propagandist use of urban planning in the 1930s and 1940s exemplify the visual politics during Salazarism. Urban planning programs intended to create cities that would preserve the character of a traditional catholic society and at the same time answer to the need to modernize the country and evoke the image of a progressive state. Thus, public buildings and urban squares such as the Alameda contributed to design a corporate image and to the ‘spirit’ of the regime.
¿Qué formas adquieren los cuerpos de los jóvenes bajo las actuales condiciones de producción? ¿Cuáles son sus poéticas? ¿Qué relaciones de fuerza se realizan en estas formas? ¿Cómo se inscriben en los cuerpos las relaciones de dominación, el "ethos" y la cosmovisión de un grupo social? Estas son algunas de las cuestiones que orientan el presente proyecto, interesado en explorar y describir sistemáticamente los procesos sociales del devenir "joven" en Córdoba. La investigación aborda algunas de las problemáticas propias de los jóvenes en tanto grupo social heterogéneo y diferenciado a partir del análisis de las prácticas de producción, consumo, interpretación y circulación de bienes culturales asociados con la diversión y el tiempo libre. Los tres objetos empíricos, localizados en la ciudad de Córdoba, son:o las salidas nocturnas de jóvenes estudiantes universitarios o la formación y el entrenamiento de los bailarines clásicos en el Teatro del Libertador Gral. San Martín. o las prácticas de entretenimiento y socialización lúdica entre los jóvenes de la comunidad de sordos de Córdoba.La hipótesis central de la investigación sostiene que la música y el baile tienen la capacidad de producir las identidades que nombran. Esta producción de cuerpos y subjetividades se realizaría en las performances sociales ("las salidas nocturnas" y "fiestas de la comunidad sorda") y las performances artísticas (clases, ensayos y funciones de ballet) donde se da la interacción entre las identidades actuadas por los sujetos y las ofrecidas por las diferentes músicas, bailes y movimientos corporales. En este sentido, proponemos que las performances articulan una particular identidad cuando quienes la protagonizan experimentan que la música y el baile se "ajusta" a la trama argumental que organiza sus narrativas identitarias.ObjetivosGENERAL:o Describir, de modo denso, las prácticas y representaciones implicadas en el proceso de materialización de los cuerpos y relacionarlas con los procesos de subjetivación y formación de identidades juveniles. ESPECÍFICOS.o Explorar la relación entre las diversas formas de consumo cultural en la formación de un estilo de vida y en la formación de identidades colectivas. o Describir los procesos de entrenamiento de los bailarines de música clásica.o Analizar los procesos de comunicación no verbal entre jóvenes de la comunidad sorda.Materiales y métodos.Para realizar esta investigación se construirá por medio de técnicas cuali y cuantitativas un corpus heterogéneo de materiales textuales, gráficos y audiovisuales, así como de entrevistas en profundidad, de experiencias etnográficas de observación participante y de investigación cuantitativa. Dicho corpus recibirá un tratamiento diferencial según el soporte y género, pero en todos los casos trabajando desde una matriz de análisis que considere los procesos de construcción de sentido y las relaciones entre cuerpo, subjetividad e identidad. En el análisis de los datos se pondrán en juego herramientas conceptuales tomadas de la Antropología Simbólica, la Antropología de la Danza, el Análisis del Discurso, la Sociología del Arte y los Estudios de la Performance. Resultados esperados.Se espera elaborar indicadores para medir la producción, circulación y consumo de bienes simbólicos. El desenvolvimiento del proyecto permitirá también la formación de recursos humanos en investigación y se contempla presentaciones a reuniones científicas, publicación en revistas nacionales e internacionales y la elaboración de dos libros. Por último se implementarán actividades de capacitación y asesoramiento para instituciones relacionados con los jóvenes. Importancia del ProyectoLos resultados de la investigación permitirán una interpretación más comprehensiva de los sentidos que poseen para jóvenes cordobeses problemáticas sociales como las adicciones, el alcoholismo, la salud sexual y reproductiva, las prácticas discriminatorias o los usos de las nuevas tecnologías.
Material throughput is a means of measuring the so-called social metabolism, or physical dimensions of a society’s consumption, and can be taken as an indirect and approximate indicator of sustainability. Material flow accounting can be used to test the dematerialisation hypothesis, the idea that technological progress causes a decrease in total material used (strong dematerialisation) or material used per monetary unit of output (weak dematerialisation). This paper sets out the results of a material flow analysis for Spain for the period from 1980 to 2000. The analysis reveals that neither strong nor weak dematerialisation took place during the period analysed. Although the population did not increase considerably, materials mobilised by the Spanish economy (DMI) increased by 85% in absolute terms, surpassing GDP growth. In addition, Spain became more dependent on external trade in physical terms. In fact, its imports are more than twice the amount of its exports in terms of weight.