370 resultados para Middleware ginga
En aquest projecte s'ha dissenyat i implementat un nou Discovery Middleware per a la plataforma d'agents mòbils JADE. Aquest DM col·laborarà amb el Directory Facilitator per tal d'oferir als agents un servei transparent que els permetrà descobrir serveis en plataformes remotes que siguin accessibles mitjançant xarxes ad-hoc basades en la tecnologia Bluetooth.
La tolerancia a fallos es una línea de investigación que ha adquirido una importancia relevante con el aumento de la capacidad de cómputo de los súper-computadores actuales. Esto es debido a que con el aumento del poder de procesamiento viene un aumento en la cantidad de componentes que trae consigo una mayor cantidad de fallos. Las estrategias de tolerancia a fallos actuales en su mayoría son centralizadas y estas no escalan cuando se utiliza una gran cantidad de procesos, dado que se requiere sincronización entre todos ellos para realizar las tareas de tolerancia a fallos. Además la necesidad de mantener las prestaciones en programas paralelos es crucial, tanto en presencia como en ausencia de fallos. Teniendo en cuenta lo citado, este trabajo se ha centrado en una arquitectura tolerante a fallos descentralizada (RADIC – Redundant Array of Distributed and Independant Controllers) que busca mantener las prestaciones iniciales y garantizar la menor sobrecarga posible para reconfigurar el sistema en caso de fallos. La implementación de esta arquitectura se ha llevado a cabo en la librería de paso de mensajes denominada Open MPI, la misma es actualmente una de las más utilizadas en el mundo científico para la ejecución de programas paralelos que utilizan una plataforma de paso de mensajes. Las pruebas iniciales demuestran que el sistema introduce mínima sobrecarga para llevar a cabo las tareas correspondientes a la tolerancia a fallos. MPI es un estándar por defecto fail-stop, y en determinadas implementaciones que añaden cierto nivel de tolerancia, las estrategias más utilizadas son coordinadas. En RADIC cuando ocurre un fallo el proceso se recupera en otro nodo volviendo a un estado anterior que ha sido almacenado previamente mediante la utilización de checkpoints no coordinados y la relectura de mensajes desde el log de eventos. Durante la recuperación, las comunicaciones con el proceso en cuestión deben ser retrasadas y redirigidas hacia la nueva ubicación del proceso. Restaurar procesos en un lugar donde ya existen procesos sobrecarga la ejecución disminuyendo las prestaciones, por lo cual en este trabajo se propone la utilización de nodos spare para la recuperar en ellos a los procesos que fallan, evitando de esta forma la sobrecarga en nodos que ya tienen trabajo. En este trabajo se muestra un diseño propuesto para gestionar de un modo automático y descentralizado la recuperación en nodos spare en un entorno Open MPI y se presenta un análisis del impacto en las prestaciones que tiene este diseño. Resultados iniciales muestran una degradación significativa cuando a lo largo de la ejecución ocurren varios fallos y no se utilizan spares y sin embargo utilizándolos se restablece la configuración inicial y se mantienen las prestaciones.
An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle is a non-piloted airplane designed to operate in dangerous and repetitive situations. With the advent of UAV's civil applications, UAVs are emerging as a valid option in commercial scenarios. If it must be economically viable, the same platform should implement avariety of missions with little reconguration time and overhead.This paper presents a middleware-based architecture specially suited to operate as a exible payload and mission controller in a UAV. The system is composed of low-costcomputing devices connected by network. The functionality is divided into reusable services distributed over a number ofnodes with a middleware managing their lifecycle and communication.Some research has been done in this area; yetit is mainly focused on the control domain and in its realtime operation. Our proposal differs in that we address the implementation of adaptable and reconfigurable unmannedmissions in low-cost and low-resources hardware.
JXTA is a peer-to-peer (P2P) middleware whichhas undergone successive iterations through its 10 years of history, slowly incorporating a security baseline that may cater to different applications and services. However, in order to appeal to a broader set of secure scenarios, it would be interesting to take into consideration more advanced capabilities, such as anonymity.There are several proposals on anonymous protocols that can be applied in the context of a P2P network, but it is necessary to be able to choose the right one given each application¿s needs. In this paper, we provide an experimental evaluation of two relevant protocols, each one belonging to a different category of approaches to anonymity: unimessage and split message. Webase our analysis on two scenarios, with stable and non-stable peers, and three metrics: round trip-time (RTT), node processing time and reliability.
The UMSIC project will produce an application for social inclusion of children. This application will run on Nokia N810 internet tablet. PeerHood is an implementation of Peer-to-Peer neighborhood and communication concept, it is going to be used as a part of middleware in the project. PeerHood is responsible for providing neighboring information and connections to nearby devices. This thesis will present the requirements that the project sets to PeerHood including the general state of the art middleware requirements and the requirements set by the target device. These requirements will not be analyzed further. One main focus of this thesis is to analyze PeerHood from the UMSIC project point of view. In this thesis the results of PeerHood analysis are presented, including memory consumption testing, performance testing and testing of networking components of PeerHood. As a result of these tests modifications for PeerHood are introduced. The modifications are related to PeerHood usage in real mobile environment. Based on these requirements a framework was implemented that, when used properly, will enhance the context awareness of PeerHood, especially in mobile devices. The techniques used in framework are presented and instructions about how to use the framework are given. The approaches used in the implemented framework are analysed in this thesis. As an outcome of this thesis the context awareness of PeerHood is improved. As an additional outcome the guidelines for future development of PeerHood are introduced that are based on the results of the analysis of both PeerHood and the implemented framework.
The purpose of this thesis was to study how certificates could be used to improve security of mobile devices. In the theoretical part the usage of certificates to improve security is explained. In the practical part a concept of certificate handling middleware is introduced and implemented. This is to demonstrate what kind of functionality is needed to provide an improvement over the current situation in security with mobile devices. The certificate handling middleware is a concept that would work better if implemented directly into mobile device's core functionality. Many of the mobile devices have a certificate store to some degree and often it is not used to store other people's certificates. A certificate store combined with address book and added with possibility to add attributes to the people such as group memberships would be sufficient to satisfy the needs of many emerging sharing and social applications.
In this thesis, a Peer-to-Peer communication middleware for mobile environment is developed using the Qt framework and the Qt Mobility extension. The Peer-to-Peer middleware – called as PeerHood – is for service sharing in network neighborhood. In addition, the PeerHood enables service connectivity and device monitoring functionalities. The concept of the PeerHood is already available in native C++ implementation on Linux platform using services from the platform. In this work, the PeerHood concept is remade to be based on use of the Qt framework. The objective of the new solution is to increase PeerHood quality with using functionalities from the Qt framework and the Qt Mobility extension. Furthermore, by using the Qt framework, the PeerHood middleware can be implemented to be portable cross-platform middleware. The quality of the new PeerHood implementation is evaluated with defined quality factors and compared with the existing PeerHood. Reliability, CPU usage, memory usage and static code analysis metrics are used in evaluation. The new PeerHood is shown to be more reliable and flexible that the existing one.
Die ubiquitäre Datenverarbeitung ist ein attraktives Forschungsgebiet des vergangenen und aktuellen Jahrzehnts. Es handelt von unaufdringlicher Unterstützung von Menschen in ihren alltäglichen Aufgaben durch Rechner. Diese Unterstützung wird durch die Allgegenwärtigkeit von Rechnern ermöglicht die sich spontan zu verteilten Kommunikationsnetzwerken zusammen finden, um Informationen auszutauschen und zu verarbeiten. Umgebende Intelligenz ist eine Anwendung der ubiquitären Datenverarbeitung und eine strategische Forschungsrichtung der Information Society Technology der Europäischen Union. Das Ziel der umbebenden Intelligenz ist komfortableres und sichereres Leben. Verteilte Kommunikationsnetzwerke für die ubiquitäre Datenverarbeitung charakterisieren sich durch Heterogenität der verwendeten Rechner. Diese reichen von Kleinstrechnern, eingebettet in Gegenstände des täglichen Gebrauchs, bis hin zu leistungsfähigen Großrechnern. Die Rechner verbinden sich spontan über kabellose Netzwerktechnologien wie wireless local area networks (WLAN), Bluetooth, oder UMTS. Die Heterogenität verkompliziert die Entwicklung und den Aufbau von verteilten Kommunikationsnetzwerken. Middleware ist eine Software Technologie um Komplexität durch Abstraktion zu einer homogenen Schicht zu reduzieren. Middleware bietet eine einheitliche Sicht auf die durch sie abstrahierten Ressourcen, Funktionalitäten, und Rechner. Verteilte Kommunikationsnetzwerke für die ubiquitäre Datenverarbeitung sind durch die spontane Verbindung von Rechnern gekennzeichnet. Klassische Middleware geht davon aus, dass Rechner dauerhaft miteinander in Kommunikationsbeziehungen stehen. Das Konzept der dienstorienterten Architektur ermöglicht die Entwicklung von Middleware die auch spontane Verbindungen zwischen Rechnern erlaubt. Die Funktionalität von Middleware ist dabei durch Dienste realisiert, die unabhängige Software-Einheiten darstellen. Das Wireless World Research Forum beschreibt Dienste die zukünftige Middleware beinhalten sollte. Diese Dienste werden von einer Ausführungsumgebung beherbergt. Jedoch gibt es noch keine Definitionen wie sich eine solche Ausführungsumgebung ausprägen und welchen Funktionsumfang sie haben muss. Diese Arbeit trägt zu Aspekten der Middleware-Entwicklung für verteilte Kommunikationsnetzwerke in der ubiquitären Datenverarbeitung bei. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Middleware und Grundlagentechnologien. Die Beiträge liegen als Konzepte und Ideen für die Entwicklung von Middleware vor. Sie decken die Bereiche Dienstfindung, Dienstaktualisierung, sowie Verträge zwischen Diensten ab. Sie sind in einem Rahmenwerk bereit gestellt, welches auf die Entwicklung von Middleware optimiert ist. Dieses Rahmenwerk, Framework for Applications in Mobile Environments (FAME²) genannt, beinhaltet Richtlinien, eine Definition einer Ausführungsumgebung, sowie Unterstützung für verschiedene Zugriffskontrollmechanismen um Middleware vor unerlaubter Benutzung zu schützen. Das Leistungsspektrum der Ausführungsumgebung von FAME² umfasst: • minimale Ressourcenbenutzung, um auch auf Rechnern mit wenigen Ressourcen, wie z.B. Mobiltelefone und Kleinstrechnern, nutzbar zu sein • Unterstützung für die Anpassung von Middleware durch Änderung der enthaltenen Dienste während die Middleware ausgeführt wird • eine offene Schnittstelle um praktisch jede existierende Lösung für das Finden von Diensten zu verwenden • und eine Möglichkeit der Aktualisierung von Diensten zu deren Laufzeit um damit Fehlerbereinigende, optimierende, und anpassende Wartungsarbeiten an Diensten durchführen zu können Eine begleitende Arbeit ist das Extensible Constraint Framework (ECF), welches Design by Contract (DbC) im Rahmen von FAME² nutzbar macht. DbC ist eine Technologie um Verträge zwischen Diensten zu formulieren und damit die Qualität von Software zu erhöhen. ECF erlaubt das aushandeln sowie die Optimierung von solchen Verträgen.
Grid workflow authoring tools are typically specific to particular workflow engines built into Grid middleware, or are application specific and are designed to interact with specific software implementations. g-Eclipse is a middleware independent Grid workbench that aims to provide a unified abstraction of the Grid and includes a Grid workflow builder to allow users to author and deploy workflows to the Grid. This paper describes the g-Eclipse Workflow Builder and its implementations for two Grid middlewares, gLite and GRIA, and a case study utilizing the Workflow Builder in a Grid user's scientific workflow deployment.
Driven by new network and middleware technologies such as mobile broadband, near-field communication, and context awareness the so-called ambient lifestyle will foster innovative use cases in building automation, healthcare and agriculture. In the EU project Hydra1 highlevel security, trust and privacy concerns such as loss of control, profiling and surveillance are considered at the outset. At the end of this project the Hydra middleware development platform will have been designed so as to enable developers to realise secure ambient scenarios especially in the user domains of building automation, healthcare, and agriculture. This paper gives a short introduction to the Hydra project, its user domains and its approach to ensure security by design. Based on the results of a focus group analysis of the building automation domain typical threats are evaluated and their risks are assessed. Then, specific security requirements with respect to security, privacy, and trust are derived in order to incorporate them into the Hydra Security Meta Model. How concepts such as context security, semantic security, and virtualisation support the overall Hydra approach will be introduced and illustrated on the basis of a technical building automation scenario.
The service-oriented approach to performing distributed scientific research is potentially very powerful but is not yet widely used in many scientific fields. This is partly due to the technical difficulties involved in creating services and workflows and the inefficiency of many workflow systems with regard to handling large datasets. We present the Styx Grid Service, a simple system that wraps command-line programs and allows them to be run over the Internet exactly as if they were local programs. Styx Grid Services are very easy to create and use and can be composed into powerful workflows with simple shell scripts or more sophisticated graphical tools. An important feature of the system is that data can be streamed directly from service to service, significantly increasing the efficiency of workflows that use large data volumes. The status and progress of Styx Grid Services can be monitored asynchronously using a mechanism that places very few demands on firewalls. We show how Styx Grid Services can interoperate with with Web Services and WS-Resources using suitable adapters.
A new generation of advanced surveillance systems is being conceived as a collection of multi-sensor components such as video, audio and mobile robots interacting in a cooperating manner to enhance situation awareness capabilities to assist surveillance personnel. The prominent issues that these systems face are: the improvement of existing intelligent video surveillance systems, the inclusion of wireless networks, the use of low power sensors, the design architecture, the communication between different components, the fusion of data emerging from different type of sensors, the location of personnel (providers and consumers) and the scalability of the system. This paper focuses on the aspects pertaining to real-time distributed architecture and scalability. For example, to meet real-time requirements, these systems need to process data streams in concurrent environments, designed by taking into account scheduling and synchronisation. The paper proposes a framework for the design of visual surveillance systems based on components derived from the principles of Real Time Networks/Data Oriented Requirements Implementation Scheme (RTN/DORIS). It also proposes the implementation of these components using the well-known middleware technology Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). Results using this architecture for video surveillance are presented through an implemented prototype.
While watching TV, viewers use the remote control to turn the TV set on and off, change channel and volume, to adjust the image and audio settings, etc. Worldwide, research institutes collect information about audience measurement, which can also be used to provide personalization and recommendation services, among others. The interactive digital TV offers viewers the opportunity to interact with interactive applications associated with the broadcast program. Interactive TV infrastructure supports the capture of the user-TV interaction at fine-grained levels. In this paper we propose the capture of all the user interaction with a TV remote control-including short term and instant interactions: we argue that the corresponding captured information can be used to create content pervasively and automatically, and that this content can be used by a wide variety of services, such as audience measurement, personalization and recommendation services. The capture of fine grained data about instant and interval-based interactions also allows the underlying infrastructure to offer services at the same scale, such as annotation services and adaptative applications. We present the main modules of an infrastructure for TV-based services, along with a detailed example of a document used to record the user-remote control interaction. Our approach is evaluated by means of a proof-of-concept prototype which uses the Brazilian Digital TV System, the Ginga-NCL middleware.