992 resultados para Microscopy, Confocal


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The purpose of this study was to use a fluorescent dye and CLSM microscope to observe the effect of different light intensities on dentin tensile bond strength. Flat dentin surfaces were created on 16 intact human third molars and divided in 4 groups: Group G1 - halogen - KM -200R®; Group G2 - LED - Ultraled®; Group G3 - LED - UltraLume LED5® and Group G4 - LED - Biolux Single V®. For all the groups, the restoration procedure used Single Bond® adhesive, mixed with rodamin B and InTen-S® composite resin. Then, they were cut on serial sections to obtain 1 mm2 area and submitted to micro tensile test and after words, the fractures were analyzed with a digital microscope and CLSM. The statistical analysis showed that all in all groups, except Group G2, which had a significant smaller tensile bond strength ratio. The fracture mode analysis showed that there were significant differences when comparing groups G1 / G2, and G2 / G4. There is no evidence of relevant differences among the other groups. With these results, we conclude that the use of fluorescent dye and CLSM demonstrated to be a simple and nondestructive technique, and that there are evidences that light intensities influenced the dentine tensile.


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OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a concordância entre as técnicas de microscopia de polarização e microscopia confocal na avaliação do fuso meiótico de oócitos humanos maturados in vivo. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo que avaliou oócitos com o primeiro corpúsculo polar extruído obtidos de mulheres inférteis submetidas à estimulação ovariana para realização de injeção intracitoplasmática de espermatozoide. Os oócitos com o primeiro corpúsculo polar extruído foram avaliados por meio da microscopia de polarização e, imediatamente após, foram fixados e corados para avaliação dos microtúbulos e cromatina pela microscopia confocal de alto desempenho. Foram comparadas as técnicas de microscopia de polarização e confocal, de acordo com a visualização ou não do fuso meiótico pela microscopia de polarização e a presença ou não de anomalias meióticas à análise pela microscopia confocal. Foram calculados os intervalos de confiança, o índice de Kappa e a concordância entre as metodologias, considerando a análise da microscopia de imunofluorescência como padrão-ouro para avaliação de normalidade do fuso e distribuição cromossômica oocitária. RESULTADOS: Observou-se que 72,7% dos oócitos em metáfase II com fuso celular não visível à polarização apresentaram anormalidades meióticas à análise confocal e que 55,6% dos oócitos em metáfase II com fuso celular visível à polarização apresentaram-se como oócitos anormais à análise confocal. Somente 44,4% dos oócitos com fuso celular visível à polarização apresentaram-se como normais à análise confocal. A concordância entre os métodos foi de 51,1% (Kappa: 0,11; IC95% -0,0958 - 0,319). CONCLUSÕES: A baixa concordância entre a microscopia de polarização e a confocal na avaliação do fuso meiótico oocitário sugere que a visualização do fuso meiótico de oócitos humanos em metáfase II pela microscopia de polarização tem limitado o valor preditivo de normalidade meiótica oocitária.


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Present models of long-term sensitization in Aplysia californica indicate that the enhanced behavioral response is due, at least in part, to outgrowth of sensory neurons mediating defensive withdrawal reflexes. Presumably, this outgrowth strengthens pre-existing connections by formation of new synapses with follower neurons. However, the relationship between the number of sensorimotor contacts and the physiological strength of the connection has never been examined in intact ganglia. As a first step in addressing this issue, we used confocal microscopy to examine sites of contact between sensory and motor neurons in naive animals. Our results revealed relatively few contacts between physiologically connected cells. In addition, the number of contact sites was proportional to the amplitude of the EPSP elicited in the follower motor neuron by direct stimulation of the sensory neuron. This is the first time such a correlation has been observed in the central nervous system. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter most closely examined for its role in modulating synaptic strength at the sensorimotor synapse. However, the structural relationship of serotonergic processes and sensorimotor synapses has never been examined. Surprisingly, serotonergic processes usually made contact with sensory and motor neurons at sites located relatively distant from the sensorimotor synapse. This result implies that heterosynaptic regulation is due to nondirected release of serotonin into the neuropil.


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We describe a role for diacylglycerol in the activation of Ras and Rap1 at the phagosomal membrane. During phagocytosis, Ras density was similar on the surface and invaginating areas of the membrane, but activation was detectable only in the latter and in sealed phagosomes. Ras activation was associated with the recruitment of RasGRP3, a diacylglycerol-dependent Ras/Rap1 exchange factor. Recruitment to phagosomes of RasGRP3, which contains a C1 domain, parallels and appears to be due to the formation of diacylglycerol. Accordingly, Ras and Rap1 activation was precluded by antagonists of phospholipase C and of diacylglycerol binding. Ras is dispensable for phagocytosis but controls activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase, which is partially impeded by diacylglycerol inhibitors. By contrast, cross-activation of complement receptors by stimulation of Fcgamma receptors requires Rap1 and involves diacylglycerol. We suggest a role for diacylglycerol-dependent exchange factors in the activation of Ras and Rap1, which govern distinct processes induced by Fcgamma receptor-mediated phagocytosis to enhance the innate immune response.


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PURPOSE: To establish the identity of a prominent protein, approximately 70 kDa, that is markedly increased in the retina of monkeys with experimental glaucoma compared with the fellow control retina, the relationship to glaucoma severity, and its localization in the retina. METHODS: Retinal extracts were subjected to 2-D gel electrophoresis to identify differentially expressed proteins. Purified peptides from the abundant 70 kDa protein were analyzed and identified by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) separation, and collision-induced dissociation sequencing. Protein identity was performed on MASCOT (Matrix Science, Boston, MA) and confirmed by Western blot. The relationship between the increase in this protein and glaucoma severity was investigated by regression analyses. Protein localization in retina was evaluated by immunohistochemistry with confocal imaging. RESULTS: The abundant protein was identified as Macaca mulatta serum albumin precursor (67 kDa) from eight non-overlapping proteolytic fragments, and the identity was confirmed by Western blot. The average increase in retinal albumin content was 2.3 fold (P = 0.015). In glaucoma eyes, albumin was localized to some neurons of the inner nuclear layer, in the inner plexiform layer, and along the vitreal surface, but it was only found in blood vessels in control retinas. CONCLUSIONS: Albumin is the abundant protein found in the glaucomatous monkey retinas. The increased albumin is primarily localized to the inner retina where oxidative damage associated with experimental glaucoma is known to be prominent. Since albumin is a major antioxidant, the increase of albumin in the retinas of eyes with experimental glaucoma may serve to protect the retina against oxidative damage.


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To better understand synaptic signaling at the mammalian rod bipolar cell terminal and pave the way for applying genetic approaches to the study of visual information processing in the mammalian retina, synaptic vesicle dynamics and intraterminal calcium were monitored in terminals of acutely isolated mouse rod bipolar cells and the number of ribbon-style active zones quantified. We identified a releasable pool, corresponding to a maximum of 7 s. The presence of a smaller, rapidly releasing pool and a small, fast component of refilling was also suggested. Following calcium channel closure, membrane surface area was restored to baseline with a time constant that ranged from 2 to 21 s depending on the magnitude of the preceding Ca2+ transient. In addition, a brief, calcium-dependent delay often preceded the start of onset of membrane recovery. Thus, several aspects of synaptic vesicle dynamics appear to be conserved between rod-dominant bipolar cells of fish and mammalian rod bipolar cells. A major difference is that the number of vesicles available for release is significantly smaller in the mouse rod bipolar cell, both as a function of the total number per neuron and on a per active zone basis.


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Many cell types in the retina are coupled via gap junctions and so there is a pressing need for a potent and reversible gap junction antagonist. We screened a series of potential gap junction antagonists by evaluating their effects on dye coupling in the network of A-type horizontal cells. We evaluated the following compounds: meclofenamic acid (MFA), mefloquine, 2-aminoethyldiphenyl borate (2-APB), 18-alpha-glycyrrhetinic acid, 18-beta-glycyrrhetinic acid (18-beta-GA), retinoic acid, flufenamic acid, niflumic acid, and carbenoxolone. The efficacy of each drug was determined by measuring the diffusion coefficient for Neurobiotin (Mills & Massey, 1998). MFA, 18-beta-GA, 2-APB and mefloquine were the most effective antagonists, completely eliminating A-type horizontal cell coupling at a concentration of 200 muM. Niflumic acid, flufenamic acid, and carbenoxolone were less potent. Additionally, carbenoxolone was difficult to wash out and also may be harmful, as the retina became opaque and swollen. MFA, 18-beta-GA, 2-APB and mefloquine also blocked coupling in B-type horizontal cells and AII amacrine cells. Because these cell types express different connexins, this suggests that the antagonists were relatively non-selective across several different types of gap junction. It should be emphasized that MFA was water-soluble and its effects on dye coupling were easily reversible. In contrast, the other gap junction antagonists, except carbenoxolone, required DMSO to make stock solutions and were difficult to wash out of the preparation at the doses required to block coupling in A-type HCs. The combination of potency, water solubility and reversibility suggest that MFA may be a useful compound to manipulate gap junction coupling.


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A highly fluorescent mutant form of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) has been fused to the rat glucocorticoid receptor (GR). When GFP-GR is expressed in living mouse cells, it is competent for normal transactivation of the GR-responsive mouse mammary tumor virus promoter. The unliganded GFP-GR resides in the cytoplasm and translocates to the nucleus in a hormone-dependent manner with ligand specificity similar to that of the native GR receptor. Due to the resistance of the mutant GFP to photobleaching, the translocation process can be studied by time-lapse video microscopy. Confocal laser scanning microscopy showed nuclear accumulation in a discrete series of foci, excluding nucleoli. Complete receptor translocation is induced with RU486 (a ligand with little agonist activity), although concentration into nuclear foci is not observed. This reproducible pattern of transactivation-competent GR reveals a previously undescribed intranuclear architecture of GR target sites.


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Extension of the vertebrate body results from the concerted activity of many signals in the posterior embryonic end. Among them, Wnt3a has been shown to play relevant roles in the regulation of axial progenitor activity, mesoderm formation and somitogenesis. However, its impact on axial growth remains to be fully understood. Using a transgenic approach in the mouse, we found that the effect of Wnt3a signaling varies depending on the target tissue. High levels of Wnt3a in the epiblast prevented formation of neural tissues, but did not impair axial progenitors from producing different mesodermal lineages. These mesodermal tissues maintained a remarkable degree of organization, even within a severely malformed embryo. However, from the cells that failed to take a neural fate, only those that left the epithelial layer of the epiblast activated a mesodermal program. The remaining tissue accumulated as a folded epithelium that kept some epiblast-like characteristics. Together with previously published observations, our results suggest a dose-dependent role for Wnt3a in regulating the balance between renewal and selection of differentiation fates of axial progenitors in the epiblast. In the paraxial mesoderm, appropriate regulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling was required not only for somitogenesis, but also for providing proper anterior-posterior polarity to the somites. Both processes seem to rely on mechanisms with different requirements for feedback modulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, once segmentation occurred in the presence of high levels of Wnt3a in the presomitic mesoderm, but not after permanent expression of a constitutively active form of β-catenin. Together, our findings suggest that Wnt3a/β-catenin signaling plays sequential roles during posterior extension, which are strongly dependent on the target tissue. This provides an additional example of how much the functional output of signaling systems depends on the competence of the responding cells.


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Monocarboxylate Transporter 2 (MCT2) is a major pyruvate transporter encoded by the SLC16A7 gene. Recent studies pointed to a consistent overexpression of MCT2 in prostate cancer (PCa) suggesting MCT2 as a putative biomarker and molecular target. Despite the importance of this observation the mechanisms involved in MCT2 regulation are unknown. Through an integrative analysis we have discovered that selective demethylation of an internal SLC16A7/MCT2 promoter is a recurrent event in independent PCa cohorts. This demethylation is associated with expression of isoforms differing only in 5'-UTR translational control motifs, providing one contributing mechanism for MCT2 protein overexpression in PCa. Genes co-expressed with SLC16A7/MCT2 also clustered in oncogenic-related pathways and effectors of these signalling pathways were found to bind at the SLC16A7/MCT2 gene locus. Finally, MCT2 knock-down attenuated the growth of PCa cells. The present study unveils an unexpected epigenetic regulation of SLC16A7/MCT2 isoforms and identifies a link between SLC16A7/MCT2, Androgen Receptor (AR), ETS-related gene (ERG) and other oncogenic pathways in PCa. These results underscore the importance of combining data from epigenetic, transcriptomic and protein level changes to allow more comprehensive insights into the mechanisms underlying protein expression, that in our case provide additional weight to MCT2 as a candidate biomarker and molecular target in PCa.


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Purpose: To determine the subbasal nerve density and tortuosity at 5 corneal locations and to investigate whether these microstructural observations correlate with corneal sensitivity. Method: Sixty eyes of 60 normal human subjects were recruited into 1 of 3 age groups, group 1: aged ,35 years, group 2: aged 35–50 years, and group 3: aged .50 years. All eyes were examined using slit-lamp biomicroscopy, noncontact corneal esthesiometry, and slit scanning in vivo confocal microscopy. Results: The mean subbasal nerve density and the mean corneal sensitivity were greatest centrally (14,731 6 6056 mm/mm2 and 0.38 6 0.21 millibars, respectively) and lowest in the nasal mid periphery (7850 6 4947 mm/mm2 and 0.49 6 0.25 millibars, respectively). The mean subbasal nerve tortuosity coefficient was greatest in the temporal mid periphery (27.3 6 6.4) and lowest in the superior mid periphery (19.3 6 14.1). There was no significant difference in mean total subbasal nerve density between age groups. However, corneal sensation (P = 0.001) and subbasal nerve tortuosity (P = 0.004) demonstrated significant differences between age groups. Subbasal nerve density only showed significant correlations with corneal sensitivity threshold in the temporal cornea and with subbasal nerve tortuosity in the inferior and nasal cornea. However, these correlations were weak. Conclusions: This study quantitatively analyzes living human corneal nerve structure and an aspect of nerve function. There is no strong correlation between subbasal nerve density and corneal sensation. This study provides useful baseline data for the normal living human cornea at central and mid-peripheral locations


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Purpose The aim of this work is to develop a more complete understanding of the in vivo histology of the human palpebral conjunctiva and tarsal plate. Methods. The upper eyelids of 11 healthy human volunteer subjects were everted, and laser scanning confocal microscopy was used to examine the various tissue layers of the palpebral conjunctiva and tarsal plate. Results The superficial and basal epithelial layers are composed of cells with gray cytoplasm and thick, light gray borders.Nuclei can not be seen. The stroma has a varied appearance; fibrous tissue is sometimes observed, interspersed with dark,amorphous lacunae, and crevases. Numerous single white or gray cells populate this tissue, and fine blood vessels are seen traversing the field. Occasional conjunctival microcysts and Langerhans cells are observed. The tarsal plate is dark and amorphous, and meibomian gland acini with convoluted borders are clearly observed. Acini are composed of an outer lining of large cuboidal cells, and differentiated secretory cells can be seen within the acini lumen. Conclusions Laser scanning confocal microscopy is capable of studying the human palpebral conjunctiva, tarsal plate, and acini of meibomian glands in vivo. The observations presented here may provide useful supplementary anatomical information relating to the morphology of this tissue.