191 resultados para Microglia


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Outcome following traumatic brain injury (TBI) is in large part determined by the combined action of multiple processes. In order to better understand the response of the central nervous system to injury, we utilized an antibody array to simultaneously screen 507 proteins for altered expression in the injured hippocampus, a structure critical for memory formation. Array analysis indicated 41 candidate proteins have altered expression levels 24h after TBI. Of particular interest was catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT), an enzyme involved in metabolizing catecholamines released following neuronal activity. Altered catecholamine signaling has been observed after brain injury, and may contribute to the cognitive dysfunctions and behavioral deficits often experienced after TBI. Our data shows that COMT expression in the injured ipsilateral hippocampus was elevated for at least 14 d after controlled cortical impact injury. We found strong co-localization of COMT immunoreactivity with the microglia marker Iba1 near the injury site. Since dopamine transporter expression has been reported to be down-regulated after brain injury, COMT-mediated catecholamine metabolism may play a more prominent role in terminating catecholamine signaling in injured areas.


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A recently identified chemokine, fractalkine, is a member of the chemokine gene family, which consists principally of secreted, proinflammatory molecules. Fractalkine is distinguished structurally by the presence of a CX3C motif as well as transmembrane spanning and mucin-like domains and shows atypical constitutive expression in a number of nonhematopoietic tissues, including brain. We undertook an extensive characterization of this chemokine and its receptor CX3CR1 in the brain to gain insights into use of chemokine-dependent systems in the central nervous system. Expression of fractalkine in rat brain was found to be widespread and localized principally to neurons. Recombinant rat CX3CR1, as expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells, specifically bound fractalkine and signaled in the presence of either membrane-anchored or soluble forms of fractalkine protein. Fractalkine stimulated chemotaxis and elevated intracellular calcium levels of microglia; these responses were blocked by anti-CX3CR1 antibodies. After facial motor nerve axotomy, dramatic changes in the levels of CX3CR1 and fractalkine in the facial nucleus were evident. These included increases in the number and perineuronal location of CX3CR1-expressing microglia, decreased levels of motor neuron-expressed fractalkine mRNA, and an alteration in the forms of fractalkine protein expressed. These data describe mechanisms of cellular communication between neurons and microglia, involving fractalkine and CX3CR1, which occur in both normal and pathological states of the central nervous system.


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Gap junctional communication between microglia was investigated at rat brain stab wounds and in primary cultures of rat and mouse cells. Under resting conditions, rat microglia (FITC-isolectin-B4-reactive cells) were sparsely distributed in the neocortex, and most (95%) were not immunoreactive for Cx43, a gap junction protein subunit. At brain stab wounds, microglia progressively accumulated over several days and formed aggregates that frequently showed Cx43 immunoreactivity at interfaces between cells. In primary culture, microglia showed low levels of Cx43 determined by Western blotting, diffuse intracellular Cx43 immunoreactivity, and a low incidence of dye coupling. Treatment with the immunostimulant bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or the cytokines interferon-γ (INF-γ) or tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) one at a time did not increase the incidence of dye coupling. However, microglia treated with INF-γ plus LPS showed a dramatic increase in dye coupling that was prevented by coapplication of an anti-TNF-α antibody, suggesting the release and autocrine action of TNF-α. Treatment with INF-γ plus TNF-α also greatly increased the incidence of dye coupling and the Cx43 levels with translocation of Cx43 to cell–cell contacts. The cytokine-induced dye coupling was reversibly inhibited by 18α-glycyrrhetinic acid, a gap junction blocker. Cultured mouse microglia also expressed Cx43 and developed dye coupling upon treatment with cytokines, but microglia from homozygous Cx43-deficient mice did not develop significant dye coupling after treatment with either INF-γ plus LPS or INF-γ plus TNF-α. This report demonstrates that microglia can communicate with each other through gap junctions that are induced by inflammatory cytokines, a process that may be important in the elaboration of the inflammatory response.


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Microglia arise from CD45+ bone marrow precursors that colonize the fetal brain and play a key role in central nervous system inflammatory conditions. We report that parenchymal microglia are uncommitted myeloid progenitors of immature dendritic cells and macrophages by several criteria, including surface expression of “empty” class II MHC protein and their cysteine protease (cathepsin) profile. Microglia express receptors for stem cell factor and can be skewed toward more dendritic cell or macrophage-like profiles in response to the lineage growth factors granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor or macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Thus, in contrast to other organs, where terminally differentiated populations of resident dendritic cells and/or macrophages outnumber colonizing precursors, the majority of microglia within the brain remain in an undifferentiated state.


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Microglial cells, the resident macrophages of the brain, play an important role in the neuropathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), and recent studies suggest that opioid peptides regulate the function of macrophages from somatic tissues. We report herein the presence of kappa opioid receptors (KORs) in human fetal microglia and inhibition of HIV-1 expression in acutely infected microglial cell cultures treated with KOR ligands. Using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and sequencing analyses, we found that mRNA for the KOR was constitutively expressed in microglia and determined that the nucleotide sequence of the open reading frame was identical to that of the human brain KOR gene. The expression of KOR in microglial cells was confirmed by membrane binding of [3H]U69,593, a kappa-selective ligand, and by indirect immunofluorescence. Treatment of microglial cell cultures with U50,488 or U69,593 resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of expression of the monocytotropic HIV-1 SF162 strain. This antiviral effect of the kappa ligands was blocked by the specific KOR antagonist, nor-binaltrophimine. These findings suggest that kappa opioid agonists have immunomodulatory activity in the brain, and that these compounds could have potential in the treatment of HIV-1-associated encephalopathy.


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Purpose: To determine whether systemic fungal infection could cause activation of retinal microglia and therefore could be potentially harmful for patients with retinal degenerative diseases. Methods: Activation of retinal microglia was measured in a model of sublethal invasive candidiasis in C57BL/6J mice by (i) confocal immunofluorescence and (ii) flow cytometry analysis, using anti-CD11b, anti-Iba1, anti-MHCII and anti-CD45 antibodies. Results: Systemic fungal infection causes activation of retinal microglia, with phenotypic changes in morphology, surface markers expression, and microglial re-location in retinal layers. Conclusions: As an excessive or prolonged microglial activation may lead to chronic inflammation with severe pathological side effects, causing or worsening the course of retinal dystrophies, a systemic infection may represent a risk factor to be considered in patients with ocular neurodegenerative diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration or retinitis pigmentosa.


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Background: Retinitis pigmentosa is a heterogeneous group of inherited neurodegenerative retinal disorders characterized by a progressive peripheral vision loss and night vision difficulties, subsequently leading to central vision impairment. Chronic microglia activation is associated with various neurodegenerative diseases including retinitis pigmentosa. The objective of this study was to quantify microglia activation in the retina of P23H rats, an animal model of retinitis pigmentosa, and to evaluate the therapeutic effects of TUDCA (tauroursodeoxycholic acid), which has been described as a neuroprotective compound. Methods: For this study, homozygous P23H line 3 and Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were injected weekly with TUDCA (500 mg/kg, ip) or vehicle (saline) from 20 days to 4 months old. Vertical retinal sections and whole-mount retinas were immunostained for specific markers of microglial cells (anti-CD11b, anti-Iba1 and anti-MHC-II). Microglial cell morphology was analyzed and the number of retinal microglial was quantified. Results: Microglial cells in the SD rat retinas were arranged in regular mosaics homogenously distributed within the plexiform and ganglion cell layers. In the P23H rat retina, microglial cells increased in number in all layers compared with control SD rat retinas, preserving the regular mosaic distribution. In addition, a large number of amoeboid CD11b-positive cells were observed in the P23H rat retina, even in the subretinal space. Retinas of TUDCA-treated P23H animals exhibited lower microglial cell number in all layers and absence of microglial cells in the subretinal space. Conclusions: These results report novel TUDCA anti-inflammatory actions, with potential therapeutic implications for neurodegenerative diseases, including retinitis pigmentosa.


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Background:Cervical compressive myelopathy, e.g. due to spondylosis or ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament is a common cause of spinal cord dysfunction. Although human pathological studies have reported neuronal loss and demyelination in the chronically compressed spinal cord, little is known about the mechanisms involved. In particular, the neuroinflammatory processes that are thought to underlie the condition are poorly understood. The present study assessed the localized prevalence of activated M1 and M2 microglia/macrophages in twy/twy mice that develop spontaneous cervical spinal cord compression, as a model of human disease.Methods:Inflammatory cells and cytokines were assessed in compressed lesions of the spinal cords in 12-, 18- and 24-weeks old twy/twy mice by immunohistochemical, immunoblot and flow cytometric analysis. Computed tomography and standard histology confirmed a progressive spinal cord compression through the spontaneously development of an impinging calcified mass.Results:The prevalence of CD11b-positive cells, in the compressed spinal cord increased over time with a concurrent decrease in neurons. The CD11b-positive cell population was initially formed of arginase-1- and CD206-positive M2 microglia/macrophages, which later shifted towards iNOS- and CD16/32-positive M1 microglia/macrophages. There was a transient increase in levels of T helper 2 (Th2) cytokines at 18 weeks, whereas levels of Th1 cytokines as well as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), nerve growth factor (NGF) and macrophage antigen (Mac) -2 progressively increased.Conclusions:Spinal cord compression was associated with a temporal M2 microglia/macrophage response, which may act as a possible repair or neuroprotective mechanism. However, the persistence of the neural insult also associated with persistent expression of Th1 cytokines and increased prevalence of activated M1 microglia/macrophages, which may lead to neuronal loss and demyelination despite the presence of neurotrophic factors. This understanding of the aetiopathology of chronic spinal cord compression is of importance in the development of new treatment targets in human disease. © 2013 Hirai et al.


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Der ischämische Schlaganfall ist nicht nur die zweithäufigste Todesursache weltweit, sondern auch eine der Hauptursachen für körperliche Beeinträchtigungen im Erwachsenenalter. Das Ausmaß der durch den Schlaganfall hervorgerufenen Gewebeschädigung ist stark durch das Immunsystem geprägt. Die im Zentralnervensystem (ZNS) ansässigen Mikroglia und die aus dem Blutsystem infiltrierenden Makrophagen sind die Schlüsselzellen der lokalen und systemischen Entzündungsantwort nach dem ischämischen Schlaganfall. Sowohl Mikroglia als auch Makrophagen spielen in der Entwicklung der Gewebeschädigung eine duale Rolle. Zum einen phagozytieren sie Zelltrümmer und unterstützen neuroregenerative Prozesse, zum anderen sind diese Zellen in der Lage den Zustand der Gewebsschädigung zu verschlimmern und einer Regeneration des ZNS entgegenzuwirken. Die Polarisierung der Mikroglia/Makrophagen hin zu verschiedenen Phänotypen ist abhängig von der jeweiligen Phase der Gewebeschädigung. Der destruktive, proinflammatorische Phänotyp (M1) steht dabei dem protektiven, antiinflammatorischen Phänotyp (M2) gegenüber. Die Notwendigkeit einer zielgerichteten Regulierung der polarisierten Mikroglia/Makrophagen zum protektiven M2-Phänotyp wurde bereits mehrfach im Zusammenhang mit der Behandlung von neurodegenerativen Erkrankungen erwähnt. In der vorliegenden Dissertation soll die immunregulierende und neuroprotektive Wirkung der microRibonukleinsäure-124 (miRNA-124) in Bezug auf die Polarisierung von Mikroglia/Makrophagen zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten nach Verschluss der Arteria cerebri media (ACM) im Gehirn von Mäusen gezeigt werden. Zu diesem Zweck wurde die liposomierte miRNA-124 zu einem frühen Zeitpunkt (Tag 2) und zu einem späten Zeitpunkt (Tag 10) nach Verschluss der ACM verabreicht. Die Behandlung mit der miRNA-124 zu einem frühen Zeitpunkt resultierte dabei in einem signifikanten Anstieg in der Anzahl der M2-positiven Mikroglia/Makrophagen im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe. Gleichzeitig nahm die Anzahl der M1-positiven Mikroglia/Makrophagen signifikant ab. Im Wesentlichen resultierte die Behandlung mit der miRNA-124 zu beiden Zeitpunkten in einem geringeren Verhältnis von proinflammatorischen (M1) zu antiinflammatorischen (M2) Mikroglia/Makrophagen. Zu den weiteren Erkenntnissen einer frühzeitigen Behandlung im Rahmen dieser Dissertation gehören: (i) eine signifikante Zunahme des neuronalen Überlebens, das zudem positiv mit der Anzahl der M2-positiven Mikroglia/Makrophagen korreliert, (ii) eine verbesserte funktionelle Erholung, welche in Verbindung mit den veränderten neuroinflammatorischen Ereignissen steht und (iii) ein signifikant verkleinertes Läsionsareal, welches durch reaktive Astrozyten zum gesunden Gewebe hin abgegrenzt wird. Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation zeigen, dass die Verabreichung von miRNA-124 eine neue Möglichkeit zur Regulierung der Immunantwort und der Neuroprotektion im Rahmen der Behandlung des ischämischen Schlaganfalls darstellt.


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Several studies show that morphological changes of microglia over the course of inflammation are tightly coupled to function. However the progressive transformation into activated microglia is poorly characterized. AIMS: This study aimed to establish a spatiotemporal correlation between quantifiable morphological parameters of microglia and the spread of an acute ventricular inflammatory process. METHODS: Inflammation was induced by a single injection of the enzyme neuraminidase within the lateral ventricle of rats. Animals were sacrificed 2, 4 and 12 hours after injection. Coronal slices were immunostained with Iba1 to label microglia and with IL1β to delimit the spread of inflammation. Digital images were obtained by scanning the labelled sections. Single microglia images were randomly selected from periventricular areas of caudate putamen, hippocampus and hypothalamus. FracLac for ImageJ software was used to measure the following morphological parameters: fractal dimension, lacunarity, area, perimeter and density. RESULTS: Significant differences were found in fractal dimension, lacunarity, perimeter and density of microglia cells of neuraminidase injected rats compared to sham animals. However no differences were found in the parameter “area”. In hipoccampus there was a delay in the significant change of the measured parameters. These morphological changes correlated with IL1β-expression in the same areas. CONCLUSIONS: Ventricular inflammation induced by neuraminidase provokes quantifiable morphological changes in microglia restricted to areas labelled with IL1β. Morphological parameters of microglia such as fractal dimension, lacunarity, perimeter and density are sensitive and valuable tools to quantify activation. However, the extensively used parameter “area” did not change upon microglia activation.


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Microglia are the resident immune cells of the central nervous system (CNS) and play an important role in innate immune defense as well as tissue homeostasis. Chronic microglial reactivity, microgliosis, is a general hallmark of inflammatory and degenerative diseases that affect the CNS, including the retina. There is increasing evidence that chronic microgliosis is more than just a bystander effect, but rather actively contributes to progression of degeneration through processes such as toxic nitric oxide (NO) production and even phagocytosis of stressed but viable photoreceptors. Therefore immunmodulation of microglia presents a possible therapeutic strategy for retinal degenerations. Notably, the expression of the mitochondrial translocator protein 18 (κDa) (TSPO) is highly elevated in reactive microglia as seen in several neuroinflammatory diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. Therefore it is used as a gliosis biomarker in the brain. Moreover TSPO ligands show potent effects in resolving neuroinflammatory brain disorders. However, TSPO expression in the eye had not been investigated before. Further, it was unknown whether TSPO ligands’ potent immunomodulatory effects could be used to treat retinal degenerations. To fill this gap, the study aimed to analyze whether TSPO is also a potential biomarker for degenerative processes in the retina. Moreover the thesis attempted to determine whether a specific TSPO ligand, XBD173, might modulate microglial reactivity and is a potent therapeutic, to treat retinal degenerative diseases. The findings revealed that TSPO is strongly upregulated in microglial cells of retinoschisin-deficient (RS1-/y) mice, a model of inherited retinal degeneration and in a murine light damage model. A co-localization of TSPO and microglia was furthermore detectable in human retinal sections, indicating a potential role for TSPO as a biomarker for retinal degenerations. In vitro assays showed that the TSPO ligand XBD173 effectively inhibited features of microglial activation such as morphological transformation into reactive phagocytes and enhanced expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. XBD173 also reduced microglial migration and proliferation and reduced their neurotoxic potential on photoreceptor cells. In two independent mouse models of light-induced retinal degeneration, the treatment with XBD173 reduced accumulation of amoeboid, reactive microglia in the outer retina and attenuated degenerative processes, indicated by a nearly preserved photoreceptor layer. A further question addressed in this thesis was whether minocycline, an antibiotic with additional anti-inflammatory properties is able to reduce microglial neurotoxicity and to protect the retina from degeneration. Minocycline administration dampened microglial pro-inflammatory gene expression, NO production and neurotoxicity on photoreceptors. Interestingly, in addition to its immunomodulatory effect, minocycline also increased the viability of photoreceptors in a direct manner. In the light damage model, minocycline administration counter-acted microglial activation and blocked retinal degeneration. Taken together these results identified TSPO as a biomarker for microglial reactivity and as therapeutic target in the retina. Targeting TSPO with XBD173 was able to reverse microglial reactivity and could prevent degenerative processes in the retina. In addition, the study showed that the antibiotic minocycline effectively counter-regulates microgliosis and light-induced retinal degeneration. Considering that microgliosis is a major contributing factor for retinal degenerative disorders, this thesis supports the concept of a microglia-directed therapy to treat retinal degeneration.


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INTRODUCTION Inflammation is a protective attempt to facilitate the removal of damaged tissue and to initiate the healing response in other tissues. However, after spinal cord injury (SCI), this response is prolonged leading to secondary degeneration and glial scarring. Here, we investigate the potential of sustained delivery of pro-inflammatory factors vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) to increase early inflammatory events and promote inflammatory resolution. Method Animal ethics approval was obtained from the Queensland University of Technology. Adult Wistar-Kyoto rats (12-16 weeks old) were subjected to laminectomies and T10 hemisections. Animals were then randomised to treatment (implantation of osmotic pump (Alzet) loaded with 5ug VEGF & 5 ug PDGF) or control groups (lesion control or lesion plus pump delivering PBS). Rats were sacrificed at one month and the spinal cords were harvested and examined by immunohistology, using anti-neurofilament-200(NF200) and anti- ionized calcium binding adapter molecule 1 (Iba1). One way ANOVA was used for statistic analysis. Results At 1 month, active pump-treated cords showed a high level of axonal filament throughout the defects as compared to the control groups. The mean lesion size, as measured by NF200, was 0.47mm2 for the lesion control, 0.39mm2 for the vehicle control and 0.078mm2 for the active pump group. Significant differences were detected between the active pump group and the two control groups (AP vs LC p= 0.017 AG vs VC p= 0.004). Iba-1 staining also showed significant differences in the post-injury inflammatory response. Discussion We have shown that axons and activated microglia are co-located in the lesion of the treated cord. We hypothesise the delivery of VEGF/PDGF increases the local vessel permeability to inflammatory cells and activates these along with the resident microglia to threshold population, which ultimately resolved the prolonged inflammation. Here, we have shown that maintaining the inflammatory signals for at least 7 days improved the morphology of the injured cord. Conclusion This study has shown that boosting inflammation, by delivery VEGF/PDGF, in the early phase of SCI helps to reduce secondary degeneration and may promote inflammation resolution. This treatment may provide a platform for other neuro-regenrative therapies.


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Trauma to the spinal cord creates an initial physical injury damaging neurons, glia, and blood vessels, which then induces a prolonged inflammatory response, leading to secondary degeneration of spinal cord tissue, and further loss of neurons and glia surrounding the initial site of injury. Angiogenesis is a critical step in tissue repair, but in the injured spinal cord angiogenesis fails; blood vessels formed initially later regress. Stabilizing the angiogenic response is therefore a potential target to improve recovery after spinal cord injury (SCI). Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) can initiate angiogenesis, but cannot sustain blood vessel maturation. Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) can promote blood vessel stability and maturation. We therefore investigated a combined application of VEGF and PDGF as treatment for traumatic spinal cord injury, with the aim to reduce secondary degeneration by promotion of angiogenesis. Immediately after hemisection of the spinal cord in the rat we delivered VEGF and PDGF and to the injury site. One and 3 months later the size of the lesion was significantly smaller in the treated group compared to controls, and there was significantly reduced gliosis surrounding the lesion. There was no significant effect of the treatment on blood vessel density, although there was a significant reduction in the numbers of macrophages/microglia surrounding the lesion, and a shift in the distribution of morphological and immunological phenotypes of these inflammatory cells. VEGF and PDGF delivered singly exacerbated secondary degeneration, increasing the size of the lesion cavity. These results demonstrate a novel therapeutic intervention for SCI, and reveal an unanticipated synergy for these growth factors whereby they modulated inflammatory processes and created a microenvironment conducive to axon preservation/sprouting.


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PATHOGENIC MECHANISMS OF PLOSL Polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy (PLOSL), also known as Nasu-Hakola disease, is a recessively inherited disease of brain and bone. PLOSL manifests as early-onset progressive dementia and bone fractures. Mutations in the TYROBP (DAP12) and TREM2 genes have been identified as the primary cause of PLOSL. DAP12 and TREM2 encode important signalling molecules in cells of the innate immune system. The mechanism by which loss-of-function of the DAP12/TREM2 signalling complex leads to PLOSL is currently unknown. The aim of this thesis work was to gain insight into the pathogenic mechanisms behind PLOSL. To first identify the central nervous system (CNS) cell types that express both Dap12 and Trem2, the expression patterns of Dap12 and Trem2 in mouse CNS were analyzed. Dap12 and Trem2 expression was seen from embryonic stage to adulthood and microglial cells and oligodendrocytes were identified as the major Dap12/Trem2 producing cells of the CNS. To subsequently identify the pathways and biological processes associated with DAP12/TREM2 mediated signalling in human cells, genome wide transcript analysis of in vitro differentiated dendritic cells (DCs) of PLOSL patients representing functional knockouts of either DAP12 or TREM2 was performed. Both DAP12 and TREM2 deficient cells differentiated into DCs and responded to pathogenic stimuli. However, the DCs showed morphological differences compared to control cells due to defects in the actin filaments. Transcript profiles of the patient DCs showed differential expression of genes involved in immune response and for genes earlier associated with other disorders of the CNS as well as genes involved in the remodeling of bone, linking the findings with the tissue phenotype of PLOSL patients. To analyze the effect of Dap12 deficiency in the CNS, genome wide expression analysis of Dap12 deficient mouse brain and Dap12 deficient microglia as well as functional analysis of Dap12 deficient microglia was performed. Regulation of several pathways involved in synaptic function and transcripts coding for the myelin components was seen in Dap12 knockout mice. Decreased migration, morphological changes and shortened lifespan of the Dap12 knockout microglia was further observed. Taken together, this thesis work showed that both Dap12 and Trem2 are expressed by CNS microglia and that Dap12 deficiency results in functional defects of these cells. Lack of Dap12 in the CNS also leads to synaptic abnormalities even before pathological changes are seen in the tissue level.This work further showed that loss-of-function of DAP12 or TREM2 leads to changes in morphology and gene expression in human dendritic cells. These data underline the functional diversity of the molecules of the innate immune system and implies their significant contribution also in demyelinating CNS disorders, including those resulting in dementia.


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Parkinson´s disease (PD) is a debilitating age-related neurological disorder that affects various motor skills and can lead to a loss of cognitive functions. The motor symptoms are the result of the progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons within the substantia nigra. The factors that influence the pathogenesis and the progression of the neurodegeneration remain mostly unclear. This study investigated the role of various programmed cell death (PCD) pathways, oxidative stress, and glial cells both in dopaminergic neurodegeneration and in the protective action of various drugs. To this end, we exposed dopaminergic neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y cells) to 6-OHDA, which produces oxidative stress and activates various PCD modalities that result in neuronal degeneration. Additionally, to explore the role of glia, we prepared rat midbrain primary mixed-cell cultures containing both neurons and glial cell types such as microglia and astroglia and then exposed the cultures to either MPP plus or lipopolysaccharide. Our results revealed that 6-OHDA activated several PCD pathways including apoptosis, autophagic stress, lysosomal membrane permeabilization, and perhaps paraptosis in SH-SY5Y cells. Furthermore, we found that minocycline protected SH-SY5Y cells from 6-OHDA by inhibiting both apoptotic and non-apoptotic PCD modalities. We also observed an inconsistent neuroprotective effect of various dietary anti-oxidant compounds against 6-OHDA toxicity in vitro in SH-SY5Y cells. Specifically, quercetin and curcumin exerted neuroprotection only within a narrow concentration range and a limited time frame, whereas resveratrol and epigallocatechin 3-gallate provided no protection whatsoever. Lastly, we found that molecules such as amantadine may delay or even halt the neurodegeneration in primary cell cultures by inhibiting the release of neurotoxic factors from overactivated microglia and by enhancing the pro-survival actions of astroglia. Together these data suggest that the strategy of dampening oxidative species with anti-oxidants is less effective than preventing the production of toxic factors such as oxidative and pro-inflammatory molecules by pathologically activated microglia. This would subsequently prevent the activation of various PCD modalities that cause neuronal degeneration.