940 resultados para Metal surface
Some material aspects such as grain size, purity and anisotropy exert an important influence on surface quality, especially in single point diamond turning. The aim of this paper is to present and discuss some critical factors that can limit the accuracy of ultraprecision machining of non-ferrous metals and to identify the effects of them on the cutting mechanism with single point diamond tools. This will be carried out through observations of machined surfaces and chips produced using optical and scanning electron microscopy. Solutions to reduce the influence of some of these limiting factors related with the mechanism of generation of mirror-like surfaces will be discussed.
Brasses are widely used as constructional materials in marine environment due to their anticorrosive,antifouling and mechanical properties.However, its resistance to corrosion and fouling may vary according to local marine environmental condition and the seasons.The dezincification of brass is one of the forms of selective corrosion which has attracted the attention of researchers for the last two decades.Many of the dezincification mechanistic studies have been performed in noncomplex media and hence their conclusions cannot be extended to esturine water,which is of great significance since brass is extensively used in marine environment.Inhibited α brasses are largely immune to dezincication and the effect of tin and arsenic addition to α/beta brasses is not so reliable in controlling the dezincification. There have been many cases of dezincification in duplex brasses in both freshwater and seawater.Though there is some protection methods such as inhibitors,electro deposition and electro polymerization,there is no reliable method of inhibiting the dezincification of two-phase brass.Organic coatings are effectively used for the protection metals due to their capacity to act a physical barrieer between the metal surface and corrosive environment.Hence,pure epoxy coating is selected for this as it has antocorrosiion effect on brass.The dezincification behaviour of brass of the present study has been highlighted in terms of corrosion rate,weight gain/loss,corrosion current and polarization resistence,open circuit potential,dezincification factor. The marine fouling as biomass on brass was assessed and presented in this thesis, The physicochemical properties of estuarine water were correlated with corrosion behaviour of brass.The deterioration of the brass subjected to the effect of estuarine water was also investigated as a measure of loss in mechanical properties such as tensile strength,yield strength,percntage elongation and percentage reduction in area.To validate dezincification data,visual observation,spot analysis,surface morphology before and after removal of corrosion products and corrosion product analysis were performed.The dezincification behavior of epoxy coated brass of the present study has beenhighlighted in terms of corrosion rate ,weight gain/loss,corrosion current and polarization resistance,open circuit potential.dezincification factor.The marine fouling as biomass on epoxy coated brass subjeted to the effect of estuarine water was also investigated as ameasure of loss in mechanical properties such as tensile strength,percentage elongation and percentage reduction in area.The results of dezincification behavior of brass and epoxy coated brass in Cochin estuary water has been presented and discussed.Attempt has been made to correlate the dezincification behavior of brass with epoxy coated brass.
Inhibited α brasses are largely immune to dezincification in most water, but the effect of tin and arsenic addition to α/β brasses is not so reliable or predictable in controlling the problem. There have been many cases of dezincification in duplex brasses in both fresh water and seawater. There is no reliable method of inhibiting the dezincification of two-phase brass despite there are some protection methods such as inhibitors, electro deposition and electro polymerization. Organic coatings are effectively used for the protection of metals due to their capacity to act as a physical barrier between the metal surface and corrosive environment. Hence, epoxy coating on brass was applied and effect of this against dezincification in Cochin estuarine water over a period of one year was studied and reported in this paper
Mit dieser Arbeit wurde die Selbstassemblierung von dia- und paramagnetischen Molekülen sowie Einzelmolekülmagneten auf Goldsubstraten und magnetisch strukturierten Substraten untersucht. Dazu wurden drei verschiedene Klassen an Phthalocyaninderivaten verwendet: Diamagnetische Subphthalocyanine, paramagnetische Phthalocyaninatometalle und Diphthalocyaninatolanthanidkomplexe. Alle synthetisierten Verbindungen sind peripher thioethersubstituiert. Die Alkylketten (a: n-C8H17, b: n-C12H25) vermitteln die Löslichkeit in vielen organischen Solventien und sorgen für eine geordnete Assemblierung auf einer Oberfläche, wobei die Bindung auf Gold hauptsächlich über die Schwefelatome stattfindet. Die aus Lösung abgeschiedenen selbstassemblierten Monolagen wurden mit XPS, NEXAFS-Spektroskopie und ToF-SIMS untersucht. Bei der Selbstassemblierung auf magnetisch strukturierten Substraten stehen die Moleküle unter dem Einfluss magnetischer Streufelder und binden bevorzugt nur in bestimmten Bereichen. Die gebildeten Submonolagen wurden zusätzlich mit X-PEEM untersucht. Die erstmals dargestellten Manganphthalocyanine [MnClPc(SR)8] 1 wurden ausgehend von MnCl2 erhalten. Hier fand bei der Aufarbeitung an Luft eine Oxidation zu Mangan(III) statt; +III ist die stabilste Oxidationsstufe von Mangan in Phthalocyaninen. Der Nachweis des axialen Chloridoliganden erfolgte mit Massenspektrometrie und FIR- sowie Raman-Spektroskopie. SQUID-Messungen haben gezeigt, dass die Komplexe 1 vier ungepaarte Elektronen haben. Bei den Subphthalocyaninen [BClSubpc(SR)6] 2 wurde der axiale Chloridoligand mit dem stäbchenförmigen Phenolderivat 29-H substituiert und die erfolgreiche Ligandensubstitution durch NMR- und IR-Spektroskopie sowie Massenspektrometrie an den Produkten [BSubpc(SR)6(29)] 30 belegt. Der Radikalcharakter der synthetisierten Terbiumkomplexe [Tb{Pc(SR)8}2] 3 wurde spektroskopisch nachgewiesen; SQUID-Messungen ergaben, dass es sich um Einzelmolekülmagnete mit einer Energiebarriere U des Doppelpotentialtopfs von 880 K oder 610 cm-1 bei 3a handelt. Zunächst wurden die SAMs der Komplexverbindungen 1, 2, 30 und 3 auf nicht magnetisch strukturierten Goldsubstraten untersucht. Die Manganphthalocyanine 1 bilden geordnete SAMs mit größtenteils flach liegenden Molekülen, wie die XPS-, NEXAFS- und ToF-SIMS-Analyse zeigte. Die Mehrzahl der Thioether-Einheiten ist auf Gold koordiniert und die Alkylketten zeigen ungeordnet von der Oberfläche weg. Bei der Adsorption findet eine Reduktion zu Mangan(II) statt und der axiale Chloridoligand wird abgespalten. Das beruht auf dem sog. Oberflächen-trans-Effekt. Im vorliegenden Fall übt die Metalloberfläche einen stärkeren trans-Effekt als der axiale Ligand aus, was bisher experimentell noch nicht beobachtet wurde. Die thioethersubstituierten Subphthalocyanine 2 und 30 sowie die Diphthalocyaninatoterbium-Komplexe 3 sind ebenfalls für SAMs geeignet. Ihre Monolagen wurden mit XPS und NEXAFS-Spektroskopie untersucht, und trotz einer gewissen Unordnung in den Filmen liegen die Moleküle jeweils im Wesentlichen flach auf der Goldoberfläche. Vermutlich sind bei diesen Systemen auch die Alkylketten größtenteils parallel zur Oberfläche orientiert. Im Gegensatz zu den Manganphthalocyaninen 1 tritt bei 2b, 30a, 30b und 3b neben der koordinativen Bindung der Schwefelatome auf Gold auch eine für Thioether nicht erwartete kovalente Au–S-Bindung auf, die durch C–S-Bindungsbruch unter Abspaltung der Alkylketten ermöglicht wird. Der Anteil, zu dem dieser Prozess stattfindet, scheint nicht mit der Molekülstruktur zu korrelieren. Selbstassemblierte Submonolagen auf magnetisch strukturierten Substraten wurden mit dem diamagnetischen Subphthalocyanin 2b hergestellt. Der Nachweis der Submonolagen war schwierig und gelang schließlich durch eine Kombination von ToF-SIMS, NEXAFS Imaging und X-PEEM. Die Analyse der ToF-SIMS-Daten zeigte, dass tatsächlich eine Modulation der Verteilung der Moleküle auf einem unterwärts magnetisch strukturierten Substrat eintritt. Mit X-PEEM konnte die magnetische Struktur der ferromagnetischen Schicht des Substrats direkt der Verteilung der adsorbierten Moleküle zugeordnet werden. Die Subphthalocyanine 2b adsorbieren nicht an den Domänengrenzen, sondern vermehrt dazwischen. Auf Substraten mit abwechselnd 6.5 und 3.5 µm breiten magnetischen Domänen binden die Moleküle bevorzugt in den Bereichen geringster magnetischer Streufeldgradienten, also den größeren Domänen. Solche Substrate wurden für die ToF-SIMS- und X-PEEM-Messungen verwendet. Bei größeren magnetischen Strukturen mit ca. 400 µm breiten Domänen, wie sie aufgrund der geringeren Ortsauflösung dieser Methode für NEXAFS Imaging eingesetzt wurden, binden die Moleküle dann in allen Domänen. Die diamagnetischen Moleküle werden nach dieser Interpretation aus dem inhomogenen Magnetfeld über der Probenoberfläche heraus gedrängt und verhalten sich analog makroskopischer Diamagnete. Die eindeutige Detektion der Moleküle auf den magnetisch strukturierten Substraten konnte bisher nur für die diamagnetischen Subphthalocyanine 2b erfolgen. Um die Interpretation ihres Verhaltens bei der Selbstassemblierung in einem inhomogenen Magnetfeld weiter voranzutreiben, wurde das Subphthalocyanin 37b dargestellt, welches ein stabiles organisches TEMPO-Radikal in seinem axialen Liganden enthält. Das paramagnetische Subphthalocyanin 37b sollte auf den magnetisch strukturierten Substraten in Regionen starker magnetischer Streufelder binden und damit das entgegengesetzte Verhalten zu den diamagnetischen Subphthalocyaninen 2b zeigen. Aus Zeitgründen konnte dieser Nachweis im Rahmen dieser Arbeit noch nicht erbracht werden.
Asymmetric catalysis is of paramount importance in organic synthesis and, in current practice, is achieved by means of homogeneous catalysts. The ability to catalyze such reactions heterogeneously would have a major impact both in the research laboratory and in the production of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals, yet heterogeneous asymmetric hydrogenation of C═C bonds remains hardly explored. Very recently, we demonstrated how chiral ligands that anchor robustly to the surface of Pd nanoparticles promote asymmetric catalytic hydrogenation: ligand rigidity and stereochemistry emerged as key factors. Here, we address a complementary question: how does the enone reactant adsorb on the metal surface, and what implications does this have for the enantiodifferentiating interaction with the surface-tethered chiral modifiers? A reaction model is proposed, which correctly predicts the identity of the enantiomer experimentally observed in excess.
The adsorption and hydrogenation of acrolein on the Ag(111) surface has been investigated by high resolution synchrotron XPS, NEXAFS, and temperature programmed reaction. The molecule adsorbs intact at all coverages and its adsorption geometry is critically important in determining chemoselectivity toward the formation of allyl alcohol, the desired but thermodynamically disfavored product. In the absence of hydrogen adatoms (H(a)), acrolein lies almost parallel to the metal surface; high coverages force the C=C bond to tilt markedly, likely rendering it less vulnerable toward reaction with hydrogen adatoms. Reaction with coadsorbed H(a) yields allyl alcohol, propionaldehyde, and propanol, consistent with the behavior of practical dispersed Ag catalysts operated at atmospheric pressure: formation of all three hydrogenation products is surface reaction rate limited. Overall chemoselectivity is strongly influenced by secondary reactions of allyl alcohol. At low H(a) coverages, the C=C bond in the newly formed allyl alcohol molecule is strongly tilted with respect to the surface, rendering it immune to attack by H(a) and leading to desorption of the unsaturated alcohol. In contrast with this, at high H(a) coverages, the C=C bond in allyl alcohol lies almost parallel to the surface, undergoes hydrogenation by H(a), and the saturated alcohol (propanol) desorbs.
A new approach of employing metal particles in micelles for the hydrogenation of organic molecules in the presence of fluorinated surfactant and water in supercritical carbon dioxide has very recently been introduced. This is allegedly to deliver many advantages for carrying out catalysis including the use of supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO(2)) as a greener solvent. Following this preliminary account, the present work aims to provide direct visual evidence on the formation of metal microemulsions and to investigate whether metal located in the soft micellar assemblies could affect reaction selectivity. Synthesis of Pd nanoparticles in perfluorohydrocarboxylate anionic micelles in scCO(2) is therefore carried out in a stainless steel batch reactor at 40 degreesC and in a 150 bar CO2/H-2 mixture. Homogeneous dispersion of the microemulsion containing Pd nanoparticles in scCO(2) is observed through a sapphire window reactor at W-0 ratios (molar water-to-surfactant ratios) ranging from 2 to 30. It is also evidenced that the use of micelle assemblies as new metal catalyst nanocarriers could indeed exert a great influence on product selectivity. The hydrogenation of a citral molecule that contains three reducible groups (aldehyde, double bonds at the 2,3-position and the 6,7-position) is studied. An unusually high selectivity toward citronellal (a high regioselectivity toward the reduction of the 2,3-unsaturation) is observed in supercritical carbon dioxide. On the other hand, when the catalysis is carried out in the conventional liquid or vapor phase over the same reaction time, total hydrogenation of the two double bonds is achieved. It is thought that the high kinetic reluctance for double bond hydrogenation of the citral molecule at the hydrophobic end (the 6,7-position) is due to the unique micelle environment that is in close proximity to the metal surface in supercritical carbon dioxide that guides a head-on attack of the molecule toward the core metal particle.
In this paper, we report the surprising formation of square-based facetted islands with linear dimension of the order of 500 nm upon dewetting of a Cr multilayer onW(100).We show that these square islands are composed of inclined facets surrounding a depressed center such that the facet slopes inward with the outer edges of the islands thicker than the centers. The islands’ shapes do not represent traditional equilibrium crystal shapes as expected for a Wulf construction. In situ UV and x-ray photoelectron emission microscopy allied to spatially resolved spectroscopy throws considerable light on the nature of the dewetting and shows that the metal surface between the islands remains covered by a thin pseudomorphic wetting layer of ∼1 ML. Low-energy electron diffraction and scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopies allow quantification of facet slopes, and we identify a predominance of tilted Cr(100) facets ±5◦ off of the substrate normal bound by (210) planes at ∼26◦. The epitaxial Cr islands adopt the bulk Cr lattice constant but are tilted with respect to the surface normal.We suggest that the Cr crystallite tilting creates a vicinal-like interface structure that determines the island morphology
The biocompatibility of commercially pure (cp) titanium stems from its chemical stability within an organism, due to a fine film of impermeable titanium oxide covering the metal surface, which guarantees its resistance to corrosion. Despite its biocompatible characteristic, this material does not promote the formation of a hydroxyapatite layer, therefore, many research groups have sought to alter the material`s surface, introducing modifications that might influence corrosion resistance. The electrochemical behavior of cp Ti, with hydroxyapatite coating and without hydroxyapatite coating, commonly used in implant materials, was investigated using an artificial saliva solution at 25 degrees C and pH=7.4. In the conditions of the study it was observed that the hydroxyapatite layer influences the properties of corrosion resistance. This study of the behavior of cp Ti with and without hydroxyapatite coating, in naturally aerated artificial saliva solution at 25 degrees C, was based on open circuit potential measurements and potentiodynamic polarization curves. At approximately 1x10(-6) A/cm(2) the potential for cp Ti with and without hydroxyapatite coating begins to increase at a faster rate, but at -74mV (SCE) for coated cp Ti and at 180mV (SCE) for uncoated cp Ti the increase in potential begins to slow. This behavior, characterized by a partial stabilization of current density, indicates that in those potential ranges a protective passive film is formed.
Canonical Monte Carlo simulations for the Au(210)/H(2)O interface, using a force field recently proposed by us, are reported. The results exhibit the main features normally observed in simulations of water molecules in contact with different noble metal surfaces. The calculations also assess the influence of the surface topography on the structural aspects of the adsorbed water and on the distribution of the water molecules in the direction normal to the metal surface plane. The adsorption process is preferential at sites in the first layer of the metal. The analysis of the density profiles and dipole moment distributions points to two predominant orientations. Most of the molecules are adsorbed with the molecular plane parallel to surface, while others adsorb with one of the O-H bonds parallel to the surface and the other bond pointing towards the bulk liquid phase. There is also evidence of hydrogen bond formation between the first and second solvent layers at the interface. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corrosion usually occurs in pipelines, so that it is necessary to develop new surface treatments to control it. Surfactants have played an outstanding role in this field due to its capacity of adsorbing on metal surfaces, resulting in interfaces with structures that protect the metal at low surfactant concentrations. The appearance of new surfactants is a contribution to the area, as they increase the possibility of corrosion control at specific conditions that a particular oil field presents. The aim of this work is to synthesize the surfactants sodium 12 hydroxyocadecenoate (SAR), sodium 9,10-epoxy-12 hydroxyocadecanoate (SEAR), and sodium 9,10:12,13-diepoxy-octadecanoate (SEAL) and apply them as corrosion inhibitors, studying their action in environments with different salinities and at different temperatures. The conditions used in this work were chosen in order to reproduce oil field reality. The study of the micellization of these surfactants in the liquid-gas interface was carried out using surface tensiometry. It was observed that cmc increased as salt concentration was increased, and temperature and pH were decreased, while cmc decreased with the addition of two epoxy groups in the molecule. Using the values of cmc and the Gibbs equation, the values of Gibbs free energy of adsorption, area per adsorbed molecule, and surface excess were calculated. The surface excess increases as salt concentration and temperature decreases, increasing as pH is increased. The area per adsorbed molecule and the free energy of adsorption decrease with salt concentration, temperature, and pH increase. SAXS results showed that the addition of epoxy group in surfactant structure results in a decrease in the repulsion between the micelles, favoring the formation of more oblong micellar structures, ensuring a better efficiency of metal coverage. The increase in salt and surfactant concentrations provides an increase in micellar diameter. It was shown that the increase in temperature does not influence micellar structure, indicating thermal stability that is advantageous for use as corrosion inhibitor. The results of inhibition efficiency for the surfactants SEAR and SEAL were considered the best ones. Above cmc, adsorption occurred by the migration of micelles from the bulk of the solution to the metal surface, while at concentrations below cmc film formation must be due to the adsorption of semi-micellar and monomeric structures, certainly due to the presence of the epoxy group, which allows side interactions of the molecule with the metal surface. The metal resistance to corrosion presented values of 90% of efficiency. The application of Langmuir and Frumkin isotherms showed that the later gives a better description of adsorption because the model takes into account side interactions from the adsorbing molecules. Wettability results showed that micelle formation on the solid surface occurs at concentrations in the magnitude of 10-3 M, which isthe value found in the cmc study. This value also justifies the maximum efficiencies obtained for the measurements of corrosion resistance at this concentration. The values of contact angle as a function of time suggest that adsorption increases with time, due to the formation of micellar structures on metal surface
The present study was designed to analyse the average depth of the microporosity of a nickel-chromium (Ni-Cr) system alloy (Verabond II). The metal surface was subject to one of the following surface treatment: (i) Electrolytic etching in nitric acid 0.5 N at a current density of 250 mA cm(-2) ; (ii) chemical etching with CG-Etch etchant; and (iii) Sandblasting with alumina particles 50 mum. Half of the samples were polished before the surface treatments. The depth of porosity was measured through photomicrographs (500x) with a profilometer, and the data were statistically analysed using an analysis of variance (anova) followed by Tukey's test. The conclusions were (i) Differents surface treatment of the Ni-Cr system alloy lead to different depths of microporosity; (ii) the greatest depth of porosity was observed in non-polished alloy; (iii) the greatest and identical depth of microporosity was observed following electrolytic etching and chemical etching; (iv) the least and identical depth of microporosity was observed with chemical etching and sandblasting with alumina particles 50 mum, and (v) Chemical etching showed an intermediary depth.
The influence of potential on electrochemical behavior of Ti-6Al-7Nb alloy under simulate physiological conditions was investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The experimental results were compared with those obtained by potentiodynamic polarization curves. All measurements were carried out in Hank's aerated solution at 25degreesC, at pH 7.8 and at different potentials (corrosion potential, 0 mV(SCE), 1000 mV(SCE), and 2000 mV(SCE)). The EIS spectra exhibited a two-step or a two-time constant system, suggesting the formation of a two-layer oxide film on the metal surface. The high corrosion resistance, displayed by this alloy in electrochemical polarization tests, is due to the dense inner layer, while its osseointegration ability can be ascribed to the presence of the outer porous layer. (C) 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Aim: Nowadays, research on orthopedic and dental implants is focused on titanium alloys for their mechanical properties and corrosion resistance in the human body environment. Another important aspect to be investigated is their surface topography, which is very important to osseointegration. With laser beam irradiation for roughening the implants surface an easier control of the microtopography is achieved, and surface contamination is avoided. The aim of this study was to assess human bone marrow stem cells response to a newly developed titanium alloy, Ti-15Mo, with surface topography modified by laser beam irradiation. Materials and methods: A total of 10 Ti machined disks (control), 10 Ti-15Mo machined disks and 10 Ti-15Mo disks treated by laser beam-irradiation were prepared. To study how Ti-15Mo surface topografy can induce osteoblast differentiation in mesenchymal stem cells, the expression levels of bone related genes and mesenchymal stem cells marker were analyzed, using real time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction. Results: In Test 1 (comparison between Ti-15Mo machined disks and Ti-machined disks) quantitative real-time RT-PCR showed a significant induction of ALPL, FOSL1 and SPP1, which increase 20% or more. In Test 2 (comparison between Ti-15Mo laser treated disks and Ti-machined disks) all investigated genes were up-regulated. By comparing Test 1 and Test 2 it was detected that COL1A1, COL3A1, FOSL1 and ENG sensibly increased their expression whereas RUNX2, ALPL and SPP1 expression remained substantially unchanged. Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that laser treated Ti-15Mo alloys are promising materials for implants application.
Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) is a coating procedure that utilises anodic oxidation in aqueous electrolytes above the dielectric breakdown voltage to produce oxide coatings that have specific properties. These conditions facilitate oxide formation under localised high temperatures and pressures that originate from short-lived microdischarges at sites over the metal surface and have fast oxide volume expansion. Anodic ZrO2 films were prepared by subjecting metallic zirconium to PEO in acid solutions (H2C 2O4 and H3PO4) using a galvanostatic DC regime. The ZrO2 microstructure was investigated in films that were prepared at different charge densities. During the anodic breakdown, an important change in the amplitude of the voltage oscillations at a specific charge density was observed (i.e., the transition charge density (Q T)). We verified that this transition charge is a monotonic function of both the current density and temperature applied during the anodisation, which indicated that Q T is an intrinsic response of this system. The oxide morphology and microstructure were characterised using SEM and X-ray diffraction experiments (XRD) techniques. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that the change in voltage oscillation was correlated with oxide microstructure changes during the breakdown process. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.