984 resultados para Meta-heuristics algorithms
In many production processes, a key material is prepared and then transformed into different final products. The lot sizing decisions concern not only the production of final products, but also that of material preparation in order to take account of their sequence-dependent setup costs and times. The amount of research in recent years indicates the relevance of this problem in various industrial settings. In this paper, facility location reformulation and strengthening constraints are newly applied to a previous lot-sizing model in order to improve solution quality and computing time. Three alternative metaheuristics are used to fix the setup variables, resulting in much improved performance over previous research, especially regarding the use of the metaheuristics for larger instances. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Image restoration is a research field that attempts to recover a blurred and noisy image. Since it can be modeled as a linear system, we propose in this paper to use the meta-heuristics optimization algorithm Harmony Search (HS) to find out near-optimal solutions in a Projections Onto Convex Sets-based formulation to solve this problem. The experiments using HS and four of its variants have shown that we can obtain near-optimal and faster restored images than other evolutionary optimization approach. © 2013 IEEE.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Evolutionary algorithms have been widely used for Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) training, being the idea to update the neurons' weights using social dynamics of living organisms in order to decrease the classification error. In this paper, we have introduced Social-Spider Optimization to improve the training phase of ANN with Multilayer perceptrons, and we validated the proposed approach in the context of Parkinson's Disease recognition. The experimental section has been carried out against with five other well-known meta-heuristics techniques, and it has shown SSO can be a suitable approach for ANN-MLP training step.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
We propose simple heuristics for the assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem. This problem typically occurs in assembly lines in sheltered work centers for the disabled. Different from the well-known simple assembly line balancing problem, the task execution times vary according to the assigned worker. We develop a constructive heuristic framework based on task and worker priority rules defining the order in which the tasks and workers should be assigned to the workstations. We present a number of such rules and compare their performance across three possible uses: as a stand-alone method, as an initial solution generator for meta-heuristics, and as a decoder for a hybrid genetic algorithm. Our results show that the heuristics are fast, they obtain good results as a stand-alone method and are efficient when used as a initial solution generator or as a solution decoder within more elaborate approaches.
The Capacitated Location-Routing Problem (CLRP) is a NP-hard problem since it generalizes two well known NP-hard problems: the Capacitated Facility Location Problem (CFLP) and the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP). The Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP) is known to be a NP-hard since it is a generalization of the well known Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), arising with one depot. This thesis addresses heuristics algorithms based on the well-know granular search idea introduced by Toth and Vigo (2003) to solve the CLRP and the MDVRP. Extensive computational experiments on benchmark instances for both problems have been performed to determine the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. This work is organized as follows: Chapter 1 describes a detailed overview and a methodological review of the literature for the the Capacitated Location-Routing Problem (CLRP) and the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP). Chapter 2 describes a two-phase hybrid heuristic algorithm to solve the CLRP. Chapter 3 shows a computational comparison of heuristic algorithms for the CLRP. Chapter 4 presents a hybrid granular tabu search approach for solving the MDVRP.
Con el surgir de los problemas irresolubles de forma eficiente en tiempo polinomial en base al dato de entrada, surge la Computación Natural como alternativa a la computación clásica. En esta disciplina se trata de o bien utilizar la naturaleza como base de cómputo o bien, simular su comportamiento para obtener mejores soluciones a los problemas que los encontrados por la computación clásica. Dentro de la computación natural, y como una representación a nivel celular, surge la Computación con Membranas. La primera abstracción de las membranas que se encuentran en las células, da como resultado los P sistemas de transición. Estos sistemas, que podrían ser implementados en medios biológicos o electrónicos, son la base de estudio de esta Tesis. En primer lugar, se estudian las implementaciones que se han realizado, con el fin de centrarse en las implementaciones distribuidas, que son las que pueden aprovechar las características intrínsecas de paralelismo y no determinismo. Tras un correcto estudio del estado actual de las distintas etapas que engloban a la evolución del sistema, se concluye con que las distribuciones que buscan un equilibrio entre las dos etapas (aplicación y comunicación), son las que mejores resultados presentan. Para definir estas distribuciones, es necesario definir completamente el sistema, y cada una de las partes que influyen en su transición. Además de los trabajos de otros investigadores, y junto a ellos, se realizan variaciones a los proxies y arquitecturas de distribución, para tener completamente definidos el comportamiento dinámico de los P sistemas. A partir del conocimiento estático –configuración inicial– del P sistema, se pueden realizar distribuciones de membranas en los procesadores de un clúster para obtener buenos tiempos de evolución, con el fin de que la computación del P sistema sea realizada en el menor tiempo posible. Para realizar estas distribuciones, hay que tener presente las arquitecturas –o forma de conexión– de los procesadores del clúster. La existencia de 4 arquitecturas, hace que el proceso de distribución sea dependiente de la arquitectura a utilizar, y por tanto, aunque con significativas semejanzas, los algoritmos de distribución deben ser realizados también 4 veces. Aunque los propulsores de las arquitecturas han estudiado el tiempo óptimo de cada arquitectura, la inexistencia de distribuciones para estas arquitecturas ha llevado a que en esta Tesis se probaran las 4, hasta que sea posible determinar que en la práctica, ocurre lo mismo que en los estudios teóricos. Para realizar la distribución, no existe ningún algoritmo determinista que consiga una distribución que satisfaga las necesidades de la arquitectura para cualquier P sistema. Por ello, debido a la complejidad de dicho problema, se propone el uso de metaheurísticas de Computación Natural. En primer lugar, se propone utilizar Algoritmos Genéticos, ya que es posible realizar alguna distribución, y basada en la premisa de que con la evolución, los individuos mejoran, con la evolución de dichos algoritmos, las distribuciones también mejorarán obteniéndose tiempos cercanos al óptimo teórico. Para las arquitecturas que preservan la topología arbórea del P sistema, han sido necesarias realizar nuevas representaciones, y nuevos algoritmos de cruzamiento y mutación. A partir de un estudio más detallado de las membranas y las comunicaciones entre procesadores, se ha comprobado que los tiempos totales que se han utilizado para la distribución pueden ser mejorados e individualizados para cada membrana. Así, se han probado los mismos algoritmos, obteniendo otras distribuciones que mejoran los tiempos. De igual forma, se han planteado el uso de Optimización por Enjambres de Partículas y Evolución Gramatical con reescritura de gramáticas (variante de Evolución Gramatical que se presenta en esta Tesis), para resolver el mismo cometido, obteniendo otro tipo de distribuciones, y pudiendo realizar una comparativa de las arquitecturas. Por último, el uso de estimadores para el tiempo de aplicación y comunicación, y las variaciones en la topología de árbol de membranas que pueden producirse de forma no determinista con la evolución del P sistema, hace que se deba de monitorizar el mismo, y en caso necesario, realizar redistribuciones de membranas en procesadores, para seguir obteniendo tiempos de evolución razonables. Se explica, cómo, cuándo y dónde se deben realizar estas modificaciones y redistribuciones; y cómo es posible realizar este recálculo. Abstract Natural Computing is becoming a useful alternative to classical computational models since it its able to solve, in an efficient way, hard problems in polynomial time. This discipline is based on biological behaviour of living organisms, using nature as a basis of computation or simulating nature behaviour to obtain better solutions to problems solved by the classical computational models. Membrane Computing is a sub discipline of Natural Computing in which only the cellular representation and behaviour of nature is taken into account. Transition P Systems are the first abstract representation of membranes belonging to cells. These systems, which can be implemented in biological organisms or in electronic devices, are the main topic studied in this thesis. Implementations developed in this field so far have been studied, just to focus on distributed implementations. Such distributions are really important since they can exploit the intrinsic parallelism and non-determinism behaviour of living cells, only membranes in this case study. After a detailed survey of the current state of the art of membranes evolution and proposed algorithms, this work concludes that best results are obtained using an equal assignment of communication and rules application inside the Transition P System architecture. In order to define such optimal distribution, it is necessary to fully define the system, and each one of the elements that influence in its transition. Some changes have been made in the work of other authors: load distribution architectures, proxies definition, etc., in order to completely define the dynamic behaviour of the Transition P System. Starting from the static representation –initial configuration– of the Transition P System, distributions of membranes in several physical processors of a cluster is algorithmically done in order to get a better performance of evolution so that the computational complexity of the Transition P System is done in less time as possible. To build these distributions, the cluster architecture –or connection links– must be considered. The existence of 4 architectures, makes that the process of distribution depends on the chosen architecture, and therefore, although with significant similarities, the distribution algorithms must be implemented 4 times. Authors who proposed such architectures have studied the optimal time of each one. The non existence of membrane distributions for these architectures has led us to implement a dynamic distribution for the 4. Simulations performed in this work fix with the theoretical studies. There is not any deterministic algorithm that gets a distribution that meets the needs of the architecture for any Transition P System. Therefore, due to the complexity of the problem, the use of meta-heuristics of Natural Computing is proposed. First, Genetic Algorithm heuristic is proposed since it is possible to make a distribution based on the premise that along with evolution the individuals improve, and with the improvement of these individuals, also distributions enhance, obtaining complexity times close to theoretical optimum time. For architectures that preserve the tree topology of the Transition P System, it has been necessary to make new representations of individuals and new algorithms of crossover and mutation operations. From a more detailed study of the membranes and the communications among processors, it has been proof that the total time used for the distribution can be improved and individualized for each membrane. Thus, the same algorithms have been tested, obtaining other distributions that improve the complexity time. In the same way, using Particle Swarm Optimization and Grammatical Evolution by rewriting grammars (Grammatical Evolution variant presented in this thesis), to solve the same distribution task. New types of distributions have been obtained, and a comparison of such genetic and particle architectures has been done. Finally, the use of estimators for the time of rules application and communication, and variations in tree topology of membranes that can occur in a non-deterministic way with evolution of the Transition P System, has been done to monitor the system, and if necessary, perform a membrane redistribution on processors to obtain reasonable evolution time. How, when and where to make these changes and redistributions, and how it can perform this recalculation, is explained.
Metaheuristics performance is highly dependent of the respective parameters which need to be tuned. Parameter tuning may allow a larger flexibility and robustness but requires a careful initialization. The process of defining which parameters setting should be used is not obvious. The values for parameters depend mainly on the problem, the instance to be solved, the search time available to spend in solving the problem, and the required quality of solution. This paper presents a learning module proposal for an autonomous parameterization of Metaheuristics, integrated on a Multi-Agent System for the resolution of Dynamic Scheduling problems. The proposed learning module is inspired on Autonomic Computing Self-Optimization concept, defining that systems must continuously and proactively improve their performance. For the learning implementation it is used Case-based Reasoning, which uses previous similar data to solve new cases. In the use of Case-based Reasoning it is assumed that similar cases have similar solutions. After a literature review on topics used, both AutoDynAgents system and Self-Optimization module are described. Finally, a computational study is presented where the proposed module is evaluated, obtained results are compared with previous ones, some conclusions are reached, and some future work is referred. It is expected that this proposal can be a great contribution for the self-parameterization of Metaheuristics and for the resolution of scheduling problems on dynamic environments.
This chapter addresses the resolution of dynamic scheduling by means of meta-heuristic and multi-agent systems. Scheduling is an important aspect of automation in manufacturing systems. Several contributions have been proposed, but the problem is far from being solved satisfactorily, especially if scheduling concerns real world applications. The proposed multi-agent scheduling system assumes the existence of several resource agents (which are decision-making entities based on meta-heuristics) distributed inside the manufacturing system that interact with other agents in order to obtain optimal or near-optimal global performances.
Hybridization of intelligent systems is a promising research field of computational intelligence focusing on combinations of multiple approaches to develop the next generation of intelligent systems. In this paper we will model a Manufacturing System by means of Multi-Agent Systems and Meta-Heuristics technologies, where each agent may represent a processing entity (machine). The objective of the system is to deal with the complex problem of Dynamic Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems.
A optimização e a aprendizagem em Sistemas Multi-Agente são consideradas duas áreas promissoras mas relativamente pouco exploradas. A optimização nestes ambientes deve ser capaz de lidar com o dinamismo. Os agentes podem alterar o seu comportamento baseando-se em aprendizagem recente ou em objectivos de optimização. As estratégias de aprendizagem podem melhorar o desempenho do sistema, dotando os agentes da capacidade de aprender, por exemplo, qual a técnica de optimização é mais adequada para a resolução de uma classe particular de problemas, ou qual a parametrização é mais adequada em determinado cenário. Nesta dissertação são estudadas algumas técnicas de resolução de problemas de Optimização Combinatória, sobretudo as Meta-heurísticas, e é efectuada uma revisão do estado da arte de Aprendizagem em Sistemas Multi-Agente. É também proposto um módulo de aprendizagem para a resolução de novos problemas de escalonamento, com base em experiência anterior. O módulo de Auto-Optimização desenvolvido, inspirado na Computação Autónoma, permite ao sistema a selecção automática da Meta-heurística a usar no processo de optimização, assim como a respectiva parametrização. Para tal, recorreu-se à utilização de Raciocínio baseado em Casos de modo que o sistema resultante seja capaz de aprender com a experiência adquirida na resolução de problemas similares. Dos resultados obtidos é possível concluir da vantagem da sua utilização e respectiva capacidade de adaptação a novos e eventuais cenários.
A optimização nas aplicações modernas assume um carácter fortemente interdisciplinar, relacionando-se com a necessidade de integração de diferentes técnicas e paradigmas na resolução de problemas reais complexos. O problema do escalonamento é recorrente no planeamento da produção. Sempre que uma ordem de fabrico é lançada, é necessário determinar que recursos serão utilizados e em que sequência as atividades serão executadas, para otimizar uma dada medida de desempenho. Embora ainda existam empresas a abordar o problema do escalonamento através de simples heurísticas, a proposta de sistemas de escalonamento tem-se evidenciado na literatura. Pretende-se nesta dissertação, a realização da análise de desempenho de Técnicas de Optimização, nomeadamente as meta-heurísticas, na resolução de problemas de optimização complexos – escalonamento de tarefas, particularmente no problema de minimização dos atrasos ponderados, 1||ΣwjTj. Assim sendo, foi desenvolvido um protótipo que serviu de suporte ao estudo computacional, com vista à avaliação do desempenho do Simulated Annealing (SA) e o Discrete Artificial Bee Colony (DABC). A resolução eficiente de um problema requer, em geral, a aplicação de diferentes métodos, e a afinação dos respetivos parâmetros. A afinação dos parâmetros pode permitir uma maior flexibilidade e robustez mas requer uma inicialização cuidadosa. Os parâmetros podem ter uma grande influência na eficiência e eficácia da pesquisa. A sua definição deve resultar de um cuidadoso esforço experimental no sentido da respectiva especificação. Foi usado, no âmbito deste trabalho de mestrado, para suportar a fase de parametrização das meta-heurísticas em análise, o planeamento de experiências de Taguchi. Da análise dos resultados, foi possível concluir que existem vantagem estatisticamente significativa no desempenho do DABC, mas quando analisada a eficiência é possível concluir que há vantagem do SA, que necessita de menos tempo computacional.