504 resultados para Mergulhadores autônomos


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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The Urban Solid Residues are the rests of human activity, popularly known by trash and considered by population like useless, undesirable and disposable. On the other hand, for the waste pickers, solid residues are the beginning of a cycle: they see in the other's people trash the only income, an economic value. Currently, in brazilian cities, one million collectors act, alone or in cooperatives, socially excluded by the work they do. The National Policy of Solid Residues (PNRS), instituted in 2010, established guidelines to the execution of integrated residues management, with should be practiced by city halls and other governmental institutions. This policy has, besides other things, goals of residues reduction and inclusion of waste pickers in the mechanism of selective collect and recycling. However, this and other public policies created for residue management are benefic only for cooperated waste pickers. That could negatively affect most of this class, since 90% are waste pickers working in a precarious way on the country's streets. This study has for objective show that most of waste pickers that work in a precarious way on the brazilian territory has a huge potential for the solid residues recycling chain and how they should be valued for the environmental services they provide, so they can be included with dignity on the society, ensuring economic and social benefits for this workers. The methodology adopted was based on the amount of residue collected by the 44 cooperated members of the Rio Claro‟s waste pickers cooperative to estimate the potential of collect and recycling did by 210 autonomous waste pickers who are active on city streets. It was observed that the cooperative collects the equivalent of 10.2% of all recyclable residues generated by city population. However, with the potential that these autonomous waste pickers have, which together could contribute 465 tonnes of solid residues per month, or 5,570 tons a year...


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The Urban Solid Residues are the rests of human activity, popularly known by trash and considered by population like useless, undesirable and disposable. On the other hand, for the waste pickers, solid residues are the beginning of a cycle: they see in the other's people trash the only income, an economic value. Currently, in brazilian cities, one million collectors act, alone or in cooperatives, socially excluded by the work they do. The National Policy of Solid Residues (PNRS), instituted in 2010, established guidelines to the execution of integrated residues management, with should be practiced by city halls and other governmental institutions. This policy has, besides other things, goals of residues reduction and inclusion of waste pickers in the mechanism of selective collect and recycling. However, this and other public policies created for residue management are benefic only for cooperated waste pickers. That could negatively affect most of this class, since 90% are waste pickers working in a precarious way on the country's streets. This study has for objective show that most of waste pickers that work in a precarious way on the brazilian territory has a huge potential for the solid residues recycling chain and how they should be valued for the environmental services they provide, so they can be included with dignity on the society, ensuring economic and social benefits for this workers. The methodology adopted was based on the amount of residue collected by the 44 cooperated members of the Rio Claro‟s waste pickers cooperative to estimate the potential of collect and recycling did by 210 autonomous waste pickers who are active on city streets. It was observed that the cooperative collects the equivalent of 10.2% of all recyclable residues generated by city population. However, with the potential that these autonomous waste pickers have, which together could contribute 465 tonnes of solid residues per month, or 5,570 tons a year...


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Los sistemas fotovoltaicos autónomos, es decir, sistemas que carecen de conexión a la red eléctrica, presentan una gran utilidad para poder llevar a cabo la electrificación de lugares remotos donde no hay medios de acceder a la energía eléctrica. El continuo avance en el número de sistemas instalados por todo el mundo y su continua difusión técnica no significa que la implantación de estas instalaciones no presente ninguna problemática. A excepción del panel fotovoltaico que presenta una elevada fiabilidad, el resto de elementos que forman el sistema presentan numerosos problemas y dependencias, por tanto el estudio de las fiabilidades de estos elementos es obligado. En este proyecto se pretende analizar y estudiar detalladamente la fiabilidad de los sistemas fotovoltaicos aislados. Primeramente, el presente documento ofrece una introducción sobre la situación mundial de las energías renovables, así como una explicación detallada de la energía fotovoltaica. Esto incluye una explicación técnica de los diferentes elementos que forman el sistema energético (módulo fotovoltaico, batería, regulador de carga, inversor, cargas, cableado y conectores). Por otro lado, se hará un estudio teórico del concepto de fiabilidad, con sus definiciones y parámetros más importantes. Llegados a este punto, el proyecto aplica la teoría de fiabilidad comentada a los sistemas fotovoltaicos autónomos, profundizando en la fiabilidad de cada elemento del sistema así como evaluando el conjunto. Por último, se muestran datos reales de fiabilidad de programas de electrificación, demostrando la variedad de resultados sujetos a los distintos emplazamientos de las instalaciones y por tanto distintas condiciones de trabajo. Se destaca de esta forma la importancia de la fiabilidad de los sistemas fotovoltaicos autónomos, pues normalmente este tipo de instalaciones se localizan en emplazamientos remotos, sin personal cualificado de mantenimiento cercano ni grandes recursos logísticos y económicos. También se resalta en el trabajo la dependencia de la radiación solar y el perfil de consumo a la hora de dimensionar el sistema. Abstract Stand-alone photovoltaic systems which are not connected to the utility grid. These systems are very useful to carry out the electrification of remote locations where is no easy to access to electricity. The number increased of systems installed worldwide and their continued dissemination technique does not mean that these systems doesn´t fails. With the exception of the photovoltaic panel with a high reliability, the remaining elements of the system can to have some problems and therefore the study of the reliabilities of these elements is required. This project tries to analyze and study the detaila of the reliability of standalone PV systems. On the one hand, this paper provides an overview of the global situation of renewable energy, as well as a detailed explanation of photovoltaics. This includes a technical detail of the different elements of the energy system (PV module, battery, charge controller, inverter, loads, wiring and connectors). In addition, there will be a theoricall study of the concept of reliability, with the most important definitions and key parameters. On the other hand, the project applies the reliability concepts discussed to the stand-alone photovoltaic systems, analyzing the reliability of each element of the system and analyzing the entire system. Finally, this document shows the most important data about reliability of some electrification programs, checking the variety of results subject to different places and different conditions. As a conclussion, the importance of reliability of stand-alone photovoltaic systems because usually these are located in remote locations, without qualified maintenance and financial resources.These systems operate under dependence of solar radiation and the consumption profile.


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Tanto los robots autónomos móviles como los robots móviles remotamente operados se utilizan con éxito actualmente en un gran número de ámbitos, algunos de los cuales son tan dispares como la limpieza en el hogar, movimiento de productos en almacenes o la exploración espacial. Sin embargo, es difícil garantizar la ausencia de defectos en los programas que controlan dichos dispositivos, al igual que ocurre en otros sectores informáticos. Existen diferentes alternativas para medir la calidad de un sistema en el desempeño de las funciones para las que fue diseñado, siendo una de ellas la fiabilidad. En el caso de la mayoría de los sistemas físicos se detecta una degradación en la fiabilidad a medida que el sistema envejece. Esto es debido generalmente a efectos de desgaste. En el caso de los sistemas software esto no suele ocurrir, ya que los defectos que existen en ellos generalmente no han sido adquiridos con el paso del tiempo, sino que han sido insertados en el proceso de desarrollo de los mismos. Si dentro del proceso de generación de un sistema software se focaliza la atención en la etapa de codificación, podría plantearse un estudio que tratara de determinar la fiabilidad de distintos algoritmos, válidos para desempeñar el mismo cometido, según los posibles defectos que pudieran introducir los programadores. Este estudio básico podría tener diferentes aplicaciones, como por ejemplo elegir el algoritmo menos sensible a los defectos, para el desarrollo de un sistema crítico o establecer procedimientos de verificación y validación, más exigentes, si existe la necesidad de utilizar un algoritmo que tenga una alta sensibilidad a los defectos. En el presente trabajo de investigación se ha estudiado la influencia que tienen determinados tipos de defectos software en la fiabilidad de tres controladores de velocidad multivariable (PID, Fuzzy y LQR) al actuar en un robot móvil específico. La hipótesis planteada es que los controladores estudiados ofrecen distinta fiabilidad al verse afectados por similares patrones de defectos, lo cual ha sido confirmado por los resultados obtenidos. Desde el punto de vista de la planificación experimental, en primer lugar se realizaron los ensayos necesarios para determinar si los controladores de una misma familia (PID, Fuzzy o LQR) ofrecían una fiabilidad similar, bajo las mismas condiciones experimentales. Una vez confirmado este extremo, se eligió de forma aleatoria un representante de clase de cada familia de controladores, para efectuar una batería de pruebas más exhaustiva, con el objeto de obtener datos que permitieran comparar de una forma más completa la fiabilidad de los controladores bajo estudio. Ante la imposibilidad de realizar un elevado número de pruebas con un robot real, así como para evitar daños en un dispositivo que generalmente tiene un coste significativo, ha sido necesario construir un simulador multicomputador del robot. Dicho simulador ha sido utilizado tanto en las actividades de obtención de controladores bien ajustados, como en la realización de los diferentes ensayos necesarios para el experimento de fiabilidad. ABSTRACT Autonomous mobile robots and remotely operated robots are used successfully in very diverse scenarios, such as home cleaning, movement of goods in warehouses or space exploration. However, it is difficult to ensure the absence of defects in programs controlling these devices, as it happens in most computer sectors. There exist different quality measures of a system when performing the functions for which it was designed, among them, reliability. For most physical systems, a degradation occurs as the system ages. This is generally due to the wear effect. In software systems, this does not usually happen, and defects often come from system development and not from use. Let us assume that we focus on the coding stage in the software development pro¬cess. We could consider a study to find out the reliability of different and equally valid algorithms, taking into account any flaws that programmers may introduce. This basic study may have several applications, such as choosing the algorithm less sensitive to pro¬gramming defects for the development of a critical system. We could also establish more demanding procedures for verification and validation if we need an algorithm with high sensitivity to programming defects. In this thesis, we studied the influence of certain types of software defects in the reliability of three multivariable speed controllers (PID, Fuzzy and LQR) designed to work in a specific mobile robot. The hypothesis is that similar defect patterns affect differently the reliability of controllers, and it has been confirmed by the results. From the viewpoint of experimental planning, we followed these steps. First, we conducted the necessary test to determine if controllers of the same family (PID, Fuzzy or LQR) offered a similar reliability under the same experimental conditions. Then, a class representative was chosen at ramdom within each controller family to perform a more comprehensive test set, with the purpose of getting data to compare more extensively the reliability of the controllers under study. The impossibility of performing a large number of tests with a real robot and the need to prevent the damage of a device with a significant cost, lead us to construct a multicomputer robot simulator. This simulator has been used to obtain well adjusted controllers and to carry out the required reliability experiments.


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Este trabajo se centra en la construcción de la parte física del personaje virtual. El desarrollo muestra téecnicas de modelado 3D, cinemática y animación usadas para la creación de personajes virtuales. Se incluye además una implementación que está dividida en: modelado del personaje virtual, creación de un sistema de cinemática inversa y la creación de animaciones utilizando el sistema de cinemática. Primero, crear un modelo 3D exacto al diseño original, segundo, el desarrollo de un sistema de cinemática inversa que resuelva con exactitud las posiciones de las partes articuladas que forman el personaje virtual, y tercero, la creación de animaciones haciendo uso del sistema de cinemática para conseguir animaciones fluidas y depuradas. Como consecuencia, se ha obtenido un componente 3D animado, reutilizable, ampliable, y exportable a otros entornos virtuales. ---ABSTRACT---This article is pointed in the making of the physical part of the virtual character. Development shows modeling 3D, kinematic and animation techniques used for create the virtual character. In addition, an implementation is included, and it is divided in: to model the 3D character, to create an inverse kinematics system, and to create animations using a kinematic system. First, creating an exact 3D model from the original design, second, developing an inverse kinematics system that resolves the positions of the articulated pieces that compose the virtual character, and third, creating animation using the inverse kinematics system to get fluid and refined animations in realtime. As consequence, a 3D animated, reusable, extendable and to other virtual environments exportable component has been obtained.