989 resultados para Mechanical parts
In recognition of the differences of scale between the welding pool and the heat affected zone along the welding line on one hand, and the overall size of the components being welded on the other, a local-global finite element approach was developed for the evaluation of distortions in laser welded shipbuilding parts. The approach involves the tandem use of a 'local' and a 'global' step. The local step involves a three-dimensional finite element model for the simulation of the laser welding process using the Sysweld finite element code, which takes into account thermal, metallurgical, and mechanical aspects. The simulation of the laser welding process was performed using a non-linear heat transfer analysis, based on a keyhole formation model, and a coupled transient thermomechanical analysis, which takes into account metallurgical transformations using the temperature dependent material properties and the continuous cooling transformation diagram. The size and shape of the keyhole used in the local finite element analysis was evaluated using a keyhole formation model and the Physica finite volume code. The global step involves the transfer of residual plastic strains and the stiffness of the weld obtained from the local model to the global analysis, which then provides the predicted distortions for the whole part. This newly developed methodology was applied to the evaluation of global distortions due to laser welding of stiffeners on a shipbuilding part. The approach has been proved reliable in comparison with experiments and of practical industrial use in terms of computing time and storage.
In this research, two different methods have been investigated for optimising the preparation of hydrogenated acrylonitrile butadiene rubber/clay nanocomposites. Commercially available organoclay (Cloisite 20A) has been considered for the preparation of rubber nanocomposites. A detailed analysis has been made to investigate the morphological structure and mechanical behaviour at room temperature and at elevated temperature. Also the influence of organoclays on permeability has been studied. Structural analysis indicates very good dispersion for a low loading of 5 parts per hundred (phr) amount of nanoclays. Significant improvements in mechanical properties have been observed with the addition of organoclays at both room and elevated temperatures. Even with the low level of addition of nanoclays, there was a remarkable reduction in permeability. © Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining 2011.
Ao longo das últimas décadas, a micromoldação (u-moldação) por injeção de termoplásticos ganhou um lugar de destaque no mercado de equipamentos eletrónicos e de uma ampla gama de componentes mecânicos. No entanto, quando o tamanho do componente diminui, os pressupostos geralmente aceites na moldação por injeção convencional deixam de ser válidos para descrever o comportamento reológico e termomecânico do polímero na microimpressão. Por isso, a compreensão do comportamento dinâmico do polímero à escala micro bem como da sua caraterização, análise e previsão das propriedades mecânicas exige uma investigação mais alargada. O objetivo principal deste programa doutoral passa por uma melhor compreensão do fenómeno físico intrínseco ao processo da μ-moldação por injeção. Para cumprir com o objetivo estabelecido, foi efetuado um estudo paramétrico do processo de μ-moldação por injeção, cujos resultados foram comparados com os resultados obtidos por simulação numérica. A caracterização dinâmica mecânica das μ-peças foi efetuada com o objetivo de recolher os dados necessários para a previsão do desempenho mecânico das mesmas, a longo prazo. Finalmente, depois da calibração do modelo matemático do polímero, foram realizadas análises estruturais com o intuito de prever o desempenho mecânico das μ-peças no longo prazo. Verificou-se que o desempenho mecânico das μ-peças pode ser significativamente afetado pelas tensões residuais de origem mecânica e térmica. Estas últimas, resultantes do processo de fabrico e das condições de processamento, por isso, devem ser consideradas na previsão do desempenho mecânico e do tempo de serviço das u-moldações.
Este trabalho foi realizado na Scania CV AB e teve como principal objectivo estabelecer uma diretriz sobre a possível utilização de aços vazados. Existe uma grande necessidade na realização deste trabalho, de forma a apoiar os engenheiros de projecto no seu processo de selecção dos materiais mais adequados, para produzir componentes mais leves e de elevado desempenho. Esta diretriz apresenta informação relacionada com propriedades mecânicas, processos de fundição, vazabilidade, tipologia de defeitos, tratamentos térmicos, soldabilidade e tratamentos superficiais dos aços vazados. Este trabalho foi limitado, na seleção de materiais para componentes do camião, a aços vazados que poderiam ser aplicados em dois componentes específicos: um componente estrutural da carroçaria sujeito a esforços de fadiga e a um colector de gases de combustão, sujeito a fluência, oxidação, fadiga por corrosão, fadiga-térmica e fadiga-mecânica. Foi realizado um benchmark focado nestes dois componentes de forma a saber que materiais são utilizados de momento por outras empresas concorrentes. Foi realizada ainda uma análise sobre possíveis materiais que possam ser aplicados em cada componente referido. Foi conduzida uma caracterização no estado bruto de fundição de um aço inoxidável vazado usado para produzir um protótipo do colector de gases. Esta caracterização consistiu numa análise microestrutural e medição de macro e microdurezas. Além da caracterização inicial, foram aplicados um conjunto de tratamentos térmicos, de forma a estudar a possibilidade de eliminar os carbonetos presentes inicialmente nas fronteiras de grão. As principais conclusões deste trabalho são que o aço vazado apresenta potencial para ser uma escolha válida em diversas aplicações, devido a um leque alargado de propriedades apresentadas tipicamente por este material. Relativamente a aplicações estruturais, o aço vazado é vantajoso comparativamente ao ferro fundido, quando são requeridos, por exemplo, soldabilidade e elevada resistência, combinada com elevada tenacidade à fractura. Para componentes sujeitos a elevadas temperaturas de serviço, o aço inoxidável vazado é vantajoso quando usado a temperaturas superiores a 750°C, apesar do seu elevado custo. O tratamento térmico composto por um recozimento de solubilização seguido de envelhecimento, elimina quase na totalidade os carbonetos presentes nas fronteiras de grão e verifica-se um aumento de dureza através de uma precipitação de carbonetos finamente dispersos na matriz, que poderão também aumentar a resistência à fluência.
The cytoskeleton, composed of actin filaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules, is a highly dynamic supramolecular network actively involved in many essential biological mechanisms such as cellular structure, transport, movements, differentiation, and signaling. As a first step to characterize the biophysical changes associated with cytoskeleton functions, we have developed finite elements models of the organization of the cell that has allowed us to interpret atomic force microscopy (AFM) data at a higher resolution than that in previous work. Thus, by assuming that living cells behave mechanically as multilayered structures, we have been able to identify superficial and deep effects that could be related to actin and microtubule disassembly, respectively. In Cos-7 cells, actin destabilization with Cytochalasin D induced a decrease of the visco-elasticity close to the membrane surface, while destabilizing microtubules with Nocodazole produced a stiffness decrease only in deeper parts of the cell. In both cases, these effects were reversible. Cell softening was measurable with AFM at concentrations of the destabilizing agents that did not induce detectable effects on the cytoskeleton network when viewing the cells with fluorescent confocal microscopy. All experimental results could be simulated by our models. This technology opens the door to the study of the biophysical properties of signaling domains extending from the cell surface to deeper parts of the cell.
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la simulation du déploiement des prothèses vasculaires de type stent-graft (SG) lors de la réparation endovasculaire (EVAR) des anévrismes de l’aorte abdominale (AAA). Cette étude se présente en trois parties: (i) tests mécaniques en flexion et compression de SG couramment utilisés (corps et jambage de marque Cook) ainsi que la simulation numérique desdits tests, (ii) développement d’un modèle numérique d’anévrisme, (iii) stratégie de simulation du déploiement des SG. La méthode numérique employée est celle des éléments finis. Dans un premier temps, une vérification du modèle éléments finis (MEF) des SG est realisée par comparaison des différents cas de charge avec leur pendant expérimental. Ensuite, le MEF vasculaire (AAA) est lui aussi vérifié lors d’une comparaison des niveaux de contraintes maximales principales dans la paroi avec des valeurs de la littérature. Enfin, le déploiement est abordé tout en intégrant les cathéters. Les tests mécaniques menés sur les SG ont été simulés avec une différence maximale de 5,93%, tout en tenant compte de la pré-charge des stents. Le MEF de la structure vasculaire a montré des contraintes maximales principales éloignées de 4,41% par rapport à un modèle similaire précédemment publié. Quant à la simulation du déploiement, un jeu complet de SG a pu être déployé avec un bon contrôle de la position relative et globale, dans un AAA spécifique pré-déformé, sans toutefois inclure de thrombus intra-luminal (TIL). La paroi du AAA a été modélisée avec une loi de comportement isotropique hyperélastique. Étant donné que la différence maximale tolérée en milieu clinique entre réalité et simulation est de 5%, notre approche semble acceptable et pourrait donner suite à de futurs développements. Cela dit, le petit nombre de SG testés justifie pleinement une vaste campagne de tests mécaniques et simulations supplémentaires à des fins de validation.
Foams are cellular structures, produced by gas bubbles formed during the polyurethane polymerization mixture. Flexible PU foams meet the following two criteria: have a limited resistance to an applied load, being both permeable to air and reversibly deformable. There are two main types of flexible foams, hot and cold cure foams differing in composition and processing temperatures. The hot cure foams are widely applied and represent the main composition of actual foams, while cold cure foams present several processing and property advantages, e.g, faster demoulding time, better humid aging properties and more versatility, as hardness variation with index changes are greater than with hot cure foams. The processing of cold cure foams also is attractive due to the low energy consumption (mould temperature from 30 degrees to 65 degrees C) comparatively to hot cure foams (mould temperature from 30 degrees to 250 degrees C). Another advantage is the high variety of soft materials for low temperature processing moulds. Cold cure foams are diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) based while hot cure foams are toluene diisocyanate (TDI) based. This study is concerned with Viscoelastic flexible foams MDI based for medical applications. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was used to characterize the cure kinetics and Dynamical Mechanical Analisys to collect mechanical data. The data obtained from these two experimental procedures were analyzed and associated to establish processing/properties/operation conditions relationships. These maps for the selection of optimized processing/properties/operation conditions are important to achieve better final part properties at lower costs and lead times.
Sealed gas filled flat plate solar collectors will have stresses in the material since volume and pressure varies in the gas when the temperature changes. Several geometries were analyzed and it could be seen that it is possible reducing the stresses and improve the safety factor of the weakest point in the construction by using larger area and/or reducing the distance between glass and absorber and/or change width and height relationship so the tubes are getting longer. Further it could be shown that the safety factor won't always get improved with reinforcements. It is so because when an already strong part of the collector gets reinforced it will expose weaker parts for higher stresses. The finite element method was used for finding out the stresses.
Over the past two decades there has been a profusion of empirical studies of organizational design and its relationship to efficiency, productivity and flexibility of an organization. In parallel, there has been a wide range of studies about innovation management in different kind of industries and firms. However, with some exceptions, the organizational and innovation management bodies of literature tend to examine the issues of organizational design and innovation management individually, mainly in the context of large firms operating at the technological frontier. There seems to be a scarcity of empirical studies that bring together organizational design and innovation and examine them empirically and over time in the context of small and medium sized enterprises. This dissertation seeks to provide a small contribution in that direction. This dissertation examines the dynamic relationship between organizational design and innovation. This relationship is examined on the basis of a single-case design in a medium sized mechanical engineering company in Germany. The covered time period ranges from 1958 until 2009, although the actual focus falls on the recent past. This dissertation draws on first-hand qualitative empirical evidence gathered through extensive field work. The main findings are: 1. There is always a bundle of organizational dimensions which impacts innovation. These main organizational design dimensions are: (1) Strategy & Leadership, (2) Resources & Capabilities, (3) Structure, (4) Culture, (5) Networks & Partnerships, (6) Processes and (7) Knowledge Management. However, the importance of the different organizational design dimensions changes over time. While for example for the production of simple, standardized parts, a simple organizational design was appropriate, the company needed to have a more advanced organizational design in order to be able to produce customized, complex parts with high quality. Hence the technological maturity of a company is related to its organizational maturity. 2. The introduction of innovations of the analyzed company were highly dependent on organizational conditions which enabled their introduction. The results of the long term case study show, that some innovations would not have been introduced successfully if the organizational elements like for example training and qualification, the build of network and partnerships or the acquisition of appropriate resources and capabilities, were not in place. Hence it can be concluded, that organizational design is an enabling factor for innovation. These findings contribute to advance our understanding of the complex relationship between organizational design and innovation. This highlights the growing importance of a comprehensive, innovation stimulating organizational design of companies. The results suggest to managers that innovation is not only dependent on a single organizational factor but on the appropriate, comprehensive design of the organization. Hence manager should consider to review regularly the design of their organizations in order to maintain a innovation stimulating environment.
Automotive parts manufacture by machining process using silicon nitride-based ceramic tool development in Brazil already is a reality. Si 3N4-based ceramic cutting tools offer a high productivity due to their excellent hot hardness, which allows high cutting speeds. Under such conditions the cutting tool must be resistant to a combination of mechanical, thermal and chemical attacks. Silicon nitride based ceramic materials constitute a mature technology with a very broad base of current and potential applications. The best opportunities for Si3N 4-based ceramics include ballistic armor, composite automotive brakes, diesel particulate filters, joint replacement products and others. The goal of this work was to show latter advance in silicon nitride manufacture and its recent evolution on machining process of gray cast iron, compacted graphite iron and Ti-6Al-4V. Materials characterization and machining tests were analyzed by X-Ray Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Vickers hardness and toughness fracture and technical norm. In recent works the authors has been proved to advance in microstructural, mechanical and physic properties control. These facts prove that silicon nitride-based ceramic has enough resistance to withstand the impacts inherent to the machining of gray cast iron (CI), compacted graphite iron (CGI) and Ti-6Al-4V (6-4). Copyright © 2008 SAE International.
This paper discusses the investigation of an abrasive process for finishing flat workpieces, based on the combination of important grinding and lapping characteristics. Instead of loose abrasive grains between the workpiece and the lapping plate, a resinoid grinding wheel of hot-pressed silicon carbide is placed on the plate of a device resembling a lapping machine. The resin bond grinding wheel is dressed with a single-point diamond. In addition to keeping the plate flat, dressing also plays the role of interfering in the behavior of the process by varying the overlap factor (Ud). It was found that the studied process simplify the set-up and can be controlled more easily than in lapping, whose is a painstaking process. The surface roughness and flatness deviation proved comparable to those of lapping, or even finer than it, with the additional advantage of a less contaminated workpiece surface with a shiny appearance. The process was also monitored by acoustic emission (AE), which indicates to be a promissing and suitable technique for use in this process. Copyright © 2008 by ASME.
The real-time monitoring of events in an industrial plant is vital, to monitor the actual conditions of operation of the machinery responsible for the manufacturing process. A predictive maintenance program includes condition monitoring of the rotating machinery, to anticipate possible conditions of failure. To increase the operational reliability it is thus necessary an efficient tool to analyze and monitor the equipments, in real-time, and enabling the detection of e.g. incipient faults in bearings. To fulfill these requirements some innovations have become frequent, namely the inclusion of vibration sensors or stator current sensors. These innovations enable the development of new design methodologies that take into account the ease of future modifications, upgrades, and replacement of the monitored machine, as well as expansion of the monitoring system. This paper presents the development, implementation and testing of an instrument for vibration monitoring, as a possible solution to embed in industrial environment. The digital control system is based on an FPGA, and its configuration with an open hardware design tool is described. Special focus is given to the area of fault detection in rolling bearings. © 2012 IEEE.
In this paper, for the first time, a quenching result in a non-ideal system is rigorously obtained. In order to do this a new mechanical hypothesis is assumed, it means that the moment of inertia of the rotating parts of the energy source is big. From this is possible to use the Averaging Method. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.
O presente trabalho objetivou adaptar um procedimento mecânico para o isolamento de folículos pré-antrais a partir de ovários de Cebus apella. Para isso, foi testado o efeito do intervalo de cortes seriados do tissue chopper sobre o número de folículos pré-antrais isolados a partir de ovários (n=6) de três fêmeas de C. apella, duas pré-púberes e uma adulta. Os ovários foram divididos em quatro partes iguais e fragmentados com auxílio de um tissue chopper, ajustado para a realização de secções seriadas a intervalos de 250, 500, 750 e 1000µm, respectivamente. Os folículos isolados foram contados em câmara de Neubauer e classificados em primordiais, primários e secundários. O número (média ± EP) de folículos pré-antrais isolados de 1/4 de ovário variou de 68.330+17.590, no intervalo de corte de 1.000µm, a 300.830+111.460, no intervalo de corte de 500µm, o de melhores resultados. O diâmetro médio dos folículos pré-antrais isolados variou de 11,6µm a 27, 8µm.
A specific manufacturing process to obtain continuous glass fiber-reinforced RIFE laminates was studied and some of their mechanical properties were evaluated. Young's modulus and maximum strength were measured by three-point bending test and tensile test using the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique. Adhesion tests, thermal analysis and microscopy were used to evaluate the fiber-matrix adhesion, which is very dependent on the sintering time. The composite material obtained had a Young's modulus of 14.2 GPa and ultimate strength of 165 MPa, which corresponds to approximately 24 times the modulus and six times the ultimate strength of pure RIFE. These results show that the RIFE composite, manufactured under specific conditions, has great potential to provide structural parts with a performance suitable for application in structural components. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.