973 resultados para Measurement Device


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This paper is focused on the integration of state-of-the-art technologies in the fields of telecommunications, simulation algorithms, and data mining in order to develop a Type 1 diabetes patient's semi to fully-automated monitoring and management system. The main components of the system are a glucose measurement device, an insulin delivery system (insulin injection or insulin pumps), a mobile phone for the GPRS network, and a PDA or laptop for the Internet. In the medical environment, appropriate infrastructure for storage, analysis and visualizing of patients' data has been implemented to facilitate treatment design by health care experts.


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The planning of refractive surgical interventions is a challenging task. Numerical modeling has been proposed as a solution to support surgical intervention and predict the visual acuity, but validation on patient specific intervention is missing. The purpose of this study was to validate the numerical predictions of the post-operative corneal topography induced by the incisions required for cataract surgery. The corneal topography of 13 patients was assessed preoperatively and postoperatively (1-day and 30-day follow-up) with a Pentacam tomography device. The preoperatively acquired geometric corneal topography – anterior, posterior and pachymetry data – was used to build patient-specific finite element models. For each patient, the effects of the cataract incisions were simulated numerically and the resulting corneal surfaces were compared to the clinical postoperative measurements at one day and at 30-days follow up. Results showed that the model was able to reproduce experimental measurements with an error on the surgically induced sphere of 0.38D one day postoperatively and 0.19D 30 days postoperatively. The standard deviation of the surgically induced cylinder was 0.54D at the first postoperative day and 0.38D 30 days postoperatively. The prediction errors in surface elevation and curvature were below the topography measurement device accuracy of ±5μm and ±0.25D after the 30-day follow-up. The results showed that finite element simulations of corneal biomechanics are able to predict post cataract surgery within topography measurement device accuracy. We can conclude that the numerical simulation can become a valuable tool to plan corneal incisions in cataract surgery and other ophthalmosurgical procedures in order to optimize patients' refractive outcome and visual function.


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Un estudio geofísico mediante resonancia se realiza mediante la excitación del agua del subsuelo a partir de la emisión de una intensidad variable a lo largo de un cable extendido sobre la superficie en forma cuadrada o circular. El volumen investigado depende del tamaño de dicho cable, lo cual, junto con la intensidad utilizada para la excitación del agua determina las diferentes profundidades del terreno de las que se va a extraer información, que se encuentran entre 10 y 100 m, habitualmente. La tesis doctoral presentada consiste en la adaptación del Método de Resonancia Magnética para su utilización en aplicaciones superficiales mediante bucles de tamaño reducido. Dicha información sobre el terreno en la escala desde decímetros a pocos metros es interesante en relación a la física de suelos y en general en relación a diferentes problemas de Ingeniería, tanto de extracción de agua como constructiva. Una vez realizada la revisión del estado de conocimiento actual del método en relación a sus aplicaciones usuales, se estudian los problemas inherentes a su adaptación a medidas superficiales. Para solventar dichos problemas se han considerado dos líneas de investigación principales: En primer lugar se realiza un estudio de la influencia de las características del pulso de excitación emitido por el equipo en la calidad de las medidas obtenidas, y las posibles estrategias para mejorar dicho pulso. El pulso de excitación es un parámetro clave en la extracción de información sobre diferentes profundidades del terreno. Por otro lado se busca la optimización del dispositivo de medida para su adaptación al estudio de los primeros metros del suelo mediante el equipo disponible, tratándose éste del equipo NumisLITE de la casa Iris Instruments. ABSTRACT Magnetic Resonance Sounding is a geophysical method performed through the excitation of the subsurface water by a variable electrical intensity delivered through a wire extended on the surface, forming a circle or a square. The investigated volume depends on the wire length and the intensity used, determining the different subsurface depths reached. In the usual application of the method, this depth ranges between 10 and 100 m. This thesis studies the adaptation of the above method to more superficial applications using smaller wire loops. Information about the subsurface in the range of decimeter to a few meters is interesting regarding physics of soils, as well as different Engineering problems, either for water extraction or for construction. After a review of the nowadays state of the art of the method regarding its usual applications, the special issues attached to its use to perform very shallow measures are studied. In order to sort out these problems two main research lines are considered: On the one hand, a study about the influence of the characteristics of the emitted pulse in the resulting measure quality is performed. Possible strategies in order to improve this pulse are investigated, as the excitation pulse is a key parameter to obtain information from different depths of the subsurface. On the other hand, the study tries to optimize the measurement device to its adaptation to the study of the first meters of the ground with the available instrumentation, the NumisLITE equipment from Iris Instruments.


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Após o aumento de potência do reator IEA-R1 de 2 MW para 5 MW observou-se um aumento da taxa de corrosão nas placas laterais de alguns elementos combustíveis e algumas dúvidas surgiram com relação ao valor de vazão utilizada nas análises termo-hidráulicas. A fim de esclarecer e medir a distribuição de vazão real pelos elementos combustíveis que compõe o núcleo do reator IEA-R1, um elemento combustível protótipo, sem material nuclear, chamado DMPV-01 (Dispositivo para Medida de Pressão e Vazão), em escala real, foi projetado e construído em alumínio. A vazão no canal entre dois elementos combustíveis é muito difícil de estimar ou ser medida. Esta vazão é muito importante no processo de resfriamento das placas laterais. Este trabalho apresenta a concepção e construção de um elemento combustível instrumentado para medir a temperatura real nestas placas laterais para melhor avaliar as condições de resfriamento do combustível. Quatorze termopares foram instalados neste elemento combustível instrumentado. Quatro termopares em cada canal lateral e quatro no canal central, além de um termopar no bocal de entrada e outro no bocal de saída do elemento. Existem três termopares para medida de temperatura do revestimento e um para a temperatura do fluido em cada canal. Três séries de experimentos, para três configurações distintas, foram realizadas com o elemento combustível instrumentado. Em dois experimentos uma caixa de alumínio foi instalada ao redor do núcleo para reduzir o escoamento transverso entre os elementos combustíveis e medir o impacto na temperatura das placas externas. Dada a tamanha quantidade de informações obtidas e sua utilidade no projeto, melhoria e capacitação na construção, montagem e fabricação de elementos combustíveis instrumentados, este projeto constitui um importante marco no estudo de núcleos de reatores de pesquisa. As soluções propostas podem ser amplamente utilizadas para outros reatores de pesquisa.


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We present a model for detection of the states of a coupled quantum dots (qubit) by a quantum point contact. Most proposals for measurements of states of quantum systems are idealized. However in a real laboratory the measurements cannot be perfect due to practical devices and circuits. The models using ideal devices are not sufficient for describing the detection information of the states of the quantum systems. Our model therefore includes the extension to a non-ideal measurement device case using an equivalent circuit. We derive a quantum trajectory that describes the stochastic evolution of the state of the system of the qubit and the measuring device. We calculate the noise power spectrum of tunnelling events in an ideal and a non-ideal quantum point contact measurement respectively. We found that, for the strong coupling case it is difficult to obtain information of the quantum processes in the qubit by measurements using a non-ideal quantum point contact. The noise spectra can also be used to estimate the limits of applicability of the ideal model.


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This paper details a method of determining the uncertainty of dimensional measurement for a three dimensional coordinate measurement machine. An experimental procedure was developed to compare three dimensional coordinate measurements with calibrated reference points. The reference standard used to calibrate these reference points was a fringe counting interferometer with the multilateration technique employed to establish three dimensional coordinates. This is an extension of the established technique of comparing measured lengths with calibrated lengths. Specifically a distributed coordinate measurement device was tested which consisted of a network of Rotary-Laser Automatic Theodolites (R-LATs), this system is known commercially as indoor GPS (iGPS). The method was found to be practical and able to establish that the expanded uncertainty of the basic iGPS system was approximately 1 mm at a 95% confidence level. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.


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To analyse and compare standing thoracolumbar curves in normal weight participants and participants with obesity, using an electromagnetic device, and to analyse the measurement reliability. Material and Methods. Cross-sectional study was carried out. 36 individuals were divided into two groups (normal-weight and participants with obesity) according to their waist circumference. The reference points (T1–T8–L1–L5 and both posterior superior iliac spines) were used to perform a description of thoracolumbar curvature in the sagittal and coronal planes. A transformation from the global coordinate system was performed and thoracolumbar curves were adjusted by fifth-order polynomial equations. The tangents of the first and fifth lumbar vertebrae and the first thoracic vertebra were determined from their derivatives. The reliability of the measurement was assessed according to the internal consistency of the measure and the thoracolumbar curvature angles were compared between groups. Results. Cronbach’s alpha values ranged between 0.824 (95% CI: 0.776–0.847) and 0.918 (95% CI: 0.903–0.949). In the coronal plane, no significant differences were found between groups; however, in sagittal plane, significant differences were observed for thoracic kyphosis. Conclusion. There were significant differences in thoracic kyphosis in the sagittal plane between two groups of young adults grouped according to their waist circumference.


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The short duration of the Doppler signal and noise content in it necessitate a validation scheme to be incorporated in the electronic processor used for frequency measurement, There are several different validation schemes that can be employed in period timing devices. A detailed study of the influence of these validation schemes on the measured frequency has been reported here. These studies were carried out by using a combination of a fast A/D converter and computer. Doppler bursts obtained from an air flow were digitised and stored on magnetic discs. Suitable computer programs were then used to simulate the performance of period timing devices with different validation schemes and the frequency of the stored bursts were evaluated. It is found that best results are obtained when the validation scheme enables frequency measurement to be made over a large number of cycles within the burst.


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With the construction of the neutron detection wall at the external target position on Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou-Cooling Storage Ring (HIRFL-CSR), it will be possible to detect high energy neutron. A BUU model is applied to simulate the flow in both symmetric (Ni+Ni, Pb+Pb) and asymmetric(Pb+Ni) systems. It is shown that at above several hundreds MeV/u, the flow signals are very obvious and depend clearly on the centrality of the collisions. Based on the products in the forward angle less than 20 degrees, the simulation also reveals that the determination of the reaction plane and the selection of the impact parameter, both of which are essential in the flow measurement, are well implemented. The double event and its influence on the determination of the neutron flow are also simulated.


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A new microfluidic-based approach to measuring liquid thermal conductivity is developed to address the requirement in many practical applications for measurements using small (microlitre) sample size and integration into a compact device. The approach also gives the possibility of high-throughput testing. A resistance heater and temperature sensor are incorporated into a glass microfluidic chip to allow transmission and detection of a planar thermal wave crossing a thin layer of the sample. The device is designed so that heat transfer is locally one-dimensional during a short initial time period. This allows the detected temperature transient to be separated into two distinct components: a short-time, purely one-dimensional part from which sample thermal conductivity can be determined and a remaining long-time part containing the effects of three-dimensionality and of the finite size of surrounding thermal reservoirs. Identification of the one-dimensional component yields a steady temperature difference from which sample thermal conductivity can be determined. Calibration is required to give correct representation of changing heater resistance, system layer thicknesses and solid material thermal conductivities with temperature. In this preliminary study, methanol/water mixtures are measured at atmospheric pressure over the temperature range 30-50A degrees C. The results show that the device has produced a measurement accuracy of within 2.5% over the range of thermal conductivity and temperature of the tests. A relation between measurement uncertainty and the geometric and thermal properties of the system is derived and this is used to identify ways that error could be further reduced.


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The class of piezoelectric actuators considered in this paper consists of a multi-flexible structure actuated by two or more piezoceramic devices that must generate different output displacements and forces at different specified points of the domain and in different directions. The devices were modeled by finite element using the software ANSYS and the topology optimization method. The following XY actuators were build to achieve maximum displacement in the X and Y directions with a minimum crosstalk between them. The actuator prototypes are composed of an aluminum structure, manufactured by using a wire Electrical Discharge Machining, which are bonded to rectangular PZT5A piezoceramic blocks by using epoxy resin. Multi-actuator piezoelectric device displacements can be measured by using optical interferometry, since it allows dynamic measurements in the kHz range, which is of the order of the first resonance frequency of these piezomechanisms. A Michelson-type interferometer, with a He-Ne laser source, is used to measure the displacement amplitudes in nanometric range. A new optical phase demodulation technique is applied, based on the properties of the triangular waveform drive voltage applied to the XY piezoelectric nanopositioner. This is a low-phase-modulation-depth-like technique that allows the rapid interferometer auto-calibration. The measurements were performed at 100 Hz frequency, and revealed that the device is linear voltage range utilized in this work. The ratio between the generated and coupled output displacements and the drive voltages is equal to 10.97 nm/V and 1.76 nm/V, respectively, which corresponds to a 16% coupling rate. © 2010 IEEE.


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A new device has been developed to directly measure the bubble loading of particle-bubble aggregates in industrial flotation machines, both mechanical flotation cells as well as flotation column cells. The bubble loading of aggregates allows for in-depth analysis of the operating performance of a flotation machine in terms of both pulp/collection zone and froth zone performance. This paper presents the methodology along with an example showing the excellent reproducibility of the device and an analysis of different operating conditions of the device itself. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.