924 resultados para Maxwell-Steffan
Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvido e implementado um método de discretização espacial baseado na lei de Coulomb para geração de pontos que possam ser usados em métodos meshless para solução das equações de Maxwell. Tal método aplica a lei de Coulomb para gerar o equilíbrio espacial necessário para gerar alta qualidade de discretização espacial para um domínio de análise. Este método é denominado aqui de CLDM (Coulomb Law Discretization Method ) e é aplicado a problemas bidimensionais. Utiliza-se o método RPIM (Radial Point Interpolation Method) com truncagem por UPML (Uniaxial Perfectlly Matched Layers) para solução das equações de Maxwell no domínio do tempo (modo TMz).
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Física - FEG
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Física - IFT
What a pleasure it is to have this opportunity to welcome you to campus today as we celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Earl G. Maxwell Arboretum. Henry Van Dyke once wrote that "He that planteth a tree ... provideth a kindness for many generations, and faces that he hath not seen shall bless him."
"Each generation takes the earth as trustees," J. Sterling Morton, founder of Arbor Day, once said, adding, "We ought to bequeath to posterity as many forests and orchards as we have exhausted and consumed."
The purpose of this paper is to develop a Bayesian analysis for the right-censored survival data when immune or cured individuals may be present in the population from which the data is taken. In our approach the number of competing causes of the event of interest follows the Conway-Maxwell-Poisson distribution which generalizes the Poisson distribution. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are used to develop a Bayesian procedure for the proposed model. Also, some discussions on the model selection and an illustration with a real data set are considered.
The dynamics of a driven stadium-like billiard is considered using the formalism of discrete mappings. The model presents a resonant velocity that depends on the rotation number around fixed points and external boundary perturbation which plays an important separation rule in the model. We show that particles exhibiting Fermi acceleration (initial velocity is above the resonant one) are scaling invariant with respect to the initial velocity and external perturbation. However, initial velocities below the resonant one lead the particles to decelerate therefore unlimited energy growth is not observed. This phenomenon may be interpreted as a specific Maxwell's Demon which may separate fast and slow billiard particles. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Wir untersuchen die numerische Lösung des inversen Streuproblems der Rekonstruktion der Form, Position und Anzahl endlich vieler perfekt leitender Objekte durch Nahfeldmessungen zeitharmonischer elektromagnetischer Wellen mit Hilfe von Metalldetektoren. Wir nehmen an, dass sich die Objekte gänzlich im unteren Halbraum eines unbeschränkten zweischichtigen Hintergrundmediums befinden. Wir nehmen weiter an, dass der obere Halbraum mit Luft und der untere Halbraum mit Erde gefüllt ist. Wir betrachten zuerst die physikalischen Grundlagen elektromagnetischer Wellen, aus denen wir zunächst ein vereinfachtes mathematisches Modell ableiten, in welchem wir direkt das elektromagnetische Feld messen. Dieses Modell erweitern wir dann um die Messung des elektromagnetischen Feldes von Sendespulen mit Hilfe von Empfangsspulen. Für das vereinfachte Modell entwickeln wir, unter Verwendung der Theorie des zugehörigen direkten Streuproblems, ein nichtiteratives Verfahren, das auf der Idee der sogenannten Faktorisierungsmethode beruht. Dieses Verfahren übertragen wir dann auf das erweiterte Modell. Wir geben einen Implementierungsvorschlag der Rekonstruktionsmethode und demonstrieren an einer Reihe numerischer Experimente die Anwendbarkeit des Verfahrens. Weiterhin untersuchen wir mehrere Abwandlungen der Methode zur Verbesserung der Rekonstruktionen und zur Verringerung der Rechenzeit.
The climate evolution of the South Shetland Islands during the last c. 2000 years is inferred from the multiproxy analyses of a long (928 cm) sediment core retrieved from Maxwell Bay off King George Island. The vertical sediment flux at the core location is controlled by summer melting processes that cause sediment-laden meltwater plumes to form. These leave a characteristic signature in the sediments of NE Maxwell Bay. We use this signature to distinguish summer and winter-dominated periods. During the Medieval Warm Period, sediments are generally finer which indicates summer-type conditions. In contrast, during the Little Ice Age (LIA) sediments are generally coarser and are indicative of winter-dominated conditions. Comparison with Northern and Southern Hemisphere, Antarctic, and global temperature reconstructions reveals that the mean grain-size curve from Maxwell Bay closely resembles the curve of the global temperature reconstruction. We show that the medieval warming occurred earlier in the Southern than in the Northern Hemisphere, which might indicate that the warming was driven by processes occurring in the south. The beginning of the LIA appears to be almost synchronous in both hemispheres. The warming after the LIA closely resembles the Northern Hemisphere record which might indicate this phase of cooling was driven by processes occurring in the north. Although the recent rapid regional warming is clearly visible, the Maxwell Bay record does not show the dominance of summer-type sediments until the 1970s. Continued warming in this area will likely affect the marine ecosystem through meltwater induced turbidity of the surface waters as well as an extension of the vegetation period due to the predicted decrease of sea ice in this area.