963 resultados para Mass distribution


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The aim of this work was to study the dense cloud structures and to obtain the mass distribution of the dense cores (CMF) within the NGC6357 complex, from observations of the dust continuum at 450 and 850~$\mu$m of a 30 $\times$ 30 arcmin$^2$ region containing the H\textsc{ii} regions, G353.2+0.9 and G353.1+0.6.


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The way mass is distributed in galaxies plays a major role in shaping their evolution across cosmic time. The galaxy's total mass is usually determined by tracing the motion of stars in its potential, which can be probed observationally by measuring stellar spectra at different distances from the galactic centre, whose kinematics is used to constrain dynamical models. A class of such models, commonly used to accurately determine the distribution of luminous and dark matter in galaxies, is that of equilibrium models. In this Thesis, a novel approach to the design of equilibrium dynamical models, in which the distribution function is an analytic function of the action integrals, is presented. Axisymmetric and rotating models are used to explain observations of a sample of nearby early-type galaxies in the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey. Photometric and spectroscopic data for round and flattened galaxies are well fitted by the models, which are then used to get the galaxies' total mass distribution and orbital anisotropy. The time evolution of massive early-type galaxies is also investigated with numerical models. Their structural properties (mass, size, velocity dispersion) are observed to evolve, on average, with redshift. In particular, they appear to be significantly more compact at higher redshift, at fixed stellar mass, so it is interesting to investigate what drives such evolution. This Thesis focuses on the role played by dark-matter haloes: their mass-size and mass-velocity dispersion correlations evolve similarly to the analogous correlations of ellipticals; at fixed halo mass, the haloes are more compact at higher redshift, similarly to massive galaxies; a simple model, in which all the galaxy's size and velocity-dispersion evolution is due to the cosmological evolution of the underlying halo population, reproduces the observed size and velocity-dispersion of massive compact early-type galaxies up to redshift of about 2.


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Block copolymers have become an integral part of the preparation of complex architectures through self-assembly. The use of reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) allows blocks ranging from functional to nonfunctional polymers to be made with predictable molecular weight distributions. This article models block formation by varying many of the kinetic parameters. The simulations provide insight into the overall polydispersities (PDIs) that will be obtained when the chain-transfer constants in the main equilibrium steps are varied from 100 to 0.5. When the first dormant block [polymer-S-C(Z)=S] has a PDI of 1 and the second propagating radical has a low reactivity to the RAFT moiety, the overall PDI will be greater than 1 and dependent on the weight fraction of each block. When the first block has a PDI of 2 and the second propagating radical has a low reactivity to the RAFT moiety, the PDI will decrease to around 1.5 because of random coupling of two broad distributions. It is also shown how we can in principle use only one RAFT agent to obtain block copolymers with any desired molecular weight distribution. We can accomplish this by maintaining the monomer concentration at a constant level in the reactor over the course of the reaction. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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This paper demonstrates the procedures for probabilistic assessment of a pesticide fate and transport model, PCPF-1, to elucidate the modeling uncertainty using the Monte Carlo technique. Sensitivity analyses are performed to investigate the influence of herbicide characteristics and related soil properties on model outputs using four popular rice herbicides: mefenacet, pretilachlor, bensulfuron-methyl and imazosulfuron. Uncertainty quantification showed that the simulated concentrations in paddy water varied more than those of paddy soil. This tendency decreased as the simulation proceeded to a later period but remained important for herbicides having either high solubility or a high 1st-order dissolution rate. The sensitivity analysis indicated that PCPF-1 parameters requiring careful determination are primarily those involve with herbicide adsorption (the organic carbon content, the bulk density and the volumetric saturated water content), secondary parameters related with herbicide mass distribution between paddy water and soil (1st-order desorption and dissolution rates) and lastly, those involving herbicide degradations. © Pesticide Science Society of Japan.


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The light distribution in the disks of many galaxies is ‘lopsided’ with a spatial extent much larger along one half of a galaxy than the other, as seen in M101. Recent observations show that the stellar disk in a typical spiral galaxy is significantly lopsided, indicating asymmetry in the disk mass distribution. The mean amplitude of lopsidedness is 0.1, measured as the Fourier amplitude of the m=1 component normalized to the average value. Thus, lopsidedness is common, and hence it is important to understand its origin and dynamics. This is a new and exciting area in galactic structure and dynamics, in contrast to the topic of bars and two-armed spirals (m=2) which has been extensively studied in the literature. Lopsidedness is ubiquitous and occurs in a variety of settings and tracers. It is seen in both stars and gas, in the outer disk and the central region, in the field and the group galaxies. The lopsided amplitude is higher by a factor of two for galaxies in a group. The lopsidedness has a strong impact on the dynamics of the galaxy, its evolution, the star formation in it, and on the growth of the central black hole and on the nuclear fuelling. We present here an overview of the observations that measure the lopsided distribution, as well as the theoretical progress made so far to understand its origin and properties. The physical mechanisms studied for its origin include tidal encounters, gas accretion and a global gravitational instability. The related open, challenging problems in this emerging area are discussed.


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We analyse warps in the nearby edge-on spiral galaxies observed in the Spitzer/Infrared Array Camera (IRAC)4.5-mu m band. In our sample of 24 galaxies, we find evidence of warp in 14 galaxies. We estimate the observed onset radii for the warps in a subsample of 10 galaxies. The dark matter distribution in each of these galaxies are calculated using the mass distribution derived from the observed light distribution and the observed rotation curves. The theoretical predictions of the onset radii for the warps are then derived by applying a self-consistent linear response theory to the obtained mass models for six galaxies with rotation curves in the literature. By comparing the observed onset radii to the theoretical ones, we find that discs with constant thickness can not explain the observations; moderately flaring discs are needed. The required flaring is consistent with the observations. Our analysis shows that the onset of warp is not symmetric in our sample of galaxies. We define a new quantity called the onset-asymmetry index and study its dependence on galaxy properties. The onset asymmetries in warps tend to be larger in galaxies with smaller dis scalelengths. We also define and quantify the global asymmetry in the stellar light distribution, that we call the edge-on asymmetry in edge-on galaxies. It is shown that in most cases the onset asymmetry in warp is actually anticorrelated with the measured edge-on asymmetry in our sample of edge-on galaxies and this could plausibly indicate that the surrounding dark matter distribution is asymmetric.


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In this paper, we look for rotating beams whose eigenpair (frequency and mode-shape) is the same as that of uniform nonrotating beams for a particular mode. It is found that, for any given mode, there exist flexural stiffness functions (FSFs) for which the jth mode eigenpair of a rotating beam, with uniform mass distribution, is identical to that of a corresponding nonrotating uniform beam with the same length and mass distribution. By putting the derived FSF in the finite element analysis of a rotating cantilever beam, the frequencies and mode-shapes of a nonrotating cantilever beam are obtained. For the first mode, a physically feasible equivalent rotating beam exists, but for higher modes, the flexural stiffness has internal singularities. Strategies for addressing the singularities in the FSF for finite element analysis are provided. The proposed functions can be used as test-functions for rotating beam codes and for targeted destiffening of rotating beams.


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Kontrolloidut radikaalipolymerointimenetelmät, kuten RAFT-polymerointi, ovat moderni tapa valmistaa polymeerejä säädellysti. RAFT-polymeroinnilla polymeerien ketjunpituutta, moolimassajakaumaa, mikrorakennetta (taktisuus, järjestys), koostumusta ja funktionaalisuutta kyetään hallitsemaan. Siten menetelmällä voidaan valmistaa uudenlaisia polymeeriarkkitektuureja, kuten blokki- ja tähtipolymeerejä, sekä hybridimateriaaleja ja biokonjugaatteja. Polymeeristen rakennuspalikoiden itsejärjestyminen, missä huolellisesti syntetisoidut polymeerit järjestyvät halutulla tavalla nanoskaalassa, on suosittu tutkimuskohde materiaalitieteessä. On huomattava, että blokkipolymeerien itsejärjestyminen on vielä suhteellisen nuori tutkimusaihe. Tämän hetkiset polymeeriset nanomateriaalit ovat suhteellisen yksinkertaisia luonnon luomuksiin verrattuina, tarjoten jatkuvasti uusia mahdollisuuksia seuraavan sukupolven polymeereille. Tässä työssä RAFT-polymeroinnilla syntetisoitiin amfifiilisiä di- ja triblokkikopolymeerejä sekä tutkittiin niiden järjestymistä nanorakenteiksi. Kaikissa blokkikopolymeereissä käytettiin lämpöherkkää poly(N-isopropyyliakryyliamidia). Siten polymeerit ja tutkitut materiaalit reagoivat lämpötilanmuutokseen ympäristössä eli ovat ns. ympäristöherkkiä. Työssä tutkittiin taktisuuden kontrollointia N-isopropyyliakryyliamidin RAFT-polymeroinnissa. Polymeerin taktisuutta sekä ketjunpituutta ja blokkijärjestystä säätämällä voitiin hallita polymeerin itsejärjestymistä vesiliuoksessa. Amfifiiliset polymeerit järjestyivät laimeissa vesiliuoksissa erilaisiksi misellirakenteiksi, muodostaen ns. mikrosäiliöitä. Tällaisilla polymeereillä odotetaan olevan sovelluksia esim. lääkeainevapautuksessa. Amfifiilejä käytetään myös esimerkiksi apuaineina pinnoitteissa ja kosmetiikassa. Kiinteässä tilassa tutkitut triblokkikopolymeerit muodostivat teoreettisesti ennustettuja morfologioita. Lämpöherkän materiaalin hydrogeelit toimivat suodatinmembraanina nanokokoluokassa. RAFT-polymeroinnilla syntetisoituja polymeereja voidaan sellaisenaan käyttää kultananopartikkeleiden päällystämiseen. Kultananopartikkelit ovat erittäin kiinostavia mm. niiden stabiilisuuden ja ainutlaatuisten pintaominaisuuksien vuoksi. Kun amfifiilisiä polymeerejä kiinnitettiin kultapartikkelin pinnalle, sen liuos- ja optisia ominaisuuksia voitiin säädellä pH:n ja lämpötilan avulla. Tällaisilla kultananopartikkeleilla on sovelluksia mm. diagnostiikassa, sensoreina ja solukuvauksessa.


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This doctoral thesis deals with the syntheses of olefin homo- and copolymers using different kind of metallocene catalyst. Ethene, propene, 1-hexene, 1-hexadecene, vinylcyclohexane and phenylnorbornene were homo- or copolymerized with the catalysts. The unbridged benzyl substituted zirconium dichloride catalysts (1-4), ansa- bridged acenaphtyl substituted zirconium dichloride catalysts, ( 5, 6), rac- and meso-ethylene-bis(1-indenyl)zirconium dichlorides, (rac- and meso-8), rac-ethylene-bis(1-indenyl)hafnium dichloride, ( 12), bis(9-fluorenyl)hafnium dichloride (14 ) enantiomerically pure (R)- phenylethyl[(9-fluorenyl-1-indenyl)]ZrCl2, (11), 14 and asymmetric dimethylsilyl[(3-benzylindenyl-(2-methylbenzen[e]indenyl)] zirconium dichloride, (13), were prepared in our laboratory. Dimethylsilyl-bis(1-indenyl)zirconium dichloride, (9), isopropylidene(9-fluorenyl-cyclopentadienyl)zirconium dichloride, (10), and were obtained commercially. The solid-state structures of the catalysts rac- and meso-1 were determined by X-ray crystallography. Computational methods were used for the structure optimization of the catalyst rac- and meso-1 in order to compare the theoretical calculations with the experimental results. Polymerization experiments were conducted in a highly purified autoclave system using low pressures (< 5 bar) of gaseous monomers. The experiments were designed to attain the optimal catalytic activity and a uniform copolymer composition. The prepared homo- and copolymers were characterized by the gel permeation chromatography, GPC, differential scanning calorimetry, DSC, nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR, and Fourier transform infrared spectrometry, FTIR . Molar mass (Mw, Mn), molar mass distribution (Mw/Mn), tacticity, comonomer content, melting temperature, glass transition temperature, and end group structures and content were determined. A special attention was paid on the correlation of the polymer properties with the catalyst structures and polymerization conditions. An intramolecular phenyl coordination was found in phenyl substituted benzyl zirconocenes 1-3 explaining the decreased activity of the catalysts. Novel copolymers poly(propene-co-phenylnorbornene) and poly(propene co-vinylcyclohexane), were synthesized and high molar mass poly(ethene-co-1-hexene) and poly(ethene-co-1-hexadecene) copolymers with elastic properties were prepared. Activation of a hafnocene catalyst was studied with UV-Vis spectrometry and activation process for the synthesis of ultra high molar mass poly(1-hexene) was found out.