974 resultados para Martini, Fausto Maria, 1886-1931.
La vie et la mission de Sainte Faustyna Kowalska (1905-1938) ont donné naissance à une grande dévotion envers la Divine Miséricorde à Cracovie en Pologne. La nouveauté du message de la Miséricorde par rapport aux autres dévotions de l’Église Catholique se situe notamment sur le plan du visuel, du langage et des rituels. C’est dans le contexte de la Seconde Guerre mondiale qu’il faut situer sa propagation à travers le monde. Elle fut introduite au Canada en 1957 par deux dames de la noblesse polonaise immigrées. C’est dans la paroisse de Notre-Dame des Sept Douleurs à Verdun où se situe l’Œuvre de Jésus Miséricordieux que nous nous intéressons au développement de la vie spirituelle des dévots de la Divine Miséricorde; c’est-à-dire aux différentes croyances, rituels et pratiques religieuses qui mettent l’accent sur le corps, la pensée, les émotions et l’esprit. Les pratiques du corps, les postures, les mouvements, les manières de se concentrer, sont autant de moyens qui conduisent les dévots à des expériences spirituelles et des moyens qui y mènent à travers des rituels de prière qui mobilisent le corps qui est une dimension essentielle de l’expérience religieuse. On parle notamment de certains visuels, de prières et de gestes qui évoquent ces expériences spirituelles significatives. Ces expressions religieuses engagent les dévots dans leur quotidien et dans leur vécu. Pour ces croyants, cette dévotion représente un point de repère dans un monde qui leur apparaît souvent comme privé de sens.
La Ense??anza Primaria, la preparaci??n de los maestros, otros centros educativos y sociedades culturales y escolares de la ??poca republicana. Describen la situaci??n de la escuela durante la Rep??blica en el marco de Tarragona. Hacen una valoraci??n de la situaci??n descrita. Explican los factores de la situaci??n y del medio y la evoluci??n que ha ido siguiendo la educaci??n durante los 5 a??os de la Rep??blica. Documentos escritos. Entrevistas personales a maestros, testimonios de la ??poca estudiada. En la Rep??blica se cre?? una conciencia cultural manifestada en un deseo de superaci??n que se concreta en una extensi??n del servicio educativo, un cuidado en mantener la calidad, una ense??anza beneficiosa, productiva, funcional, adecuada a las necesidades del alumnado y de la sociedad, y una proyecci??n social de las diferentes actividades que se celebraban.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Valorar desde el punto de vista histórico los planes de estudio de Medicina y su implantación en los centros docentes españoles desde 1843 a 1931. Las fechas escogidas tienen una clara justificación pues a partir de 1843 se asiste a una transformación que culmina en 1845 con el Plan Mata. La fecha de 1931 es también evidente ya que cierra una etapa e inaugura un nuevo periodo no sólo en la enseñanza de la Medicina, sino en la vida española. Revisión sistemática de la bibliografía existente sobre el pasado de la Medicina y su enseñanza en España. Revisión de la revista 'El Siglo Médico' desde su aparición en 1854 hasta 1931. Finalmente en el método histórico-médico se ha considerado imprescindible la revisión sistemática de la legislación dictada en España y cuya insercción en la 'Gaceta Médica' ha sido contrastada con el 'Siglo Médico'. Todo esto ha llevado a recoger una abundante bibliografía sobre el tema. La medicina española a lo largo del siglo XIX sufrió no pocos altibajos especialmente en su primera mitad, afianzándose paulatinamente hasta que llegó a incorporarse a los hábitos de trabajos europeos en los años finales del siglo XIX, época o periodo de la Restauración Borbónica en que mejora la calidad de nuestra enseñanza universitaria, gracias al clima de paz interior y a la mayor comunicación con la medicina europea del momento. Los años centrales del siglo XIX suponen el periodo de puente o transición entre el hundimiento total de la Medicina española desde el primer tercio y el nivel más positivo y aceptable del último tercio del siglo XIX que se vió enriquecido en el S.XX hasta el advenimiento de la Guerra Civil. En el periodo estudiado se sucedieron en total diez planes de estudio de la enseñanza de la educación implantados en 1843, 1845, 1847, 1850, 1857, 1866, 1868, 1884, 1886 y 1929. La creación de Cátedras de las diferentes disciplinas que integran el curriculum de los estudios de Medicina va cobrando realidad según se van implantando los nuevos planes de estudio. Los títulos universitarios que dispensaron las Facultades de Medicina en España durante el periodo historiado, regulados por los planes de estudio y las disposiciones vigentes fueron los de Bachiller, Licenciado y Doctor.
Aquesta tesi explora els orígens de la pintura abstracta des d'un punt de vista eminentment conceptual. Parteix de la hipòtesi que l'abstracció es pot considerar la culminació dels ideals estètics del Simbolisme finisecular; i considera que un dels elements de continuïtat entre Simbolisme i abstracció fou l'ideal de l'obra d'art total o Gesamtkunstwerk. La tesi estudia els pintors Vassily Kandinsky i Piet Mondrian per mostrar, a través de l'anàlisi de les seves obres i textos, que aquest ideal d'obra total fou per ambdós un leit-motiv fonamental en la seva evolució vers l'abstracció. En el cas de Kandinsky s'estudien especialment les seves composicions escèniques, i en el cas de Mondrian, l'arranjament del seu estudi, projectes en el marc dels quals es va desenvolupar la seva pintura. En ambdós casos, com també en el Simbolisme, el projecte de l'obra d'art total es considera tant des de la vessant artística, com en relació al seu valor utòpic.
Esta dissertação tem como foco a política baiana, na primeira metade dos anos 1930. Centrando a análise na figura de Juracy Magalhães, que ocupou a interventoria do estado da Bahia de agosto de 1931 a outubro de 1934, quando foi eleito, de forma indireta, para governador do estado. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é identificar quais estratégias de Juracy Magalhães permitiram que, em um curto espaço de tempo, o tenente cearense assumisse o controle político da Bahia. Ou seja, entender como o militar cearense, considerado um forasteiro na Bahia, consegue se transformar numa das mais importantes lideranças políticas do estado. Enfim, estudaremos o período de 1931 a 1934, que corresponde aos anos em que Juracy Magalhães edificou sua forma de atuação na política baiana.
The expansion of shrimp farming has caused a series of environmental impacts, often as a result of lack of planning and adequate management. Organic aquaculture has emerged as an alternative to conventional shrimp farming, and differently, aims at the economical, ecological and farming potential of other organisms, such as fishes, oysters and seaweeds. The present study aimed at evaluating the biological diversity and abundance of the ichthyofauna associated to Litopenaeus vannamei organic culture at PRIMAR farm (Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). The sampling period consisted of four culture cycles (1, 2, 3, and 4) accomplished in four grow-out ponds (V1, V7, V2, and V4) in 2005. The first two culture cycles were carried out during the rainy season, and the last two cycles, during the dry season. Environmental (temperature, salinity, transparency, and rainfall), biodiversity (diversity and uniformity and abundance indexes) of the ichthyofauna, and shrimp productivity data were collected throughout these four culture cycles. The results obtained for the environmental variables showed that both salinity and transparency oscillated in a significant way (p < 0.001) between culture cycles. In relation to the abundance of the ichthyofauna, fifty four species associated to the organic culture of Litopenaeus vannamei were collected and identified at PRIMAR. For the biodiversity criterion, larger species richness (S = 46) and uniformity (E = 0.59 ± 0.16) were observed during cycles 3 and 4 than in cycles 1 and 2 (S = 41 and E = 0.15 ± 0.12). A positive and significant correlation was obtained for the transparency with diversity and uniformity of fish species between cycles 1 and 2 (wet season) and cycles 3 and 4 (dry season) (p < 0.017 - Shannon Index; p < 0.008 - Pielou Index, respectively). A correlation could not be established between shrimp productivity and fish biomass. However, fish biomass decreased from cycles 1 and 2 to cycles 3 and 4, concomitant with an increase in shrimp productivity, most probably due to a higher (from 58.0% to 71.0%) shrimp survival. Regarding the culture potential of the ichthyofauna, three species (Mugil curema, Mugil liza and Chaetodipterus faber) were identified as potential farming alternatives, either singly or in consortium with Litopenaeus vannamei. A fourth species (Centropomus undecimalis) was indicated as an alternative for single culture or in consortium with other fish species. In conclusion, the large diversity of estuarine fishes associated to Litopenaeus vannamei farming observed at PRIMAR clearly indicated the ecological feasibility for organic aquaculture in northeastern Brazil
The shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei has been grown in highly variable environments, especially in relation to salinity and water temperature. The adjustment to such conditions mainly involves changes in behavior, physiology, particularly in the immune response. This may consequently reduce the welfare of these animals. Despite the widespread farming of the species, little is known about their behavioral and physiological responses under stressful conditions. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the influence of different salinities and temperatures in the behavior of the marine shrimp L. vannamei, and its relation to the total hemocytes count. In the laboratory, juvenile shrimp were kept in glass aquaria with a closed water recirculation system, continuous aeration and filtration, and under a 12:12 h light/dark cycle. Behavioral observations occurred 1, 4, 7 and 10 h after the start of each phase (light or dark). To assess the influence of salinity, shrimp were first acclimated and then observed at 2, 30 or 50 ppm salinity water, while temperatures tested were 18, 28 and 33 ° C. At the end of each experiment (30 days), shrimp hemolymph was collected for subsequent total hemocytes count (THC), a parameter used to assess stress. In general, feeding behavior was modified under lower salinity and temperature, with reduced values in feeding, exploration and digestive tract filling. Inactivity and burrowing were prevalent under extreme conditions water salinity and temperature, respectively: 2 and 50 ppm and 18 and 33 ° C; crawling was also less frequent under these conditions. In regards to light/dark cycle, shrimp were more active during the dark phase (crawling and swimming), while burrowing was higher during the light phase, regardless of salinity or temperature of the water. Inactivity behavior did not vary according to the light/dark cycle. Moreover, the total hemocytes count (THC) was reduced under 2 and 50 ppm salinity and 18 ° C temperature. Farming of L. vannamei under extremely low or high salinities and low temperatures is harmful. This suggests the species must be cultivated in salinities closer to those of the sea as well as at high temperatures, which seems to be ideal for a management focused on animal welfare, therefore, producing healthier shrimp
Carciniculture in Brazil occupies world-wide prominence due to shrimp culture, and the state of Rio Grande do Norte has presented the best results in the culture of the Litopenaeus vannamei in the last decade. This species has been shown to adapt easily to different environments and is between the five most cultivated penaeids of the world. The ponds are usually constructed in areas close to water courses and estuaries. Stock density and substrate ponds can pollute environment, causing losses in the growth and survival of the shrimps, being considered stress factors. Shrimps in inadequate densities and substrates can result reduced productivity of the farm; and favor diseases. So, it is important to verify how these variables influence the development of the animals in the culture farms. Our objective was to study the influence of the type of substrate and the stock density on the behavior and haemocyte count of the L. vannamei. Individually marked juvenile shrimps were kept in aquaria with 30 L of seawater and continuous aeration, in 12L-12D photoperiod. They were observed through Ad libitum and focal sampling instantaneous methods during thirty days, five times per week, six times per day (8:00 to 18:00) in windows of 15 minutes every two hours. The marking of carapace permitted quantifying molting and the feeding was supplied three times a day. Two experiments were carried out: the first one tested animals in the three different substrates (fine sand, smaller rocks-SPP and biggest rocks-SGR) with 33 shrimp/m2. In the second one, the animals were tested in three stock densities (26, 52 and 66 shrimp/m2) in fine sand substrate. At the end of experiment, biometry (first and second ones) and haemocyte count (second one) were made. The behavior of the L. vannamei seems to have been influenced by substrate and stocking density. In low granulometry of the substrate; the exploratory behavior became more frequent and inactivity of the shrimps was reduced. Burrowing was registered in sand substrate, specially in the initial period of the day. Cleaning was gradually higher along the day, presenting the biggest levels as the dark phase approached. The ingestion of feeding was more frequent in low density, and the animals were bigger and heavier at the end of the experiment. In the fine sand condition, the animals presented better growth, probably associated with the burrowing. The molting was equivalent in all types of substrate, but it was more frequent in high densities. Mortality of the shrimps was more frequent in high densities, and cannibalism and diseases were also registered in that condition. The clinical signals were similar to the ones of infectious mionecrosis (IMNV), generally associated with environment and physical stress. The haemocyte count was low for the hematologic standards of the penaeid, which we attributed for greater dilution of haemolymph in the postmolting phase. Smaller shrimps presented lower levels of haemocytes in relation to the bigger animals, count was also low in 26 shrimp/m2 density. The study demonstrates that stocking density and the granulometry of the substrate can affect the welfare, the health and the behavior of the L. vannamei. The sand substrate and low stocking density can be important tools in the management systems of shrimp production
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Theodor Harburger
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F05532