365 resultados para Martens


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The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of a high-carbohydrate diet (HC) and a high-protein diet (HP) on the metabolism of the crayfish Parastacus brasiliensis (Von Martens, 1869), collected in different seasons and maintained in the laboratory for 15 days. Crayfish were collected monthly from January 2002 to January 2004 at São Francisco de Paula, Southern Brazil, in Guarapirá stream. In the laboratory, the animals were kept submerged in aquariums under controlled conditions. They were fed ad libitum, for 15 days with either a HC or HP diet. At the end of this period, haemolymph samples were collected, as were hepatopancreas, gills, and abdominal muscle that were removed for determination of glycogen, free glucose, lipids, and triglycerides. The haemolymph samples were used for determination of glucose, proteins, lipids, and triglycerides. Statistical analysis (ANOVA) revealed significant seasonal differences in biochemical composition in crayfish maintained on HC or HP diets. Independent of the diets offered to the animals and the controlled conditions for 15 days, the indications of seasonality were unchanged. The observed changes seemed to be related to the reproductive period. Moreover, the HC diet increased all energy reserves in adult parastacids, which may aid in reproduction.


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Growth, metabolic rate, and energy reserves of Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) juveniles were evaluated in crayfish acclimated for 16 weeks to either 25ºC (temperature near optimum) or 20ºC (marginal for the species). Additionally, the modulating effect of ecdsyone on acclimation was studied. After 12 weeks of exposure, weight gain of both experimental groups acclimated to 25ºC (control: C25, and ecdysone treated: E25) was significantly higher than that of those groups acclimated to 20ºC (C20 and E20). A total compensation in metabolic rate was seen after acclimation from 25ºC to 20ºC; for both the control group and the group treated with ecdysone. A Q10value significantly higher was only observed in the group acclimated to 20ºC and treated with ecdysone. A reduction of glycogen reserves in both hepatopancreas and muscle, as well as a lower protein content in muscle, was seen in both groups acclimated to 20ºC. Correspondingly, glycemia was always higher in these groups. Increased lipid levels were seen in the hepatopancreas of animals acclimated to 20ºC, while a higher lipid level was also observed in muscle at 20ºC, but only in ecdysone-treated crayfish.


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In order to evaluate the diversity and infestation level of Teredinidae wood-boring molluscs, ten satations were chosen along the coast of Rio de Janeiro State. Using five pine-wood panels in each station, it was possible to distinguish five areas according to species dominance. Ilha Grande Bay is characterized by the dominance of Lyrodus floridanus (Bartsch, 1922); Sepetiba Bay, by Bankia fimbriatula Moll & Roch, 1931, Tijuca Lagoon by Teredo navalis Linnaeus, 1758; Guanabara Bay by Notoredo knoxi (Bartsch, 1917) and Araruama Lagoon by Teredo furcifera Martens, 1894. Specific composition and dominance of these species were due mainly to abiotic factors such as salinity whereas infestation level was associated not only to salinity but also to other factors such as the quantity and quality of fouling, the presence of larval dispersion focus and the wood supply in each area.


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Megalobulimus lopesi, a new species of megalobulimidae, is described with basis on conchyological and anatomical characters. It is very close to M. grandis (Martens, 1885), the largest species of land gastropds of Brazil, from Sao Sebastiao Island (23º49'S 45º20'W).


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Two samples of Biomphalaria prona (Martens, 1873) from Lake Valencia (type locality) and seven from other Venezuelan localities were studied morphologically (shell and reproductive system) and biochemically (allozyme electrophoresis). In spite of marked differences in shell characters, all of them proved indistinguishable under the anatomic and biochemical criteria. So far B. prona has been considered an endemic species, restricted to Lake Valencia. It is now demonstrated that the extralacustrine populations refered to Biomphalaria havanensis (Pfeiffer, 1839) by several authors correspond in shell characters to an extreme variant of B. prona from the Lake and really belong to the last*mentioned species. They may be regarded as the result of a process of directional selection favoring a shell phenotype other than those making up the modal class in the Lake.


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In the course of two trips to Central America (June 1967 and JulyAugust 1976) I had the opportunity of collecting topotypic specimens of Planorbis nicaraguanus Morelet, 1849, anatomically defined in this paper, and of P. yzabalensis Crosse & Fischer, 1879, the identity of the latter with Drepanotrema anatinum (Orbigny, 1835) is confirmed. The following planorbid species were also found: Helisoma trivolvis (Say, 1817) in Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica and Belize; H. duryi (Wetherby, 1879) in Costa Rica; Biomphalaria helophila (Orbigny, 1835) in Guatemala, Belize, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and El Salvador; B. kuhniana (Clessin, 1883) in Panama; B. obstructa (Morelet,1849) in Guatemala, Belize and El Salvador; B. straminea (Dunker, 1848) in Costa Rica; B. subprona (Martens, 1899) in Guatemala; D. anatinum (Orbigny,1835) in Belize, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Costa Rica; D. depressissimum (Moricand,1839) in Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama; D. lucidum (Pfeiffer, 1839) in Guatemala, Belize and Nicaragua; D. surinamense (Clessin, 1884) in Costa Rica and Panama; and Gyraulus percarinatus sp. n. in Panama. The occurrence of B. kuhniana and D. surinamense is first recorded in Central America, and Gyraulus percarinatus is the first representative of the genus provenly occurring in the American continent south of the United States. The following synonymy is proposed: Planorbis declivis Tate, 1870 = Biomphalaria helophila (Orbigny, 1835); Planorbis isthmicus Pilsbry, 1920 = Biomphalaria kuhniana (Clessin, 1883); Planorbis cannarum Morelet, 1849 and Segmentina donbilli Tristram, 1861 = Biomphalaria obstructa (Morelet, 1849); and Planorbis yzabalensis Crosse & Fischer, 1879 = Drepanotrema anatinum (Orbigny, 1835), confirming Aguayo (1933).


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The 1st International Symposium on Ostracoda (ISO) was held in Naples (1963). The philosophy behind this symposium and the logical outcome of what is now known as the International Research Group on Ostracoda (IRGO) is here reviewed, namely ostracodology over the last 50 years is sociologically analysed. Three different and important historic moments for the scientific achievements of this domain are recognised. The first one, between about 1963-1983, is related to applied research for the oil industry as well as to the great interest in the better description of the marine environment by both zoologists and palaeontologists. Another important aspect during this period was the work by researchers dealing with Palaeozoic ostracods, who had their own discussion group, IRGPO. Gradually, the merger of this latter group with those dealing with post-Palaeozoic ostracods at various meetings improved communication between the two groups of specialists. A second period was approximately delineated between 1983 and 2003. During this time-slice, more emphasis was addressed to environmental research with topics such as the study of global events and long-term climate change. Ostracodologists profited also from the research "politics" within national and international programmes. Large international research teams emerged using new research methods. During the third period (2003-2013), communication and collaborative research reached a global dimension. Amongst the topics of research we cite the reconstruction of palaeoclimate using transfer functions, the building of large datasets of ostracod distributions for regional and intercontinental studies, and the implementation of actions that should lead to taxonomic harmonisation. Projects within which molecular biological techniques are routinely used, combined with sophisticated morphological information, expanded now in their importance. The documentation of the ostracod description improved through new techniques to visualise morphological details, which stimulated also communication between ostracodologists. Efforts of making available ostracod information through newsletters and electronic media are evoked.


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In so-called unisexual teleost fishes, a broad spectrum of evolutionaty stages with varying amounts of sexual elements has evolved. These range from pure sperm-dependent parthenogenesis (gynogenesis) without or with different amounts of paternal leakage to hybridogenesis with hemiclonal diploid gametogenesis or genome elimination folowed by meiosis (meiotic hybridogenesis). All of these phenomena are hybrid origin. Many of these fish form complexes which involve the coexistence of one or more sexually reproducing species with derived all-female forms that have various ploidy levels and reproductive modes, including gynogenesis, (meiotic) hybridogenesis nnd sexual reproduction. In teleosts, parthenogenetic reproduction is strictly dependent on sperm to initate embryonic development. As opposed to true parthenogenesis, sperm-dependent parthenogenetic teleost lineages must primarily coexist with their "sperm donor", usually males from a parental sexual lineage or from a related sexual species. In some systems, gynogens were able to escape from their initial sperm donors ("host switch") and therefore, to enlarge their ranges and ecological niches. Sperm donors normally do not contribue genetically to the next generation. However, paternal leakage is observed in many systems contributing differing amounts of genetic material (from microchromosomes to entire chromosome sets) allowing interaction between genomes of different origin. Hybridogenesis is similar to gynogenesis in depending upon coexisence with sexual species but incorporates recombined genetic material by true fertilizazion. While hybridogens usually form clonal gametes, some triploids are capable of genome elimination followed by a normal diploid meiosis. Sperm-dependent parthenogenesis and hybridogenesis combine disadvantages and advantages from both sexuality and asexuality. Here, we give an overview of sperm-dependent breeding complexes in fishes, discuss the evolutionary consequences of paternal leakage, and speculate about the evolutionary significance of intergenomic (re)combination.


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Neste artigo, aborda-se a orientação empreendedora (OE) em organizações de software. Tem-se por objetivo propor um conjunto consolidado de elementos que possibilitem guiar ações visando à orientação empreendedora em organizações de software. Para tanto, realizou-se pesquisa de natureza exploratória, com o uso de dados qualitativos. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de entrevistas em profundidade com executivos de 13 organizações com o intuito de realizar um levantamento de práticas efetivas de orientação empreendedora, para compreensão desse comportamento nas organizações e confirmação dos elementos da base conceitual de orientação empreendedora adotada no estudo. Como resultado, apresenta-se um conjunto de elementos da orientação empreendedora, consolidado a partir da literatura e da prática efetiva das organizações, que constitui importante referência para guiar ações visando à orientação empreendedora em organizações de software. O estudo conclui com o enriquecimento e o detalhamento da base conceitual de orientação empreendedora, com a proposição de categorias, agregação de novos elementos decorrentes da prática organizacional e a consolidação do conjunto de elementos, oferecendo subsídios às organizações de software que desejem desenvolver esse comportamento.


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We consider an irreversible autocatalytic conversion reaction A+B->2A under subdiffusion described by continuous-time random walks. The reactants transformations take place independently of their motion and are described by constant rates. The analog of this reaction in the case of normal diffusion is described by the Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov equation leading to the existence of a nonzero minimal front propagation velocity, which is really attained by the front in its stable motion. We show that for subdiffusion, this minimal propagation velocity is zero, which suggests propagation failure.


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The epidermis on leaves protects plants from pathogen invasion and provides a waterproof barrier. It consists of a layer of cells that is surrounded by thick cell walls, which are partially impregnated by highly hydrophobic cuticular components. We show that the Arabidopsis T-DNA insertion mutants of REDUCED WALL ACETYLATION 2 (rwa2), previously identified as having reduced O-acetylation of both pectins and hemicelluloses, exhibit pleiotrophic phenotype on the leaf surface. The cuticle layer appeared diffused and was significantly thicker and underneath cell wall layer was interspersed with electron-dense deposits. A large number of trichomes were collapsed and surface permeability of the leaves was enhanced in rwa2 as compared to the wild type. A massive reprogramming of the transcriptome was observed in rwa2 as compared to the wild type, including a coordinated up-regulation of genes involved in responses to abiotic stress, particularly detoxification of reactive oxygen species and defense against microbial pathogens (e.g., lipid transfer proteins, peroxidases). In accordance, peroxidase activities were found to be elevated in rwa2 as compared to the wild type. These results indicate that cell wall acetylation is essential for maintaining the structural integrity of leaf epidermis, and that reduction of cell wall acetylation leads to global stress responses in Arabidopsis.


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Tutkielmassa käsitellään Euroopan unionin kemikaaliasetusta 1907/2006, joka astui voimaan 1.6.2007 ja sen vaikutuksia maahantuontiyrityksen toimintaan. Kemikaaliasetusta toteutetaan soveltamalla REACH-järjestelmää. REACH tulee sanoista Registration (rekisteröinti), Evaluation (arviointi), Authorisation (lupamenettely) Chemicals (koskee kemikaaleja). Tutkielman kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään pääosin kemikaaliasetusta. Empiirisessä osassa käsitellään asetuksen tuomia haasteita ja peilataan niitä maahantuontiyrityksen tähänastisiin kokemuksiin ja vaikutelmiin. Kohdeyrityksenä on kemian alan yritys PCC SE. Tutkielmassa selvitetään myös, miten REACH on vaikuttanut tarkastus- ja testauslaitokseen. Lisäksi REACH-järjestelmää peilataan olemassa olevaan kasvinsuojelu-ainedirektiiviin ja käytännön kokemuksia saaneeseen kasvinsuojeluaine-teollisuuteen. Lyhyesti käsitellään myös joidenkin EU:n ulkopuolisten maiden kokemuksia. Johtopäätöksenä voitaneen todeta, että kemikaaliasetuksen tavoitteet, terveyttä ja ympäristöä suojelevat toimenpiteet, koetaan positiivisina asioina. Asioiden selvittely, valtava työmäärä ja korkeat kustannukset koettiin negatiivisiksi asioiksi. Markkinoiden uskotaan jakautuvan harvempien ja suurempien yritysten kesken, ja PK-yritysten toiminta-mahdollisuudet vähenevät oleellisesti. Tarkastus- ja testaus-asiantuntijoiden vähäinen määrä vaikuttaa jo nyt testausaikatauluihin ja tulee yhä enemmän vaikuttamaan tulevaisuudessa.