104 resultados para Marl.


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O intervalo que compreende o final do Paleozóico e início do Mesozóico foi marcado por mudanças globais paleogeográficas e paleoclimáticas, em parte atribuídas a eventos catastróficos. A intensa continentalização do supercontinente Pangéia, com a implantação de extensos desertos, sucedeu os ambientes costeiros-plataformais do início do Permiano. Os registros desses eventos no norte do Brasil são encontrados nas bacias intracratônicas, particularmente na Bacia do Parnaíba, representados pela zona de contato entre as formações Motuca e Sambaíba. A Formação Motuca é constituída predominantemente por pelitos vermelhos laminados com lentes de gipsita, calcita e marga. Na porção leste da Bacia do Parnaíba, as fácies da Formação Motuca tornam-se mais arenosas com a ocorrência expressiva de arenitos com estratificação cruzada sigmoidal. A Formação Sambaíba consiste em arenitos de coloração creme alaranjada com estratificação plano-paralela e estratificação cruzada de médio a grande porte. Em geral, o contato entre as unidades é brusco, representado pela passagem de arenitos finos com laminação cruzada cavalgante e acamamento flaser/wavy da Formação Motuca para arenitos médios com falhas/microfalhas sinsedimentares e laminações convolutas da Formação Sambaíba. Foram individualizadas 14 fácies sedimentares, agrupadas em quatro associações: AF1 – Lacustre raso / Planície de lama (mudflat), AF2 – “Panela” salina (saline pan), AF3 – Lençol de areia e AF4 – Campo de dunas. A AF1 foi depositada dominantemente por processos de decantação em um extenso ambiente lacustre raso de baixa energia, influenciado por influxos esporádicos de areias oriundos de rios efêmeros. Este sistema lacustre foi, provavelmente, influenciado por períodos de contração e expansão, devido às variações das condições climáticas predominantemente áridas. Os mais expressivos períodos de contração ocorreram na porção oeste da Bacia do Parnaíba, representados pelo desenvolvimento de planícies de lama (mudflats) associadas a lagoas efêmeras saturadas em carbonatos e a “panelas” salinas (saline pans- AF2). Os lençóis de areia (AF3) são planícies arenosas extensas, localmente com área úmidas, intensamente retrabalhadas por processos eólicos. A AF4 é interpretada como parte de um erg composto por dunas/draas em zona saturada em areia, com interdunas secas subordinadas. Intervalos deformados lateralmente contínuos por centenas de quilômetros ocorrem na zona de contato entre as formações Motuca e Sambaíba. Pelitos com camadas contorcidas e brechadas (Formação Motuca) e arenitos com falhas/microfalhas sinsedimentares, laminação convoluta e diques de injeção preenchidos por argilitos (Formação Sambaíba) são interpretados como sismitos induzidos por terremotos de alta magnitude (>8 na escala Ritcher). Anomalias geoquímicas de elementos traços como Mn, Cr, Co, Cu e Ni na zona de contato entre as formações, juntamente com a presença de micropartículas de composição metálica na matriz argilosa dos sismitos, corroboram com impactos de meteoritos no limite c, possivelmente do astroblema Riachão.


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A Formação Itaituba de idade carbonífera representa a sedimentação carbonática de depósitos transgressivos do Grupo Tapajós da Bacia do Amazonas. A sucessão Itaituba é interpretada como depósitos de planície de maré mista, constituídos de calcários fossilíferos, dolomitos finos, arenitos finos a grossos e subordinadamente siltitos avermelhados, evaporitos e folhelhos negros. A análise de fácies e microfácies do testemunho de sondagem da região de Uruará, Estado do Pará, permitiu individualizar dezenove fácies agrupadas em cinco associações: planície de maré (AF1), canal de maré (AF2), laguna (AF3), barra bioclástica (AF4) e plataforma externa (AF5). AF1 é composta por arenito fino com rip-up clasts e gretas de contração, marga com grãos de quartzo e feldspato, dolomudstone laminado com grãos terrígenos e dolomito fino silicificado, com intercalação de argilito com grãos de quartzo disseminados, dolomitizado e localmente com sílica microcristalina. AF2 consiste em arenito médio a grosso com estratificação cruzada acanalada, recoberta por filmes pelíticos nos foresets, arenito muito fino a fino com acamamento wavy, siltito laminado com falhas sinsedimentares e acamamento convoluto. AF3 é constituída de siltito vermelho maciço, mudstone com fósseis, floatstone com braquiópodes e pirita disseminada e mudstone maciço com frequentes grãos de quartzo. AF4 e AF5 exibem abundantes bioclastos representados por espinhos e fragmentos de equinodermas, conchas, fragmentos e espinhos de braquiópodes, ostracodes, foraminíferos, algas vermelhas e conchas de bivalves. AF4 é formada por grainstone oolítico fossilífero e grainstone com terrígenos principalmente grãos de quartzo monocristalino e AF5 se compõe de wackestone fossilífero, wackestone com terrígenos e mudstone maciço com grãos de quartzo monocristalino. Subarcósios (AF1), arcósios (AF2) e arcósios líticos (AF2) são os tipos de arenitos da sucessão Itaituba e apresentam como principais constituintes grãos de quartzo monocristalino e policristalino, K-feldspato, plagioclásio, pirita, muscovita detrítica, fragmento de rocha pelítica, metamórfica e chert e raros bioclastos. O cimento é de calcita espática não ferrosa, óxido/hidróxido de ferro e sobrecrescimento de sílica. A porosidade é intergranular, móldica e às vezes alongada, sem permeabilidade perfazendo até 11% da rocha. Os processos diagenéticos dos arenitos são compactação física, sobrecrescimento de sílica, cimentação de calcita, formação de matriz diagenética, compactação química, substituição de grãos, autigênese de pirita, formação de óxido/hidróxido de ferro e alteração do plagioclásio. Os processos diagenéticos dos carbonatos são: micritização, neomorfismo, colomitização, fraturamento, compactação química, cimentação de calcita, dissolução secundária e autigênese de minerais. A sucessão da Formação Itaituba representa um sistema de laguna/planície de maré ligada a uma plataforma marinha carbonática. Planícies de maré desenvolveram-se nas margens das lagunas e eram periodicamente supridas por influxos de terrígenos finos (silte) que inibiam a precipitação carbonática. Barras bioclásticas eram cortadas por canais de maré (inlet) que conectavam a laguna com a plataforma rasa rica em organismos bentônicos.


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O intervalo que compreende o final do Paleozoico e início do Mesozoico foi marcado por mudanças globais paleogeográficas e paleoclimáticas, em parte atribuídas a eventos catastróficos. A intensa continentalização do supercontinente Pangeia, com a implantação de extensos desertos, sucedeu os ambientes costeiro-plataformais do início do Permiano. Os registros desses eventos no norte do Brasil são encontrados nas bacias intracratônicas, particularmente na sucessão Permotriássica da Bacia do Parnaíba. A análise de fácies e estratigráfica de afloramentos desta sucessão permitiu a individualização de 14 fácies sedimentares agrupadas em 4 associações de fácies (AF): AF1 e AF2, relacionadas aos depósitos da Formação Motuca, e AF3 e AF4, representativas da base da Formação Sambaíba. A AF1 - Lacustre raso/Mudflat consiste em pelitos vermelhos laminados com lentes de gipsita, calcita e marga, além de lobos de arenitos sigmoidais. A AF2 - Saline pan é constituída por corpos lenticulares de gipso laminado, gipso nodular e gipsarenito, sobrepostos por pelitos esverdeados com nódulos de dolomita e palygorskita. A AF3 - Lençol de areia e AF4 - Campo de dunas são formadas, respectivamente, por arenitos de coloração creme alaranjada com estratificação plano-paralela e estratificação cruzada de médio a grande porte. Destaca-se o registro de intervalos deformados lateralmente contínuos por centenas de quilômetros na zona de contato entre as formações Motuca e Sambaíba. Nestes, ocorrem pelitos com camadas contorcidas e brechadas (Formação Motuca) e arenitos com falhas/microfalhas sinsedimentares, laminação convoluta e diques de injeção preenchidos por argilitos (Formação Sambaíba), interpretados como sismitos induzidos por terremotos de alta magnitude (> 8 na escala Richter).


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O livro Gestão, mediação e uso da informação vai ao encontro dos estudos teóricos e metodológicos de objetos e fenômenos que envolvem a gestão, a mediação, uso e apropriação da informação em distintos ambientes


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Hydrocarbon accumulations occur in marine carbonate reservoirs of Quissamã Formation (early to midlle Albian), southwest Campos Basin. We investigated Pampo, Bicudo and Bonito fields, in order to understand the tectono-structural framework of oncolite/bioclast coarse-grained calcarenite reservoir and the calcilutite-marl-shale sealing interval (Late Albian to Turonian). The database of eleven wells from those fields allowed to elaborate structural sections correlating the Macaé Group – both Quissamã reservoir and Outeiro seal, the latter corresponding to the tectonic deepening phase of basin evolution. Based on density and electric logs, it was prepared structural sections of the carbonate reservoirs with consequent identification of porous zones and oil-water contacts. An extensive 3-D seismic database (~300 Km2) allowed to map three reflectors which represent the limiting units of Macaé Group


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Bauen und Sprechen sind der Zeit unterworfen. Wenn Zeit über sie hinweggegangen ist, werden sie zu Zeichen. Und die Gegenwart muss sich fragen, wie sie mit diesen Zeichen umgehen will: als Vorboten ihres eigenen Vergehens oder als Feinden ihrer momentanen Befindlichkeit. Bauten, die vorgeben, die Zeiten überdauern und der Ewigkeit nahe sein zu können, sind Verwirklichungen eines utopisch-neuzeitlichen Traumes. Alterslose Perfektion fasziniert, aber sie ist nicht der Inbegriff des Menschlichen. Menschen sind auf das Unfertige ausgelegt, es steht für Vergänglichkeit, aber auch für Heimat und Nähe. Das Vergängliche bewegt mehr als das immer-Gleiche; es kann im Geist neue Projekte erzeugen, neue und andere Bauten, keine Kopien der alten. Doch es muss nicht immer so kommen.


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Oxygen-isotope variations were analyzed on bulk samples of shallow-water lake marl from Gerzensee, Switzerland, in order to evaluate major and minor climatic oscillations during the late-glacial. To highlight the overall signature of the Gerzensee δ18O record, δ18O records of four parallel sediment cores were first correlated by synchronizing major isotope shifts and pollen abundances. Then the records were stacked with a weighting depending on the differing sampling resolution. To develop a precise chronology, the δ18O-stack was then correlated with the NGRIP δ18O record applying a Monte Carlo simulation, relying on the assumption that the shifts in δ18O were climate-driven and synchronous in both archives. The established chronology on the GICC05 time scale is the basis for (1) comparing the δ18O changes recorded in Gerzensee with observed climatic and environmental fluctuations over the whole North Atlantic region, and (2) comparing sedimentological and biological changes during the rapid warming with smaller climatic variations during the Bølling/Allerød period. The δ18O record of Gerzensee is characterized by two major isotope shifts at the onset and at the termination of the Bølling/Allerød warm period, as well as four intervening negative shifts labeled GI-1e2, d, c2, and b, which show a shift of one third to one fourth of the major δ18O shifts at the beginning and end of the Bølling/Allerød. Despite some inconsistency in terminology, these oscillations can be observed in various climatic proxies over wide regions in the North Atlantic region, especially in reconstructed colder temperatures, and they seem to be caused by hemispheric climatic variations.


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Prior to ca. 14,660 yr BP, during the early Late-glacial (Oldest Dryas), larval assemblages of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) in Gerzensee, Switzerland, were dominated by cold stenothermic taxa as well as by taxa typical of subalpine lakes today. This was the coldest period of the entire sequence. After ca. 14,660 yr BP, in the Late Glacial Interstadial (Bølling–Allerød), a temperature increase is recorded by a sharp rise in the oxygen-isotope ratio in lake marl and by an increase in the organic-matter content of the sediments. Changes in the chironomid fauna then are consistent with rising temperatures. This warming trend is interrupted between 14,070 and 13,940 yr BP, coinciding with the GI-1d cold oscillation, but the change in the chironomid assemblage is more consistent with a response to increasing lake depth and density of aquatic macrophytes than falling temperature. A rise in cold-adapted chironomid taxa between 13,840 and 13,710 yr BP suggests that summer air temperatures may have declined. Changes in the chironomid assemblage after 13,710 yr BP suggest a decline in submerged macrophytes coupled with a rise in lake productivity and summer temperature, although the latter is not reflected in the oxygen-isotope record. This suggests that there may have been increasing seasonality during this period when summer temperatures were rising, driven by rising summer insolation, and winters becoming cooler, which is largely reflected in the oxygen-isotope record. A decline in thermophilic chironomids and a rise in cold-adapted taxa after 13,180 yr BP suggest a response to cooling at the beginning of the Gerzensee Oscillation.


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The transition from the Oldest Dryas to the Bølling around 14,685 cal yr BP was a period of extremely rapid climatic warming. From a single core of lake marl taken at Gerzensee (Switzerland) we studied the transition in stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon on bulk sediment and charophyte remains, as well as on monospecific samples of ostracods, after Pisidium a; in addition pollen, chironomids, and Cladocera were analyzed. The δ18O record serves as an estimate of mean air temperature, and by correlation to the one from NGRIP in Greenland it provides a timescale. The timing of responses: The statistically significant zone boundaries of the biostratigraphies are telescoped at the rapid increase of about 3‰ in δ18O at the onset of Bølling. Biotic responses may have occurred within sampling resolution (8 to 16 years), although younger zone boundaries are less synchronous. Gradual and longer-lasting responses include complex processes such as primary or secular succession. During the late-glacial interstadial of Bølling and Allerød, two stronger and two weaker cool phases were found. Biological processes involved in the responses occurred on levels of individuals (e.g. pollen productivity), of populations (increases or decreases, immigration, or extinction), and on the ecosystem level (species interactions such as facilitation or competition). Abiotic and biotic interactions include pedogenesis, nitrogen-fixation, nutrient cycling, catchment hydrology, water chemistry of the lake and albedo (controlled by the transition from tundra to forest). For the Swiss Plateau this major change in vegetation induced a change in the mammal fauna, which in turn led to changes in the tool-making by Paleolithic people.


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Correction of complex deformities is a challenging procedure. Long-term wearing of a fixator after correction and lengthening are inconvenient and has a high rate of complication. The goals of the surgical treatment in the presented case were: (1) correction of the deformity and lengthening of the left leg by the Taylor spatial frame (TSF, Smith and Nephew, Marl, Germany); (2) reduction in the time the patient wears the TSF by changing the fixation system to a plate (lengthening then plating-LTP) and using a locking compression plate in conjunction with the 5.0 dynamic locking screws in order to accelerate bone healing.


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Qualitative and quantitative changes in fossil flora and fauna have been used in many studies to infer climatic change. Here we ask a different question: how do flora and fauna respond to climatic changes such as rapid warming or cooling? As an independent proxy for paleotemperature we take the ratio of oxygen isotopes in biogenically precipitated lake marl and in ostracod shells. This introductory paper describes the project design and the five sites on an altitudinal transect from 600 m to about 2300 m asl in the western Swiss Alps. As cases of climatic cooling and warming we use the beginning and end of the Younger Dryas as major changes, and the Gerzensee and Preboreal oscillations as minor changes. At the two sites of Gerzensee and Leysin these changes are recorded in stable-isotope ratios, and there the time scales can be derived by correlations to the GRIP ice core (Schwander et al., 2000 and von Grafenstein et al., 2000). Biotic responses to climate changes are treated in individual papers using pollen (Wick, 2000), plant macrofossils (Tobolski and Ammann, 2000), and remains of chironomids (Brooks, 2000), beetles and other insects (Lemdahl, 2000), and chydorid Cladocera (Hofmann, 2000). They are followed by a synthesis focusing on quantification of biotic responses (Ammann et al., 2000). In addition, a reconstruction of summer temperatures for the Allerød and the Younger Dryas at Gerzensee is provided by Lotter et al. (2000).


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Distribution patterns and petrographical and mineral chemistry data are described for the most representative basement lithologies occuring as clast in the c. 824 m thick Tertiary sedimentary sequence at the CRP-3 drillsite. These are granule to bolder grain size clasts of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Within the basement clast assemblage, granitoid pebbles are the predominant lithology. They consist of dominant grey biotic-bearing monzogranite, pink biotite-hornblende monzogranite, and biotite-bearing leucomomonzgranite. Minor lithologies include: actinolite-bearing leucotonalite, microgranite, biotite-hornblende quartz-monzonitic porphyr, and foliated biotic leucomonzogranite. Metamorphic clasts include rocks of both granitic and sedimentary derivation. They include mylonitic biotic orthogneiss, with or without garnet, muscovite-bearing quartzite, sillimanite-biotite paragneiss, biotite meta-sandstone, biotite-spotted schist, biotite-clacite-clinoamphibole meta-feldspathic arenite, biotite-calcite-clinozoisite meta-siltstone, biotite±clinoamphibole meta-marl, and graphite-bearing marble. As in previous CRP drillcores, the ubiquitous occurence of biotite±hornblende monzogranite pebbles is indicative of a local provenance, closely mirroring the dominance of these lithologies in the on-shore basement, where the Cambro-Ordovician Granite Harbour Intrusive Complex forms the most extensively exposed rock unit.


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We investigated two lignite quarries in northern Greece for orbital and suborbital climate variability. Sections Lava and Vegora are located at the southern and northern boundaries of the Ptolemais Basin, a northwest southeast elongated intramontane basin that contains Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene lacustrine sediments. Sediments show cyclic alterations of marl-rich (light), and coal-rich or clay-rich (dark) strata on a decimeter to meter scale. First, we established low-resolution ground-truth stratigraphy based on paleomagnetics and biostratigraphy. Accordingly, the lower 67 m and 65 m that were investigated in both sections Vegora and Lava, respectively, belong to the Upper Miocene and cover a time period of 6.85 to 6.57 and 6.46 to 5.98 Ma at sedimentation rates of roughly 14 and 22 cm/ka. In order to obtain a robust and high-resolution chronology, we then tuned carbonate minima (low L* values; high magnetic susceptibility values) to insolation minima. Besides the known dominance of orbital precession and eccentricity, we detected a robust hemi-precessional cycle in most parameters, most likely indicative for monsoonal influence on climate. Moreover, the insolation-forced time series indicate a number of millennial-scale frequencies that are statistically significant with dominant periods of 1.5-8 kyr. Evolutionary spectral analysis indicates that millennial-scale climate variability documented for the Ptolemais Basin resembles the one that is preserved in ice-core records of Greenland. Most cycles show durations of several tens of thousands of years before they diminish or cease. This is surprising because the generally argued cause for Late Quaternary millennial-scale variability is associated with the presence of large ice sheets, which cannot be the case for the Upper Miocene. Possible explanations maybe a direct response to solar forcing, an influence on the formation of North Atlantic Deep Water through the outflow of high-salinity water, or an atmospheric link to the North Atlantic Oscillation.


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The discovery of a neolithic pile field in the shallow water near the eastern shore of the Degersee confirmed earlier palynological and sedimentological studies stating that early man was active in the region since more than 6000 years. The already available off-site data were freshly assessed, completed by additional data from old and new cores and the interpretations revised. A common time scale for the off-site data and the on-site data was obtained by AMS dating of terrestrial macro remains of the neolithic section of off-site core De_I+De_H. The ages can thus be parallelled with AMS ages of construction timber on-site. Pollen analyses from all cores provide a further time scale. The continuously and densely sampled pollen profile of the profundal zone embracing the entire Late glacial and Holocene serves as a reference. From the Boreal onwards the relative ages are transformed by AMS ages and varve counts into calibrated and absolute. A transect cored close to the neolithic pile field across the lake marl-platform demonstrates its geological architecture in the shallow water since the Lateglacial. Studies of the microfabric of thin sections of drilled cores and of box cores from the excavations demonstrate that neolithic settlements now at 2-3,5 m water depth had been erected on lake marl freshly fallen dry, thus indicating earlier lake levels dropped by 1.5-2 m. The neolithic section of the highly resolved off-site profile in the lake=s profundal zone has laminated and calcareous zones alternating with massive ones. Assemblages of diatoms and concentrations of trace elements changing simultaneously characterise the calcareous sections as deposits of low lake levels that lasted between some 40 and more than 300 years. The ages of discovered lake shore dwellings fall into calcareous segments with low lake levels. From the end of the Upper Atlantic period (F VII) appear Secondary Forest Cycles in the beech forest, a man-made sequence of repeated vegetational development with an identical pattern: With a decrease of beech pollen appear pollen of grasses, herbs and cultural indicators. These are suppressed by the light demanding hazel and birch, those again by ash, and finally by the shade demanding beech forming a new pollen peak. Seven main Forest Cycles are identified In the upper Neolithic period each comprising some 250, 450 or 800 years. They are subdivided into subcycles that can be broken down by very dense sampling in even shorter cycles of decadal length. Farming settlers have caused minor patchy clearances of the beech-mixed-forest with the use of fire. The phases of clearance coincide with peaks of charcoal and low stands of the lake levels. The Secondary Forest Cycles and the continuous occurrence of charcoal prove a continued occupation of the region. Together with the repeated restoration of the beech climax forest they point to pulsating occupation probably associated with dynamic demography. The synchronism of the many palynological, sedimentological and archaeological data point to an external forcing as the climate that affects comprehensively all these proxies. The fluctuations of the activity of the sun as manifested in the residual d14C go largely along with the proxies. The initial clearances at the begin of the forest cycles are linked to low lake levels and negative values of d14C that point to dry and warm phases of a more continental climate type. The subcycles exist independent from climatic changes, indicating that early man acted largely independent from external forces.


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The Br/Cl, Li/Cl and B/Cl ratios and boron isotope compositions of hypersaline pore fluids from DSDP Sites 372 and 374 were measured in an attempt to evaluate the origin of the brines. In Site 374 the relationships between the Cl concentrations (up to 5000 mM) and Br/Cl (~0.012), Na/Cl (as low as 0.1), B/Cl (0.0025), and d11B values (43-55?) of the deep pore water between 380 and 405 mbsf, located within the Messinian sediments, reflect remnants of ~65-fold evaporated sea water. The original evaporated sea water was modified by: (1) dilution with overlying or less saline water by about 30%; and (2) slight dissolution of NaCl evaporites. The variations in d11B show a continuous increase in d11B values with depth in Site 374, up to 66.7? at a depth of 300 mbsf (Upper Pliocene marl sediments). The conspicuous 11B enrichment trend is consistent with elemental boron depletion, which was calculated from the expected boron concentrations of evaporated sea water with corresponding Br/Cl and Na/Cl ratios. Li/Cl variations also show a depletion of Li relative to evaporated sea water. The apparent depletions of B and Li, as well as the 11B enrichment, reflect uptake of these elements by clay minerals at low water/sediment ratios.