985 resultados para Marine algae -- Catalonia -- Costa Brava


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The geoambiental and landscape description of the beach-dune system of Cala Borró, (Cap Ras), placed in the town of Colera (Alt Empordà), is carried out. The dunar system, developed with orientation and N-S, links three beach pockets following the topographic slopes of the torrential basins. We find coalescence of dunes in the upper zones, which were possibly an object of reafforestation in the 19thC. to avoid erosion


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Les segones residencies han estat un dels veritables motors del creixement del nombre d'habitatges a la demarcació de Girona, especialment durant la segona meitat del segle XX. L'explotació i especialització de la zona Costa Brava és i ha estat un dels fenòmens mes importants en el panorama constructor no només de la província sinó a nivell de Catalunya. En aquest estudi s'observa que aquest tipus d'habitatge a la Costa Brava ha sofert canvis en l'última dècada (1992-2002). I de fet, el creixement d’aquesta modalitat d'habitatges s'ha localitzat en nuclis específics


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Ressenya de l' obra d'en Josep Duran i Carpintero, 'Itineraris geológics per la Costa Brava' i editada pel Consorci de la Costa Brava l'any 1989. El llibre inclou 8 itineraris per la Costa Brava, cadascun d' ells amb una fitxa tècnica amb informació pel docent o visitant, una descripció geològica i activitats i qüestions per a l'alumne


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The geometry of Riera de Tossa (Costa Brava, Catalonia) Pleistocene paleovalley has been studied by two geophysical prospecting methods: vertical electric sounding (VES-DC) and seismic refraction. The results show the existence of a sudden slope change of the thalweg that permits to differentiate two sections where erosion processes operated in unequal intensity. Based on geological and geomorphological available data, it can be inferred that this slope rupture is caused by the litological control imposed by the alineation of resistant materials, which limited the headward erosion extend of the creek during the Upper Pleistocene


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The biocatalytic reduction of acetophenone derivatives was exploited by using algal biomass from Bostrychia radicans and B. tenella producing exclusively (S)-2-phenylethanols with high enantiomeric excess (> 99% ee). Bacterial populations associated with algal biomass were identified as the Bacillus genus. This report deals with the first investigations involving the use of marine bacteria associated with B. radicans and B. tenella marine algae for the biocatalytic reduction of acetophenone derivatives.


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Copyright © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg and AWI 2014.


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L’objecte d’aquest projecte és definir totes les instal·lacions que caldria construir per tal de dotar l’Aeroport de Girona-Costa Brava d’una plataforma (àrea pavimentada) especial d’estacionament que servís per al desgel i la neteja d’aeronaus, minimitzant al màxim l’impacte sobre el medi ambient i garantint el manteniment de l’operativitat a l’aeroport. El disseny d’aquesta plataforma hauria de permetre recollir l’aigua amb etilenglicol procedent de les operacions de desgel i conduir-la a un dipòsit per al seu posterior tractament i reutilització, a fi de no contaminar el subsòl i les aigües subterrànies. En cas de no utilitzar-se, l’aigua recollida en aquesta plataforma es conduiria a la xarxa d’aigües pluvials


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Eighty-four species of benthic and one species of planktonic Foraminifera,classified under 40 genera and 34 families reported for Costa Rica are listed in thispaper. These lists are based on literature data and ongoing studies. All (except forfour species from the Caribbean) are reports from the Pacific Ocean, and most arefrom offshore or have no specific indication of where in Costa Rica the Foraminiferawere collected. Of the other Central American countries there is little informationexcept from Panama. More research is needed on Foraminifera, since they may bea predominant group in some areas and ecosystems, for example the meiofauna ofCaño Island, and much more research is need on planktonic Foraminifera.


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The metodology used in the research of materials destinated to port constructions in the Costa Brava is described. This metodology follows a set of work steps. The first three allow to do a selection of the stone quarries that exist in the zone. The other steps consists in studing the materials and the characteristics of the chosen quarries and the zones closed to them, as to order them according to their utility in port constmctions. Finally, the main results obtained are explained