986 resultados para Mapa digital


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A presente tese propõe uma metodologia de vídeo-mapeamento móvel georreferenciado a partir do desenvolvimento de protótipos que utilizam uma Interface de Geovisualização Multimídia para sincronizar o registro (em vídeo) de um local ou evento de interesse com a rota percorrida pelo veículo de inspeção (sobre mapa ou imagem), através da coleta de dados por sensores móveis: câmera digital, microfone, receptor GNSS e bússola digital. A interface permite a integração desses sensores com os atuais serviços de mapas digitais disponíveis na web. Sistemas como esse melhoram significativamente as análises temporais, a gestão e a tomada de decisão. A interface proposta e desenvolvida no presente trabalho é útil para muitas aplicações como ferramenta de monitoramento e inventário. Esta interface pode ser entendida como o componente visual de um sistema de mapeamento móvel ou como um sistema cartográfico alternativo ou complementar, para aplicações em que a precisão geométrica do receptor GNSS, na modalidade de navegação, é suficiente e sua acessibilidade, um fator competitivo. As aplicações desenvolvidas no presente trabalho foram duas: um sistema de monitoramento e inventário de placas de sinalização viária e um sistema de monitoramento de cheias/secas e inventário de propriedades na borda de reservatórios de hidroelétricas, ambos em pleno funcionamento.


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El artículo presenta una investigación en la que se analizan, desde una perspectiva lexicométrica y factorial, los aspectos lingüísticos y paralingüísticos más relevantes de la escritura digital síncrona del adolescente español, en uno de los programas de mensajería instantánea más utilizados en la actualidad (WhatsApp©). La escritura en soportes digitales móviles (smartphones y tabletas) es una de las actividades más realizadas en nuestra sociedad y constituye un componente esencial de la competencia comunicativa en la Sociedad de la Información. La comunicación digital forma parte de nuestras vidas y el análisis del uso comunicativo digital y ubicuo con dispositivos y programas tiene amplias repercusiones sociales, lingüísticas y pedagógicas. La investigación se ha contextualizado en una muestra de 417 conversaciones de WhatsApp de estudiantes de enseñanza secundaria, de entre 13 y 16 años, en cuatro provincias españolas. La metodología de investigación ha sido de corte cuantitativa para abordar el análisis lexicométrico del corpus lingüístico-digital con referencia a los elementos lingüísticos y paralingüísticos más relevantes; para, posteriormente, realizar el análisis de las correlaciones entre diferentes variables independientes que expliquen patrones lingüísticos y de uso en la escritura digital. Los resultados muestran que la escritura digital en este tipo de programas tiene una serie de características específicas ortotipográficas y audiovisuales condicionadas por variables de uso, el tamaño de la pantalla del dispositivo, la horas de conversación y la relación establecida entre los interlocutores.


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THE MAP AS A COLLABORATIVE MEDIUM FOR SPATIO-TEMPORAL VISUALIZATION This dissertation focuses on the relationship between maps and spatio-temporal data visualization. It is divided into two components: theoretical framework and practical approach. The study begins by questioning the role of the map in today’s digital society and particularly its role in visualization, and finishes with the conceptualization and development of an interactive dot map that visualizes data from Instagram and Twitter. Nowadays, geographic information is no longer produced just by experts, but also by ordinary people that are able to participate in data creation and exchange. The Web 2.0 lies in the heart of this change, where social media represent a significant tool for producing geotagged content, allowing its users to share their location and to spatially reference their publications. Furthermore, amateur mapmaking and neogeography have benefited from the emergence of several new devices that enable the creation of digital maps that are interactive, adaptable and easily shared on the Web. This study adopts a descriptive approach calling upon the diverse aspects of the map and its evolution as a medium for visualizing geotagged data, highlighting collaborative mapping as an emerging subject area that is of mandatory future research. Relevant projects are also analyzed in order to identify trends and different approaches for visualizing social media data in its spatial context, intended to support the project’s conceptualization, development and evaluation. The created map demonstrates how spatial knowledge and perception of place are now redefined by the contributions of individuals; it also shows how that activity produces new sources of geographic information, forcing the development of new techniques and approaches that allow an adequate exploration of content and visualization methods of the contemporary map


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El mapa de la cobertura vegetal del volcán Chaparrastique de San Miguel se realizó con el propósito de describir las diferentes unidades de vegetación presentes en el Volcán, mediante la elaboración de un mapa temático; utilizando el sistema validado de clasificación de la UNESCO, 2010; los límites perimetrales para la zona de estudio del volcán Chaparrastique se establecieron en radio de 5.75 km a partir del centro del cráter del volcán, para el análisis y recolección de datos se apoyo en el procesamiento de imágenes del volcán basadas en satélite del programa Google Earth 5.2.1 de alta resolución; la identificación de las diferentes formaciones vegetales presentes en el volcán se realizo mediante la clasificación digital de imágenes; basado en el agrupamiento de valores visuales mediante el programa ArcView 3.2. Las etapas descritas dieron a conocer que el volcán Chaparrastique de San Miguel presenta cuatro tipos de ecosistemas naturales; 1.Bosque Tropical Semideciduo Latifoliado submontano. 2.Bosque Tropical Decíduo Latifoliado de tierras bajas. 3.Flujo de lava con escasa vegetación. y 4.Pradera o páramo altimontano.


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This report aims to present the experience lived in the project "The School Pedro II in the Professional Decision of Secondary Education Students" aimed to promote professional student choice for the preparation of secondary to higher education, technical or job market with the integration of the areas of knowledge and ICT. Starting questions: How to awaken in students a vocation for academic life? How establish the connection between what students want to be in the future and to choose when isn’t a university course? How to take into account the factors that interfere in making professional student decision to build his own knowledge about your chosen profession? The experiment was performed at the State School of Elementary and Secondary Education D. Pedro II (Belem of Para State/Brazil), based on the view that knowledge must be represented in a format that requires coordination with the different forms of knowledge and the organization and use of technology. The results show that the tasks performed by students for professional choice provided information about themselves and the professional world. The conceptual map has contributed as a mediating tool of the teaching, learning and assessment and favored interest, autonomy and participation.


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Language is a unique aspect of human communication because it can be used to discuss itself in its own terms. For this reason, human societies potentially have superior capacities of co-ordination, reflexive self-correction, and innovation than other animal, physical or cybernetic systems. However, this analysis also reveals that language is interconnected with the economically and technologically mediated social sphere and hence is vulnerable to abstraction, objectification, reification, and therefore ideology – all of which are antithetical to its reflexive function, whilst paradoxically being a fundamental part of it. In particular, in capitalism, language is increasingly commodified within the social domains created and affected by ubiquitous communication technologies. The advent of the so-called ‘knowledge economy’ implicates exchangeable forms of thought (language) as the fundamental commodities of this emerging system. The historical point at which a ‘knowledge economy’ emerges, then, is the critical point at which thought itself becomes a commodified ‘thing’, and language becomes its “objective” means of exchange. However, the processes by which such commodification and objectification occurs obscures the unique social relations within which these language commodities are produced. The latest economic phase of capitalism – the knowledge economy – and the obfuscating trajectory which accompanies it, we argue, is destroying the reflexive capacity of language particularly through the process of commodification. This can be seen in that the language practices that have emerged in conjunction with digital technologies are increasingly non-reflexive and therefore less capable of self-critical, conscious change.


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