996 resultados para Map Comparison


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14C-dated pollen and lake-level data from Europe are used to assess the spatial patterns of climate change between 6000 yr BP and present, as simulated by the NCAR CCM1 (National Center for Atmospheric Research, Community Climate Model, version 1) in response to the change in the Earth’s orbital parameters during this perod. First, reconstructed 6000 yr BP values of bioclimate variables obtained from pollen and lake-level data with the constrained-analogue technique are compared with simulated values. Then a 6000 yr BP biome map obtained from pollen data with an objective biome reconstruction (biomization) technique is compared with BIOME model results derived from the same simulation. Data and simulations agree in some features: warmer-than-present growing seasons in N and C Europe allowed forests to extend further north and to higher elevations than today, and warmer winters in C and E Europe prevented boreal conifers from spreading west. More generally, however, the agreement is poor. Predominantly deciduous forest types in Fennoscandia imply warmer winters than the model allows. The model fails to simulate winters cold enough, or summers wet enough, to allow temperate deciduous forests their former extended distribution in S Europe, and it incorrectly simulates a much expanded area of steppe vegetation in SE Europe. Similar errors have also been noted in numerous 6000 yr BP simulations with prescribed modern sea surface temperatures. These errors are evidently not resolved by the inclusion of interactive sea-surface conditions in the CCM1. Accurate representation of mid-Holocene climates in Europe may require the inclusion of dynamical ocean–atmosphere and/or vegetation–atmosphere interactions that most palaeoclimate model simulations have so far disregarded.


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Land cover plays a key role in global to regional monitoring and modeling because it affects and is being affected by climate change and thus became one of the essential variables for climate change studies. National and international organizations require timely and accurate land cover information for reporting and management actions. The North American Land Change Monitoring System (NALCMS) is an international cooperation of organizations and entities of Canada, the United States, and Mexico to map land cover change of North America's changing environment. This paper presents the methodology to derive the land cover map of Mexico for the year 2005 which was integrated in the NALCMS continental map. Based on a time series of 250 m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data and an extensive sample data base the complexity of the Mexican landscape required a specific approach to reflect land cover heterogeneity. To estimate the proportion of each land cover class for every pixel several decision tree classifications were combined to obtain class membership maps which were finally converted to a discrete map accompanied by a confidence estimate. The map yielded an overall accuracy of 82.5% (Kappa of 0.79) for pixels with at least 50% map confidence (71.3% of the data). An additional assessment with 780 randomly stratified samples and primary and alternative calls in the reference data to account for ambiguity indicated 83.4% overall accuracy (Kappa of 0.80). A high agreement of 83.6% for all pixels and 92.6% for pixels with a map confidence of more than 50% was found for the comparison between the land cover maps of 2005 and 2006. Further wall-to-wall comparisons to related land cover maps resulted in 56.6% agreement with the MODIS land cover product and a congruence of 49.5 with Globcover.


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Protein-protein interaction networks were investigated in terms of outward accessibility, which quantifies the effectiveness of each protein in accessing other proteins and is related to the internality of nodes. By comparing the accessibility between 144 ortholog proteins in yeast and the fruit fly, we found that the accessibility tends to be higher among proteins in the fly than in yeast. In addition, z-scores of the accessibility calculated for different species revealed that the protein networks of less evolved species tend to be more random than those of more evolved species. The accessibility was also used to identify the border of the yeast protein interaction network, which was found to be mainly composed of viable proteins.


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In this paper we present a novel approach for multispectral image contextual classification by combining iterative combinatorial optimization algorithms. The pixel-wise decision rule is defined using a Bayesian approach to combine two MRF models: a Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF) for the observations (likelihood) and a Potts model for the a priori knowledge, to regularize the solution in the presence of noisy data. Hence, the classification problem is stated according to a Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) framework. In order to approximate the MAP solution we apply several combinatorial optimization methods using multiple simultaneous initializations, making the solution less sensitive to the initial conditions and reducing both computational cost and time in comparison to Simulated Annealing, often unfeasible in many real image processing applications. Markov Random Field model parameters are estimated by Maximum Pseudo-Likelihood (MPL) approach, avoiding manual adjustments in the choice of the regularization parameters. Asymptotic evaluations assess the accuracy of the proposed parameter estimation procedure. To test and evaluate the proposed classification method, we adopt metrics for quantitative performance assessment (Cohen`s Kappa coefficient), allowing a robust and accurate statistical analysis. The obtained results clearly show that combining sub-optimal contextual algorithms significantly improves the classification performance, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In order to facilitate the better management of river basin resources, the Glenelg-Hopkins region in south-east Australia required an accurate and up to date land use map. Land use has a major impact on Australia's natural resources including its soil, water, flora and fauna and plays a major role in determining basin health. Inappropriate land use and practices have contributed to extensive dryland salinity and water quality problems. Land use data is often required for environmental models and in most cases the reliability of model outputs is dependent on the spatial detail and accuracy of the land use mapping. This paper examines methods to obtain an up to date land use map and a detailed accuracy assessment using Landsat ETM+ data for a regional basin. A multi-source based approach allowed the collection of 4817 ground truth data points from the field investigation. This enabled researchers to (i) incorporate a full range of information into digital image analysis with significant improvements in accuracy and (ii) hold sufficient independent references for an accurate error assessment. Classification accuracy was significantly improved using a stratification design, in which the region is sub-divided into smaller homogenous areas as opposed to a full scene classification technique. The overall classification accuracy was 84% (KHAT= 0.833) for the stratified approach compared to 76% (KHAT= 0.743) for the full scene classification. Effective assessment, planning and management of basins are dependent on a sound knowledge of the distribution and variability of land use.


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Mineral Prospectivity Mapping is the process of combining maps containing different geoscientific data sets to produce a single map depicting areas ranked according to their potential to host mineral deposits of a particular type. This paper outlines two approaches for deriving a function which can be used to assign to each cell in the study area a value representing the posterior probability that the cell contains a deposit of the sought-after mineral. One approach is based on estimating probability density functions (pdfs); the second uses multilayer perceptrons (MLPs). Results are provided from applying these approaches to geoscientific datasets covering a region in North Western Victoria, Australia. The results demonstrate that while both the Bayesian approach and the MLP approach yield similar results when the number of input dimensions is small, the Bayesian approach rapidly becomes unstable as the number of input dimensions increases, with the resulting maps displaying high sensitivity to the number of mixtures used to model the distributions. However, despite the fact that Bayesian assigned values cannot be interpreted as posterior probabilities in high dimensional input spaces, the pixel favorability rankings produced by the two methods is similar.


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The paraventricular nucleus (PVN) is integral to regulation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and contains cells producing corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), arginine vasopressin (AVP) and enkephalin. We used immunohistochemistry to map these peptides and to resolve the extent of co-localization within PVN cells in intact and gonadectomized male and female sheep. Immunoreactive (ir) CRH, AVP and enkephalin cells were mapped in two rams and two ewes at 180 μm intervals throughout the rostro-caudal extent of the PVN. Similar distributions of AVP-ir cells occurred in both sexes whereas CRH-ir and enkephalin-ir cells extended more rostrally in rams. In groups (n=4) of intact and gonadectomized sheep of both sexes, co-localization and distribution of neuropeptides was influenced by sex and gonadectomy. Males had more AVP and CRH cells than females. Intact animals had more AVP cells than gonadectomized animals. There were no differences between groups in the number or percentage of cells that stained for both CRH and AVP or in the number of cells that stained for both CRH and enkephalin. Differences were observed in the percentage of enkephalin cells that contained CRH with males having a greater percentage of co-localized cells than did females. Differences were also observed in the number and percentage of cells that stained for both enkephalin and AVP; the number of cells that stained for both neuropeptides was greater in males than in females and greater in intact animals than in gonadectomized animals. Differences were observed in the percentage of AVP cells that contained enkephalin, and in the percentage of enkephalin cells that contained AVP with males having a greater percentage of co-localized cells than did females. We conclude that sex and gonadal status affect peptide distribution in the PVN of the sheep which may provide an anatomical basis for sex differences in HPA axis


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The effective management of our marine ecosystems requires the capability to identify, characterise and predict the distribution of benthic biological communities within the overall seascape architecture. The rapid expansion of seabed mapping studies has seen an increase in the application of automated classification techniques to efficiently map benthic habitats, and the need of techniques to assess confidence of model outputs. We use towed video observations and 11 seafloor complexity variables derived from multibeam echosounder (MBES) bathymetry and backscatter to predict the distribution of 8 dominant benthic biological communities in a 54 km2 site, off the central coast of Victoria, Australia. The same training and evaluation datasets were used to compare the accuracies of a Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC) and two new generation decision tree methods, QUEST (Quick Unbiased Efficient Statistical Tree) and CRUISE (Classification Rule with Unbiased Interaction Selection and Estimation), for predicting dominant biological communities. The QUEST classifier produced significantly better results than CRUISE and MLC model runs, with an overall accuracy of 80% (Kappa 0.75). We found that the level of accuracy with the size of training set varies for different algorithms. The QUEST results generally increased in a linear fashion, CRUISE performed well with smaller training data sets, and MLC performed least favourably overall, generating anomalous results with changes to training size. We also demonstrate how predicted habitat maps can provide insights into habitat spatial complexity on the continental shelf. Significant variation between patch-size and habitat types and significant correlations between patch size and depth were also observed.


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A methodology for automatically processing the data files from an EM3000 multibeam echosounder (Kongsberg Maritime, 300 kHz) is presented. Written in MatLab, it includes data extraction, bathymetry processing, computation of seafloor local slope, and a simple correction of the backscatter along-track banding effect. The success of the latter is dependent on operational restrictions, which are also detailed. This processing is applied to a dataset acquired in 2007 in the Tamaki Strait, New Zealand. The resulting maps are compared with a habitat classification obtained with the acoustic ground-discrimination software QTC View linked to a 200-kHz single-beam echosounder and to the imagery from a 100-kHz sidescan sonar survey, both performed in 2002. The multibeam backscatter map was found to be very similar to the sidescan imagery, quite correlated to the QTC View map on one site but mainly uncorrelated on another site. Hypotheses to explain these results are formulated and discussed. The maps and the comparison to prior surveys are used to draw conclusions on the quality of the code for further research on multibeam benthic habitat mapping.


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This paper presents a comparison of applying different clustering algorithms on a point cloud constructed from the depth maps captured by a RGBD camera such as Microsoft Kinect. The depth sensor is capable of returning images, where each pixel represents the distance to its corresponding point not the RGB data. This is considered as the real novelty of the RGBD camera in computer vision compared to the common video-based and stereo-based products. Depth sensors captures depth data without using markers, 2D to 3D-transition or determining feature points. The captured depth map then cluster the 3D depth points into different clusters to determine the different limbs of the human-body. The 3D points clustering is achieved by different clustering techniques. Our Experiments show good performance and results in using clustering to determine different human-body limbs.


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A preliminary radiation hybrid (RH) map containing 50 loci on chromosome 7 of the domestic river buffalo Bubalus bubalis (BBU; 2n = 50) was constructed based on a comparative mapping approach. The RH map of BBU7 includes thirty-seven gene markers and thirteen microsatellites. All loci have been previously assigned to Bos taurus (BTA) chromosome BTA6, which is known for its association with several economically important milk production traits in cattle. The map consists of two linkage groups spanning a total length of 627.9 cR(5,000). Comparative analysis of the BBU7 RH 5,000 map with BTA6 in cattle gave new evidence for strong similarity between the two chromosomes over their entire length and exposed minor differences in locus order. Comparison of the BBU7 RH 5,000 map with the Homo sapiens (HSA) genome revealed similarity with a large chromosome segment of HSA4. Comparative analysis of loci in both species revealed more variability than previously known in gene order and several chromosome rearrangements including centromere relocation. The data obtained in our study define the evolutionarily conserved segment on BBU7 and HSA4 to be between 3.5 megabases (Mb) and 115.8 Mb in the HSA4 (genome build 36) DNA sequence. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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The largest chromosome in the river buffalo karyotype, BBU1, is a submetacentric chromosome with reported homology between BBU1q and bovine chromosome 1 and between BBU1p and BTA27. We present the first radiation hybrid map of this chromosome containing 69 cattle derived markers including 48 coding genes, 17 microsatellites and four ESTs distributed in two linkage groups spanning a total length of 1330.1 cR(5000). The RH map was constructed based on analysis of a recently developed river buffalo-hamster whole genome radiation hybrid (BBURH5000) panel. The retention frequency of individual markers across the panel ranged from 17.8 to 52.2%. With few exceptions, the order of markers within linkage groups is identical to the order established for corresponding cattle RH maps. The BBU1 map provides a starting point for comparison of gene order rearrangements between river buffalo chromosome 1 and its bovine homologs. Copyright (C) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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In this work we compared the estimates of the parameters of ARCH models using a complete Bayesian method and an empirical Bayesian method in which we adopted a non-informative prior distribution and informative prior distribution, respectively. We also considered a reparameterization of those models in order to map the space of the parameters into real space. This procedure permits choosing prior normal distributions for the transformed parameters. The posterior summaries were obtained using Monte Carlo Markov chain methods (MCMC). The methodology was evaluated by considering the Telebras series from the Brazilian financial market. The results show that the two methods are able to adjust ARCH models with different numbers of parameters. The empirical Bayesian method provided a more parsimonious model to the data and better adjustment than the complete Bayesian method.


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We present a fast procedure for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis in which hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) solvent, instead of the critical point drying, is used to remove liquids from a microbiological specimen. The results indicate that the HMDS solvent is suitable for drying samples of anaerobic cells for examination by SEM and does not cause cell structure disruption.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)