43 resultados para Mantis
Con una mezcla de ciencia y pasatiempos se introduce a los niños en el mundo de los insectos para aprender cómo viven, cómo se alimentan, cómo se reproducen y crecen, cómo se defienden, cómo se mueven y el posible peligro para los seres humanos. Describe diecisiete insectos, entre otros, saltamontes, avispas, libélulas y mantis. El texto tiene dos niveles de dificultad de comptrensión y dos tamaños de letra.
Questa tesi è dedicata alla qualità dell'alimento ittico in tre delle sue possibili accezioni. Dopo aver spiegato il complicato rapporto del consumatore con gli alimenti ittici e come l'Unione Europea abbia cercato di fare chiarezza al riguardo, gli argomenti di discussione saranno: Autenticazione d'origine La polpa di 160 esemplari di spigola (Dicentrachus labrax), suddivisi tra selvatici, allevati intensivamente e allevati estensivamente, provenienti dall'Italia e dall'estero per un totale di 18 fonti indagate, è stati analizzata individualmente per caratterizzarne la componente lipidica, isotopica e minerale e verificare le potenzialità di queste informazioni ai fini della autenticazione di origine in senso lato. Stima della Freshness Quality Numerosi lotti di seppia (Sepia officinalis), nasello (Merluccius merluccius) e triglia di fango (Mullus barbatus) sono stati sottoposti a due possibili modalità di stoccaggio sotto ghiaccio fondente, per indagare come, nell’arco della loro vita commerciale, ne evolvessero importanti connotati chimici (cataboliti dell’ATP e loro rapporti), fisici (proprietà dielettriche dei tessuti) e sensoriali (Quality Index Methods specie-specifici. Studio del profilo nutrizionale La componente lipidica di numerosi lotti di mazzancolla (Penaeus kerathurus), canocchia (Squilla mantis) e seppia (Sepia officinalis) è stata caratterizzata allo stato crudo e dopo cottura secondo tecniche “dedicate” per stabilire il contributo di queste matrici come fonte di acidi grassi polinsaturi della serie omega 3 e per pervenire alla determinazione dei loro coefficienti di ritenzione vera.
An appropriate management of fisheries resources can only be achieved with the continuous supply of information on the structure and biology of populations, in order to predict the temporal fluctuations. This study supports the importance of investigating the bio-ecology of increasingly exploited and poorly known species, such as gurnards (Osteichthyes, Triglidae) from Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean), to quantify their ecological role into marine community. It also focuses on investigate inter and intra-specific structuring factor of Adriatic population. These objectives were achieved by: 1) investigating aspects of the population dynamics; 2) studying the feeding biology through the examination of stomach contents; 3) using sagittal otoliths as potential marker of species life cycle; 4) getting preliminary data on mDNA phylogeny. Gurnards showed a specie-specific “critical size” coinciding with the start of sexual maturity, the tendency to migrate to greater depths, a change of diet from crustaceans to fish and an increase of variety of food items eaten. Distribution of prey items, predator size range and depth distribution were the main dimensions that influence the breadth of trophic niche and the relative difference amongst Adriatic gurnards. Several feeding preferences were individuated and a possible impact among bigger-size gurnards and other commercial fishes (anchovy, gadoids) and Crustacea (such as mantis prawn and shrimps) were to be necessary considered. Otolith studies showed that gurnard species have a very fast growth despite other results in other areas; intra-specific differences and the increase in the variability of otolith shape, sulcus acusticus shape, S:O ratios, sulcus acusticus external crystals arrangement were shown between juveniles and adults and were linked to growth (individual genetic factors) and to environmental conditions (e.g. depth and trophic niche distribution). In order to facilitate correct biological interpretation of data, molecular data were obtained for comparing morphological distance to genetic ones.
hyDRaCAT Spectral Reflectance Library for tundra provides the surface reflectance data and the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) of important Arctic tundra vegetation communities at representative Siberian and Alaskan tundra sites. The aim of this dataset is the hyperspectral and spectro-directional reflectance characterization as basis for the extraction of vegetation parameters, and the normalization of BRDF effects in off-nadir and multi-temporal remote sensing data. The spectroscopic and field spectro-goniometric measurements were undertaken on the YAMAL2011 expedition of representative Siberian vegetation fields and on the North American Arctic Transect NAAT2012 expedition of Alaskan vegetation fields both belonging to the Greening-of-the-Arctic (GOA) program. For the field spectroscopy each 100 m2 vegetation study grid was divided into quadrats of 1 × 1 m. The averaged reflectance of all quadrats represents the spectral reflectance at the scale of the whole grid at the 10 × 10 m scale. For the surface radiometric measurements two GER1500 portable field spectroradiometers (Spectra Vista Corporation, Poughkeepsie, NY, USA) were used. The GER1500 measures radiance across the wavelength range of 350-1,050 nm, with sampling intervals of 1.5 nm and a radiance accuracy of 1.2 × 10**-1 W/cm**2/nm/sr. In order to increase the signal-to-noise ratio, 32 individual measurements were averaged per one target scan. To minimize variations in the target reflectance due to sun zenith angle changes, all measurements at one study location have been performed under similar sun zenith angles and during clear-sky conditions. The field spectrometer measurements were carried out with a GER1500 UV-VIS spectrometer The spectrogoniometer measurements were carried out with a self-designed spectro-goniometer: the Manual Transportable Instrument platform for ground-based Spectro-directional observations (ManTIS, patent publication number: DE 10 2011 117 713.A1). The ManTIS was equipped with the GER1500 spectrometer allowing spectro-directional measurements with up to 30° viewing zenith angle by full 360° viewing azimuth angles. Measurements in central Yamal (Siberia) at the research site 'Vaskiny Dachi' were carried out in the late summer phenological state from August 12 2011 to August 28 2011. All measurements in Alaska along the North South transect on the North Slope were taken between 29 June and 11 July 2012, ensuring that the vegetation was in the same phenological state near peak growing season.
Introduces Illinois insects including the house fly, mosquito, grasshopper, dragonfly, praying mantis, monarch butterfly, firefly, honey bee, water strider, and ladybug.
Introduces Illinois insects including the house fly, mosquito, grasshopper, dragonfly, praying mantis, monarch butterfly, firefly, honey bee, water strider, and ladybug.
Gonodactyloid stomatopod crustaceans possess polarization vision, which enables them to discriminate light of different e-vector angle. Their unusual apposition compound eyes are divided by an equatorial band of six rows of enlarged, structurally modified ommatidia, the mid-band (MB). The rhabdoms of the two most ventral MB rows 5 and 6 are structurally designed for polarization vision. Here we show, with electrophysiological recordings, that the photoreceptors R1-R7 within these two MB rows in Gonodactylus chiragra are highly sensitive to linear polarized light of two orthogonal directions (PS=6.1). They possess a narrow spectral sensitivity peaking at 565 nm. Unexpectedly, photoreceptors within the distal rhabdomal tier of MB row 2 also possess highly sensitive linear polarization receptors, which are in their spectral and polarization characteristics similar to the receptors of MB rows 5 and 6. Photoreceptors R1-R7 within the remainder of the MB exhibit low polarization sensitivity (PS=2.3). Outside the MB, in the two hemispheres, R1-R7 possess medium linear polarization sensitivity (PS=3.8) and a broad spectral sensitivity peaking at around 500 nm, typical for most crustaceans. Throughout the retina the most distally situated UV-sensitive R8 cells are not sensitive to linear polarized light.
Body parts that can reflect highly polarized light have been found in several species of stomatopod crustaceans (mantis shrimps). These polarized light reflectors can be grossly divided into two major types. The first type, usually red or pink in color to the human visual system, is located within an animal’s cuticle. Reflectors of the second type, showing iridescent blue, are located beneath the exoskeleton and thus are unaffected by the molt cycle. We used reflection spectropolarimetry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to study the reflective properties and the structures that reflect highly polarized light in stomatopods. For the first type of reflector, the degree of polarization usually changes dramatically, from less than 20% to over 70%, with a change in viewing angle. TEM examination indicates that the polarization reflection is generated by multilayer thin-film interference. The second type of reflector, the blue colored ones, reflects highly polarized light to all viewing angles. However, these reflectors show a slight chromatic change with different viewing angles. TEM sections have revealed that streams of oval-shaped vesicles might be responsible for the production of the polarized light reflection. In all the reflectors we have examined so far, the reflected light is always maximally polarized at around 500 nm, which is close to the wavelength best transmitted by sea water. This suggests that the polarized light reflectors found in stomatopods are well adapted to the underwater environment. We also found that most reflectors produce polarized light with a horizontal e-vector. How these polarized light reflectors are used in stomatopod signaling remains unknown.
Sole-authored publication. Five essays on fear of space, irrational gravities and falling, based on the writings of Flusser, Kafka and the Capek brothers. 'Vertigo Rising' was commissioned as a parallel text to accompany a show of the same name at Five Years, (a London Gallery located in a high rise block).
Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia do Ambiente, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015