978 resultados para Mannose 6-phosphate


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The authors evaluated the isoniazid acetylating phenotype and measured hematocrit, hemoglobin, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and glutathione reductase activities plus serum sulfadoxin levels in 39 patients with paracoccidioidomycosis (33 males and 6 females) aged 17 to 58 years. Twenty one (53.84%) of the patients presented a slow acetylating phenotype and 18 (46.16%) a fast acetylating phenotype. Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity was decreased in 5(23.80%) slow acetylators and in 4 (22.22%) fast acetylators. Glutathione reductase activity was decreased in 14 (66.66%) slow acetylators and in 12(66.66%) fast acetylators. Serum levels of free and total sulfadoxin were higher in slow acetylator (p _ 0.02). Analysis of the results permitted us to conclude that serum sulfadoxin levels are related to the acetylator phenotype. Furthermore, sulfadoxin levels were always above 50 μg/ml, a value considered therapeutic. Glutathione reductase deficiency observed in 66% of patients may be related to the intestinal malabsorption of nutrients, among them riboflavin, a FAD precursor vitamin, in patients with paracoceidioidomycosis.


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Background: Glucosamine 6-phosphate deaminase from Escherichia coli is an allosteric hexameric enzyme which catalyzes the reversible conversion of D-glucosamine 6-phosphate into D-fructose 6-phosphate and ammonium ion and is activated by N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate. Mechanistically, it belongs to the group of aldose-ketose isomerases, but its reaction also accomplishes a simultaneous amination/deamination. The determination of the structure of this protein provides fundamental knowledge for understanding its mode of action and the nature of allosteric conformational changes that regulate its function. Results: The crystal structure of glucosamine 6-phosphate deaminase with bound phosphate ions is presented at 2.1 Å resolution together with the refined structures of the enzyme in complexes with its allosteric activator and with a competitive inhibitor. The protein fold can be described as a modified NAD-binding domain. Conclusions: From the similarities between the three presented structures, it is concluded that these represent the enzymatically active R state conformer. A mechanism for the deaminase reaction is proposed. It comprises steps to open the pyranose ring of the substrate and a sequence of general base-catalyzed reactions to bring about isomerization and deamination, with Asp72 playing a key role as a proton exchanger.


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Cells of Candida guilliermondii (ATCC 201935) were permeabilised with surfactant treatment (CTAB or Triton X-100) or a freezing-thawing procedure. Treatments were monitored by in situ activities of the key enzymes involved in xylose metabolism, that is, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), xylose reductase (XR) and xylitol dehydrogenase (XD). The permeabilising ability of the surfactants was dependent on its concentration and incubation time. The optimum operation conditions for the permeabilisation of C. guilliermondii with surfactants were 0.41 mM (CTAB) or 2.78 mM (Triton X-100), 30 degrees C, and pH 7 at 200 rpm for 50 min. The maximum permeabilisation measured in terms of the in situ G6PD activity observed was, in order, as follows: CTAB (122.4 +/- 15.7 U/g(cells)) > freezing-thawing, , (54.3 +/- 1.9 U/g(cells)) > Triton X-100 (23.5 +/- 0.0 U/g(cells)). These results suggest that CTAB surfactant is more effective in the permeabilisation of C. guilliermondii cells in comparison to the freezing-thawing and Triton X-100 treatments. Nevertheless, freezing-thawing was the only treatment that allowed measurable in situ XR activity. Therefore, freezing-thawing permeabilised yeast cells could be used as a source of xylose reductase for analytical purposes or for use in biotransformation process such as xylitol preparation from xylose. The level of in situ xylose reductase was found to be 13.2 +/- 0.1 U/g(cells).


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Abstract Introduction Toxoplasmosis, a zoonotic protozoal disease caused by toxoplasma gondii, is prevalent throughout the world, affecting a large proportion of persons who usually have no symptoms. Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, an X-linked inherited disorder, is present in over 400 million people world wide. It is more common in tropical and subtropical countries and is one of the important causes of hemolytic anemia. Case presentation This case report relates the occurrence of the two diseases simultaneously in a child of five years old. Conclusion Patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency are more susceptible to toxoplasmosis and this case report, reinforce the findings of this propensity and alert us for such possibility, what it is important, therefore, the treatment of toxoplasmosis can cause serious hemolysis in these patients.


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Background During the Soviet era, malaria was close to eradication in Tajikistan. Since the early 1990s, the disease has been on the rise and has become endemic in large areas of southern and western Tajikistan. The standard national treatment for Plasmodium vivax is based on primaquine. This entails the risk of severe haemolysis for patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency. Seasonal and geographical distribution patterns as well as G6PD deficiency frequency were analysed with a view to improve understanding of the current malaria situation in Tajikistan. Methods Spatial and seasonal distribution was analysed, applying a risk model that included key environmental factors such as temperature and the availability of mosquito breeding sites. The frequency of G6PD deficiency was studied at the health service level, including a cross-sectional sample of 382 adult men. Results Analysis revealed high rates of malaria transmission in most districts of the southern province of Khatlon, as well as in some zones in the northern province of Sughd. Three categories of risk areas were identified: (i) zones at relatively high malaria risk with high current incidence rates, where malaria control and prevention measures should be taken at all stages of the transmission cycle; (ii) zones at relatively high malaria risk with low current incidence rates, where malaria prevention measures are recommended; and (iii) zones at intermediate or low malaria risk with low current incidence rates where no particular measures appear necessary. The average prevalence of G6PD deficiency was 2.1% with apparent differences between ethnic groups and geographical regions. Conclusion The study clearly indicates that malaria is a serious health issue in specific regions of Tajikistan. Transmission is mainly determined by temperature. Consequently, locations at lower altitude are more malaria-prone. G6PD deficiency frequency is too moderate to require fundamental changes in standard national treatment of cases of P. vivax.


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BACKGROUND: The role of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) in the regulation of energy metabolism and immune system by locally reactivating glucocorticoids has been extensively studied. Experiments determining initial rates of enzyme activity revealed that 11beta-HSD1 can catalyze both the reductase and the dehydrogenase reaction in cell lysates, whereas it predominantly catalyzes the reduction of cortisone to cortisol in intact cells that also express hexose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (H6PDH), which provides cofactor NADPH. Besides its role in glucocorticoid metabolism, there is evidence that 11beta-HSD1 is involved in the metabolism of 7-keto- and 7-hydroxy-steroids; however the impact of H6PDH on this alternative function of 11beta-HSD1 has not been assessed. METHODOLOGY: We investigated the 11beta-HSD1-dependent metabolism of the neurosteroids 7-keto-, 7alpha-hydroxy- and 7beta-hydroxy-dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and 7-keto- and 7beta-hydroxy-pregnenolone, respectively, in the absence or presence of H6PDH in intact cells. 3D-structural modeling was applied to study the binding of ligands in 11beta-HSD1. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We demonstrated that 11beta-HSD1 functions in a reversible way and efficiently catalyzed the interconversion of these 7-keto- and 7-hydroxy-neurosteroids in intact cells. In the presence of H6PDH, 11beta-HSD1 predominantly converted 7-keto-DHEA and 7-ketopregnenolone into their corresponding 7beta-hydroxy metabolites, indicating a role for H6PDH and 11beta-HSD1 in the local generation of 7beta-hydroxy-neurosteroids. 3D-structural modeling offered an explanation for the preferred formation of 7beta-hydroxy-neurosteroids. CONCLUSIONS: Our results from experiments determining the steady state concentrations of glucocorticoids or 7-oxygenated neurosteroids suggested that the equilibrium between cortisone and cortisol and between 7-keto- and 7-hydroxy-neurosteroids is regulated by 11beta-HSD1 and greatly depends on the coexpression with H6PDH. Thus, the impact of H6PDH on 11beta-HSD1 activity has to be considered for understanding both glucocorticoid and neurosteroid action in different tissues.


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BACKGROUND: A false-positive sweat test in patients with deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate-1-dehydrogenase (EC; G6PD) is repeatedly reported. METHODS: Sweat chloride or conductivity was measured in 11 patients with G6PD deficiency. RESULTS: Mean (SD) chloride level (n = 8, median age 9.2 years, range 1.9-48.5) was 18.8 (9.6 mmol/l) and, mean (SD) sodium level was 26.0 (10.0 mmol/l), respectively, and mean (SD) conductivity (n = 3, median age 6.6 years, range 1.9-40.5) was 34.3 (6.5 mmol/l). CONCLUSION: In sweat of 11 patients with G6PD deficiency we did not find any abnormality. The reason for alleged false-positive sweat test in patients with G6PD deficiency is not known and we were unable to identify any original reference. It appears that tables of putative false-positive sweat tests in several disease states have been directly "copied and pasted" from one paper or textbook to another without verifying the original literature, a phenomenon one can call "chain citation".


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Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, a frequent congenital human enzyme defect, is the most frequent cause of hemolytic anemia triggered by drugs or infectious diseases. Drugs which induce acute hemolysis in patients with G6PD deficiency are often used in anesthesia and perioperative pain therapy. Considering the fact that patients from geographic regions with a high prevalence of the disease are often treated in European hospitals, special attention should be paid to this problem. We report a case of a 30-year-old female patient with favism and review the disease and anesthesia-related implications.


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Severe jaundice leading to kernicterus or death in the newborn is the most devastating consequence of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC; G-6-PD) deficiency. We asked whether the TA repeat promoter polymorphism in the gene for uridinediphosphoglucuronate glucuronosyltransferase 1 (EC; UDPGT1), associated with benign jaundice in adults (Gilbert syndrome), increases the incidence of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in G-6-PD deficiency. DNA from term neonates was analyzed for UDPGT1 polymorphism (normal homozygotes, heterozygotes, variant homozygotes), and for G-6-PD Mediterranean deficiency. The variant UDPGT1 promoter allele frequency was similar in G-6-PD-deficient and normal neonates. Thirty (22.9%) G-6-PD deficient neonates developed serum total bilirubin ≥ 257 μmol/liter, vs. 22 (9.2%) normals (P = 0.0005). Of those with the normal homozygous UDPGT1 genotype, the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia was similar in G-6-PD-deficients and controls (9.7% and 9.9%). In contrast, in the G-6-PD-deficient neonates, those with the heterozygous or homozygous variant UDPGT1 genotype had a higher incidence of hyperbilirubinemia than corresponding controls (heterozygotes: 31.6% vs. 6.7%, P < 0.0001; variant homozygotes: 50% vs. 14.7%, P = 0.02). Among G-6-PD-deficient infants the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia was greater in those with the heterozygous (31.6%, P = 0.006) or variant homozygous (50%, P = 0.003) UDPGT1 genotype than in normal homozygotes. In contrast, among those normal for G-6-PD, the UDPGT1 polymorphism had no significant effect (heterozygotes: 6.7%; variant homozygotes: 14.7%). Thus, neither G-6-PD deficiency nor the variant UDPGT1 promoter, alone, increased the incidence of hyperbilirubinemia, but both in combination did. This gene interaction may serve as a paradigm of the interaction of benign genetic polymorphisms in the causation of disease.


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Arabidopsis cyt1 mutants have a complex phenotype indicative of a severe defect in cell wall biogenesis. Mutant embryos arrest as wide, heart-shaped structures characterized by ectopic accumulation of callose and the occurrence of incomplete cell walls. Texture and thickness of the cell walls are irregular, and unesterified pectins show an abnormally diffuse distribution. To determine the molecular basis of these defects, we have cloned the CYT1 gene by a map-based approach and found that it encodes mannose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase. A weak mutation in the same gene, called vtc1, has previously been identified on the basis of ozone sensitivity due to reduced levels of ascorbic acid. Mutant cyt1 embryos are deficient in N-glycosylation and have an altered composition of cell wall polysaccharides. Most notably, they show a 5-fold decrease in cellulose content. Characteristic aspects of the cyt1 phenotype, including radial swelling and accumulation of callose, can be mimicked with the inhibitor of N-glycosylation, tunicamycin. Our results suggest that N-glycosylation is required for cellulose biosynthesis and that a deficiency in this process can account for most phenotypic features of cyt1 embryos.


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The accumulation of the disaccharide trehalose in anhydrobiotic organisms allows them to survive severe environmental stress. A plant cDNA, SlTPS1, encoding a 109-kD protein, was isolated from the resurrection plant Selaginella lepidophylla, which accumulates high levels of trehalose. Protein-sequence comparison showed that SlTPS1 shares high similarity to trehalose-6-phosphate synthase genes from prokaryotes and eukaryotes. SlTPS1 mRNA was constitutively expressed in S. lepidophylla. DNA gel-blot analysis indicated that SlTPS1 is present as a single-copy gene. Transformation of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae tps1Δ mutant disrupted in the ScTPS1 gene with S. lepidophylla SlTPS1 restored growth on fermentable sugars and the synthesis of trehalose at high levels. Moreover, the SlTPS1 gene introduced into the tps1Δ mutant was able to complement both deficiencies: sensitivity to sublethal heat treatment at 39°C and induced thermotolerance at 50°C. The osmosensitive phenotype of the yeast tps1Δ mutant grown in NaCl and sorbitol was also restored by the SlTPS1 gene. Thus, SlTPS1 protein is a functional plant homolog capable of sustaining trehalose biosynthesis and could play a major role in stress tolerance in S. lepidophylla.


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We analyzed transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) expressing Stpd1, a cDNA encoding sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase from apple, under the control of a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. In 125 independent transformants variable amounts of sorbitol ranging from 0.2 to 130 μmol g−1 fresh weight were found. Plants that accumulated up to 2 to 3 μmol g−1 fresh weight sorbitol were phenotypically normal, with successively slower growth as sorbitol amounts increased. Plants accumulating sorbitol at 3 to 5 μmol g−1 fresh weight occasionally showed regions in which chlorophyll was partially lost, but at higher sorbitol amounts young leaves of all plants lost chlorophyll in irregular spots that developed into necrotic lesions. When sorbitol exceeded 15 to 20 μmol g−1 fresh weight, plants were infertile, and at even higher sorbitol concentrations the primary regenerants were incapable of forming roots in culture or soil. In mature plants sorbitol amounts varied with age, leaf position, and growth conditions. The appearance of lesions was correlated with high sorbitol, glucose, fructose, and starch, and low myo-inositol. Supplementing myo-inositol in seedlings and young plants prevented lesion formation. Hyperaccumulation of sorbitol, which interferes with inositol biosynthesis, seems to lead to osmotic imbalance, possibly acting as a signal affecting carbohydrate allocation and transport.


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An NADPH-dependent NO2−-reducing system was reconstituted in vitro using ferredoxin (Fd) NADP+ oxidoreductase (FNR), Fd, and nitrite reductase (NiR) from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. NO2− reduction was dependent on all protein components and was operated under either aerobic or anaerobic conditions. NO2− reduction by this in vitro pathway was inhibited up to 63% by 1 mm NADP+. NADP+ did not affect either methyl viologen-NiR or Fd-NiR activity, indicating that inhibition was mediated through FNR. When NADPH was replaced with a glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH)-dependent NADPH-generating system, rates of NO2− reduction reached approximately 10 times that of the NADPH-dependent system. G6PDH could be replaced by either 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase or isocitrate dehydrogenase, indicating that G6PDH functioned to: (a) regenerate NADPH to support NO2− reduction and (b) consume NADP+, releasing FNR from NADP+ inhibition. These results demonstrate the ability of FNR to facilitate the transfer of reducing power from NADPH to Fd in the direction opposite to that which occurs in photosynthesis. The rate of G6PDH-dependent NO2− reduction observed in vitro is capable of accounting for the observed rates of dark NO3− assimilation by C. reinhardtii.


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The development of skeletal muscle insulin resistance is an early physiological defect, yet the intracellular mechanisms accounting for this metabolic defect remained unresolved. Here, we have examined the role of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) activity in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance in skeletal muscle. Methods Multiple mouse disease states exhibiting insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, as well as obese humans defined as insulin-sensitive, insulin-resistant, or pre-diabetic, were examined. Results We identified increased glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) activity as a common intracellular adaptation that occurs in parallel with the induction of insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and is present across animal and human disease states with an underlying pathology of insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. We observed an inverse association between G6PDH activity and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity and show that increasing NOS activity via the skeletal muscle specific neuronal (n)NOSμ partially suppresses G6PDH activity in skeletal muscle cells. Furthermore, attenuation of G6PDH activity in skeletal muscle cells via (a) increased nNOSμ/NOS activity, (b) pharmacological G6PDH inhibition, or (c) genetic G6PDH inhibition increases insulin-independent glucose uptake. Conclusions We have identified a novel, previously unrecognized role for G6PDH in the regulation of skeletal muscle glucose metabolism.