996 resultados para Mango (Firma)
ABSTRACT Soil organic matter (SOM) plays a key role in maintaining the productivity of tropical soils, providing energy and substrate for the biological activity and modifying the physical and chemical characteristics that ensure the maintenance of soil quality and the sustainability of ecosystems. This study assessed the medium-term effect (six years) of the application of five organic composts, produced by combining different agro-industrial residues, on accumulation and chemical characteristics of soil organic matter. Treatments were applied in a long-term experiment of organic management of mango (OMM) initiated in 2005 with a randomized block design with four replications. Two external areas, one with conventional mango cultivation (CMM) and the other a fragment of regenerating Caatinga vegetation (RCF), were used as reference areas. Soil samples were collected in the three management systems from the 0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10, and 0.10-0.20 m layers, and the total organic carbon content and chemical fractions of organic matter were evaluated by determining the C contents of humin and humic and fulvic acids. Organic compost application significantly increased the contents of total C and C in humic substances in the experimental plots, mainly in the surface layer. However, compost 3 (50 % coconut bagasse, 40 % goat manure, 10 % castor bean residues) significantly increased the level of the non-humic fraction, probably due to the higher contents of recalcitrant material in the initial composition. The highest increases from application of the composts were in the humin, followed by the fulvic fraction. Compost application increased the proportion of higher molecular weight components, indicating higher stability of the organic matter.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of high density planting on 'Tommy Atkins' mango trees cultivated in subhumid warm tropical climate in northeastern Brazil. Treatments consisted of five spacial arrangements of plants (8x5 m, 7x4 m, 6x3 m, 5x2 m and 4x2 m), which resulted in the following plant densities: 250 (control), 357, 555, 1,000 and 1,250 plants per hectare. Plant vegetative and reproductive variables, besides fruit quality parameters, were evaluated at seven and eight years after transplantation to the field. In general, high density planting caused reduction in vegetative and reproductive variables of individual mango trees, but had little influence on fruit quality. Above 555 plants per hectare, a significant decrease was observed in mango tree growth. Furthermore, there were decreases in the percentage of flowering, fruit yield per plant and per area. However, planting density up to 357 plants per hectare, in spite of decreasing plant growth and fruit yield per tree, increases fruit yield per area in 30% in comparison to the control.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the occurrence of polyembryony in the mango cultivars Manila and Ataulfo, and to determine whether seedlings cultured in vitro are zygotic or nucelar. Percentage of polyembryony was calculated and the number of embryos in 100 seeds of each cultivar was recorded. 'Manila' exhibited 97% polyembryony with 3.4 embryos per seed, while 'Ataulfo' had 95% polyembryony with 3.2 embryos per seed. Later, 20 seeds of each cultivar were established in vitro, and it was analyzed those in which all embryos germinated (12 seeds from 'Manila' and 7 from 'Ataulfo'). DNA was extracted from seedling leaf tissue, and its origin was identified with 14 RAPD primers. The polymorphic markers recognized the seedlings of sexual origin in seven of nine 'Manila' polyembryonic seeds, and in four of seven 'Ataulfo' ones. Also, in polyembryonic seeds not all zygotic seedlings were produced by small embryos located at the micropyle.
Fresh and combined methods processed Cantaloupe melons, mangoes and cashew apples were submitted to consumers' acceptance and scored on a nine-point hedonic scale. Fruits were osmotically treated in sucrose syrup with two different concentrations of SO2. Overall acceptance, appearance, aroma, flavor and texture were evaluated. Fresh cashew apples received lower scores for acceptance than processed cashew apples while fresh mangoes were more acceptable than processed mangoes. Acceptance of fresh melons and processed melons was similar. Treatments of the tropical fruits with two different concentrations of SO2 did not demonstrate significant differences between the fruits tested.
Actually mango (Mangifera indica, L.) is considered one of the largest Brazilian fruitbusiness for the export market. Cultivar selection having high fruit quality is a fundamental step to obtain excellent results in this business. A mango breeding program based on intervarietal hybridization may produce new improved cultivars for mango growers. Mango hybrids have been obtained by controlled or open crosses. In the last one, it is important to identify the male parent because it is useful for the genetic cultivar history, thus it is important for planning further improvements. This work presents a parentage test using among others parameters RAPD (Random amplified Polymorphic DNA) markers to estimate the male parent of the selected hybrids in an open cross plot by using five mango cultivars densely planted in a latin square design.
Mango can be propagated by seeds or by grafting. For commercial purpose, grafting is the most appropriate method because it maintains the genetic characters from the propagated variety. To obtain grafted mango it is important to use polyembryonic varieties as rootstock since they produce a zygotic and many nucellar plantlets. The nucellar plantlets maintain the genetics of the mother-plant thus, are preferred for grafting since they supposedly give more uniformity to the orchard. In general, nurserymen use the most vigorous plantelet to graft, believing that they are nucellar. But, orchard disuniformities on height and yield are very common among mango trees of commercial orchards in Northeast region. The objective of this paper was to identify the genetical origin of plantlets from polyembryonic seeds of Rosinha variety using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Moreover, the position of the zygotic embryo and the percentage of the vigorous zygotic and nucellar plantlets was also determined. It was obtained an elevated taxa of vigorous zygotic plantlets which possibly explains the disuniformity on height of trees at commercial mango orchards.
Se realizó un muestreo en una red regular de 31 puntos ubicados con GPS y con base en análisis geoestadísticos, se estudió la variabilidad espacial de algunas propiedades del suelo y de la topografía con el fin de establecer su incidencia en el rendimiento de un cultivo de mango. Las propiedades edáficas y el rendimiento presentaron un patrón de distribución espacial que varía de manera considerable dentro del lote. El rango de los modelos de semivarianza ajustados varió entre 10 y 192 metros. Con excepción del pH y del Ca las relaciones efecto pepita/meseta fueron menores del 30%, es decir, que en general hay precisión en las predicciones debido a que los procesos espaciales considerados son explicados en su mayoría por la variación estructural. K, Ca, CIC, pendiente del terreno, relación Ca+Mg/K y altitud fueron las variables que mayor influencia tuvieron en el rendimiento. El método aplicado es útil para definir zonas de manejo dentro de los lotes y algunos criterios como la altitud y la pendiente son aplicables para zonificación de áreas mayores calculándolos a partir de un modelo digital de elevación.
World mango production is spread over 100 countries that produce over 34.3 million tons of fruit annually. Eighty percent of this production is based in the top nine producing nations that also consume upward of 90% of their production domestically. One to 2 percent of fruit is traded internationally in to markets in the European Community, USA, Arabian Peninsula and Asia. This paper outlines some of the recent research and development advances in mango breeding and genomics, rootstock development, disease management and harvest technologies that are influencing the production and quality of mango fruit traded domestically and internationally.
This study evaluated the tolerance of mango cultivars 'Haden', 'Palmer', 'Tommy Atkins' and 'Uba' grafted on rootstock 'Imbú' to salt stress using chlorophyll fluorescence. Plants were grown in modified Hoagland solution containing 0, 15, 30, and 45 mmol L-1 NaCl. At 97 days the parameters of the chlorophyll fluorescence (F0, Fm, Fv, F0/Fm, Fv/Fm, Fv'/Fm', ΦPSII = [(Fm'-Fs)/(Fm')], D = (1- Fv'/Fm') and ETR = (ΦPSII×PPF×0,84×0,5) were determined. At 100 days, the leaf emission and leaf area, toxicity and leaf abscission indexes were determined. In all cultivars evaluated, in different degree, there were decreases in photochemical efficiency of photosystem II, enhanced concentrations from 15 mmol L-1 NaCl. The decreases in the potential quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) were 27.9, 18.7, 20.5, and 27.4%, for cultivars 'Haden', 'Palmer', 'Tommy Atkins', and 'Uba', respectively, when grown in 45 mmol L-1 NaCl. It was found decreases in leaf emission and mean leaf area in all cultivars from 15 mmol L-1 NaCl. There were increases in leaf toxicity of 33.0, 67.5, 41.6 and 80.8% and in leaf abscission of 71.8, 29.2, 32.5, and 67.9% for the cultivars 'Haden', 'Palmer', 'Tommy Atkins', and 'Uba' respectively, when grown in 45 mmol L-1 NaCl. Leaf toxicity and leaf abscission were not observed in 15 mmol L-1 NaCl. The decrease in Fv/Fm ratio were accompanied by decreasing in leaf emission and increased leaf toxicity index, showing, therefore, the potential of chlorophyll fluorescence in the early detection of salt stress in mango tree.
RESUMEN En la presente investigación se evaluó el rendimiento de extracción y propiedades fisicoquímicas de la grasa de semilla de 20 cultivares de mango ( LMangifera Indica.) en Colombia. Se emplearon semillas de frutos en estado maduro, procesadas en harina con el siguiente rango de composición proximal: grasa 6.73 % - 11.8 %; proteína 4.3 % - 6.9 %; fibra cruda 2.6 % - 6.1 % y cenizas 2.12 % - 3.9 %. Las características fisicoquímicas determinadas en el aceite crudo mostraron los siguientes rangos: índice de acidez 0.78 % ácido oleico - 1.83 % ácido oleico; índice de saponificación 121.77 mg de KOH/g - 233.88 mg de KOH/g; índice de peróxidos 0.76 meq O2/kg - 3.19 meq O2/kg; índice de iodo 22.94 g de I2/100 g - 32.52 g de I2/100 g. El perfil de ácidos grasos presentó, en promedio, al ácido oleico (46.46 %) y el ácido esteárico (37.58 %) como componentes mayoritarios. La grasa obtenida no presentó un contenido considerable de fenoles totales. El estudio realizado demostró que la obtención de grasa comestible a partir de subproductos del mango, constituye una alternativa viable del aprovechamiento de recursos naturales pues los rendimientos en algunos cultivares fue alto y su composición química posibilita su aplicación en la sustitución de grasas vegetales o la posible generación de nuevos productos.
El desarrollo de este trabajo se basa en el análisis de los diferentes tipos de certificados digitales para la tecnología en la Nube y adicionalmente se realiza una recomendación para que se implemente en Ancert una herramienta comercial de firma electrónica.
Asiakaslähtöisen myyntiprosessin kehittäminen myyntitilanteessa kuluttajamarkkinoilla: Case Firma Oy
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää henkilökohtaisen myyntityön myyntiprosessia ja myyjän asiakaslähtöisyyttä kuluttajamarkkinoilla. Aiempi tutkimus on kirjallisuudessa keskittynyt enemmän B2B- markkinoiden myyntiprosessiin, joten tutkimuksen tekeminen voidaan nähdä perusteltuna. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli päivittäistavaramarkkinoilla toimiva ketju, jonka viihde-elektroniikan osaston toimintaa tutkittiin haastattelemalla neljää yrityksessä työskentelevää henkilöä. Henkilöt toimivat eri toimipaikoissa ja tehtävissä, minkä avulla pyrittiin saavuttamaan kokonaisvaltaisempi kuva yrityksen toiminnasta. Lisäksi myyntiosastoilla suoritettiin mysteeriostamista asiakaslähtöisyyden selvittämiseksi. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksenä huomattiin, että asiakaslähtöisen myynnin saavuttamiseksi myyjien tulisi keskittyä myyntiprosessissa kunnollisen tarvekartoituksen tekemiseen ja ehdotettava ratkaisua rohkeammin asiakkaalle. Yrityksen tulisi painottaa näiden vaiheiden tärkeyttä myyjille, sillä molempien osapuolien voidaan nähdä hyötyvän erityisesti kunnollisen tarvekartoituksen tekemisestä. Myyjien tulisi myös panostaa kokonaisuuksien ja ratkaisujen myymiseen myyntityössä. Tutkimus myös esittää yritykselle käytännön kehitysideoita, jotka keskittyvät myyjien motivoimiseen, tuoteosaamisen lisäämiseen, osto- ja myyntiosastojen toiminnan lähentämiseen sekä henkilökohtaisen palveluajan tarjoamiseen asiakkaille.
This study aimed to test controlled levels of water deficiency in soil in mango trees, under microsprinkling irrigation, in semi-arid conditions, and to evaluate its effect in the productivity and fruits quality. The deficits were applied in the phases I, II and III of growth of the fruit, during the productive cycles of the mango tree in 2006 and 2007. The experiment in both cases was arranged in an entirely random design with 10 treatments and 3 repetitions, in the year I, and with 8 treatments and 3 repetitions in the year II. The values of soil water potential, of the treatments submitted to regulated deficit irrigation (RDI), were placed in the range of 0 to -0.011 MPa, showing that the soil humidity varied between the saturation and the field capacity, not characterizing deficit water condition. The average values of stem water potential (Ψstem) varied between -0.90 and -1.74 MPa, evidencing significant effect (p <0.05) just for T1 (without irrigation), T7 and T8 (RDI with 30% of the ETc in the phases II and III, respectively). Through the variance analysis, significant differences were not verified among productivity, number of fruits per plant and size of the fruit, in none of the experiments, what indicates the possibility of reduction of the water use in the irrigation of the mango tree without significant losses of productivity and fruit quality.
Since the advent of mechanized farming and intensive use of agricultural machinery and implements on the properties, the soil began to receive greater load of machinery traffic, which can cause increased soil compaction. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of soil mechanical resistance to penetration (RP) in the layers of 0.00-0.10, 0.10-0.20, 0.20-0.30 and 0.30-0.40m, using geostatistics in an area cultivated with mango in Haplic Vertisol of the northeastern semi-arid, with mobile unit equipped with electronic penetrometer. The RP data was collected in 56 points from an area of 3 ha, and random soil samples were collected to determine the soil moisture and texture. For RP data analysis we used descriptive statistics and geostatistics. The soil mechanical resistance to penetration presented increased variability, with adjustment of the spherical and exponential semivariograms in the layers. We found that 42% of the area in the layer of 0.10-0.20m showed RP values above 2.70 MPa. Maximum values of RP were found in the layer of 0.19-0.27m, predominantly in 56% of the area.
Moisture equilibrium data of mango pulp were determined using the static gravimetric method. Adsorption and desorption isotherms were obtained in the range of 30-70 ºC, to water activities (a w) from 0.02 to 0.97. The application of the GAB model to the experimental results, using direct nonlinear regression analysis, provided agreement between experimental and calculated values. The net isosteric heat of sorption was estimated from equilibrium sorption data, using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. Isosteric heats of sorption were found to increase with increasing temperature and could be well adjusted by an exponential relationship. The enthalpy-entropy compensation theory was applied to sorption isotherms and plots of deltaH versus deltaS provided the isokinetic temperatures, indicating an enthalpy controlled sorption process.