985 resultados para Mammal Phylogeny


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Aerial surveys conducted using manned or unmanned aircraft with customized camera payloads can generate a large number of images. Manual review of these images to extract data is prohibitive in terms of time and financial resources, thus providing strong incentive to automate this process using computer vision systems. There are potential applications for these automated systems in areas such as surveillance and monitoring, precision agriculture, law enforcement, asset inspection, and wildlife assessment. In this paper, we present an efficient machine learning system for automating the detection of marine species in aerial imagery. The effectiveness of our approach can be credited to the combination of a well-suited region proposal method and the use of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs). In comparison to previous algorithms designed for the same purpose, we have been able to dramatically improve recall to more than 80% and improve precision to 27% by using DCNNs as the core approach.


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A new tribe, the Stereomerini, is established for four unusual genera: Stereomera Arrow, Termitaxis Krikken, Australoxenella n.gen., and Bruneixenus n.gen. The previously described genera are monotypic, as is Bruneixenus, the type species being B. squamosus n.sp. from Brunei. Australoxenella contains two new species, A. humptydooensis, type species, and A. bathurstensis, both from the Northern Territory, Australia. The relationships of the new tribe are analyzed and compared with the most closely related tribe, the Rhyparini, in the Aphodiinae. The tribe Rhyparini is redefined, and the genus Notocaulus Quedenfeldt is transferred to the Eupariini. A key to genera in both the Stereomerini and the Rhyparini is presented, important characters are illustrated, a cladogram is given, and convergence is discussed.


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Simmonds introduced Colletotrichum acutatum in 1965, validated in 1968, with a broad concept, as demonstrated by the selection of several type specimens from a range of hosts. This has created some confusion in the species concept and identification of C. acutatum. There are no viable ex-type cultures of C. acutatum and furthermore there are no existing cultures of C. acutatum on Carica papaya from the type locality in south-east Queensland. The application of molecular phylogenetic studies to isolates of C. acutatum is only meaningful if the taxonomy is stable and species are properly named. In order to clarify the species concept of C. acutatum, an isolate of Colletotrichum acutatum from Carica papaya from Yandina in Southeast Queensland (Australia) is designated as an epitype. A detailed morphological description is provided. Phylogenies based on a combined ITS and beta-tubulin gene analysis indicate that C. acutatum bears close phylogenetic affinities to C. gloeosporioides and C. capsici. Results also indicate that C. acutatum is monophyletic and there is a close relationship between the epitype and other Australian C. acutatum isolates from Carica papaya. Molecular data, however did not provide further evidence to properly elucidate the taxonomie affinities of C. acutatum especially the holotype and epitype. Our studies indicate that given the complexity of the genus Colletotrichum, there is a need to check previously described type specimens and redesign neotypes where necessary in order to clarify taxonomie uncertainties.


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Several species of marine mammals are at risk of extinction from being captured as bycatch in commercial fisheries. Various approaches have been developed and implemented to address this bycatch problem, including devices and gear changes, time and area closures and fisheries moratoria. Most of these solutions are difficult to implement effectively, especially for artisanal fisheries in developing countries and remote regions. Re-zoning of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBRWHA) in 2004 closed 33% of the region to extractive activities, including commercial fishing. However, the impact of re-zoning and the associated industry restructuring on a threatened marine mammal, the dugong (Dugong dugon), is difficult to quantify. Accurate information on dugong bycatch in commercial nets is unavailable because of the large geographic extent of the GBRWHA, the remoteness of the region adjacent to the Cape York Peninsula where most dugongs occur and the artisanal nature of the fishery. In the face of this uncertainty, a spatial risk-assessment approach was used to evaluate the re-zoning and associated industry restructuring for their ability to reduce the risk of dugong bycatch from commercial fisheries netting. The new zoning arrangements appreciably reduced the risk of dugong bycatch by reducing the total area where commercial netting is permitted. Netting is currently not permitted in 67% of dugong habitats of high conservation value, a 56% improvement over the former arrangements. Re-zoning and industry restructuring also contributed to a 22% decline in the spatial extent of conducted netting. Spatial risk assessment approaches that evaluate the risk of mobile marine mammals from bycatch are applicable to other situations where there is limited information on the location and intensity of bycatch, including remote regions and developing countries where resources are limited.


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Suurin osa luonnossa havaitsemistamme mikrobeista on sellaisia, joita emme edelleenkään osaa kasvattaa laboratorio-oloissa, vaikka tietomme mikrobien monimuotoisuudesta paranevat koko ajan. Luonnontilaisen mikrobieliöstön kokoonpano eri ympäristöissä on paljolti epäselvä ja ymmärrämme vielä hyvin puutteellisesti mikrobien ekologiaa ja niiden rooleja eliöyhteisöissä. Nykyaikaiset molekulaariset tutkimusmenetelmät auttavat selvittämään mikrobien monimuotoisuutta kokonaisvaltaisesti ja nopeasti. Ympäristöstä kemiallisesti puhdistetut ribosomaalista RNA:ta koodaavat geenit edustavat periaatteessa kaikkia eliöyhteisön geneettisesti toisistaan poikkeavia eliöitä. Niistä voidaan valikoida halutut genomit jatkotutkimuksia varten. Uusien menetelmien käyttö on tuonut esiin sen merkittävän seikan, että "tavanomaisten" elinympäristöjen eliöyhteisöihin kuuluu suuri joukko entuudestaan tuntemattomia arkkieliöitä. Aiemmin kuviteltiin, että arkkieliöt asuttavat vain sellaisia "epätavallisia" tai "äärimmäisiä" elinympäristöjä, joita luonnehtii joku seuraavista ominaisuuksista: hyvin korkea lämpötila, korkea suolapitoisuus, korkea happamuus tai emäksisyys, hapettomuus. Tutkijat ovat viimeisen noin kymmenen vuoden aikana osoittaneet, että arkkieliöt asuttavat hyvin monenlaisia kylmän ja lauhkean vyöhykkeen ympäristöjä, yhtä hyvin maaperää kuin suolaisen ja makean veden pohjaa tai pintakerroksia. Nämä löydöt ovat avanneet uuden alun arkkieliöiden tutkimukselle, erityisesti sen selvittämiselle, mitkä ovat niiden fysiologiset ja ekologiset roolit monimuotoisissa mikrobiyhteisöissä. Tämä väitöskirja kuvaa entuudestaan tuntemattomien arkkieliöiden löytymistä havumetsävyöhykkeen metsämaasta. Arkkieliöitä löytyi myös lauhkean vyöhykkeen vuorovesialueelta, murtoveden huuhtelemasta pohjasta. Nämä löydöt ovat perustavalaatuisia vuorovesialueen eliöyhteisöjen ymmärtämiseksi. Suomalaisen metsäjärven vedestä määritettiin molempien arkkieliöiden pääryhmien - tieteellisiltä nimiltään Crenarchaeota ja Euryarchaeota - edustajia. Euryarchaeota-ryhmän edustajia voitiin havainnoida myös fluoresenssi-mikroskopoinnilla. Löydöt viittaavat siihen, että arkkieliöillä on oma biogeokemiallinen roolinsa makeanveden ravintoketjujen hiilen käytössä. Tässä työssä määritetyt uudet arkkieliöiden genomien nukleotidisekvenssit on toimitettu ARB-tietokantaan, jonka kasvava vertailuaineisto edelleen parantaa uusien arkkieliösekvenssien analyysiä ja auttaa hybridisaatiokoetinten ja polymeraasiketjureaktioalukkeiden suunnittelussa ja arvioinnissa. Tässä väitöskirjassa esitellyt tulokset yhdessä lukuisien vesi-, maaperä- ja muiden ympäristöjen arkkieliöitä käsittelevien julkaisujen kanssa osoittavat, että arkkieliöt asuttavat monia erilaisia elinympäristöjä ja että ne ovat ekologisesti paljon menestyneempiä, kuin tieteenalalla on kuviteltu. Voimme olettaa, että heti kun joitain näistä eliöistä onnistutaan kasvattamaan ja ylläpitämään laboratorio-oloissa, niiden joukosta löydetään aivan uusia, entuudestaan tuntemattomia fysiologisia fenotyyppejä, jotka avaavat mielenkiintoisia näkymiä aineenvaihdunnan ja perinnöllisten ominaisuuksien tutkimukselle.


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Currently, the classification used for cyanobacteria is based mainly on morphology. In many cases the classification is known to be incongruent with the phylogeny of cyanobacteria. The evaluation of this classification is complicated by the fact that numerous strains are only described morphologically and have not been isolated. Moreover, the phenotype of many cyanobacterial strains alters during prolonged laboratory cultivation. In this thesis, cyanobacterial strains were isolated from lakes (mainly Lake Tuusulanjärvi) and both morphology and phylogeny of the isolates were investigated. The cyanobacterial community composition in Lake Tuusulanjärvi was followed for two years in order to relate the success of cyanobacterial phenotypes and genotypes to environmental conditions. In addition, molecular biological methods were compared with traditional microscopic enumeration and their ability and usefulness in describing the cyanobacterial diversity was evaluated. The Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, and Trichormus strains were genetically heterogeneous and polyphyletic. The phylogenetic relationships of the heterocytous cyanobacteria were not congruent with their classification. In contrast to heterocytous cyanobacteria, the phylogenetic relationships of the Snowella and Woronichinia strains, which had not been studied before this thesis, reflected the morphology of strains and followed their current classification. The Snowella strains formed a monophyletic cluster, which was most closely related to the Woronichinia strain. In addition, a new cluster of thin, filamentous cyanobacterial strains identified as Limnothrix redekei was revealed. This cluster was not closely related to any other known cyanobacteria. The cyanobacterial community composition in Lake Tuusulanjärvi was studied with molecular methods [denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and cloning of the 16S rRNA gene], through enumerations of cyanobacteria under microscope, and by strain isolations. Microcystis, Anabaena/Aphanizomenon, and Synechococcus were the major groups in the cyanobacterial community in Lake Tuusulanjärvi during the two-year monitoring period. These groups showed seasonal succession, and their success was related to different environmental conditions. The major groups of the cyanobacterial community were detected by all used methods. However, cloning gave higher estimates than microscopy for the proportions of heterocytous cyanobacteria and Synechococcus. The differences were probably caused by the high 16S rRNA gene copy numbers in heterotrophic cyanobacteria and by problems in the identification and detection of unicellular cyanobacteria.


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Nisäkkäiden levinneisyyteen, niiden morfologisiin ja ekologisiin piirteisiin vaikuttavat ympäristön sekä lyhyet että pitkäkestoiset muutokset, etenkin ilmaston ja kasvillisuuden vaihtelut. Työssä tutkittiin nisäkkäiden sopeutumista ilmastonmuutoksiin Euraasiassa viimeisen 24 miljoonan vuoden aikana. Tutkimuksessa keskityttiin varsinkin viimeiseen kahteen miljoonaan vuoteen, jonka aikana ilmasto muuttui voimakkaasti ja ihmisen toiminta alkoi tulla merkittäväksi. Tämän takia on usein vaikea erottaa, kummasta em. seikasta jonkin nisäkäslajin sukupuutto tai häviäminen alueelta johtui. Aineistona käytettiin laajaa venäjänkielistä kirjallisuutta, josta löytyvät tiedot ovat kääntämättöminä jääneet aiemmin länsimaisen tutkimuksen ulkopuolelle. Työssä käytettiin myös NOW-tietokantaa, jossa on fossiilisten nisäkkäiden löytöpaikat sekä niiden iät.


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The parasitic wasps are one of the largest insect groups and their life histories are remarkably variable. Common to all parasitic wasps is that they kill their hosts, which are usually beetles, butterflies and sometimes spiders. Hosts are often at a larval or pupal stage and live in concealed conditions, such as in plant tissue. Parasitic wasps have two main ways of finding their host. 1) They can detect chemical compounds emitted by damaged plant material or released by larvae living in plant tissue, and 2) detect the larvae by sound vibrations. Even though pupae are immobile and silent, and therefore do not cause vibration, parasitoids have, however, adapted to find passive developmental stages by producing vibration themselves by knocking the substrate with their antennae, and then detecting the echoes with their legs. This echolocation allows a parasitoid to locate its potential hosts that are deeply buried in wood. This study focuses on the relationships of the subfamily Cryptinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and related taxa, and the evolution of host location mechanism. There are no earlier studies of the phylogeny of the Cryptinae, and the position of related taxa are unclear. According to the earlier classification, which is entirely intuitional, the Cryptinae is divided into three tribes: Cryptini, Hemigasterini and Phygadeuontini. Further, these tribes are subdiveded into numerous subtribes. This work, based on molecular characters, shows that the cryptine tribes Cryptini, Phygadeuon¬tini and Hemigasterini come out largely as monophyletic groups, thus agreeing with the earlier classification. The earlier subtribal classification had no support. In addition, it is shown that modified antennal structures are associated with host usage of wood-boring coleopteran hosts. The cryptines have a clear modification series on their antennal tips from a simply tip to a hammer-like structure. The species with strongly modified antennae belong mostly to the tribe Cryptini and they utilise wood-boring beetles as hosts. Also, field observations on insect behaviour support this result.


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Background: The members of cupin superfamily exhibit large variations in their sequences, functions, organization of domains, quaternary associations and the nature of bound metal ion, despite having a conserved beta-barrel structural scaffold. Here, an attempt has been made to understand structure-function relationships among the members of this diverse superfamily and identify the principles governing functional diversity. The cupin superfamily also contains proteins for which the structures are available through world-wide structural genomics initiatives but characterized as ``hypothetical''. We have explored the feasibility of obtaining clues to functions of such proteins by means of comparative analysis with cupins of known structure and function. Methodology/Principal Findings: A 3-D structure-based phylogenetic approach was undertaken. Interestingly, a dendrogram generated solely on the basis of structural dissimilarity measure at the level of domain folds was found to cluster functionally similar members. This clustering also reflects an independent evolution of the two domains in bicupins. Close examination of structural superposition of members across various functional clusters reveals structural variations in regions that not only form the active site pocket but are also involved in interaction with another domain in the same polypeptide or in the oligomer. Conclusions/Significance: Structure-based phylogeny of cupins can influence identification of functions of proteins of yet unknown function with cupin fold. This approach can be extended to other proteins with a common fold that show high evolutionary divergence. This approach is expected to have an influence on the function annotation in structural genomics initiatives.


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The two recently proposed taxonomies of the langurs and leaf monkeys (Subfamily Colobinae) provide different implications to our understanding of the evolution of Nilgiri and purple-faced langurs. Groves (2001) [Groves, C.P., 2001. Primate Taxonomy. Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington], placed Nilgiri and purple-faced langurs in the genus Trachypithecus, thereby suggesting disjunct distribution of the genus Trachypithecus. [Brandon-Jones, D., Eudey, A.A., Geissmann, T., Groves, C.P., Melnick, D.J., Morales, J.C., Shekelle, M., Stewart, C.-B., 2003. Asian primate classification. Int. J. Primatol. 25, 97–162] placed these langurs in the genus Semnopithecus, which suggests convergence of morphological characters in Nilgiri and purple-faced langurs with Trachypithecus. To test these scenarios, we sequenced and analyzed the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and two nuclear DNA-encoded genes, lysozyme and protamine P1, from a variety of colobine species. All three markers support the clustering of Nilgiri and purple-faced langurs with Hanuman langur (Semnopithecus), while leaf monkeys of Southeast Asian (Trachypithecus) form a distinct clade. The phylogenetic position of capped and golden leaf monkeys is still unresolved. It is likely that this species group might have evolved due to past hybridization between Semnopithecus and Trachypithecus clades.