1000 resultados para Maladie de Byler
L'étude du comportement au sens large fait partie intégrante de l'examen neurologique classique. Cet article présente une revue des manifestations comportementales et thymiques dans l'épilepsie, l'accident vasculaire cérébral, la maladie de Parkinson et la sclérose en plaques. The assessement of behavior is common part of the neurological examination. This article reviews the behavioral and mood manifestations in four classical syndroms: Epilepsy, stroke, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis
Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) is a recognized treatment for advanced and severe forms of Parkinson's Disease. The procedure improves motor signs and often allows a reduction of the medication. The impact of the procedure on cognitive and neuropsychiatric signs of the disease is more debated and there is an international consensus for the need of a multidisciplinary evaluation of patients undergoing such programs, including a neuropsychiatric assessment. We present a review of the literature as well as the experience at our centre focused on the short and long term outcome on mood following STN-DBS.
La maladie de Still de l'adulte reste un diagnostic souvent évoqué, mais difficile à poser en l'absence d'anomalie clinique ou de laboratoire pathognomonique. Il est encore un diagnostic d'exclusion et la difficulté réside dans l'utilisation rationnelle et adéquate de ces tests d'exclusion. Le traitement reste quant à lui pragmatique, basé sur une analyse de situation et une définition claire des objectifs. Finalement, si les traitements biologiques semblent efficaces, ils restent réservés aux cas résistant aux traitements conventionnels ou corticodépendants. If the diagnosis of Adult-onset Still disease is often entertained, the disease remains difficult to diagnose in the absence of any specific clinical or laboratory anomaly. Diagnosis is still a diagnosis of exclusion, and the difficulty rests in the rational and appropriate use of those exclusion tests. Treatment is pragmatic, based on an analysis of the situation and a clear definition of the objectives. Finally, if biological treatments appear efficient, they should be reserved for patients resistant to conventional therapy or corticodependant
A guideline group of pediatric rheumatologist experts elaborated guidelines related to the management of idiopathic juvenile arthritis in association with the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS). A systematic search of the literature published between 1998 and August 2008 and indexed in Pubmed was undertaken. Here, we present the guidelines for diagnosis and treatment in systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis.
Alzheimer's disease is a frequent neurodegenerative disease, which affects more than one third of elderly persons over 80 years. No curative treatment is currently available for this disease, but symptomatic treatments have produced significant improvements in patients' condition. Cholinesterase inhibitors should be prescribed for early and moderate stages and memantine for more severe stages of the disease. These drugs have an impact on cognitive performances, may delay functional decline and improve behaviour disturbances. From a preventive perspective, evidence of benefit from early management of vascular risk factors is accumulating. In the near future, the improved comprehension of the underlying mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease will hopefully bring new treatments, thats will delay or modify its course.
We report a case of a fifty year old woman with Graves' disease with positive AntiTPO antibodies and positive AntiTSH receptor antibodies, who was hospitalized with a right cardiac failure. A pulmonary hypertension was discovered on echocardiography. After adequate antithyroid therapy, the right cardiac failure regressed rapidly and pulmonary pressure normalised. An autoimmune process has often been proposed to explain the association between pulmonary hypertension and hyperthyroidism. We report the arguments supporting this autoimmune etiopathogenesis. We also discuss an other hypothesis based on a direct effect of thyroid hormones on the pulmonary circulation and the effects of high cardiac output associated with hyperthyroidism.
Objectifs : Décrire les caractéristiques de la dysfonction endothéliale associée au risque cardiovasculaire et expliciter les mécanismes biologiques par lesquels l'exercice stimule et/ou restaure la fonction endothéliale. Actualités : La fonction endothéliale, via les effets vasculoprotecteurs du monoxyde d'azote (NO), préserve la santé cardiovasculaire. Le dysfonctionnement endothélial est un facteur prédictif de la survenue des événements cardiovasculaires. L'endothélium est donc un organe cible préventif et thérapeutique prioritaire pour diminuer le risque cardiovasculaire. Perspectives : Les études épidémiologiques mettent en évidence les bienfaits de l'exercice régulier sur la fonction endothéliale, via une action endothéliale directe. L'approche expérimentale permet aujourd'hui de mieux cerner les mécanismes biologiques protecteurs de l'exercice. L'exercice, via l'élévation des forces de cisaillement, protège et/ou normalise la fonction endothéliale en augmentant la biodisponibilité en NO soit par une stimulation de la production de NO et/ou, soit par une augmentation des défenses antioxydantes et/ou une atténuation des enzymes prooxydantes. Conclusion : La connaissance des mécanismes biologiques protecteurs de l'exercice doit permettre d'encourager la pratique d'un exercice régulier par tous pour prévenir et réduire la mortalité cardiovasculaire.
INTRODUCTION: Fabry disease is an X-linked recessive abnormality of glycosphingolipid metabolism that is due to deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme alpha-galactosidase A. CURRENT KNOWLEDGE AND KEY POINTS: A majority of hemizygous men develop severe multisystemic disease (classic form), dominated by renal failure, progressive neurological and cardiac involvement. Nevertheless, some affected men retain sufficient enzyme activity and long remain asymptomatic (atypical form); their main manifestation is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Female heterozygous carriers are usually asymptomatic; 15% of them, however, have severe involvement of one or several organs. Laboratory, histologic and molecular diagnosis identifies 100% of hemizygous and over 80% of heterozygous subjects. FUTURE PROSPECTS AND PROJECTS: With developments in molecular genetics, it is now possible to produce the human recombinant enzyme alpha-galactosidase A. Two recent studies had proven that this therapeutic approach was able to be clinically and histologically effective in men. In addition, the results of a trial of gene therapy in a Fabry gene knocked-out mouse appear promising.
The musicians are seen in daily neurological practice facing various problems sometimes simple such as skeletal or tendon pain or even compression of a nerve trunk and sometimes more complicated such as focal dystonia. Dystonia often has a dramatic impact on the career of a musician given the complexity of the clinical and therapeutic approach and the results are often disappointing. The history of the German Romantic composer Robert Schumann illustrates this reality; through his story a discussion of both the different pathophysiological hypotheses responsible for focal dystonia, a disorder of brain plasticity, and of the multimodal therapeutic approaches, revisited in the light of neurophysiological findings will be described.
Fabry disease is a X-linked sphingolipid storage disorder resulting from the defective activity of the lysosomal enzyme, alpha-galactosidase A. Hemizygotes develop severe multisystemic disease, dominated by renal failure and progressive neurological and cardiac involvement, causing premature death. Thirty percent of heterozygotes have severe involvement of one or several organs. With developments in molecular biology, it is now possible to produce the human recombinant enzyme alpha-galactosidase A. More than 20 patients are now treated in Switzerland.
The quasi-ubiquitous distribution of vitamin D receptors in the human tissues and the high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency worldwide have generated much enthusiasm about the opportunity of cardiovascular disease prevention through vitamin D supplementation. However, reported associations between vitamin D and cardiovascular disease present important limitations and are prone to confounding and reverse causation. Results from ongoing randomized clinical trials testing the efficacy of vitamin D supplementation to reduce cardiovascular events will not be available before year 2015. This article reviews the epidemiology of vitamin D and provides a brief overview on the relationship between vitamin D and cardiovascular disease.