840 resultados para Majoritarian democracy


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This article presents the first results of research on the organization and administration of the Brazilian presidency and problems of democratic governance in Brazil. Biases of Euro-centrism in current views of presidentialism, democracy, governance, and representation are criticized and new comparative analysis of political experiences in the Americas called for. Initial analysis of the Brazilian presidency reveals a unique combination of executive-led electoral representation and muddling through governance since the transition from military rule.


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On 25 April 1974 the Armed Forces Movement (MFA – Movimento das Forças Armadas) rose against the dictatorial regime that had governed Portugal for 48 years. This event was the beginning of a turbulent transition process that was to culminate in the approval of a new constitution in April 1976 and in the instauration of a Western style pluralist democracy. There are many political scientists and historians who note the original and unexpected nature of this transition; however, there are very many different interpretations with respect to the roles played by each of the actors in the process: the armed forces, the parties and political movements and the social forces/movements. The aim of this paper is to clarify this matter through an examination of the principal events of the revolution.


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A Masters Thesis, presented as part of the requirements for the award of a Research Masters Degree in Economics from NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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This paper illustrates how delayed debt stabilizations can arise in a society without any emerging conflict of interests among its members. We argue that, under a majority voting rule, the economy may generate excessive levels of government spending and larger debts over time, and that this delay is increasing in income inequality. The intuition for this result is simple: a majority of citizens may find in delaying stabilizations a way to increase government expenditures, transferring in this way resources from the richest to the poorest citizens in the economy. This process may explain the upward trend and the difficulty to reduce public expenditures, the so called "ratchet effect."


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The European Union, as a regional actor and an example of stability and well-being, has embraced a set of principles it has stood for and which constitute its own identity. The diffusion of these values among third countries is one of the objectives of EU’s External Policy. Democracy can be found among the principles that are sought to be exported through comprehensive and complex strategies within different frameworks, such as neighbourhood relations, trade partnerships and the accession process. Focusing on the latter, candidates are object of an intensive process of Europeanisation that operates through different mechanisms like socialisation and conditionality. Turkey, on the other side, has decided to apply for full membership several decades ago and, ever since, it has been pressured to Europeanise, which includes improving its unstable democracy. This case, however, is different from all other previous enlargements; for its special socio-cultural and civilisational features, Turkey constitutes a more complex novelty for the European Union. Therefore, this thesis aims to study the influence of the European Union on the democratisation process of Turkey, focusing on the period ranging between 1999, the year the European Council recognised Turkey’s candidacy status, and 2009 that marks the 10-year period of that condition. It is the intention of this project to assess the impact of the European Union at that level through the study of the democratic evolution of the country and its co-relation with other variables related to the presence or pressure of the EU. As this is a challenging objective, it will require a deep reflection upon central concepts like democracy and democratic consolidation, and a diversified use of methodological techniques, such as statistical analysis and mathematical co-relations, historical analysis, literature review and in-depth interviews. This study will privilege a Constructivist approach, emphasising the social construction of reality and the role of the ideational aspects – identity, perceptions and the broader socio-cultural dimension – in Turkey-EU relations.


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This paper demonstrates the significance of culture in examining the relationshipbetween democratic capital and environmental performance.The aim is to examine the relationship among scores on the Environmental Performance Index and the two dimensions of cross cultural variation suggested by Ronald Inglehart and Christian Welzel. Significantional interrelationships among democracy, cultural and environmental sustaintability measures could be found, following the regression results. Firstly, higher levels of democratic capital stock are associated with better environmental performance. Secondly importance to distinguish between cultural groups could be confirmed.


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En el debate académico y social los críticos de la democracia deliberativa coinciden en sostener la imposibilidad de realización de este ideal, fundamentando dicha afirmación en hechos sociales relevantes como el pluralismo, la desigualdad, la complejidad, poderosas instituciones y una esfera pública polarizada en extremo. En atención a las mencionadas críticas algunos autores han destacado que la viabilidad de una forma deliberativa de democracia depende de la creación de condiciones sociales y arreglos institucionales que propicien el uso público de la razón. La deliberación es pública en la medida en que estos arreglos permitan el diálogo abierto entre ciudadanos capaces de formular juicios informados y razonados en torno a las formas de resolver situaciones problemáticas. La factibilidad y eficacia de la deliberación pública reside, a su vez, en la posibilidad de sostener no sólo un diálogo abierto y continuo entre ciudadanos, sino también de éstos con las instituciones políticas. En esta discusión se inserta el presente proyecto con el fin de estudiar los problemas de justificación e institucionalización, como así también los obstáculos y constreñimientos empíricos con los que se enfrenta la democracia deliberativa. Para ello se toman diversas experiencias en la Provincia de Córdoba: El Acta de Compromiso Público de la Ciudad de Córdoba, Los Observatorios de Servicios Públicos de la Asociación Civil el Ágora, Concertación en Espacios Locales de la Asociación Civil el Ágora y las Juntas de Participación Vecinal de la Municipalidad de Córdoba. Todos estos procesos se caracterizan por constituir iniciativas que procuran la creación, fortalecimiento e institucionalización de espacios de participación ciudadana y de interacción dialógica de los ciudadanos entre sí y de éstos con el estado. Estos espacios son espacios situados y, en cuanto tales, implican contigencias devenidas de las particularidades territoriales, temáticas y de los diferentes horizontes temporales sobre los que se proponen actuar. El proyecto se propone analizar los alcances y dificultades (políticas, sociales, organizativas, informacionales) que se presentan en estas experiencias deliberativas, atendiendo tanto a los requisitos de factibilidad de las propias experiencias como a la necesidad de fortalecer los planteamientos teóricos de la teoría de la deliberación pública a partir de la consideración de los problemas empíricos con los que la misma se enfrenta. Se prevé el desarrollo e implementación de indicadores de seguimiento y monitoreo de las experiencias que den cuenta de las dimensiones y presupuestos de la democracia deliberativa, la construcción de modelos procedimentales y tecnologías comunicativas que contribuyan a la factibilidad de los presupuestos comunicativos y la contribuición al desarrollo de proposiciones teóricas vinculadas con la preocupación académica referida a los procesos deliberativos y participativos en las sociedades contemporáneas.


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