957 resultados para Major Protein


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Les kinases constituent une famille majeure de protéines qui régulent divers processus par la phosphorylation de leurs substrats, mais aussi par leur activité non- catalytique. Ce rôle indépendant de l’activité kinase a été observé chez quelques protéines dont des membres de la famille Sterile-20. La kinase Ste20 Slik de Drosophila aide au maintien de l’intégrité des tissus épithéliaux en phosphorylant l’ERM Moesin et peut aussi induire une prolifération cellulaire non-autonome indépendamment de son activité catalytique. La méthode de régulation de ces deux rôles était jusqu’ici inconnue. Nous avons identifié 19 sites de phosphorylation chez Slik par spectrométrie de masse. À l’aide de mutants, nous démontrons que les deux fonctions de Slik sont régulées par la phosphorylation d’au moins 2 résidus conservés de son segment d’activation par un mécanisme d’auto- et/ou trans-phosphorylation. Cette étude amène une meilleure compréhension de la régulation de l’intégrité épithéliale et de la croissance, deux processus clés qui sont souvent déréglés dans le cancer et certaines maladies génétiques.


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Les effets bénéfiques des lipoprotéines de haute densité (HDL) contre l'athérosclérose ont été attribués, en grande partie, à leur composante protéique majeure, l'apolipoprotéine A-I (apoA-I). Cependant, il y a des indications que l'apoA-I peut être dégradée par des protéases localisées dans les plaques athérosclérotiques humaines, ce qui pourrait réduire l'efficacité des thérapies basées sur les HDL sous certaines conditions. Nous décrivons ici le développement et l'utilisation d'une nouvelle sonde bioactivatable fluorescente dans le proche infrarouge, apoA-I-Cy5.5, pour l'évaluation des activités protéolytiques spécifiques qui dégradent l'apoA-I in vitro, in vivo et ex vivo. La fluorescence basale de la sonde est inhibée par la saturation du fluorophore Cy5.5 sur la protéine apoA-I, et la fluorescence émise par le Cy5.5 (proche infrarouge) est révélée après clivage de la sonde. La protéolyse in vitro de l'apoA-I par des protéases a montré une augmentation de la fluorescence allant jusqu'à 11 fois (n=5, P ≤ 0.05). En utilisant notre nouvelle sonde apoA-I-Cy5.5 nous avons pu quantifier les activités protéolytiques d'une grande variété de protéases, incluant des sérines (chymase), des cystéines (cathepsine S), et des métalloprotéases (MMP-12). En outre, nous avons pu détecter l'activation de la sonde apoA-I-Cy5.5 sur des sections d'aorte de souris athérosclérotiques par zymographie in situ et avons observé qu'en présence d'inhibiteurs de protéases à large spectre, la sonde pourrait être protégée des activités protéolytiques des protéases (-54%, n=6, P ≤ 0,001). L'infusion in vivo de la sonde apoA-I-Cy5.5 dans les souris athérosclérotiques (Ldlr -/--Tg (apoB humaine)) a résulté en utilisant un système d'imagerie moléculaire combinant la fluorescence moléculaire tomographique et la résonance magnétique,en un signal de fluorescence dans l'aorte plus important que celui dans les aortes des souris de type sauvage C57Bl/6J (CTL). Les mesures in vivo ont été confirmées par l'imagerie ex vivo de l'aorte qui a indiqué une augmentation de 5 fois du signal fluorescent dans l'aorte des souris ATX (n=5) par rapport à l'aorte des souris (n=3) CTL (P ≤ 0,05). L'utilisation de cette sonde pourrait conduire à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires qui sous-tendent le développement et la progression de l'athérosclérose et l'amélioration des stratégies thérapeutiques à base de HDL.


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The objective of the study isto determine the average quantity of certain biochemical constituents of the haemolymph of Penaeus indicus and to verify the importanceof the simple correlation between the quantity or content of the biochemical constituents in the haemolymph and the size of the species, sex, moult and reproductive stages. The biochemical constituents studied are protein, free amino acids, glucose, total lipids, cholesterol, calcium, zinc, iron and manganese. The study Identifies the species specific haemolymph protein pattern by electrophoresis and determines the qualitative variations of haemolymph proteins with respect to sex, size, moult and reproductive stages. Major protein components such as hemocyanin and female specific protein are determined with a view to understand their function. The thesis also identifies the circulating haemocytes with a view to understand their specific role in the various physiological functions of the species. The thesis is presented in three chapters. Each chapter has an introduction to the particular aspect of study which includes a review of literature, methodology adopted for the study, the results obtained and discussion on the subject. The first Chapter deals with the biochemical constituents of the haemolymph, the second includes electrophoretic characterization of proteins in the haemolymph and the third Chapter deals with haemocyte identification and classification. A summary of the thesis and literature cited in the text are listed at the end.


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This thesis is an attempt to make a comparative study of the composition of the muscle proteins of some commercially important species of fishes and shell fishes of our coast and their changes during preservation and processing. As a part of this the distribution of the major protein nitrogen fractions in several species of fishes and shell fishes was studied in detail.


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A study was carried out to determine the influence of fibrolytic enzymes derived from mesophilic or thermophilic fungal sources, added at ensiling, on time-course fermentation characteristics and in vitro rumen degradation of maize silage. The mesophilic enzyme was a commercial product derived from Trichodenna reesei (L), whereas the thermophilic enzyme was a crude extract produced from Thermoascus aurantiacus (Ta) in this laboratory. The fungus was cultured using maize cobs as a carbon source. The resulting fermentation extract was deionised to remove sugars and characterised for its protein concentration, main and side enzymic activities, optimal pH, protein molecular mass and isoelectric point. In an additional study, both enzymes were added to maize forage (333.5 g DM/kg, 70.0, 469.8, 227.1 and 307.5 g/kg DM of CP, NDF, ADF and starch, respectively) at two levels each, normalized according to xylanase activity, and ensiled in 0.5 kg capacity laboratory minisilos. Duplicate silos were opened at 2, 4, 8, 15, and 60 days after ensiling, and analysed for chemical characteristics. Silages from 60 days were bulked and in vitro gas production (GP) and organic matter degradability (OMD) profiles evaluated using the Reading Pressure Technique (RPT), in a completely randomised design. The crude enzyme extract contained mainly xylanase and endoglucanase activities, with very low levels of exoglucanase, which probably limited hydrolysis of filter paper. The extract contained three major protein bands of between 29 and 55 kDa, with mainly acidic isoelectric points. Ensiling maize with enzymes lowered (P < 0.05) the final silage pH, with this effect being observed throughout the ensiling process. All enzyme treatments reduced (P < 0.05) ADF contents. Treatments including Ta produced more gas (P < 0.05) than the controls after 24 h incubation in vitro, whereas end point gas production at 96 h was not affected. Addition of Ta increased (P < 0.01) OMD after 12 h (410 and 416 g/kg versus 373 g/kg), whereas both L and Ta increased (P < 0.05) OMD after 24 h. Addition of enzymes from mesophilic or thermophilic sources to maize forage at ensiling increased the rate of acidification of the silages and improved in vitro degradation kinetics, suggesting an improvement in the nutritive quality. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The chemical composition and fractional distribution of protein isolates prepared from species of Mucuna bean were studied. Using six different extraction media, the yield of protein based on the Kjeldahl procedure varied from 8% to 34%, and the protein content varied from 75% to 95%. When the yields were high, the colour of the isolates generally tended to be dark and unsatisfactory. Hence, the use of chemical treatments and high pressure processing were explored. The solubility maxima for the protein isolates in water were found to occur at pH values of 2.0 and 11.0, while the pH corresponding to minimum solubility (i.e. isoelectric region) occurred at pH values of 4.0 and 5.0. The total essential amino acid in the isolates ranged from 495 to 557 mg g(-1) protein, which compares favourably with the recommended level for pre-school and school children. Methionine and cysteine were the limiting amino acids. A key nutritional attribute of the protein isolates was its high lysine content. The isolate can therefore complement cereal-based foods which are deficient in lysine. The proteins mainly consisted of albumins, glutelins and globulins. Prolamins were only present in trace concentration (< 0.3%). Gel filtration chromatograms of the isolates indicated the presence of major protein fractions with molecular weights of 40 and 15 kDa, while gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) indicated a major broad zone with molecular weights of 36 +/- 7 and 17.3 +/- 13 kDa. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bj-BPP-10c is a bioactive proline-rich decapeptide, part of the C-type natriuretic peptide precursor, expressed in the brain and in the venom gland of Bothrops jararaca. We recently showed that Bj-BPP-10c displays a strong, sustained anti-hypertensive effect in spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHR), without causing any effect in normotensive rats, by a pharmacological effect independent of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition. Therefore, we hypothesized that another mechanism should be involved in the peptide activity. Here we used affinity chromatography to search for kidney cytosolic proteins with affinity for Bj-BPP-10c and demonstrate that argininosuccinate synthetase (AsS) is the major protein binding to the peptide. More importantly, this interaction activates the catalytic activity of AsS in a dose-dependent manner. AsS is recognized as an important player of the citrulline-NO cycle that represents a potential limiting step in NO synthesis. Accordingly, the functional interaction of Bj-BPP-10c and AsS was evidenced by the following effects promoted by the peptide: (i) increase of NO metabolite production in human umbilical vein endothelial cell culture and of arginine in human embryonic kidney cells and (ii) increase of arginine plasma concentration in SHR. Moreover, alpha-methyl-DL-aspartic acid, a specific AsS inhibitor, significantly reduced the anti-hypertensive activity of Bj-BPP-10c in SHR. Taken together, these results suggest that AsS plays a role in the anti-hypertensive action of Bj-BPP-10c. Therefore, we propose the activation of AsS as a new mechanism for the anti-hypertensive effect of Bj-BPP-10c in SHR and AsS as a novel target for the therapy of hypertension-related diseases.


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Currently, computational methods have been increasingly used to aid in the characterization of molecular biological systems, especially when they relevant to human health. Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory or broadband use in the clinic. Once in the bloodstream, most of ibuprofen is linked to human serum albumin, the major protein of blood plasma, decreasing its bioavailability and requiring larger doses to produce its antiinflamatory action. This study aimes to characterize, through the interaction energy, how is the binding of ibuprofen to albumin and to establish what are the main amino acids and molecular interactions involved in the process. For this purpouse, it was conducted an in silico study, by using quantum mechanical calculations based on Density Functional Theory (DFT), with Generalized Gradient approximation (GGA) to describe the effects of exchange and correlation. The interaction energy of each amino acid belonging to the binding site to the ligand was calculated the using the method of molecular fragmentation with conjugated caps (MFCC). Besides energy, we calculated the distances, types of molecular interactions and atomic groups involved. The theoretical models used were satisfactory and show a more accurate description when the dielectric constant ε = 40 was used. The findings corroborate the literature in which the Sudlow site I (I-FA3) is the primary binding site and the site I-FA6 as secondary site. However, it differs in identifying the most important amino acids, which by interaction energy, in order of decreasing energy, are: Arg410, Lys414, Ser 489, Leu453 and Tyr411 to the I-Site FA3 and Leu481, Ser480, Lys351, Val482 and Arg209 to the site I-FA6. The quantification of interaction energy and description of the most important amino acids opens new avenues for studies aiming at manipulating the structure of ibuprofen, in order to decrease its interaction with albumin, and consequently increase its distribution


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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As frações protéicas foram isoladas dos cotiledones e os taninos isolados e purificados da casca da lentilha. A fração globulina correspondeu a 42,7 % do nitrogenio total da farinha de lentilha representando a fração protéica majoritária. Comparativamente ao metanol e metanol-HCl 1% a mistura acetona:água (7:3) representou o melhor meio extrator para os taninos da casca. A fração globulina isolada, nativa e aquecida (99oC/15 min), e caseína foram hidrolisadas com tripsina e pepsina na ausência de taninos e na presença de relações tanino:proteína de 1:40, 1:20, 1:10, 1:5 e 1:2,5. A hidrólise tríptica e péptica das proteínas não-aquecidas foram reduzidas com o aumento da relação tanino-proteína. A caseína não aquecida mostrou ser mais susceptível à tripsina que à globulina, o oposto sendo observado com a pepsina. O aquecimento seguido de interação com os taninos e hidrólise teve um efeito mais pronunciado sobre a digestão com tripsina que com pepsina para ambas proteínas.


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR


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Rear-fanged and aglyphous snakes are usually considered not dangerous to humans because of their limited capacity of injecting venom. Therefore, only a few studies have been dedicated to characterizing the venom of the largest parcel of snake fauna. Here, we investigated the venom proteome of the rear-fanged snake Thamnodynastes strigatus, in combination with a transcriptomic evaluation of the venom gland. About 60% of all transcripts code for putative venom components. A striking finding is that the most abundant type of transcript (similar to 47%) and also the major protein type in the venom correspond to a new kind of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) that is unrelated to the classical snake venom metalloproteinases found in all snake families. These enzymes were recently suggested as possible venom components, and we show here that they are proteolytically active and probably recruited to venom from a MMP-9 ancestor. Other unusual proteins were suggested to be venom components: a protein related to lactadherin and an EGF repeat-containing transcript. Despite these unusual molecules, seven toxin classes commonly found in typical venomous snakes are also present in the venom. These results support the evidence that the arsenals of these snakes are very diverse and harbor new types of biologically important molecules.


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Background: Antigen B (AgB) is the major protein secreted by the Echinococcus granulosus metacestode and is involved in key host-parasite interactions during infection. The full comprehension of AgB functions depends on the elucidation of several structural aspects that remain unknown, such as its subunit composition and oligomeric states. Methodology/Principal Findings: The subunit composition of E. granulosus AgB oligomers from individual bovine and human cysts was assessed by mass spectrometry associated with electrophoretic analysis. AgB8/1, AgB8/2, AgB8/3 and AgB8/4 subunits were identified in all samples analyzed, and an AgB8/2 variant (AgB8/2v8) was found in one bovine sample. The exponentially modified protein abundance index (emPAI) was used to estimate the relative abundance of the AgB subunits, revealing that AgB8/1 subunit was relatively overrepresented in all samples. The abundance of AgB8/3 subunit varied between bovine and human cysts. The oligomeric states formed by E. granulosus AgB and recombinant subunits available, rAgB8/1, rAgB8/2 and rAgB8/3, were characterized by native PAGE, light scattering and microscopy. Recombinant subunits showed markedly distinct oligomerization behaviors, forming oligomers with a maximum size relation of rAgB8/3 >rAgB8/2>rAgB8/1. Moreover, the oligomeric states formed by rAgB8/3 subunit were more similar to those observed for AgB purified from hydatid fluid. Pressure-induced dissociation experiments demonstrated that the molecular assemblies formed by the more aggregative subunits, rAgB8/2 and rAgB8/3, also display higher structural stability. Conclusions/Significance: For the first time, AgB subunit composition was analyzed in samples from single hydatid cysts, revealing qualitative and quantitative differences between samples. We showed that AgB oligomers are formed by different subunits, which have distinct abundances and oligomerization properties. Overall, our findings have significantly contributed to increase the current knowledge on AgB expression and structure, highlighting issues that may help to understand the parasite adaptive response during chronic infection.


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Untersucht wird die Proteinzusammensetzung verschiedener Weinsorten der Anbaugebiete Rheinhessen, Rheingau und Pfalz. Es erfolgt erstmalig die Identifizierung der Proteine eines Rotweins (Portugieser 2005 aus der Pfalz). Hierzu werden die Proteine mittels Dialyse und Gefriertrocknung konzentriert, auf einer SDS-PAGE aufgetrennt und mittels ESI-Q-TOF-Massenspektrometrie identifiziert. Von den identifizierten Proteinen des Rotweins stammen zwölf aus der Weinbeere und sechs werden im Laufe der Weinbereitung durch die Hefe ein-gebracht. Der Großteil der über die Weinbeere in den Wein gelangten Proteine ist der Gruppe der Pathogenese bezogenen Proteine zuzuordnen. Ein Vergleich der Proteinzusammensetzung verschiedener Rotweine, Weißweine und Rosé-weine zeigt, dass ein gemeinsames Proteinspektrum in allen Weinsorten enthalten ist, es je-doch auch Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Proteinzusammensetzung und Konzentration der ein-zelnen Proteine zwischen den Rebsorten, insbesondere roten und weißen, gibt. In Portugieser Rotwein des Jahrgangs 2005 aus der Pfalz sowie in Dornfelder Rotwein der Jahrgänge 2002, 2003, 2004 und 2005 kann das als Allergen beschriebene Lipid Transfer Pro-tein (Isoform 4) nachgewiesen werden. In den untersuchten Weißweinsorten Riesling, Sau-vignon Blanc, Morio Muskat sowie Gewürztraminer ist dieses nicht bzw. nur in sehr geringen Mengen enthalten. Ebenfalls nur in Rotwein wird eine Klasse IV Endochitinase identifiziert, die als Allergen in jungem Rotwein bereits beschrieben wurde. Außerdem bedingen Chitin-asen zusammen mit den Thaumatin-ähnlichen Proteinen die Proteininstabilität. Thaumatin-ähnliche Proteine stellen in allen Weinsorten den größten Anteil der Proteine dar. Viele der Weinproteine liegen in glykosylierter Form vor, was durch die Perjodsäurefärbung und den Lektinblot gezeigt werden kann. Mit der Detektion von Thaumatin-ähnlichen Proteinen, Lipid Transfer Proteinen sowie einer Endochitinase werden potentielle Allergene im Wein nachgewiesen sowie strukturell mit be-kannten Allergenen verglichen. Die Kenntnis der Proteinzusammensetzung im Wein bildet die Grundlage für weiterführende Untersuchungen zur Weinstabilität und zur Allergenität von Weinproteinen.


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Hypertension and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are complex traits representing major global health problems1,2. Multiple genome-wide association studies have identified common variants in the promoter of the UMOD gene3–9, which encodes uromodulin, the major protein secreted in normal urine, that cause independent susceptibility to CKD and hypertension. Despite compelling genetic evidence for the association between UMOD risk variants and disease susceptibility in the general population, the underlying biological mechanism is not understood. Here, we demonstrate that UMOD risk variants increased UMOD expression in vitro and in vivo. Uromodulin overexpression in transgenic mice led to salt-sensitive hypertension and to the presence of age-dependent renal lesions similar to those observed in elderly individuals homozygous for UMOD promoter risk variants. The link between uromodulin and hypertension is due to activation of the renal sodium cotransporter NKCC2. We demonstrated the relevance of this mechanism in humans by showing that pharmacological inhibition of NKCC2 was more effective in lowering blood pressure in hypertensive patients who are homozygous for UMOD promoter risk variants than in other hypertensive patients. Our findings link genetic susceptibility to hypertension and CKD to the level of uromodulin expression and uromodulin’s effect on salt reabsorption in the kidney. These findings point to uromodulin as a therapeutic target for lowering blood pressure and preserving renal function.