877 resultados para MYOFASCIAL PAIN


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Loss of function, muscle inflammation, and pain are some of the signs and symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). Pharmacological strategies to minimize the clinical manifestation of these disorders often focus on blocking or inhibiting the pain-causing symptom. Resources such as muscle-relaxants, anxiety-relief drugs, and splint therapy are often used to reduce muscular hyperactivity related to TMD muscle pain. This study compares the effect of a randomly ordered association of occlusal splint therapy (S), nonsteroid anti-inflammatory with a muscle-relaxant drug (orphenadrine citrate) (O), and an anxiety-relief drug (benzodiazepine) (B), to ease painful TMD muscle symptoms. Clinical and anamnestic analyses were recorded in accordance with the Helkimo TMD index and applied before and after treatments. Twenty-one group two Helkimo TMD adult female patients were treated, all of whom were subjected to the three random therapeutic associations proposed: SBO, BOS, and OSB. The same operator applied the three specific associations over a period of 21 days in the proposed sequence, seven days for each therapy. The results show that all the groups presented the best results in terms of relief from pain after the therapeutic association (28.5% showed a decrease and 47.6% showed an absence of symptoms). No significant difference was observed among association therapeutic protocols. Copyright © 2003 by CHROMA, Inc.


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Objective. Evaluation of long-standing sleep bruxism (SB) patients. Study Design. Descriptive study. Results. One hundred subjects with SB (80 women and 20 men, mean age: 36.1±11.3 years) were evaluated according to the RDC/TMD and a pain questionnaire (EDOF-HC). The patients were divided into 2 groups: Group A-without (30.0%) and Group B-with orofacial pain (70.0%). AM stiffness: 36.4% in Group A and 88.6% in Group B; mean pain duration: 6.92 years; mean intensity of pain: 4.33 (VAS); quality of pain: tightness/pressure (84,3%); 95.7% of Group B had myofascial pain. Depression and somatization levels were different between the groups (p = 0.001). Higher frequency of depression was found with body pain or presence of comorbidities. Conclusion. The data presented in this study showed statistical differences between long-standing bruxism without and with chronic facial pain; the two questionnaires allowed interaction between the chief complaint and the clinical findings; depression levels increased with pain in several regions of the body. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Aims: To compare the effectiveness of adding cyclobenzaprine, tizanidine, or placebo to patient education and a self-care management program for patients with myofascial pain and specifically presenting with jaw pain upon awakening. Methods: Forty-five patients with a diagnosis of myofascial pain based on the guidelines of the American Academy of Orofacial Pain participated in this 3-week study. The subjects were randomly assigned into one of three groups: placebo group, TZA group (tizanidine 4 mg), or CYC group (cyclobenzaprine 10 mg). Patients were evaluated for changes in pain intensity, frequency, and duration by using the modified Severity Symptoms Index and changes in sleep quality with the use of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and post-hoc or nonparametric statistical tests as appropriate. Results: All three groups had a reduction in pain symptoms and improvement of sleep quality based on a comparison of pretreatment and treatment scores. However, no significant differences among the groups were observed at the posttreatment evaluation. Conclusion: The use of tizanidine or cyclobenzaprine in addition to self-care management and patient education was not more effective than placebo for the management of patients with myofascial jaw pain upon awakening.


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The objective of this study was to determine the inter- and intra-examiner reliability of pain pressure threshold algometry at various points of the abdominal wall of healthy women. Twenty-one healthy women in menacme with a mean age of 28 +/- 5.4 years (range: 19-39 years) were included. All volunteers had regular menstrual cycles (27-33 days) and were right-handed and, to the best of our knowledge, none were taking medications at the time of testing. Women with a diagnosis of depression, anxiety or other mood disturbances were excluded. Women with previous abdominal surgery, any pain condition or any evidence of inflammation, hypertension, smoking, alcoholism, or inflammatory disease were also excluded. Pain perception thresholds were assessed with a pressure algometer with digital traction and compression and a measuring capacity for 5 kg. All points were localized by palpation and marked with a felt-tipped pen and each individual was evaluated over a period of 2 days in two consecutive sessions, each session consisting of a set of 14 point measurements repeated twice by two examiners in random sequence. There was no statistically significant difference in the mean pain threshold obtained by the two examiners on 2 diferent days (examiner A: P = 1.00; examiner B: P = 0.75; Wilcoxon matched pairs test). There was excellent/good agreement between examiners for all days and all points. Our results have established baseline values to which future researchers will be able to refer. They show that pressure algometry is a reliable measure for pain perception in the abdominal wall of healthy women.


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Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic, rheumatic disease characterized by widespread myofascial pain, of unknown aetiology, having a major impact on quality of life (QOL). Available pharmacotherapy for FM is marginally effective. FM is associated with co-morbidities of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). There is growing evidence that diets low in FODMAPs, “fermentable oligo-, di- or mono-saccharides and polyols” [Low FODMAP Diet (LFD)], are effective in treating IBS. The aim of this pilot study was to examine the effects of LFDs on symptoms of FM, especially with regard to pain, QOL and GI disorders. Methods A longitudinal study using LFD intervention was performed on 38, 51 ± 10 year-old, female patients diagnosed with FM for an average of 10 years, based on ACR (American College of Rheumatology) 2010 criteria. The study was conducted from January through May, 2015, using a four-week, repeated-assessment model, as follows: Moment 0 – introduction of the protocol to participants; Moment 1 – first assessment and delivery of individual LFD dietary plans; Moment 2 – second assessment and reintroduction of FODMAPs; Moment 3 – last assessment and final nutritional counselling. Assessment tools used were the following: RFIQ (Revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire), FSQ (Fibromyalgia Survey Questionnaire), IBS-SSS (Severity Score System), EQ-5D (Euro-QOL quality of life instrument), and VAS (Visual Analogue Scale). Daily consumption of FODMAPs was quantified based on published food content analyses. Statistical analyses included ANOVA, non-parametric Friedman, t-student and Chi-square tests, using SPSS 22 software. Results The mean scores of the 38 participants at the beginning of the study were: FSQ (severity of FM, 0–31) – 22 ± 4.4; RFIQ (0–100) – 65 ± 17; IBS-SSS (0–500) – 275 ± 101; and EQ-5D (0–100) – 48 ± 19. Mean adherence to dietary regimens was 86%, confirmed by significant difference in FODMAP intakes (25 g/day vs. 2.5 g/day; p < 0.01). Comparisons between the three moments of assessment showed significant (p < 0.01) declines in scores in VAS, FSQ, and RFIQ scores, in all domains measured. An important improvement was observed with a reduction in the severity of GI symptoms, with 50% reduction in IBS scores to 138 ± 117, following LFD therapy. A significant correlation (r = 0.36; p < 0.05) was found between improvements in FM impact (declined scores) and gastrointestinal scores. There was also a significant correlation (r = 0.65; p < 0.01) between “satisfaction with improvement” after introduction of LFDs and “diet adherence”, with satisfaction of the diet achieving 77% among participants. A significant difference was observed between patients who improved as compared to those that did not improve (Chi-square χ2 = 6.16; p < .05), showing that the probability of improvement, depends on the severity of the RFIQ score. Conclusions Implementation of diet therapy involving FODMAP restrictions, in this cohort of FM patients, resulted in a significant reduction in GI disorders and FM symptoms, including pain scores. These results need to be extended in future larger studies on dietary therapy for treatment of FM. Implications According to current scientific knowledge, these are the first relevant results found in an intervention with LFD therapy in FM and must be reproduced looking for a future dietetic approach in FM.


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Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the levels of electromyographic (EMG) activation and maximal molar bite force before and after a 3-month acupuncture therapy in individuals with temporomandibular disorder (Helkimo Index) from a pool of subjects attending the Special Care Course of the Ribeirao Preto Dental School, Sao Paulo University, Brazil. Design: All 17 patients, aged between 37 and 50 years (44.2 +/- 4.84 years), with an average weight of 71 +/- 9.45 kg and height of 1.64 +/- 0.07 m, were clinically examined with regard to pain and dysfunctions of the masticatory system. The temporomandibular acupuncture points of needling were IG4, E6, E7, B2, VB14, VB20, ID18, ID19, F3, E36, VB34, E44, R3, and HN3. EMG measures were acquired before and after the treatment using a MyoSystem-BR1 electromyographer. The data collected at rest, protrusion, left and right laterality, and clenching were normalized by maximum voluntary contraction. Maximal bite force in right and left molar regions were registered using a dynamometer with a capacity of up to 1000 N, adapted for oral conditions. The highest value out of three recordings was considered to be the individual's maximal bite force. The results were statistically analyzed using the paired t test (SPSS version 15.0) during the comparison before and after treatment. Results: We found decreased EMG activity at rest, protrusion, left and right laterality, and clenching; as well as increased values of maximal bite force after acupuncture treatment. Conclusions: Acupuncture promoted alterations in the EMG activity of masticatory muscles, increased maximal molar bite force, and led to remission of the subjects' painful symptomatology.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a cost-effective intra-oral appliance for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome built into a large teaching hospital. Out of 20 evaluated and treated patients, 14 concluded the study: eight men and six women, with a mean age of 42-46 (mean + SD) years and mean body mass index of 27.66. Inclusion criteria were mild or moderate apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) according to a polysomnographic study. All patients were treated with the monobloco intra-oral appliance. They were then submitted to a follow-up polysomnographic study after 60 days using the appliance. An orofacial clinical evaluation was carried out with the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) questionnaire and with clinical evaluation questionnaire devised by the Orofacial Pain Team before and 60 days after fitting the intra-oral appliance. The AHI showed a statistically meaningful (p = 0.002) reduction from 15.53 to 7.82 events per hour, a non-statistically significant oxygen saturation increase from 83.36 to 84.86 (p = 0.09), and Epworth`s sleepiness scale reduction from 9.14 to 6.36 (p = 0.001). Three patients did not show any improvement. The most common side effect during the use of the appliance/device was pain and facial discomfort (28.57%), without myofascial or temporomandibular joint pain as evaluated by the RDC/TMD questionnaire. The intra-oral device produced a significant reduction of the apnea-hypopnea index during the study period with the use of the monobloco intra-oral appliance. Patients did not show prior myofascial pain or 60 days after use of the intra-oral appliance.


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Introdução: A síndrome dolorosa miofascial é um dos principais problemas encontrados na prática clínica, tendo como principais características os pontos gatilho (PG), ativos ou latentes. Os PG latentes têm uma elevada prevalência na musculatura da cintura escapular, nomeadamente ao nível do trapézio superior (TS), influenciando o controlo motor do ombro. A compressão isquémica aplicada no PG do TS poderá influenciar o comportamento muscular dos sinergistas durante o movimento de abdução no plano da omoplata. Objetivos: Este estudo visa estudar a influência da compressão isquémica aplicada no PG do TS na magnitude de ativação dos músculos TS, trapézio inferior (TI), grande dentado (GD), infra-espinhoso (IE) e deltóide médio (DM), assim como a relação muscular através da razão entre o TS e os restantes músculos em análise, durante o movimento de abdução no plano da omoplata. Métodos: O presente estudo é experimental, aleatório e controlado. Foram criados dois grupos, grupo controlo (GC) (n=14) e grupo experimental (GE) (n=15), a partir de uma amostra de 67 indivíduos. No GC foi aplicado um procedimento placebo e no GE foi aplicada no PG latente do TS a técnica de compressão isquémica. Antes e após a intervenção foi recolhida a atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos em análise, assim como os dados cinemáticos, durante o movimento de elevação do ombro no plano da omoplata. Para a análise registou-se a amplitude máxima de abdução e foi analisada a atividade muscular individual dos músculos em estudo assim como a razão entre o TS e os restantes músculos. Esta análise foi realizada em intervalos de 30° até ao final do movimento. Resultados: Não se verificaram diferenças na amplitude máxima de abdução, nem entre grupos (1º momento p=0,608, t=0,816; 2º momento p=0,119; t=1,252) nem entre os dois momentos em cada grupo (GC, t=-1,119; p=0,256; GE, t=-1,604, p=0,135). Na magnitude de ativação individual de cada músculo também não se verificaram diferenças significativas com a aplicação da técnica, tendo-se verificado no DM uma tendência para o aumento da ativação aquando da intervenção, ao longo de todo o arco de movimento, em comparação com a pré-intervenção, já no GC de controlo não se verificaram alterações entre momentos. Também na análise da razão entre músculos não se verificaram diferenças entre grupos. Conclusão: A intervenção realizada não influenciou nenhum dos parâmetros em análise do complexo articular do ombro nem a amplitude de movimento de abdução.


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Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant, considered the treatment of choice for different types of chronic pain, including chronic myofascial pain. Its antinociceptive property is independent of its antidepressant effect. Although its analgesic mechanism is not precisely known, it is believed that the serotonin reuptake inhibition in the central nervous system plays a fundamental role in pain control. Although this medication is widely used in the prevention of chronic tension-type headache, few studies have investigated the efficacy of this treatment and the published results are contradictory. The objective of this article was to review the literature published on the use of amitriptyline in the prophylactic treatment of chronic tension-type headache, considering the level of scientific evidence of the different studies using the SORT criteria. From this review, 5 articles of evidence level 1, and another 5 articles of evidence level 2 were selected. Following analysis of the 10 studies, and in function of their scientific quality, a level A recommendation was made in favor of using amitriptyline in the treatment of chronic tension-type headache.


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Aims: To assess the prevalence of primary headaches (HA) in adults with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) who were assessed in a specialty orofacial pain clinic, as well as in controls without TMD. Methods: The sample consisted of 158 individuals with TMD seen at a university-based specialty clinic, as well as 68 controls. The Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD were used to diagnose the TMD patients. HAs were assessed using a structured interview and classified according to the Second Edition of the International Classification for Headache Disorders. Data were analyzed by chi-square tests with a significance level of 5% and odds ratio (OR) tests with a 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: HAs occurred in 45.6% of the control group (30.9% had migraine and 14.7% had tension-type headache [TTH]) and in 85.5% of individuals with TMD. Among individuals with TMD, migraine was the most prevalent primary HA (55.3%), followed by TTH (30.2%); 14.5% had no HA. In contrast to controls, the odds ratio (OR) for HA in those with TMD was 7.05 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 3.65-13.61; P = .000), for migraine, the OR was 2.76 (95% CI = 1.50-5.06; P = .001), and for TTH, the OR was 2.51 (95% CI = 1.18-5.35; P = .014). Myofascial pain/arthralgia was the most common TMD diagnosis (53.2%). The presence of HA or specific HAs was not associated with the time since the onset of TMD (P = .714). However, migraine frequency was positively associated with TMD pain severity (P = .000). Conclusion: TMD was associated with increased primary HA prevalence rates. Migraine was the most common primary HA diagnosis in individuals with TMD. J OROFAC PAIN 2010;24:287-292


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To explore the relationship between sleep bruxism (SB), painful temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and psychologic status in a cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of 272 individuals. The Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD) was used to diagnose TMD; SB was diagnosed by clinical criteria proposed by The American Academy of Sleep Medicine. The sample was divided into four groups: (1) patients without painful TMD and without SB, (2) patients without painful TMD and with SB, (3) patients with painful TMD and without SB and (4) patients with painful TMD and with SB. Data were analysed by Odds Ratio test with a 95% confidence interval. Patients with SB had an increased risk for the occurrence of myofascial pain (OR = 5.93, 95% CI: 3.1911.02) and arthralgia (2.34, 1.583.46). Group 3 had an increased risk for moderate/severe depression and non-specific physical symptoms (10.1, 3.6727.79; 14.7, 5.3939.92, respectively), and this risk increased in the presence of SB (25.0, 9.6564.77; 35.8, 13.9491.90, respectively). SB seems to be a risk factor for painful TMD, and this in turn is a risk factor for the occurrence of higher depression and non-specific physical symptoms levels, but a causeeffect relationship could not be established.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Evaluation of the prevalence and characteristics of tinnitus in a Brazilian series of sleep bruxism patients. In this descriptive study, 100 patients (80 women and 20 men) were selected through the self-report of grinding teeth during sleep, confirmed by room mate or family member. They were evaluated according to a systematized approach: a questionnaire for orofacial pain and the Portuguese version of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders. The patients were divided into two groups: group A, 54 patients with complaint of tinnitus and group B, 46 patients without tinnitus complaint. The mean age was 37.85 (13-66 years) and 34.02 years (20-59 years), respectively, for groups A and B (P = 0.1164). There was statistically significant difference between the two groups, with higher prevalence for the group A, in relation to: presence of chronic facial pain (P = 0.0007); number of areas painful to palpation in the masticatory and cervical muscles (P = 0.0032); myofascial pain in the masticatory muscles (P = 0.0003); absence of teeth without prosthetic replacement (P = 0.0145) and indices of depression (P = 0.0234). Structural alterations of the TMJ, like disc displacement and vertical dimension loss did not differ for the two groups. Tinnitus frequency was higher in patients with sleep bruxism and chronic facial pain. Myofascial pain, number of areas painful to palpation in the masticatory and cervical muscles, higher levels of depression and tooth absence without prosthetic replacement were more frequent in the group with tinnitus.


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The authors emphasize the some functional characteristics of the Temporomandibular join, TMJ, and were made comparative study of the auscultatory and sphymografic techniques to TMJ examination. The findings shown that the auscultatory technique furnished important dates to preliminary diagnosis of the TMJ disfunction.


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Objective: To seek better understanding of chronic musculoskeletal facial pain and its relation to sleep bruxism, by comparing patients with sleep bruxism, with and without temporomandibular disorder. Design: Forty sleep bruxism patients were evaluated according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders: group A-20 patients with myofascial pain, 3 men, 17 women; average age 32.7 yr; mean duration of pain 4.37 yr; group B-20 without myofascial pain, 5 men, 15 women; average age 30.8 yr. Sleep and bruxism were evaluated in one-night polysomnography. Results: There were no statistically significant differences for bruxism and sleep variables of the two groups: number of bursts and bruxism episodes per hour, amplitude and duration of bruxism episodes, sleep efficiency and latency, percentage of non-REM and REM sleep, respiratory events, periodic limb movements, and micro-arousals. Conclusions: The polysomnographic characteristics of patients with sleep bruxism, with and without orofacial pain, are similar. More studies are necessary to clarify the reasons why some sleep bruxism patients develop chronic myofascial pain, and others do not. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.