The presence of SF3B1 gene mutations is a hallmark of refractory anemia with ring sideroblasts (RARS). However, the mechanisms responsible for iron accumulation that characterize the Myelodysplastic Syndrome with ring sideroblasts (MDS-RS) are not completely understood. In order to gain insight in the molecular basis of MDS-RS, an integrative study of the expression and mutational status of genes related to iron and mitochondrial metabolism was carried out. A total of 231 low-risk MDS patients and 81 controls were studied. Gene expression analysis revealed that iron metabolism and mitochondrial function had the highest number of genes deregulated in RARS patients compared to controls and the refractory cytopenias with unilineage dysplasia (RCUD). Thus mitochondrial transporters SLC25 (SLC25A37 and SLC25A38) and ALAD genes were over-expressed in RARS. Moreover, significant differences were observed between patients with SF3B1 mutations and patients without the mutations. The deregulation of genes involved in iron and mitochondrial metabolism provides new insights in our knowledge of MDS-RS. New variants that could be involved in the pathogenesis of these diseases have been identified.
The FIT trial was conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of 90Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan (0.4 mCi/kg; maximum dose 32 mCi) when used as consolidation of first complete or partial remission in patients with previously untreated, advanced-stage follicular lymphoma (FL). Patients were randomly assigned to either 90Y-ibritumomab treatment (n = 207) or observation (n = 202) within 3 months (mo) of completing initial induction therapy (chemotherapy only: 86%; rituximab in combination with chemotherapy: 14%). Response status prior to randomization did not differ between the groups: 52% complete response (CR)/CR unconfirmed (CRu) to induction therapy and 48% partial response (PR) in the 90Y-ibritumomab arm vs 53% CR/CRu and 44% PR in the control arm. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS) of the intent-to-treat (ITT) population. Results from the first extended follow-up after a median of 3.5 years revealed a significant improvement in PFS from the time of randomization with 90Y-ibritumomab consolidation compared with control (36.5 vs 13.3 mo, respectively; P < 0.0001; Morschhauser et al. JCO. 2008; 26:5156-5164). Here we report a median follow-up of 66.2 mo (5.5 years). Five-year PFS was 47% in the 90Y-ibritumomab group and 29% in the control group (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.51, 95% CI 0.39-0.65; P < 0.0001). Median PFS in the 90Y-ibritumomab group was 49 mo vs 14 mo in the control group. In patients achieving a CR/CRu after induction, 5-year PFS was 57% in the 90Y-ibritumomab group, and the median had not yet been reached at 92 months, compared with a 43% 5-year PFS in the control group and a median of 31 mo (HR = 0.61, 95% CI 0.42-0.89). For patients in PR after induction, the 5-year PFS was 38% in the 90Y-ibritumomab group with a median PFS of 30 mo vs 14% in the control group with a median PFS of 6 mo (HR = 0.38, 95% CI 0.27-0.53). Patients who had received rituximab as part of induction treatment had a 5-year PFS of 64% in the 90Y-ibritumomab group and 48% in the control group (HR = 0.66, 95% CI 0.30-1.47). For all patients, time to next treatment (as calculated from the date of randomization) differed significantly between both groups; median not reached at 99 mo in the 90Y-ibritumomab group vs 35 mo in the control group (P < 0.0001). The majority of patients received rituximab-containing regimens when treated after progression (63/82 [77%] in the 90Y-ibritumomab group and 102/122 [84%] in the control group). Overall response rate to second-line treatment was 79% in the 90Y-ibritumomab group (57% CR/CRu and 22% PR) vs 78% in the control arm (59% CR/CRu, 19% PR). Five-year overall survival was not significantly different between the groups; 93% and 89% in the 90Y-ibritumomab and control groups, respectively (P = 0.561). To date, 40 patients have died; 18 in the 90Y-ibritumomab group and 22 in the control group. Secondary malignancies were diagnosed in 16 patients in the 90Y-ibritumomab arm vs 9 patients in the control arm (P = 0.19). There were 6 (3%) cases of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)/acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) in the 90Y-ibritumomab arm vs 1 MDS in the control arm (P = 0.063). In conclusion, this extended follow-up of the FIT trial confirms the benefit of 90Y-ibritumomab consolidation with a nearly 3 year advantage in median PFS. A significant 5-year PFS improvement was confirmed for patients with a CR/CRu or a PR after induction. Effective rescue treatment with rituximab-containing regimens may explain the observed no difference in overall survival between both patient groups who were - for the greater part - rituximab-naïve.
Tetrasomy, pentasomy, and hexasomy 8 (polysomy 8) are relatively rare compared to trisomy 8. Here we report on a series of 12 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), or myeloproliferative disorder (MPD) associated with polysomy 8 as detected by conventional cytogenetics and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In an attempt to better characterize the clinical and hematological profile of this cytogenetic entity, our data were combined with those of 105 published patients. Tetrasomy 8 was the most common presentation of polysomy 8. In 60.7% of patients, polysomy 8 occurred as part of complex changes (16.2% with 11q23 rearrangements). No cryptic MLL rearrangements were found in cases in which polysomy 8 was the only karyotypic change. Our study demonstrates the existence of a polysomy 8 syndrome, which represents a subtype of AML, MDS, and MPD characterized by a high incidence of secondary diseases, myelomonocytic or monocytic involvement in AML and poor overall survival (6 months). Age significantly reduced median survival, but associated cytogenetic abnormalities did not modify it. Cytogenetic results further demonstrate an in vitro preferential growth of the cells with a high level of aneuploidy suggesting a selective advantage for polysomy 8 cells.
Les gènes suppresseurs de tumeurs (TSGs) contrôlent la prolifération cellulaire et leur inactivation joue un rôle important dans la leucémogénèse. Deux mécanismes épigénétiques majeurs sont impliqués dans la répression des TSGs: 1- la méthylation de l’ADN et 2- la déacétylation des histones des chromosomes. On les dit épigénétiques car ils n’affectent pas la séquence de l’ADN. Ces phénomènes sont réversibles, faisant donc d’eux des cibles thérapeutiques de choix. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons évalué le potentiel chimiothérapeutique de différents agents qui visent ces mécanismes épigénétiques et nous les avons administrés seuls et en combinaison dans le but d’améliorer leur efficacité. La 5-aza-2’-désoxycytidine (5-Aza-CdR) est un inhibiteur de la méthylation de l’ADN qui permet la ré-expression des TSGs. Cet agent s’est avéré efficace contre certaines maladies hématologiques et est d’ailleurs approuvé aux États-Unis dans le traitement du syndrome myélodysplasique depuis 2006. Cependant, le protocole d’administration optimal de cet agent, en termes de doses et de durée, n’est toujours pas établi. Nos recherches suggèrent que le celui-ci devrait être plus intensif que ce que rapporte la littérature. Les inhibiteurs des déacétylases des histones (HDACi) ont également montré une activité antinéoplasique intéressante. De récentes recherches ont montré que la combinaison d’agents ciblant à la fois la méthylation de l’ADN et la déacétylation des histones produit une réactivation synergique des TSGs, ce à quoi nous nous sommes intéressé. Nous avons observé que la co-administration d’un HDACi avec la 5-Aza-CdR potentialise son action anti-leucémique. Il est aussi possible d’augmenter l’activité de la 5-Aza-CdR en inhibant sa dégradation par l’enzyme cytidine (CR) désaminase. Nous avons observé que la co-administration du zebularine, un inhibiteur de la CR désaminase, avec la 5-Aza-CdR accroît son efficacité. Le zebularine est aussi un inhibiteur de la méthylation de l’ADN, ce qui pourrait contribuer à la potentialisation de la réponse anti-leucémique observée lors de la co-administration de ces deux agents. En résumé, il est possible d’augmenter l’efficacité anti-leucémique de la 5-Aza-CdR en : 1- intensifiant son protocole d’administration, en termes de doses et de durée, 2- la combinant avec un HDACi, et 3- diminuant sa dégradation par la CR désaminase. L’utilisation de ces résultats précliniques dans l’élaboration de protocoles cliniques pourrait être bénéfique à beaucoup de patients.
Los síndromes mielodisplásicos son un grupo heterogéneo de desórdenes clonales de las células madre hematopoyéticas caracterizadas por displasia y producción inefectiva de células sanguíneas. Los agentes estimulantes de la eritropoyesis (AEE) constituyen una alternativa terapéutica para un grupo de pacientes con síndromes mielodisplásicos. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura de estudios aleatorizados controlados, que evaluaron la eficacia y seguridad de los AEE en adultos con diagnóstico de síndrome mielodisplásico hasta febrero de 2014. A partir de la búsqueda se encontraron 1071 referencias, se obtuvieron 12 referencias, correspondiente a 9 estudios que cumplieron criterios de selección. Todos evaluaron algún AEE pero el grupo comparador difirió entre ellos; De los estudios seleccionados, ninguno evaluó el desenlace de supervivencia según brazos de tratamiento. 3 de los estudios evaluaron el desenlace de calidad de vida en grupos comparativos diferentes, reportando mejorías no estadísticamente significativas. 7 de los estudios evaluaron la respuesta hematológica reportando resultados divergentes según diversas definiciones de la variable de interés. Los desenlaces de seguridad fueron reportaron en 3 de los estudios, ocurriendo en baja proporción y con incidencia similar entre los grupos comparadores y el tratamiento con AEE. Las evaluaciones de riesgo de sesgo consideraron un estudio con bajo riesgo de sesgo, 4 estudios con riesgo incierto y 4 estudios con riesgo alto de sesgo. Los estudios evaluados fueron considerados en su mayoría con riesgo de sesgo incierto o alto. Se sugiere evaluar dichos desenlaces de interés de manera estandarizada en investigaciones futuras en el tema.
Objetivos: Descrever o perfil e as complicações agudas mais importantes das crianças que receberam transplante de medula óssea (TMO) em nosso Serviço. Casuística e métodos: Análise retrospectiva de 41 pacientes menores de 21 anos transplantados entre Agosto de 1997 até Junho de 2002. Deste total 20 receberam transplante alogênico e 21 receberam transplante autogênico. Resultados: No TMO alogênico a média de idade foi de 8,9 + 5,4 anos, sendo 12 pacientes do sexo masculino. As fontes de células foram: medula óssea (MO) 12, sangue periférico (SP) 5, sangue de cordão umbilical não aparentado (SCU) 3. As doenças tratadas foram leucemia linfóide aguda (LLA) 7 pacientes, leucemia linfóide crônica (LMC) 2; leucemia mielóide aguda (LMA) 4; Síndrome mielodisplásica 2; Linfoma de Burkitt 1, Anemia aplástica grave 1; Anemia de Fanconi 1; Síndrome Chediak Higashi 1; Imunodeficiência congênita combinada grave 1. Um paciente desenvolveu doença do enxerto contra hospedeiro (DECH) aguda grau 2 e três DECH grau 4. Três pacientes desenvolveram DECH crônica. Todos haviam recebido SP como fonte de células. A sobrevida global foi de 70,0 + 10,3%. A principal causa do óbito foi DECH em 3 pacientes e sépse em outros 3. Todos os óbitos ocorreram antes do dia 100. Um dos pacientes que recebeu SCU está vivo em bom estado e sem uso de medicações 3 anos e 6 meses pós TMO. No TMO autogênico, a média de idade foi de 8,7 + 4,3 anos, sendo 11 pacientes do sexo masculino. As fontes de células foram SP 16, MO 3, SP + MO 2. As doenças tratadas foram: tumor de Wilms 5; tumores da família do sarcoma de Ewing 4; neuroblastomas 3; linfomas de Hodgkin 3; rabdomiossarcomas 2, tumor neuroectodérmico primitivo do SNC 2; Linfoma não Hodgkin 1; LMA 1. A sobrevida global está em 59,4 + 11,7 %. Cinco óbitos tiveram como causa a progressão da doença de base, um óbito ocorreu devido à infecção 20 meses pós TMO e dois óbitos foram precoces por sépse. As toxicidades mais comuns em ambos os grupos foram vômitos, mucosite, diarréia e dor abdominal. Infecções foram documentadas em 58,5% dos pacientes e 46,9% tiveram no mínimo um agente isolado na hemocultura. Os tempos de enxertia de neutrófilos e plaquetas correlacionaram-se com o número de células progenitoras infundidas. Conclusão: A sobrevida de nossos pacientes é semelhante à encontrada na literatura de outros serviços nacionais e internacionais. Não encontramos diferença entre os dois tipos de transplante com relação às toxicidades agudas e ás infecções.
Pós-graduação em Genética - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Telomere attrition induces cell senescence and apoptosis. We hypothesized that age-adjusted pretransplantation telomere length might predict treatment-related mortality (TRM) after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Between 2000 and 2005, 178 consecutive patients underwent HSCT from HLA-identical sibling donors after myeloablative conditioning regimens, mainly for hematologic malignancies (n = 153). Blood lymphocytes' telomere length was measured by real-time quantitative PCR before HSCT. Age-adjusted pretransplantation telomere lengths were analyzed for correlation with clinical outcomes. After age adjustment, patients' telomere-length distribution was similar among all 4 quartiles except for disease stage. There was no correlation between telomere length and engraftment, GVHD, or relapse. The overall survival was 62% at 5 years (95% confidence interval [CI], 54-70). After a median follow-up of 51 months (range, 1-121 months), 43 patients died because of TRM. The TRM rate inversely correlated with telomere length. TRM in patients in the first (lowest telomere length) quartile was significantly higher than in patients with longer telomeres (P = .017). In multivariate analysis, recipients' age (hazard ratio, 1.1; 95% CI, .0-1.1; P = .0001) and age-adjusted telomere length (hazard ratio, 0.4; 95% CI; 0.2-0.8; P = .01) were independently associated with TRM. In conclusion, age-adjusted recipients' telomere length is an independent biologic marker of TRM after HSCT. (Blood. 2012;120(16):3353-3359)
A 2-day method using flow cytometry and FISH for interphase cells was developed to detect monosomy 7 cells in myelodysplastic syndrome patients. The method, Interphase Chromosome Flow-FISH (IC Flow-FISH), involves fixation of leukocytes from blood, membrane permeabilization, hybridization of cellular DNA with peptide nucleic acid probes with cells intact, and analysis by flow cytometry. Hundreds to thousands of monosomy 7 cells were consistently detected from 10-20 mL of blood in patients with monosomy 7. Proportions of monosomy 7 cells detected in IC Flow-FISH were compared with results from conventional cytogenetics; identification of monosomy 7 populations was verified with FACS; and patient and donor cells were mixed to test for sensitivity. IC Flow-FISH allows for detecting monosomy 7 without requiring bone marrow procurement or the necessity of metaphase spreads, and wider applications to other chromosomal abnormalities are in development. (Blood. 2012; 120(15): e54-e59)
In the era of monoclonal antibodies the role of autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) in the management of follicular lymphoma (FL) is still debated. To evaluate the safety and efficacy of myeloablative therapy with rescue of purged or unpurged harvests in FL pts. At our institution form 1997 to 2007 28 pts with refractory/resistant FL were eligible for ASCT. Before high dose therapy they received 2-3 cycles of CHOP-like regimen (ACOD), followed by Cyclophosphamide 4g/mq to mobilize the stem cells (SC). After SC collection the pts underwent 3 cycles of subcutaneous Cladribine at a daily dose of 0,14-0,10 mg/Kg for Day 1-5 every 3-4 weeks. The conditioning regimen was based on Mitoxantrone 60mg/mq + Melphalan 180 mg/mq, followed by SC re-infusion 24-hours later and G-CSF starting 24 hours after re-infusion. In 19 pts the SC underwent purging: in 10 harvests the CD34+ were selected by immunomagnetic beads, while in the other 9 pts, only Rituximab was used as “purging in vivo” agent. The remaining 9 pts received unpurged SC. Before ASCT 11 pts were in complete response (CR), 9 in partial response (PR) and 2 in stable disease. Two pts were not eligible for ASCT because of progressive disease (PD). The remaining 25 pts were eligible for ASCT. The engraftment was at a median of 11 days for leucocytes and 14 days for platelets (>20.000/mmc), with a delay of one day in the pts, who received purged SC. Grade 3-4 mucositis was described in 8 pts. During aplasia a 48% infection rate was reported, without differences between pts with purged or unpurged SC. One patient in CR presented myelodysplastic syndrome at 18 months from ASCT. After ASCT 22 pts were in CR, 2 in PR and one patient were not valuable, because died before response assessment. Nine pts in CR showed PD at a median time of 14 months from ASCT. With a median follow up of 5 years (range 2 months -10 years), 22 pts are alive and 11 (44%) in CR. Ten pts died, 5 for progressive disease and 5 for treatment-related causes; in particular 7 of them received in-vitro purged SC. Conclusions: Our chemotherapy regimen, which included the purine analogue Cladribine in the induction phase, seems safe and feasible. The high rate of CR reported and the sustained freedom from progression up to now, makes such modality of treatment a valid option principally in relapsing FL patients. In our experience, the addition of a monoclonal antibody as part of treatment confirms its role “in vivo purging” without observing an increased incidence of infection.
L’enzima IDO interviene nella via di degradazione del triptofano, essenziale per la vita cellulare; l’iperespressione di IDO favorisce la creazione di un microambiente immunotollerante. Nelle LAM IDO è funzionalmente attivo nelle cellule blastiche e determina l’acquisizione di un fenotipo regolatorio da parte delle cellule T alloreattive; l’espressione della proteina aumenta in modo consensuale con l’evoluzione clinica della patologia. Scopo della Tesi è indagare l’esistenza di una correlazione tra l’iperespressione di IDO da parte delle cellule leucemiche, le caratteristiche di rischio alla diagnosi e l’outcome dei pazienti. Sono stati esaminati 45 pazienti adulti affetti da LAM afferiti all’Istituto di Ematologia di Bologna. I pazienti sono stati stratificati a seconda di: età di insorgenza della leucemia, secondarietà a Mielodisplasia o radio chemioterapia, iperleucocitosi, citogenetica, biologia molecolare (sono state valutate le alterazioni a carico dei geni FLT3 ed NPM). I pazienti sono stati analizzati per l’espressione del gene IDO mediante RT-PCR, seguita da Western Blot, allo scopo di stabilire la presenza di una proteina attiva; successivamente si è proceduto a verificare l’esistenza di una correlazione tra l’espressione di IDO e le caratteristiche di rischio alla diagnosi per identificare una relazione tra l’espressione del gene ed un subset di pazienti a prognosi favorevole o sfavorevole. Dei 45 pazienti adulti affetti da LAM il 28,9% è risultato negativo per l’espressione di IDO, mentre il rimanente 71,1% è risultato positivo ed è stato suddiviso in tre ulteriori categorie, in base ai livelli di espressione. I dati non sembrano al momento suggerire l’esistenza di una correlazione tra l’espressione di IDO e le caratteristiche di rischio alla diagnosi. Nel gruppo di pazienti ad elevata espressione di IDO si riscontra un rate di resistenza alla chemioterapia di induzione più elevato, con una quota di pazienti resistenti pari al 71,4%, contro il 23,1% nel gruppo di pazienti IDO-negativi.
Sulla base delle evidenze della letteratura (Fenaux, 2009; Lyons, JCO 2009), a partire da Settembre 2004 nel Nostro Istituto sono stati trattati 57 pazienti affetti da Sindrome Mielodisplastica (MDS) mediante terapia demetilante con 5-Azacitidina. Sono stati utilizzati differenti regimi terapeutici a seconda della classe di rischio IPSS: i pazienti a rischio basso/intermedio-1 hanno ricevuto Azacitidina 75 mg/mq/die sottocute per 5 giorni/mese (schema 5) per 8 cicli; i pazienti a rischio alto/intermedio-2 hanno ricevuto Azacitidina 50 mg/mq/die sottocute per 10 giorni/mese (schema 5+2+5) o Azacitidina 75 mg/mq/die per 7 giorni/mese (schema 7) fino a perdita della risposta. Su una casistica totale di 57 pazienti (15 a rischio basso/int-1; 41 rischio alto/int-2), l’87.7% (50 pazienti) sono risultati valutabili. Tra questi le risposte osservate sono state del 68% (34 pazienti), di cui il 14% (7 pazienti) ha ottenuto una Remissione Completa (CR) ed il 54% (27 pazienti) ha ottenuto un Hematologic Improvement (HI). La valutazione della risposta è stata eseguita secondo i criteri dell’International Working Group 2006 (IWG, Cheeson 2006). Le principali tossicità osservate sono state rappresentate da reazioni cutanee locali nel sito d’iniezione, tossicità gastrointestinale (stipsi e/o diarrea), mielotossicità, neutropenia febbrile, sepsi (3 pazienti). Tra i pazienti trattati abbiamo osservato la presenza di risposta ematologica prolungata (≥ 20 mesi) in 10 pazienti (20% dei pazienti valutabili). Inoltre, grazie alla collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Anatomia Umana dell’Università di Bologna (Prof. L. Cocco, Dott.ssa M.Y. Follo), tutti i pazienti trattati sono stati valutati per i livelli di espressione genica e metilazione del gene della fosfolipasi PI-PLC-beta1. I dati biologici così ottenuti sono stati correlati con quelli clinici, evidenziando la presenza di una correlazione tra i livelli di espressione genica e mutilazione della PI-PLC-beta1 e la risposta alla terapia demetilante con 5-Azacitidina.
Akute Leukämien treten in allen Altersstufen auf. Akute lymphatische Leukämie (ALL) ist die häufigste Leukämie bei Kindern, während akute myeloischen Leukämien (AML) mit verschiedenen Untergruppen etwa 80% aller akuten Leukämien bei Erwachsenen ausmachen. Die Translokation t(8;21) resultiert in der Entstehung des Fusionsgens AML1-ETO und zählt zu den häufigen Translokationen bei der AML. Dabei fusioniert die DNA-bindende Domäne des AML1 mit dem fast kompletten ETO-Protein. AML1-ETO wirkt als dominanter Repressor der AML1-vermittelten transkriptionellen Regula-tion wichtiger hämatopoetischer Zielgene. Klinische Daten legen nahe, dass trotz der klarer Assoziation zwischen AML und der t(8;21) Translokation bei AML Patienten zusätzliche genetische Veränderungen – so genannte ‚second hits‘ – notwendig sind, um eine Leukämie effizient zu induzieren. Klinisch relevanten Komplimentationsonkogene sind unter anderen die aktivierte Rezeptortyrosinkinase FLT3, JAK2, NRAS, KRAS, c- KIT.rnZiel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, ein Mausmodell zu etablieren, welches humane akute myeloische Leukämie rekapituliert und bei dem die Expression der entsprechen-den Onkogene reguliert werden kann. Als erstes wurde untersucht, ob eine gemeinsame Expression von AML1-ETO mit kRASG12D zur Induktion von Leukämie führen kann. Hierfür wurden Tiere generiert die gemeinsam AML1-ETO und kRASG12D unter der regulatorischen Sequenz des Tetrazyklin-Operators exprimierten. Der große Vorteil dieser Technologie ist die regulierbare Reversibilität der Genexpression. Um die Ex-pression der Zielgene auf blutbildende Zellen zu beschränken, wurden Knochenmark-chimären hergestellt. Im Beobachtungszeitraum von 12 Monaten führte die Expression von AML1-ETO und AML1-ETO/kRASG12D nicht zur Induktion einer akuten Leukä-mie. Die normale hämatopoetische Entwicklung war jedoch in diesen Tieren gestört. Der beobachtete Phänotyp entsprach einem myelodysplastischen Syndrome (MDS).rnIm zweiten Ansatz, wurden Tiere generiert die gemeinsam AML1-ETO und FLT3-ITD exprimierten. Hierfür wurden hämatopoetische Stammzellen aus ROSA26-iM2/tetO-AML1-ETO isoliert und mit Hilfe des retroviralen Vektors mit FLT3-ITD transduziert. In diesem Modell war es möglich, in kurzer Zeit eine akute Leukämie mit zu induzieren. Einige wenige Tiere hatten zum Zeitpunkt des Todes Anzeichen einer biphänotypischen Leukämie mit lymphatischen und myeloischen Blastenpopulationen. In drei Tieren in-duzierte die alleinige Expression von FLT3-ITD eine Leukämie. Alle Leukämien wurden durch FACS, Zytologie und Histopathologie bestätigt. Knochenmark- bzw. Milzzellen aus den erkrankten Tieren waren in der Lage nach Transfer in sekundäre Rezipienten eine Leukämie auszulösen. Somit besaßen sie ein uneingeschränktes Selbsterneue-rungspotential.rnEin erster Versuch, in dem AML1-ETO Expression in leukämischen Zellen abgeschaltet und FLT3-ITD mit Tyrosinkinase-Inhibitor inhibiert wurde, zeigte keine wesentliche Veränderung in der Leukämieprogression.rnDieses Leukämiemodell erlaubt die Rolle der beteiligten Onkogene während verschie-dener Stadien der Leukämie zu erforschen und damit möglicherweise neue Ansätze für Therapiestrategien zu entwickeln.
BEACOPP (bleomycin, etoposide, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine, procarbazine and prednisone) escalated is the preferred upfront Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) treatment in a number of countries. Upon failure, high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell support (HDT/ASCT) is performed, but its effectiveness has not been verified in this setting. We analyzed all Swiss cases of chemosensitive HL autografted after failure of BEACOPP escalated (n = 22) and compared outcomes with 22 cases of HDT/ASCT following frontline ABVD (doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine and dacarbazine) failure. Five-year progression-free survival (PFS) was 76% for ABVD and 42% for BEACOPP escalated (p = 0.029). Two- and 5-year overall survival (OS) was 90% and 71% for ABVD and 72% and 65% for BEACOPP escalated, respectively (p = not significant). Three patients in the ABVD and four in the BEACOPP escalated groups underwent allotransplant for relapse after HDT/ASCT. Grade 3-4 toxicities were comparable in both groups. Three cases of therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome/acute myeloid leukemia (t-MDS/t-AML) were recorded in the BEACOPP escalated group. The acceptable PFS and OS of chemosensitive patients with HL autografted after failure of upfront BEACOPP escalated seem to justify this approach.